"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." -Maya Angelou
"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."-Dalai Lama
“The reason for our success is no secret. It comes down to one single principle that transcends time and geography, religion and culture. It’s the Golden Rule – the simple idea that if you treat people well, the way you would like to be treated, they will do the same. Of course, the opposite would have been just as true.” -Isadore Sharp
Try as we might to postpone them, days of reckoning inevitably arrive. Such is the case for the American Opprobrium. There has been no case in history, certainly not in American history, which has defied explanation of the reasons for its occurrence and why Justice has eluded the Victims for so long more than the American Complete & Total Disgrace - thus the Opprobrium.
Just like is the case for a political rally in the United States, President Joe Biden staged his events during the NATO Summit because if he left it to the people who really wanted to be there in Vilnius, he would have been terribly disappointed. The fact is that worldwide, America and Americans, are not very popular these days.
Biden has restored some of the luster to the America's reputation as compared to Donald Trump. But that is not saying much because Leaders at the NATO and G-7 Summits readily made fun of the 45th U.S. President and at times openly showed their angst towards him. Trump was an unmitigated disaster in foreign policy by any measure.
Biden by choosing to help Ukraine against Russia is simply doing the right thing and this has helped him forge a more positive image abroad, but if it were not for the USA's military and economic prowess, no one would take America very seriously anymore.
That said, there are International expectations of the United States which simply have not been met the past 14½ years. The USA is supposed to be the model to the world, not an opprobrium that puts Uncle Sam and its Presidents in league with Cambodia/Pol Pot; Soviet Union/Joseph Stalin and Nazi Germany/Adolf Hitler in terms of historic criminal scandals.
When United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres first took over at the United Nations in January 2017, he told the new American President that if the Trump Administration desired to withdraw as a World Leader as the Obama Administration had late its tenure and Trump's 2016 campaign rhetoric suggested he would, then the United States would be replaced.
The USA was readily replaced by Germany and its longest serving Chancellor Angela Merkel. It was an extraordinary moment in history to watch the German Chancellor get right up into the American President's “grill” and told Trump what she thought of him and his policies with the rest of G-7 leaders vigorously cheering her on. Americans need to realize they can no longer rest on their past laurels and their country is in serious trouble under International Law.
It didn't help that Trump Sanctioned Chief International Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda, seized her assets in the United States and essentially prohibited her from doing her job with the United Nations because she was not allowed to come to New York City.
Biden has not helped the situation at all. While he rescinded all of Trump's Executive Orders in record time after taking office in January 2021, he waited nearly three months to withdraw the Sanctions against Bensouda when he knew she was retiring two months later, anyway. Biden topped that off by having US Intelligence spy on Guterres because he believes the Secretary General is soft on Russia.
Seriously, these would not have been the acts of Presidents George Washington through George W. Bush and has paved the way for the International Community to do whatever it takes to put down the American Opprobrium.
Of course, the Obama Administration led the world into this tumult in the first place. An U.S. Marshal and Sutton Viewpoint Center Investigators uncovered Public Funds Embezzling scandal where over $10 billion has been stolen from the Montana University System which can be proven; Make Victims Units within the Missoula County, Montana, Law Enforcement and corrupt Judiciary (similar to the Scorpions in Memphis who murdered Tyre Nichols and the city has disbanded; not in Missoula County though); the Performance enhancing drugs and drug trafficking scandal out of the Skaggs Pharmacy Building on the University of Montana campus which adversely affected 47 Division I Athletic Programs in the USA; and the 118 unsolved sexual assaults which is the only scandal within a much larger scandal that received any national coverage or concern.
There are 10,199 known Victims of of the MVU's in Missoula County and on the UM Campus. In every case, the Victim is completely innocent of any criminal wrongdoing and had their lives systemically ruined by being forced to plea bargain or remain in jail and be tortured in “the chair” in the Missoula County Detention Center until they confessed.
These bogus criminal records kept them from obtaining work, housing and/or obtaining Professional Degrees, Licenses or Certifications. The Victims have been made homeless and further ostracized from society. If they moved in an attempt to have a better life like George Floyd did from Texas to Minnesota, these monsters followed them and continued to systematically ruin their Lives in other States.
SVC's Division of Civil Rights rejected over 17,000 cases from those who believed they fit the description of a MVU Victim in the time period from February 2003 to the present, but were rejected for legal services because Missoula County Law Enforcement were pursuing legitimate issues with them just as the Minneapolis Police did with Floyd.
Bottom line, if the Obama Administration and the NCAA had done their jobs in 2009-2013 and 2012-2013, respectively, so much of this would have long since been adjudicated or never happened at all.
Fortunately for the Victims and the world, the Sutton International Complaint was recorded on August 27, 2012. If it hadn't been, the Victims and their Families and Supporters would not have had any chance for Justice at all.
Because the past three U.S. Administrations have refused to uphold International and U.S. Federal Law, the International Tribunals and their Partner U.S. Federal Courts have fully adjudicated over a half million criminal cases against the traitors/terrorists of the American Opprobrium and they are now International fugitives from Justice and subject to arrest at any time.
The International Tribunals and their Partner U.S. Federal Courts have likewise adjudicated hundreds of thousands of civil cases against individuals, businesses and government entities at all levels of American Society who have supported and/or acted themselves as traitors/terrorists.
The most important civil cases involve the U.S. Government; the State Governments of Colorado and Montana and their University Systems; the City & County of Missoula; County of Gallatin, Montana; and the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado. The Civil Judgments can be executed and served at any time. The financial straits that many of the Victims and their families are in have made this imperative.
Because the U.S. Federal Courts thoroughly reviewed these cases during the 3 years of the covid-19 pandemic and the agreement between the International Tribunals and the U.S. Federal Judiciary, there are no appeals. All Rulings are final.
The family of a traitor to both sides in Bozeman, Montana, attempted to fight a Judgment against their private property and construction business. The Montana State District Court eventually ruled that the party could not fight or appeal a Federal Judgment in State Courts. The Montana Supreme Court chose not to hear an appeal at all.
The U.S. Government encumbrance alone grows by a trillion dollars a day, but the debts and suffering of the Victims have long since exceeded any compensation they could ever receive. It behooves the American People to finally act like the rest of the world expects and help these poor souls in any way they can because the U.S. Federal Government has utterly failed to protect them as International and U.S. Federal Law requires.
16 JULY 2023
UPDATE 20 JULY 2023: The International Tribunals, United Nations, SVC and the Victims have witnessed no true commitment to reconciliation and contrition on any wrong doings. There is nothing the International Tribunals, United Nations, SVC and the Victims can work with to arrive at an amicable solution. So be it, retributive Justice is on the march in the United States.