The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good Men to do nothing. - Edmund Burke

Ultimately, the goal of this book has been, is and always will be to save humanity from itself.”- Introduction to DECLARING GREATNESS: THEME THAT TRANSFORM OUR DESTINY


The inspiring Patriotism and resolve by all Americans who participated in the Rallies since SVC International Communications Day General Conference & Public Policy Forum Series is very gratifying and humbling for SVC who has watched the United States of America utterly disintegrate the past two decades. There are 44 million Americans as part of the Coalition for the Revival of the American Dream who are committed to make things right again in America!!!!!!!


SVC is officially beyond the American Opprobrium (formerly al Qaeda-gate) now. We are now leaving it and America behind. SVC has simply expended too much energy, time and resources towards it that now will either be reimbursed or the problem will no longer exist!!!!!!!


The stark realities of what must be done to get America back on track and Reformed are daunting simply because the problems lie deeply embedded in the American Society and as Vice President Kamala Harris noted at Tyre Nichols' Funeral, Americans are relying on Public Officials and Employees to protect them who are profound criminals themselves and were in fact Nichols' killers.


Worse, the Media has biases which protect these corrupt officials even as they plot who their next victims of their criminality/ terrorism will be and/or protecting those who are the primary perpetrators. The recent hoopla concerning Fox News' indiscretions only touches the surface of the damage the proverbial Fourth Estate can do when they report that an election has been stolen when they knew from the start it was not. Back in the day, Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson would be down the road at least two years ago. 


CNN, on the other hand, at the behest of the Biden Administration has made it perfectly legitimate to place one race ahead of all others to the very real detriment of 88% of the population. It has been very interesting to watch Don Lemon as he feels perfectly free to be both racist and primarily sexist on live television.


Remember on 19 April 2023 when SVC asked "How do these people keep their jobs?" Maybe someone is finally listening. As of 24 April 2023, Tucker Carlson will no longer be at Fox News and Don Lemon will no longer be at CNN... 


One of the Reforms which will be enacted will be the replacement of Fox News, CNN and HLN with SVC-TV, SVC-TV International and the Black News Channel ASAP. CNN has been operating illegally since 1 November 2022. SVC-TV is the #1 Network in the world the past 13 years, but most Americans have never heard of it. Wonder how that could be?


It appears that the Final Kibosh for Fox News and CNN will have to be moved up because of the incorrigibility of FCC to remove them from the airwaves. Unfortunately, they will go black in an abrupt manner. It was a shame the American People could not witness the fabulous Holy Week coverage on SVC-TV and SVC-TV International and the Coronation of King Charles III!!!!!!!


Another classic is the American Insurance Industry. Americans do not have a affordable Healthcare from the Private Sector and have to rely on Obamacare/Bidencare is because there is too many very greedy hands in the pie that control 10% of the American Economy.


For instance, SVC originated in Montana. Thousands of Montanans flee to Canada to buy their prescription drugs even though Montana has no sales tax. Why? Because it is much cheaper. The US Congress has known about this for decades, but has never forced American Pharmaceutical companies to actually provide cheaper prices to Americans because these companies are very generous donors to campaigns. What hope do Americans have for affordable Healthcare if they cannot even purchase their prescription drugs at a reasonable price?


To make matters worse, three State Insurance Commissioners in Montana, Colorado and Georgia have received kickbacks from foreign interests or committed outright fraud. The Elected Officials who are responsible for the scandals in Montana and Colorado now reside in the US Congress: US Representative Matt Rosendale (R-MT) and US Senator John Hickenlooper (D-CO). They will soon be joining John Oxendine of Georgia who has been Indicted by a Federal Grand Jury.


Further, SVC's President, Phil Sutton's, Professional Insurance Licensure Scandal will cause the States of Montana and Colorado to lose all licensing authority for Insurance and securities. This may actually be the case for all States if the Federal Government chooses to takeback its authority to regulate the largest industry in the history of the world.


Because Colorado baited SVC's President to abandon his fight to renew his licenses in Montana and come to Colorado all the time never intending to license him in Colorado and Colorado State Officials in the DORA (Department of Regulatory Agencies) and State Attorney's Office conspired with foreign terrorists in an attempt to murder him, the State of Colorado has lost all Professional Licensing, Certification and Degree granting Authority.


In order to save most of Colorado's University System from permanent closure, the Centennial State will be partitioned into two States, with roughly the northwest corner remaining as Colorado with the rest forming the 51st State of Jefferson. The original plan was to allow the People in the new State to Vote on the State's Constitution or to call for a Constitutional Convention during the regular General Election in November . 


Because Colorado Constitution does not allow for Initiatives and Referenda to be placed on Primary Ballot, the US Congress and/or International Tribunals and their Partner Federal Courts will Enact an Enabling Act which will formally Partition the State into two by the 27 June 2023 Primary Election and and a new State Constitution Approved by the 7 November 2023 General Election.


The concern here is that the innocent University Students in Colorado must be able to continue their Education elsewhere ASAP. University of Colorado Colorado Springs will be forever closed as of 13 May 2023 - if not before - and the degrees earned from the the Fall Semester 2018 and forward will be forever rescinded and those Students will be unable to recover those degrees anywhere else. This is because of how UCCS Faculty, Staff and Students treated SVC's President and SVC's Chief Security and Investigators Officer, Gary Norman, while on campus from 17 November 2018 to this very day.


Likewise, the University of Colorado Denver and particularly the Anschutz Medical Campuses will be closed 13 May 2023 because the Health Services Departments have been commandeered by al Qaeda to attain and sell drugs to fund their terrorist operations just as they did in Afghanistan utilizing the opiate trade. The rescinding of degrees earned is because of the Professional Insurance Licensing Scandal in Colorado. The State of Colorado will never again be authorized to provide Higher Education, Professional Licensing and Certifications to its Residents.


This why the partitioning is necessary. The International Tribunals, their Partner Federal Courts and the Victims of the American Opprobrium are willing to Reform the University Colorado, Boulder; Colorado State University - Fort Collins; Colorado State University - Pueblo; and all the other Community Colleges/Colleges that are within the borders of the new State of Jefferson; forsake the proceeds from the International and Federal Judgments; and allow them to remain open as the new State's University System with the corresponding name change. Otherwise, there is no alternative but to close them permanently as well. 


The Statewide Officers in Jefferson; with the redistricting of the eight Congressional Districts currently in Colorado so each State will have four US Representatives; and the Class I (full six-year term) and Class II (two-year term and then six-year term in 2026) US Senators will be elected in due course during the 2024 Elections. Each State will have six Electoral Votes in the 2024 Presidential Election with the total Electoral Votes being increased to 540, thus requiring 271 Electoral Votes in order to win the Presidency.


The remarkable aspect of all this is that all the suffering SVC's President has endured the past 17 years has given him the power – Spiritually, morally, legally, economically – to take affirmative action about it.


It is not hard to see the Creator's hand in all this. All of the discrediting, intimidation, financial loss and pain the traitors/terrorists have inflicted is beginning to backfire. The traitors/terrorists believe to this day that they can do anything they want to anybody and get away with it, but now not even Presidents are immune to the retribution they have earned for the entire United States.


Former Chief International Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda agonized for years just how to reign in these al Qaeda operatives and make the punishment fit their crimes. When the traitors/terrorists are told they would harm their families and employers by creating a debt they could never repay, they persisted.


When the traitors/terrorists are told that they would harm their Communities and States irrevocably, they persisted. Now, the State of Colorado will be partitioned and Missoula County, Montana will be permanently sequestered from Civilized Society as examples of never, ever again. We simply cannot have people who think, speak and act this way at-large in the world.


When the Serial Crimes List was created in 2010 (Serial Crimes List being Utilized by the International Tribunals, Chief International Prosecutor’s Office and by their Partner US Federal Courts) the traitors/terrorists are told if they committed one of those crimes they would be found guilty of all of them and condemned to a lifetime of retribution, they persisted:



1) Crimes Against Humanity; 2) Hate Crimes; 3) Crimes of Aggression; 4) Obstruction of  Peace; 5) Obstruction of Justice; 6) Genocide; and 7) Contempt of Court.


1) Conspiracy; 2) criminal intimidation; 3) criminal defamation; 4) identification theft/fraud; 5) Discrimination & Human Rights violations; 6) Obstruction of Justice; 7) Treason; 8) Patent & Copyright Infringement; 9) Kidnapping; 10) Theft; 11) Fraud of all kinds; 12) Aggravated assault; 13) Attempted murder; 14) Murder; 15) Hate Crimes; 16) Criminal Endangerment; and 17) Contempt of Court.


Keep in mind, under the US Conspiracy Rule, if the terrorists commit one of these crimes, they commit them all, save if there is no Patent & Copyright Infringement possible. Given the garbage SVC's Chief Security and Investigators Officer has witnessed on the UCCS Campus in April, particularly at Kraemer Library, which definitely has included Patent & Copyright Infringement, that exclusion will no longer be made. That is how quickly the criminals can condemn themselves to the equivalent of a life-in-prison sentence.


When the The traitors/terrorists are told they would identify themselves as al Qaeda operatives if they persisted because they acted according to the al Qaeda script, they not only do so, they ratchet-up their terrorist activities towards their Victims and Society in general.


The traitors/terrorists have been so incorrigible that they have given Prosecutors, the International Tribunals and their Partner US Federal Courts no alternative but assure the world that they will held out as an example of never, ever again.


The Execution of the Judgments and Arrest Warrants have been and will be from US District Courts and the Biden Administration will be obliged to assign the appropriate Law Enforcement and/or Military Personnel to achieve the objectives stated in the Civil Judgments and Criminal Convictions.


With the new Rulings from the International Tribunals 21 April 2023, Biden's inaction is costing the United States $833,333,333,333 per day in interest on the $250 trillion Judgment at 10% interest on a monthly, not per annum basis. As of 30 April 2023, the Judgment is now $257.5 trillion. By US Independence Day, which is the goal for having the American Opprobrium completely behind us, the Judgment will be enhanced by $67.625 trillion or $317.625 trillion ($317,625,000,000,000). So the Biden Administration had better get with the program and end this travesty once and for all!!!!!!!


Once the traitors/terrorists exuded the various behaviors associated with the al Qaeda Script and reaffirmed that behavior by continuing the behavior ad nauseum, all that is required for conviction of their crimes. The traitors/ terrorists will be identified as the individuals who have committed the crimes on their rap sheet, and then they will be formally convicted and sentenced. There will be no appeals.


This is all part of applying Jesus' Golden Rule to the punishment of the traitors/terrorists. So much of what SVC's President has been accused; doctoring of his Personal Records; and outright fabrications against a Man who has not even been convicted legitimately of a speeding ticket in his nearly 64 years of life simply because SVC's President has been forced into abject poverty at times the past 20 years, the vast majority of the nearly half million known traitors/terrorists never gave SVC's President the benefit of the doubt or cared to get his side of the story before they engaged in the al Qaeda script behavior towards him. 


Simply put, the traitors/terrorists were not judicious enough to be fair and treat SVC's President as they would want to be treated when they go before the Court soon. They will be treated exactly how they have treated SVC's President and his fellow Victims. It is exactly what they quite literally are asking for and how they will be treated. It is bear minimum Justice!!!!!!!


With over 457,947+ known al Qaeda operatives in the United States and the continued warnings of the consequences for over a decade and a half in some cases, if they continued their behavior, the traitors/terrorists waived any rights to trial or appeal. Jesus' Golden Rule will be strictly enforced: What the traitors/terrorists have done unto others they will have done unto them!!!!!!!


Further, the US Government and subordinate governments at all levels have had at least 14 years to conduct this Legal Business as prescribed and required by US Federal Law and have utterly failed to do so.


Indeed, Public Officials across the board have not only betrayed the Public Trust, but have contributed to the burdens of the Victims and acted as though the traitors/terrorists are justified in their treatment of their Victims. It is as absurd as it sounds.


Also, The International Tribunals; International Prosecutors and Private Investigators anticipated the traitors/terrorists would attempt to turn the tables and feign Investigating them and saying they are the traitors/ terrorists. That constitutes Obstruction of Justice under International and US Federal Law and Crimes Against Humanity because of the nature of their despicable attitudes toward their fellow Human Beings.


Frankly, that is all the International Community has seen from America and Americans. Do Americans really want Public corruption and organized terrorism to triumph? Whether or not they understand it, Americans must acknowledge that the proverbial jury has long since come in and found them guilty as charged.


Americans may not want it, but by their acquiescence to it, America has been transformed into a nation under terrorist control and besieged by corruption.


On 19 September 1796, George Washington published his Farewell Address. In it he defended the policies of his Administration while explaining his rationale to finally retire from Public Life. He was 64 years old and would turn 65 just before his second Presidential term expired on 4 March 1797.


In the debate during the Constitutional Convention over which he presided, President Washington made it clear that regardless of what form of government the Delegates chose, partisanship and division should be avoided at all costs.


Nine years later, President Washington conceded that they had failed to do so and wrote in his Farewell Address, ..the common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and the duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it.”


President Washington was very disappointed that the new nation had split not only along partisan lines, but regional, ethnic and class lines as well. To this day, the American People have really never lived up to the “United” in the country's name.


An anguished President Washington further wrote: It serves always to distract the public councils and enfeeble the public administration. It agitates the community with ill founded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection.


It appears the First US President is also incredibly clairvoyant. Actually, President Washington was no doubt referencing the Whiskey Rebellion when he wrote about insurrection, but one cannot be distracted from the fact that 44 Presidents down, Donald Trump, was actually impeached by the US House of Representatives for inciting the insurrection at the US Capitol on 6 January 2021. What would George say about that?


And what have the SVC Foreign Writers & Journalists and the International and Private Investigators stated about the foreign influence in the whole matter?


They revealed that the only difference between terrorists that hit the United States on 9/11/2001 in New York City and the Pentagon; in Benghazi on 9/11/2012 and the terrorists involved in the 1/6/2021 insurrection at the US Capitol is their nationality.


Indeed, President Washington warned about such influence in his Farewell Address: It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which find a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions. Thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another...” or groups like al Qaeda which successfully commandeered power and political control over Afghanistan and then the United States.


The American People now face a series of reality checks that no one saw coming because those same powers-that-be would not and could not be square with them. In Malachi 2:2, NIV says: "If you do not listen, and if you do not resolve to honor my name,' says the LORD Almighty, 'I will send a curse on you, and I will curse your blessings. Yes, I have already cursed them, because you have not resolved to honor me."


Jesus reminded SVC's President about this curse in the final days before his Second Coming: But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God - having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.” (Colossians 3:1-5).


Sadly, this is a perfect description of today’s America and particularly the American traitors and terrorists, doesn't?


The primary reason SVC's President has been the primary target of all al Qaeda's angst is not because Osama bin Laden named him as his “only worthy adversary” and has instigated a blood feud against him, but because of who he is, anyway.


SVC's President is the second John the Baptist, the harbinger of Jesus' Second Coming. He is charged with the duty to bring the world to a Peaceful Conclusion. Peace and Democracy is the last thing organized terrorism wants and it just so happens no one has done more to bring about a Peaceful, Democratic World than SVC's President Phil Sutton.


Naturally, bin Laden had a better appreciation of this than Americans do and that's the problem. His minions in the United States have tried to kill SVC's President ten times in the USA alone. Americans should feel a sense of remorse about supporting organized terrorism and what it stands for and not what America and their fellow Americans stands for who have been upfront on the battle lines in all this, but they do not.


Under consideration is executing Judgments against many of the most treasured positions as seen by the American People that are held in trust by the US Government and then leased back to the American People for a healthy lease payment without any tax liability in exchange for continued used and enjoyment by the American People. That might be the best way for Americans to be guided from of their intransigence for Justice for al  Americans and returning America back to the model for all the world!!!!!!!


Missoula continues to be the poster child for organized terrorism and that's why the administration of Justice must be so severe there. There are actually many Missoulians who knew SVC's President, for instance - that went to school with him and even taught him at the University of Montana - that are wondering what happened to him and why he turned bad. Really?


Seriously, no one who knows the facts and views them objectively actually believes that garbage about SVC's President. This is a defense mechanism Missoulians have to deploy because they know SVC's President has every right to drive UM and Missoula straight into the ground for what they did to him alone.


Not to mention, the 100+ raped Women who are still awaiting Justice over a dozen years later; the 10,000+ Victims of the Make Victims Units who are still operating in Missoula County Law Enforcement; the $10.5 billion which has been embezzled from the Montana University System and the Schweyen sex discrimination scandal.


For every person who does report Injustices such as this and are mocked and made fun of by Law Enforcement, Prosecutors, Judges and Society at-large, nine do not because of the fear of the retribution for doing so. All 10,000 known Victims who have had their lives systematically ruined in Missoula County, Montana will have Justice done in their favor – period!!!!!!!


When SVC's President was expelled from Schreiber Gym on the University of Montana and SVC Civil Rights Associate Director, Gary Shriver, Esquire, so infamously said, “These People turn the Golden Rule on its head.” Four years later, SVC's President was booted off the UM campus. If the people in Missoula have been in anyway interested in working out their differences with the Victims of al Qaeda-gate, the first things they should do is recognize they have been wrong and at least reinstate SVC's President to good standing on the UM campus. That's basic. But in their bizarro world, the traitors/terrorists cannot even fathom to do the right thing. They are too far gone!!!!!!!


It was all UM Provost and then President Royce Engstrom’s doing and SVC's President sent him the now famous 18 March 2011 letter warning Engstrom that what SVC already knew about what was transpiring on UM Campus and made what had just happened on campus represented just a “chip off the tip of the iceberg” of what was to come. That Statement has been vindicated quite literally thousands of times over the past 12 years!!!!!!!


A year later, Engstrom knew he could get away with hiring Missoula Police Officer Kurt Trowbridge with Public Funds to assassinate SVC's President when all of SVC's President warnings began to become evident for all to witness. In March 2012, Engstrom felt he could get away with paying Trowbridge to murder SVC's President because Engstrom already knew he had the support of the Obama Administration because SVC's President was not Black just as all the Women who had been sexually assaulted were not Black.


The facts are that Missoula County Law Enforcement attempted to murder SVC's President three times; allowed over 100 rapes to go unpunished; and has systematically ruined the lives and reputation of over 10,000 people. Because none of the Victims were Black, until now Justice has remained out of reach for at least 10,000 people who have experienced the horrendous Injustice in Missoula County, Montana.


Ostensibly, Blacks receive all the coverage of societal and police violence by the Media because they are killed more often than their fair share of the time. While that's true, it is not sufficient to warrant such attention according to "Mapping Police Violence":


Blacks are roughly one-eighth (12%) of the population while Native Americans and Pacific Islanders are both less than 1% of the population but their numbers who are murdered by Law Enforcement is almost identical to Blacks. The truth is that Blacks are a much larger voting block as well as represents a much greater return in advertising revenue for the Media.


Want proof? CNN has had serious financial woes for some time now and it was the primary reason the George Floyd Fracas blew the way it did in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic. CNN transformed a noble Black Lives Matter Movement into the Only Black Lives Matter Movement and quite literally turned a Man who had mugged a elderly Woman in Houston for drugs and money into a National Hero with unprecedented accolades for any - any American in history.  It alienated more Americans and Foreigners than it gained for the cause who really wanted to help American Blacks like SVC and our the spin-off Organization, The Africa Project. 


Police violence is an American problem no other nation in history has ever had to face.  Just to put it in proper perspective, four other non-Black Americans  were murdered by American Law Enforcement on 7 January 2023 along with Tyre Nichols. No one cares about or ever heard about what happened to them. It's despicable.


The traitors/terrorists of al Qaeda-gate have always assumed they would get away with everything they have done or failing that, could actually explain themselves to avert seriously consequences because of they hold/held the positions of power. In order to have a sane and safe world in which to live, anyone who has these attitudes, and otherwise think, talk and act as they do must be removed from Civilized Society or that society will be utterly destroyed!!!!!!! 


The SVC Freola Commission first discovered all this in 2009 and the Obama Administration did virtually nothing about it the entire eight years it was in office. All this is the truth. It just is. No one responsible for this outrage will get away with it. No one!!!!!!!


And no one in the governmental hierarchy of the United States from the White House on down the past 14 years has had any inclination to take the International Tribunals and their US Federal Court Partners; the United Nations, International Prosecutors and SVC seriously on this subject. Now, the hypocrisy is over and the entire world expects reform in the United States ASAP.


Now the wheels are coming off the cover-up. The mysterious connections between Missoula and Colorado Springs have not only been uncovered but all the dots have been connected. It never made sense that such a strong alliance against SVC's President would be present between the Republican epicenter of Colorado and the Democratic epicenter of Montana in the age of extreme partisanship in the United States, but now it makes perfect sense.


The best example of this unorthodox coalition has been the Black Communities and the Trump supporters in COS. They lead the rest of the co-conspirators in the continual 24/7 harassment of SVC's President and have tried to turn him into a racist. With his Public Service record in favor of Human Rights & Democracy being one of the strongest ever seen in World History, trying to accuse Phil Sutton of racism would be like accusing Richard Nixon of being communist. It is that absurd.


Further, four national leaders of the Proud Boys, who have been very active in COS, were convicted of seditious conspiracy on 5 May 2023 for their participation in the 1/6 Insurrection at the US Capitol, further emphasizing the only difference between the al Qaeda terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 at the World Trade Center and Pentagon; 11 September 2012 at the Benghazi Consulate and the 6 January 2021 Insurrection is their nationality. It is incontrovertibly proven that al Qaeda organized terrorism has successfully infiltrated the United States and made SVC's President its primary target with the full knowledge of the U.S. Government.


That is also why both Americans have had constructive relations with the Russian and Chinese Leaders of their day. Anti- communism was the "Foreign Policy Currency" (term coined by SVC's President) in President Nixon's day and Human Rights & Democracy is now. It should be mentioned that Leonid Brezhnev was born and raised in Ukraine and Nikita Khrushchev was the Premier of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Ukraine when he took over for Josef Stalin who was from Georgia, just southeast of Ukraine.


SVC's Key Couples have spent too much time out of the United States in late March and early April 2023 and that made the primary perpetrators very nervous. They have no control over SVC whatsoever in the International realm and now that International Law will be universally enforced, they exposed too much to keep the real reasons why SVC's President had to be opposed so vehemently such a mystery any longer.


SVC's planned stop over in Antiparos, Greece to visit Friends on, morphed into an emergency meeting of The Hague, United Nations and The Africa Project. Then the situation in Somalia and the newest revelations concerning what will now be known as the “American Opprobrium” took center stage. The former al Qaeda-gate scandal name has been changed because now it has been transformed into a truly National Scandal. It doesn't belong to just Colorado and Montana anymore.


Also, in a related matter, the Italians and Spanish are very interested in SVC President's Living Security Program as they are in Economic Democracy and are expediting the removal Regulatory obstacles. The most interesting aspect of all this from a Public Policy viewpoint is National Governments are interested in a Private program.


SVC's President has never made any secret concerning his aversion to government power and interference. Place that on top of the corruption in the US Insurance & Financial Services Industry and you begin to understand the opportunity he sees in developing Living Security outside of the USA.


Most importantly, it is a profound example of how the Creator is moving in SVC President’s Life. His disbarment led to the series of Events which has made Living Security possible. SVC's President has been enabled to not only to develop a Program which will be necessary to eliminate material need and greed from the Planet, but also punish his adversaries at the same time and discredit them in ways that the American People and History must acknowledge. If not, America will never see Living Security and the Anti-Christ will have his way with America.


While at James Monroe's Highland Estate, SVC's President reminded those present of the incredible events and their significance that occurred between 9 November 1889 and 25 December 1991. They simply changed the world and human history forever.


First, the demolition of the Berlin Wall began on 9 November 1989. It was just one day after Montana’s Centennial as a State. The Berlin Wall was erected in 1961, shortly after US President Dwight Eisenhower left the White House.


Second, Nelson Mandela was released from prison on 11 February 1990 after 27 years of captivity. Apartheid in South Africa would finally end. SVC's President would meet President Mandela at a White House Reception in June and they became fast Friends.


On May 10, 1994, President Mandela, at the age of 77, was Inaugurated as South Africa’s First Black, majority President and former White President F W de Klerk became his First Deputy.


Third, Iraq invaded Kuwait on 2 August 1990. During Operation Desert Shield (2 August 1990 - 16 January 1991), US President George H W Bush would amass a 35-Nation Coalition to eject Iraq from Kuwait.


UN Resolution 678 on 29 November 1990, Stated: “Authorizes member states to use all means necessary to uphold the above resolutions and restore international peace and security in the region, unless Iraq fully complies with the above resolutions on or before 15 January 1991.”


It would be the second of three such Resolutions ever passed by the United Nations. Suffice it to say, Iraq would not comply and Operation Desert Storm was initiated. (16 January- 28 February 1991). After some five weeks of continual bombardment by Allied Forces when over 20,000 sorties were flown (3,465 were flown under Phil’s Command), Allied ground Troops marched into Kuwait and completed the Mission in roughly 100 hours. It was America’s most “efficient” war effort ever.


SVC's President, of course, queried why the world did not react the same way to the Russian invasion of Ukraine as it did 31½ years earlier with Iraq invading Kuwait. There was no firm consensus.


The first such UN Security Council Resolution was passed on 27 June 1950. This involved the United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 83 declared North Korean actions constituted a breach of peace, recommending UN members provide assistance to South Korea to repel the attack and restore peace on the Korean Peninsula.


While Peace was restored, the two Koreas are still technically at war. The Korea War ended with an Armistice in July 1953 and no formal Peace Treaty has been adopted and signed to this day almost 70 years later.


The third and last such Resolution was Resolution 2133 Adopted by the Security Council at its 7101st meeting, on 27 January 2014 stated: “The Security Council, Reaffirming that terrorism in all forms and manifestations constitutes one of the most serious threats to international peace and security and that any acts of terrorism are criminal and unjustifiable regardless of their motivations, whenever and by whomsoever committed and further reaffirming the need to combat by all means, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts…”


This Resolution is designed to primarily support the Sutton International Complaint which was Adopted on 22 January 2014, in the UN Security Council as well as eradicate worldwide terrorism. It was confirmed in December 2014 that al Qaeda was the primary force behind America's greatest and currently unresolved criminal scandal. 


Over nine years later, the world waits for the US Government's Final Resolution to the conflict or the United Nations may have to resort to force just as it did in Korea and the Persian Gulf.  No one wants this, but Justice has been long delayed and this denied to the Victims of the American Opprobrium.


The traitors/terrorists are able to point to the suffering and the apparent abject poverty of SVC's President in Colorado Springs and justify their actions towards him knowing full well they are responsible for his condition in the first place. The traitors/terrorists have only hatred and cruelty to offer the world. They have no compassion and then they wonder why they are the ones who deserve being treated as they have treated others!!!!!!! 


Time is of the essence. The Spring Commencements at the University of Colorado, Denver; University of Colorado, Colorado Springs; and the University of Montana, Missoula are the second weekend in May 2023. They will be permanently closed and the rest of the Colorado University System can only be saved with the timely partition of Colorado into the States of Colorado and Jefferson. 


After Persian Gulf War was over and the UN's responsibilities to Kuwait satisfactorily met, SVC's President was assigned the task as US Naval Liaison to help bolster Allied Defenses in the Persian Gulf so Saddam Hussein and Iraq could not threaten them again. In the process, SVC's President had to deal with Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda’s protests of “500,000 American infidels” on Saudi soil.


Eventually, bin Laden and his al Qaeda organization would be exiled – first to Yemen – and then migrating to Afghanistan. There bin Laden successfully infiltrated the Taliban Government and began raising money through the opiate trade for their terrorist activities.


Bin Laden would seek his revenge against both the United States and the American he perceived as his only “worthy adversary.” Both bin Laden and SVC's President would eventually build Worldwide Organizations in what they believed in – bin Laden Islamic Jihad; SVC's President in Human Rights for all and World Democratization.


No two Men better defined what would become of the world in the 21st century. Despite SVC President’s warnings, al Qaeda has killed well over 300,000 fellow human beings; and successfully infiltrated the United States, turned Americans against Americans, created domestic terrorist groups and transformed the USA into a rogue nation in the same league as Pol Pot’s Cambodia, Josef Stalin’s Soviet Union, Adolph Hitler’s Germany and Omar Bashir’s Sudan.


The horrible example of Nazi Germany became the impetus of developing International Law after World War II. The three original Deputy Prosecutors assigned to the Investigation of the Sutton International Complaint immediately saw the comparisons between Nazi Germany and what has and is now happening in the United States. They were all in the their 70's in 2012 and they just happened to be from Poland, Slovakia, and Ukraine. If you know your history, you'll appreciate the significance of this.


While bin Laden was busy building the largest organized terrorism organization in history, SVC has become the largest Public Policy Education & Advocacy Organization in History; SVC's President Created the Sutton Doctrine, which provides a Five Step Process to remove despotic regimes and bring Democracy to all Nations.


Now, something similar to those 777 days is transpiring. First, it was SVC's President last December who on his own Initiative began his call for the Universal Enforcement of International Law during the SVC Africa Tour XVII Public Policy Forum Series and the fact that any of the 70 Nations who are not signatories to the Statutes of Rome or Phil's Responsibility To Protect Principles could no longer flaunt International Law and be immune to civil action and criminal prosecution by The Hague.


It especially woke-up Putin who directly inquired to SVC's President about what he meant by his No Exceptions Initiative. The Russia Leader learned despite all the past kindnesses the Russian Government had extended to SVC, SVC could not support the Russia's war on Ukraine. That quickly achieved Brittney Griner's release from a Russian Penal Colony in exchange for arms merchant Viktor Bout so to improve Russia's war effort and attempt to create a racial, gender and homophobic row within the USA.


To make sure everyone in the world understood that SVC President's Initiative had been made part of International Law, The International Court of Justice augmented its previous Rulings and Judgments against the United States Government and its Political Subdivisions, Colorado and Montana on 14 March, 2023 (and subsequent Rulings on 21 April 2023); and then the International Criminal Court served the arrest warrant for Putin three days later.


These are unprecedented acts by The Hague against two of the world's most powerful Nations, both of which have not Agreed to abide by the Statutes of Rome or the Responsibility To Protect Principles and both have United Nations Security Council vetoes. It is a great moment in the cause of International Justice!!!!!!!


In the United States, the retribution for these acts of outright treason and Crimes Against Humanity will be punished most severely of all with the destruction of UM and having its assets sold at auction. The primary perpetrators will be Judicially executed. And there is no turning back!!!!!!!


Likewise, for targeting SVC's President, Colorado will be partitioned. This is where the traitors/terrorists bit off more than they can chew. Angela Seaberg, Steve Giampaolo, Marguerite Salazar, Peter Frigo, Michael Conway, et al, will not only lose everything of value themselves and suffer the Scarlett Letter punishment for betraying the Public Trust, they will have the task of explaining to all these devastated Insurance Agents, Realtors, Mortgage Bankers, Securities Representatives, Lawyers, Doctors, Nurses, Degree holders, et al, why their Professional Lives have been summarily terminated forever just as SVC President's was, at least in the heinous minds of Seaberg, Giampaolo, Salazar, Frigo, Conway, et al!!!!!!!


Of course, these marvelous People are complicit in the Kushnir assassination attempt of SVC's President in June 2019 and could be Judiciously executed if they even begin to think they can justify what they did to SVC's President, his Family, Family home and his 1,400 Financial Services Clients!!!!!!!


Ironically, the Kushnirs reasons for trying to kill SVC's President was that he supported what the Russians did with Crimea. Nothing could have been further from the truth!!!!!!!


Of course, the Territory/State of Jefferson will actually issue the Licenses to SVC's President. If the US Congress does what they should and Nationalize the Regulation of the Insurance Industry, all this will be Academic, anyway.


Also, the fact that Tucker Carlson has been fired by Fox News and Don Lemon was fired by CNN virtually simultaneously indicates that the American News Media may actually be paying attention now. Too little too late to save the 24/7 news channels, but it must be seen as a promising sign for America's future!!!!!!! 


That is the true State of Union and SVC is no longer going to waste our time on it. The bear minimum standards to settle the American Opprobrium matter have now been set in proverbial stone and will be executed as planned. Obstruction of Justice will be met with further Sanctions. What else can any sensible American expect? The day of reckoning that the traitors/ terrorists always felt would never come has. Now we know how and why all this has become necessary.



UPDATED:  7 MAY 2023