Report of these proceedings before the SVC International Finance Committee Septimal Conference:
I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible resolve. - Japanese Admiral Isoruko Yamamoto
SVC's President, Phil Sutton, has utilized the above quote in every book he has ever written. That's because the only time Americans have ever been unified is when the USA fought a war against a foreign enemy. He has done so in his failed attempt to unify America and cause the REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM to occur.
Yamamoto is decrying the fact that the USS Enterprise and USS Lexington survived the Pearl Harbor attack and he knew because of his personal experiences in the United States would recover and eventually defeat Japan in World War II.
Picture it, even as the Japanese were cheering their victory, their Admiral who planned the most daring Naval attack in history already knew it was for not. Such is the respect for the US Armed Services which has been the case since World War I. That remains the only aspect of the American persona Internationally that remains intact. The rest is very much in question.
In an earlier comment to his fellow Sailors during the planning of the attack, Yamamoto stated he had studied at Harvard and lived in Washington. He found that the Americans were a “proud and just people.” 82 years later, that can no longer be said. The American Opprobrium clearly indicates the counterviewpoint. Americans may still be proud, but they are not just by any means.
All those on this side of the oppressed Americans of the American Opprobrium have never witnessed anything we could work with from the other side. The traitors/terrorists have refused to take any personal responsibility for their American record overt and covert criminal behavior and chosen to practice their Stage 3 Psychotic Denial that they will never be brought to Justice. They have been told repeatedly since 2010 that what they have done will have consequences not only for themselves, but their families, employers, communities, States and Nation.
Prior to the Publishing of REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM, SVC's Founder & President/CEO approached University of Montana President George Dennison and Bill Johnston, Director of the Office of Alumni Relations and President and CEO of the Alumni Association, to Propose a Book Signing at the University Center Bookstore on the University of Montana Campus during the Annual Homecoming Festivities.
SVC's President was also working with Former NBC Correspondent Gene Brodeur on a Montana PBS Documentary on Montana's 1972 Constitutional Convention. The Documentary was primarily based upon his Truman Scholarship and Watkins Scholarship Papers "Comparative Study of Montana's Constitutional Conventions," he wrote and rewrote as an Undergraduate Political Science-Economics major.
The book would go on to win a Special Pulitzer Prize for Non-Fiction and that particular Episode of "Focus On Montana" was Nominated for an Emmy. So quite naturally, the Two-Time Honor Graduate and Former Student Body President felt the request was quite literally Academic. It was not. His Book-Signing Proposal was turned down flat.
All the more surprising because while UM was known then as "Harvard of the West" prior to the Sexual Assault Scandal aspect of the American Opprobrium hit Missoula, it ultimately has produced few Alums as successful as SVC's President was at age 42, let alone the Professional Accolades of all kinds he has received in the past two decades since.
One would think the University of Montana and the American People would do everything to support someone like him, but instead it was an early indication of the American Opprobrium and Osama bin Laden targeting his old nemesis for standing tall against al Qaeda.
From the beginning, the terrorists/traitors have acted in a way that has portrayed their affiliation with organized terrorism. It is the only thing that makes sense. Only terrorists would frame innocent Citizens and set them up so what the terrorists are telling the public about their target is true. Homelessness is the classic. It has been said that most Americans are one paycheck from away from disaster, meaning just about anything could make most Americans homeless at anytime.
Under Montana's 1978 Criminal Records Law, when the Victims are arrested, they have a criminal record. In turn, this makes it difficult for them to seek and attain employment, housing and other public services. In effect, their lives, their careers and their reputations are ruined. Never mind they never did anything criminal at all.
When Doc Williams, owner of Hire Quest Direct in Colorado Springs, did not send SVC's President to a job for SVC's President that he set-up for Williams and both would have benefitted. Then Paying bills would not have been a problem which has now become a very difficult situation. This is just one the latest example of how the estimated $14 billion slander and discrediting campaign against SVC President's has damaged his reputation and hurt him. He has done nothing to deserve it.
When Williams went on vacation around Memorial Day Weekend, his attitude towards SVC's President changed dramatically. After Independence Day, the above happened. Obviously, a traitor/terrorist got to him and ruined what had been a fairly good employer-employee relationship.
SVC's President and his Special Agent Double, SVC International Security Chief, Gary Norman, have always followed a policy that Colorado or Montana bills must be paid by income made in the State. The economy must not be aggrandized by additional funds being brought in, especially in Colorado where SVC and its affiliates have created approximately 28,350 jobs and $1.1 trillion in gross domestic product the past 20 years. This ingratitude is why SVC's President has been awarded a $22 trillion judgment against the State of Colorado. The Professional Insurance Licensing Scandal is why Colorado will be partitioned. More on that later.
The other classic is the traitors/terrorists use their Public power positions/job descriptions as an excuse to abuse their Victims. For instance, in University and Public Libraries, traitors/terrorists stalk and harass their Victims and make them feel they are doing something wrong and/or they are not welcome. Even if they are too noisy or disruptive, they are the only ones corrected for it. Others go merrily on.
Even the Public in the Public Libraries in Missoula, Bozeman and Colorado Springs and the Students at Mansfield, Renne and Kraemer UM, MSU and UCCS Libraries would commit 100 felonies an hour in harassing their Victims and astoundingly do not understand they have already and will continue to be automatically convicted for these crimes. All they had to do is just treat everyone the same and fairly and there would be no problem. There are judgments against these public facilities and closure is a very definite possibly if these keep playing these games.
Lewzon Bertek, who was the Albertson's manager and attempted to frame SVC's President for shoplifting actually showed SVC's President what he allegedly stole so it would match what another person stole caught on a videotape. Normally, a manager would find the alleged stolen goods on the person and then call the police.
When Missoula, Montana, Head City Prosecutor Andrew Scott would not or could not produce the damning videotape, SVC's President motioned for dismissal of the case. It took 20 months and a plea bargain to make it disappear. Who knows, the case would still be on the books 17 years later if the plea bargain had not been struck. It shouldn't have been necessary at all.
To this day, the COS traitors/terrorists insist SVC's President is guilty of shoplifting and the other crimes he is accused of in Missoula, even though SVC's President is acquitted of the Federal charge where the the only trial concerning any of those crimes ever took place. Nonetheless, the traitors/terrorists feel justified in committing their crimes against him in retribution for crimes SVC's President never committed. Imagine how any Judge would handle this little fact when the traitors/ terrorists are sentenced for their crimes which they most certainly are guilty of beyond any reasonable doubt!
From March 2006 on, SVC's President has been a marked Man wrongfully accused of another four crimes; for 12 assassination attempts; over 375 million Federal Felonies committed against him; $2.7 million in medical bills; have squatters occupy his home with the full approval of the Gallatin County, Montana, Sheriff's Department and commit $550,000 in damages; losing a career of 32 years; and being the lone Victim in Colorado. And that's just for starters.
For other Americans, this has rallied all kinds of support from the American people and gain assistance from Public Officials from the White House on down to bring Justice to the perpetrators and copious news coverage to make sure the American people would demand that this would not ever happen to another American again. Why not for the Victims of American Opprobrium?
Why did the Obama Administration take a year of Investigating the Sexual Assault cases to inform the University of Montana that it had Title IV and Title IX violations without solving a single sexual assault case? Name the university or college which does not have a problem with their financial aid or gender equality programs?
Further, Missoula County Attorneys Fred Van Valkenburg and Kirsten Pabst have claimed that certain loopholes in Montana Law have prevented prosecution of these sexual assault cases. If that is the case, then why have the past seven full Legislative sessions in Helena failed to close the loopholes? Especially, given Valkenburg had been Montana State Senate President.
And why did the NCAA take a record 19 months to slap UM with minor infractions when the entire 2009 UM football team was on performance-enhancing drugs? A Federal Court in Indianapolis Ruled that the NCAA “Death Penalty” should have been enforced for the 2015 and 2016 football seasons and UM and the Big Sky Conference were allowed to simply ignore the Ruling.
That's unprecedented in American history that any party has been allowed to scoff at a Federal Court Ruling without the US Justice Department eventually intervening and very dangerous to hoping any form of Justice and Democracy could exist in America. That's why United Nations Peacekeeping Troops will probably be necessary when the terrorists/ traitors attempt to resist arrest and/or execution of Judgments against them and/or American Law Enforcement are charged with dereliction of duty when they refuse to assist.
The clearest example that the UM Athletic Department is still corrupt is Shannon Schweyen's Sex Discrimination case. Just as SVC's President, she should be considered nothing but an asset for the University of Montana. The Former Shannon Cate was probably the best college basketball player - male or female - ever to play in Missoula. She played for Robin Selig. Coach Selig won 835 games as a coach which in the top 10 all-time.
When Coach Selig retired after 38 years, his assistant of 20 years replaced him. Coach Schweyen's own record over four years was improving, so it was inexplicable why she was told her contract would not be renewed in 2021.
Further, her male counterpart was being paid $25,000 more than she was and the man she was replaced by barely has produced winning records the past two seasons. It is an open and shut case. Maybe Coach Schweyen can return to her hometown of Billings to coach again. The University in Missoula will no longer exist.
Bottom line, Public Officials – whether elected or appointed – and Public Employees from all levels of government consistently betrayed the Public Trust and ran roughshod over the law and the people they chose to target for their special type of terrorism (terrorism is not always physically violent).
These are the simple the facts. Any story to the contrary are the traitors/ terrorists engaging in revisionist history. Two Women in Colorado Springs, Colorado were caught saying that making SVC's President a “worthless homeless man” is key to all of them in COS “getting off scot free.” These people know exactly what they are doing and have known the truth all along. There is obvious criminal culpability here by any definition known to humankind!
Luis Adams, who is SVC's Benefits & Special Allocations Associate Director, stated that the Judgments already adjudicated by the International Tribunals and their Partner US Federal Courts are served and Executed and the concomitant arrests made and assets seized.
The Special International Prosecutor, Norman Farrell stated that the Execution of the Judgments and the making of arrests have originated from US District Courts and the Biden Administration is now obliged to assign the appropriate Law Enforcement and/or Military Personnel to achieve the objectives stated in the Judgments and Indictments.
After all the recent scandalous activities in Colorado and the Biden Administration’s failure and malfeasance to do anything to do anything about it, the Judgments against the United States is enhanced just as the States of Montana and Colorado have been and a $250 trillion Judgment was handed down by the International Tribunals and their Partner Federal Courts on 21 April 2023.
The Judgment is now served in the amount of $369.353 trillion ($332.75 trillion at first Report on 21 July) and will grow another 10% or $33,275,000,000,000 through 20 August 2023. This increase is more than a $1.07 trillion a day. The total estimated value of the US Government is $5 trillion and is the only entity in the world that is allowed to have indebtedness more than six times its value (National Debt is approximately $32 trillion).
The Judgment could be used to seize all US Government assets and sell assets at auction or distribute assets and land and/or property holdings between the Victims of the American Opprobrium. What is being proposed and is more likely is a monthly restitution payment to the over 10,000 Victims and their Families ad infinitum.
It will never cover the debt owed or fully compensate the Victims for what they have been through, but it would force the American Government to protect its Citizens from now on as required by International and US Federal Laws or the entire debt will become due. All those responsible for the American Opprobrium and who have betrayed the Public Trust will be forever remembered and blamed for this debacle.
The US Government is also responsible for the costs of adjudicating all criminal and civil cases against the traitors/terrorists and costs of carrying through their criminals sentences until they pass away and/or adjudicating the seizure and selling of all their assets; and setting up the government of the State of Jefferson as always has been the case when a new State has entered the Union.
The Judgments against the States of Colorado and Montana will reform the States' University Systems and Government. Just like with the Federal debt, only corrupt portions of the State Governments will be closed down and reformed rather than shutting off all services to Citizens.
Along with the Judgments against the City and County of Missoula and against 50+ of its businesses, Missoula County will be sequestered from the outside world and will be under International supervision. Missoula County's most valuable assets will be closed and sold at auction.
SVC's Montana Reform & Executive Advisory Commissions spent $57 million developing plans for reform in all branches of Montana government. The plan calls for moving the University of Montana assets to Montana State University - Billings and using those proceeds to build a Medical School. MSUB already has a good Health Sciences Program and is the most logical place to locate such a college within Montana when UM is shutdown and assets sold at auction.
The MSU-Bozeman must also be punished for harboring and allowing the traitors/terrorists to operate on the Bozeman campus with impunity. MSU-Bozeman will lose its science programs to MSU-Billings, save the Engineering and Agricultural schools it is supposed to have as a Land Grant College.
Because the State of Colorado so stupidly entered the fray, the SVC Montana Reform Plan has been reinstated but without the University of Montana being moved to Billings. Montana State University- Bozeman will be spared but must pay restitution. The reason why is that the traitors/terrorists in Bozeman did not try to assassinate SVC’s President.
The Judgments against the State of Montana and Gallatin County Montana will reimburse the Sutton Family for the damages to their home outside of Bozeman and the medical bills incurred as a result of the Law Enforcement violence against SVC's President.
The International Tribunals and their Partner Federal Courts decided the State of Colorado could no longer Professionally Degree, License or Certify because they never intended to grant SVC's President his Professional Insurance Licenses and ruled that if he could not be licensed, nobody could.
The Courts cited the fact that the State of Colorado under its own laws would have closed any private college, education or training institution who baited candidates to pay fees and pass all requirements, but never intended to grant them the degrees, licenses or certificates the candidates sought.
Further, on 14 July 2019, the International Prosecutor’s Office issued a brief Report regarding another assassination attempt upon SVC's President. Known al Qaeda operatives Oleksander and Kateryna Kushnir from Ukraine poisoned Dr. Sutton with a WMD-derivative compound on 21 June 2019, in Colorado Springs. The Kushnirs implicated Colorado officials had at least prior knowledge of the plot if not actually involved.
As result of this brazen attempt to not only ruin a Professional Career of 32-years but to murder SVC's President, cannot, in good conscience, be over looked. The State of Colorado will be partitioned as follows:
The east-west border between Jefferson and what’s left of Colorado will carve the Denver metro area and Colorado Springs in such a way so that the US Air Force Academy, the University of Colorado in Boulder, Colorado State University in Fort Collins, University of North Colorado in Greeley and all of Colorado’s famous 14,000-foot mountains will be in the new State of Jefferson.
The Territory of Jefferson will start in Colorado’s north border with Larimer County and Weld County west of Highway 85 south to its intersection with Highway 52; then west to Boulder County’s east border; then Jefferson County will of course be in the State of Jefferson and will carve the western Denver metro area out of old Colorado; then include all of Douglas County and the western third of Arapahoe County alongside Denver County east to the same north-south parallel Douglas & Elbert County lines then south to Douglas-Elbert-El Paso tri-County line on the western side of I-25 to catch the US Air Force Academy to its far southern borders and then west through the Blodgett Open Space to the 105th parallel west longitude and south to the southern El Paso County Border with Pueblo County; then east along the Lincoln County and Cheyenne County southern borders to the Kansas line. The portions of western El Paso County bordering Teller and Fremont Counties will be annexed by those counties.
The University of Colorado Colorado Springs, the University of Colorado Denver and the Anschutz Medical Campus will be closed and assets transported to the International Independence Creek Properties where a Medical and Environmental Studies School will be built and/or to compensate Former US Marshals Gary Norman and Ron Halvorson for doubling for SVC's President.
If Colorado is not partitioned, the entire Colorado University System must be closed because the State of Colorado can no longer offer Higher Education under its own laws and as per the Professional Licensing Scandal.
The soul Victim in Colorado is SVC's President and he will utilize the payments of the $22 trillion Judgment to build the new schools, reimburse SVC for all the good it has done in Colorado and reimburse himself in a very small way for all he has been put through in Colorado the past five years.
As for insurance regulations reform, the State of Colorado, District of Columbia; and States of Georgia, Montana and North Carolina have undergone major scandals. It is at least a 50-50 chance that the Feds will reinstate their authority and assume responsibility for regulating the Insurance Industry.
It has already been decided that Colorado and Montana will never again regulate the Insurance & Securities Industries within those States and the Colorado DORA and Montana State Auditor's Offices will be closed. The US Senate Banking Committee is considering doing the same in all States.
In a rare circumstance, both Montana Senators, Jon Tester (D) and Steve Daines (R) are on the Committee. Plus a Member of the Montana Congressional Delegation and the State Auditor who started the whole fracas in the first place;and is threatening to oppose Tester for re-election again, Matt Rosendale (R), is in the US House of Representatives. What difference that will make no one knows.
The reason why this is important to SVC is SVC President's Living Security Insurance Program is dependent on what happens with the Insurance Industry in the USA. This whole situation is touch and go.
Finally, the World Trade Organization (WTO) stressed the paramount importance of Intellectual Property Rights for Microsoft and SVC Trailblazer Publications and were Granted Sanctions against American Publishers, booksellers and search engine unauthorized use and blacklisting!
Thus, the WTO recognizes that SVC-TV, SVC-TV International, Trailblazer Publications, other Affiliates of the Sutton Viewpoint Center and Xulon Press which has and will soon publish another of SVC President's books have been victimized by unlawful blacklisting and denied free and fair access to American markets in the Mass Media, Social Media, Search Engines and Publishing.
Effective immediately, all creative arts products from the United States will be assessed a 10% tariff until the estimated $245 billion of damages is recovered and the trade issues persist.
Of course, CNN and Fox News will be replaced by SVC-TV and SVC-TV International and will at happen at anytime. Originally, The Black News Channel, a SVC-TV spinoff, was scheduled to take over for Fox News, and SVC-TV International would replace HLN. As is with so many things in the American Opprobrium, The Black News Channel never received the support from the Black Community it needed to survive.
SVC has prepared several Documentaries on the events of the American Opprobrium. CNN and Fox News have received but never played the Documentaries or any key parts of them.
The entire nation waited with great anxiety for the release of the videos of Tyre Nichols's beating by the Memphis 5 of the Scorpion Units, but never have been interested in viewing the three videos of SVC President's beating by Missoula Police Officer Kurt Trowbridge which is far more brutal and a mysterious injection of a still unknown substance into his body was included.
This is not only a clear violation of the "equal time doctrine", but has allowed the American Opprobrium to burgeon out of control for all 10,000+ Victims and makes you wonder if the REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM will ever be possible.
The key issue is how the traitors/terrorists have chosen to treat their fellow Human Beings. There is no way that they would want to be treated in the same manner they have treated their Victims. Their motives have never been obscure. They are operatives of organized terrorism and the traitors/terrorists believe they will never be brought to Justice.
True to their recruitment by Osama bin Laden and those of his ilk, they have consistently shown their modus operandi is remarkably similar everywhere they have surfaced. Their behavior is the origins of the Serial Crimes List first developed in 2010 in Missoula. The Serial Crimes List allows International Investigators and Prosecutors to positively identify the traitors and terrorists. This then allows the Prosecutors to automatically convict the traitors/terrorists of these crimes without the necessity of a long drawn out legal process. Their removal from Civilized Society is nigh.
Further, the Final Kibosh of the American Opprobrium will set the standard for removal of incorrigible criminals everywhere on earth who endanger the return of Jesus to a Peaceful world rather than an Armageddon-torn one!!!!!!!
More than anything, the nature of these incredible injustices will guide exactly how the Final Kibosh of the American Opprobrium unfolds and if further penalties will be assessed.
Early indications are this will be a rough ride, which had to be anticipated. If the Victims are still going to be denied employment, housing, social services, etc, then the need for the immediate action has become apparent. The ramifications are myriad and the traitors/terrorists are the responsible for every bit of it. The Victims can no more care about what now happens to America as a result than the America people have cared about them.