International & Private Investigators have now confirmed what is transpiring in Colorado Springs. The traitors/terrorists are taunting the International Tribunals and the U.S. Government to take action. They have never believed they would be brought to Justice. The traitors/terrorists also believe if they can trump up charges against SVC's President they can get off themselves. That's what the Make Victims Units believed in Missoula County and all those who were involved with Poe Meadows, Missoula County Detention Center and Owens Incidents will be Judicially executed. Think again!
On U.S. Constitution Day when the SVC Awesome Public Policy Blogs were launched, the traitors/terrorists of the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium felt they no longer are getting the attention they crave from SVC's President and acted out by not following U.S. Federal Law concerning Disabilities; denying Public Services given others; and gaslighting from Colorado Springs police. UN Peacekeepers had already been placed on Red Alert and a lockdown is being considered.
Meanwhile, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has been calling for continued progress in anti-terrorism efforts on the African Continent which the Africa Project and SVC's Trailblazer Education & Training Program were, in part, founded to promote. The SVCTETP has surpassed the benchmark of helping 100 million people who are some of the poorest people on Earth.
This is where SVC much rather concentrate our efforts. It is senseless that SVC's President and SVC's Security Chief have to continue to contend with domestic terrorists in the United States and live impoverished lives as well while in Colorado Springs. Do the traitors/terrorists believe the International Community will allow this to continue much longer?
The International & Private Investigators have notified the United Nations and The Hague that there has been a flurry of unusual behavior in Missoula, Helena and Butte, Montana and Colorado Springs, following the Jore disclosures:
First, the Special International Prosecutor stated that Primerica told SVC’s President, Phil Sutton, that Primerica could not appeal the Jore Bankruptcy Court Ruling in 2002. SVC’s Counseling Vice President & Chief Compliance Officer at the time, Paul Sharkey, appealed to the 9th Circuit Appellate Court in Pasadena. The Appellate Court remanded the Ruling back to the Court in Butte, Montana, USA, where the Bankruptcy Court had already discharged the Jore case; the Judge had retired; and inexplicably the Ruling was not reconsidered.
The fact is that Rick Jore, the Court and the new Montana Governor Judy Marz were the first salvo fired in the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium against SVC's President. Speculation had always been high that was the case, but no solid collaborating evidence existed until now. The trail of evidence that tracks back to January 2002, just four months after 9/11! Al Qaeda was already actively infiltrating the United States and seeking revenge for bin Laden's exile from Saudi Arabia.
Second, the International Tribunals did review the case in 2013 after Primerica had spun off from Citigroup and Ruled in SVC President’s favor. In the Chapter 11 case, Jore should have been made liable to pay the remaining Employee Benefits package for its 173 employees. The damages to SVC President’s life, career and reputation is substantial enough to own Primerica.
When the Living Security Program is approved in the United States, Primerica’s assets will be used to capitalize the Program and its infrastructure to support the underwriting and Client services.
Third, Old Jore’s market share was substantial along the Pacific Rim and when Japanese companies began to erode that market share, management failed to make appropriate adjustments in its production. At the time of Old Jore’s bankruptcy, it had two years of production simply sitting in warehouses going nowhere.
Fourth, International Investigators uncovered al Qaeda’s role in the Financial Crisis worldwide. Citigroup was the only U.S. business to receive two Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP bailout loans from the U.S. Government.
Fifth, as Under Secretary of State for Economic, Energy & Agriculture Affairs, SVC’s President opposed TARP, the Obama Stimulus Package and Obamacare. The Economist in him told him the first two programs are not good ideas and the Financial Services Executive in him told him a government takeover of Healthcare was out of the question.
Naturally, Primerica did something it stated it would never do in the old A. L. William’s era and laid him off along with hundreds of Regional Vice Presidents. Primerica has never been the same since.
Bush Administration Officials like himself remember when Barack Obama chose to be a second FDR rather than a second Bill Clinton and adopt Treasury Secretary Lloyd Benson’s Economic Plan from 1994.
As result, economic growth was always sluggish during the Obama Administration and Clinton never knew a month without economic or job growth in his 96 months in office and had three balanced budgets. That record can only be tied, not beaten.
Seventh, Jeff Messina, who graduated from the University of Montana, has always been a figure lurking behind the scenes of the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium. Messina was a key political operative in Obama’s White House during his first term and was his Campaign Manager for his Re-Election bid in 2012.
Messina mysteriously left his position as White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations exactly one week before then-U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder flew to Missoula to make a speech for the UM Law School on Ground Hog Day in 2011.
Exactly one month later, the Mansfield Library incident occurred in which SVC’s President was eventually kicked-off campus for using hand sanitizer to sanitize the public computer where he was working during a whooping cough outbreak in Missoula. UM readily allowed people to do this eight and nine years later during the covid-19 pandemic. Messina only left Missoula three days during that time.
Further, Messina worked for U.S. Senator Max Montana (D-MT) and they described their relationship as a father-son relationship. Messina is supposedly instrumental in gaining passage for Obamacare. Montanans took absolute exception to Obamacare, making it virtually impossible for Baucus to win election to a seventh term, retiring and becoming U.S. Ambassador to China.
SVC President’s opposition to Obamacare has always been widely known and is one of the reasons given for the U.S. Justice Department intentionally allowing the situation in Missoula to spiral out of control. The other primary reason was none of the Victims are Black.
More importantly, Messina is known to have worked to plot the Benghazi affair on 9/11/2012 to thwart American’s awareness of the Sutton International Complaint. No one ever heard too much from Mr. Messina afterward the Sutton International Complaint gained United Nations approval and the videotapes of the Trowbridge beating surfaced. Holder also resigned after it became known that Montana State Attorney Steve Bullock’s office paid hush money to keep the whole matter under wraps!
Eighth, the Missoula Informant and the “confessors” have collaborated the Kushnirs’ testimony concerning the streams of funds going in and out Montana and Colorado heading to bin Laden, al Qaeda and organized terrorism and what happened to much of the $12+ billion embezzled from the Montana University System.
While the numbers sound a little fantastic, it explains – at least in part - what has motivated the 749,000+ Americans to get involved and why SVC’s President has appeared to be their primary target. While Investigators are still sorting out the new information and evidence, SVC’s President may finally be able to discover why so many have ganged up on him.
Regardless of the location in the AOTO saga, the traitors/terrorists have always resorted to the al Qaeda script when acting out. Maltreatment of SVC’s President is proverbial in this case, but why? Any attempt to undo all that’s been done cannot be taken seriously. The traitors/terrorists have only be able to act correctly about four or five days in a row. They think their pouting; disapproving grunts; honks; u-turns; backfiring their buses and trucks as they pass; and other intimidating activities is somehow making them superior and blameless when all it does is condemn them all the more and red flags them to International and Private Investigators. By the way, SVC’s President and SVC’s Security Chief just laugh at them knowing what these people have coming!
The minute the traitors/terrorists exhibit any form of the al Qaeda script, they can look forward to losing everything, being separated from their families; hard labor and wearing “I proud to be a traitor to the United States” for at least the next 40 years. And that’s bear minimum.
The traitors/terrorists just do not get the proverbial “Golden Rule” and that their punishment will exactly fit the way they have treated SVC’s President and his fellow Victims. What you do is what you deserve to receive in return and somehow they just don’t get it!
The International Community is painfully aware how important it is to get SVC’s President and SVC’s Security Chief out of Colorado Springs for good. It is a known quantity that that’s what the traitors/terrorists have always wanted in the first place and it is what they use to console themselves that nothing will happen. As a result, executions of and collections from the Judgments and the WTO sanctions will be made as soon as possible!
Ninth, the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium has proven to be a test of wills between those who believe everything is just fine and those who believe there is an imminent endangerment of all Human Beings, their Rights and everything we hold dear.
Even SVC’s President shared his doubts in Revival of the American Dream that the Concept of International Law could ever work because, ironically enough, there was no enforcement mechanism. There had to be International Law Enforcement.
Then came the 9-11-01 al Qaeda attacks, United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan, and the desire to rid the World of the likes of Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein and Omar Bashar.
The World Trade Organization had started in 1995 to address International Trade concerns, but the necessity to punish criminal behavior had not been addressed. The Rome Statutes in 2003 created the International Criminal Court and SVC President’s Authorship of the International Responsibility to Protect Statutes put the meat on the skeleton.
It was the case of Phillip B. Sutton v. United States of America which has tested the process to the hilt. The tentativeness of the International Community to take action against the United States has been because of Barack Obama’s and the American News Media’s treachery; and Donald Trump’s pomposity; Joe Biden’s weakness and the International Community’s preference that Americans solve their own internal scandals. This is why International intervention can no longer be delayed!
Indeed, the Chief International Prosecutor, Karim Khan, stated perhaps it is time for SVC’s President to take over before the USA becomes a total disaster. It is possible now that the USA could be expelled from the UN.
The Evidence that is incontrovertibly proven indicates the Obama Administration conspired to bury SVC President’s International Complaint is still growing. Connecting the proverbial dots is becoming an exercise in serendipity for the SIP.
Of course, the American People should have demanded long ago the Resignations and prosecution of those who had betrayed their trust, but they have not. This constitutes an utter breakdown of what Thomas Jefferson and his fellow Founders meant for Americans and our Democracy.
That’s why the United States of America is no longer considered to be a full-fledged Democracy and would not meet the UN mandate that the entire World be Democratized by July 4, 2026, the 250th Anniversary of the Adoption of the Declaration of Independence.
During an USA/SVC Constitution Day Public Policy Forum, U.S. Chief Justice John G. Roberts reiterated his sense that the U.S. System of Government could only have limited capacity to heal itself. When the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches have reached their limit to positively affect the AOTO like they long since have, then it is the people who must intervene directly to salvage the situation, just as America’s Founders did 248 years ago and changed their government!
Tenth, the Fourth Estate - the members of the Press - have utterly failed to inform the people of their country’s predicament and be a neutral player in America’s politics. SVC-TV streamed its coverage of the Presidential Debate and polled Participants about how they felt ABC, the host for the debate; MSNBC, CBS, CNN and Fox News covered the event. Overwhelmingly, SVC-TV was perceived as having the best coverage!
A majority saw ABC’s, CBS’s and CNN’s coverage as biased in favor of Kamala Harris; Fox News in favor of Donald Trump. Only MSNBC’s and SVC-TV’s coverage were viewed as properly unbiased.
The only good news is that the traitors/terrorists constitute only two-ninths of one percent of the U.S. population. An aggregation of the polls taken after the Presidential Debate Tuesday shows that while the Democrat won the debate in the minds of at least three out five Americans, an even split between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump remains with very few undecided. Trump also lost to Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden substantially in their first debates in 2016 and 2020, respectively.
The the American Independence Party ticket of SVC’s President and SVC’s Government & Politics Executive Director shows enough support in Alaska, Idaho, Massachusetts, Montana, Oklahoma, Oregon, Virginia, Washington and West Virginia to carry the States plus the Omaha Congressional District in Nebraska for 70 Electoral Votes. Unfortunately, ballot access is a problem and will be another reform accomplished by the Final Kibosh of the AOTO by the Presidential Election in 2028.