7 APRIL 2024
"Born on this day, you have a special sensitivity towards Human suffering" -Phil Sutton, The Hague, 27 August 2010
On 27 August 2010 SVC's Vice President Angelica and SVC's President Phil Sutton were Recipients of United Nations Public Service Award for Innovative Programs.
Those Programs predominantly were the creation and development of the Sutton Viewpoint Center; SVC-TV and SVC-TV International; and the Africa Project.
Cherie and Tony Blair and Angelina Jolie and Brad Pit were also Recipients of the Award for their roles in starting the Africa Project.
It was Phil's 51st birthday and he quipped the above line. He noted Mother Teresa claimed August 27th as her birthday and the U.S. President who dreamed of an America without poverty, Lyndon Johnson, also was born on that date. At least the three of them did or do have a special sensitivity towards Human suffering and have made great history because they have cared deeply about the well-being of others.
Just 25 days later, the first attempt on his life was made by Missoula County Law Enforcement in Poe Meadows. That has been typical throughout the American Criminal Opprobrium. Phil is lauded abroad and he returns to disaster in Montana or Colorado.
In her Editor's Report that leads every SVC INTERNATIONAL VIEWPOINT, Angelica has often commented about the two lives her husband has lived the past 22 years. The one outside of Montana and Colorado where he has a loving Family; built a great organization; and has been successful beyond his wildest dreams. And the other in Missoula, Bozeman and Colorado Springs where he has been harassed 24/7; had every vestige of his life destroyed; has been a Victim of over nearly 400 million felony crimes; and 16 attempts on his life. It doesn't get much more contrasting than that.
It has finally come to this: the situation for SVC's President and SVC's Security Chief Gary Norman in Colorado Springs has become untenable. Work has become scarce if nonexistent and social service organizations are on the brink. The "Fool's Gold Economy" as the former likes to call it is collapsing.
It is an apocryphal narrative to believe that SVC's President can help over 90 million people in Africa to a much better life, but live an African-like existence himself in the United States. He and Gary have sacrificed enough for their Country. It is now apparent Americans will not step up and do the right thing and their continued suffering is only feeding the traitors/ terrorists notion they can get away with what they have done. Civilized Society cannot allow that to happen!
If the International Community hadn't seen enough American hypocrisy during the International Criminal Opprobrium, they are screaming about the United States supporting Israeli atrocities in Gaza and not supporting Ukraine against Russia. They have every reason to!
When United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres discovered he needed to defend himself against American Politicians who accused him of helping terrorists by demanding aid for the innocent Victims of the Middle East war is at least as great an outage as many of those same politicians being in denial about gun and police violence in the United States! In either case, innocent Victims are needlessly suffering and dying because of some seriously wrong-minded attitudes. Period!
The terrorists Americans have to worry about most are inside the United States, not in Gaza. They have made a mockery of American Justice and Democracy. U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth was quite right when he sentenced 1/6 domestic terrorist, Taylor James Johnatakis, saying that what happened on 6 January 2021 at the U.S. Capitol must not become the normal. Amen!
Any American who thinks differently is in some serious trouble upstairs. You have to understand what you are saying when you, in any way, support such violence. It is unbelievable that Mr. Johnatakis is still unrepentant for what he did 39 months ago!
Jesus warned against Judgmentalism and its effects. You must first get the log out of your own eyes before you propose to take a speck out of your brother's! (John 7).
Shame on those who think that they are perfect and omnipotent and believe they can do no wrong. That is the inner din of serious mental illness. They cannot be allowed to be in Civilized Society, much less hold public office or have the public trust placed in their hands!
Now, the issue at hand is what to do about it. For the first 17.5 years - 10 of it in Missoula, Montana; 6.5 years in Bozeman, Montana; and the first year in Colorado Springs, Colorado, SVC's President felt powerless over what happened to him when he should have had the full protection of his Constitutional Rights firmly behind him and the last three Administrations upholding those Rights.
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder could have kept the number of perpetrators to around 700 had he acted in 2009 and 2010. Some 14 and 15 years later the number of known traitors/terrorists is over 528,000 and they all must be brought to Justice, including him.
Finally, in August 2019, the momentum for Justice started when the International Tribunals ruled against the States of Montana and Colorado concerning the Professional Insurance Licensing scandal.
In this and subsequent Rulings, SVC's President was thoroughly vindicated. The Hague's Partner U.S. Federal Courts Ruled that if a veteran of 32 years in Financial Services who had no Consumer Complaints against him could not get his Licenses renewed in Montana or granted in Colorado, then these states could no longer professionally License anyone in the fields of Securities and Insurance. Who could possibly be licensed in Montana or Colorado if SVC's President could not be?
The State of Colorado also baited SVC's President to abandon his fight to renew his licenses in Montana and retest to receive his Licenses in Colorado without ever meaning to grant them. This is a blatant violation of Colorado's own laws and Federal laws in which require the closure of said institutions that would do such a thing. The Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) will be completely shutdown and never again allowed to Professionally License or Certified anyone again.
Further, Colorado was found ungrateful of all that SVC and its Affiliates had brought to the State including nearly 3,000 jobs and over a trillion dollars in economic wealth, thus the State has been partitioned and the new State of Jefferson created.
Of course, the partition is such as to save all the Colorado University System, save University of Colorado Colorado Springs for its lack of hospitality; its officials saying UCCS is all private property when it couldn't possibly be; and belief that the Citizens of Colorado do not have unrestricted access to the university for security reasons and then have a shooting in its dorms; and University of Colorado Denver for allowing al Qaeda/organized terrorists to produce cannabis and illicit drugs in its Pharmacy School to raise money for their terrorists activities within the United States.
Ditto for the University of Montana, its Pharmacy School, and the Montana State Auditor's Office will be closed/disbanded. UM unlawfully ejected a two-time Honors Graduate for using hand sanitor to clean the public computers in Mansfield Library. All other reasons given were trumped up and/or fraudulently manufactured - period!
UM and the City & County of Missoula Governments proceeded to ruin SVC President's Professional reputation; his personal life and were behind conspiracies to murder him.
For instance, UM and the City of Missoula paid $16,500 each and the County of Missoula kicked-in $17,000 to pay Missoula Police Officer Kurt Trowbridge to assassinate SVC's President 12 years ago.
Why this story did not get serious national attention when announced last year is a reason why so many members of the mass and social media are in serious legal peril as are their employers and organizational/corporate leadership.
Don't worry, the International Criminal Court does not recognize statute of limitations regarding any International Crimes committed. Because Trowbridge has actually committed 24 murders, all those who were involved in this conspiracy will be judicially executed if they are still alive.
Further, all those who have brought charges/allegations against SVC's President in Missoula of any form and are still propagating these stories as true and all those in Bozeman and Colorado, especially in Colorado Springs, who have utilized these prevarication as justification for their mistreatment and committing massive crimes against SVC's President will be punished most severely and could be judicially executed under the Conspiracy Rule depending upon the severity of their actions upon SVC's President life including the other 15 assassination attempts against SVC's President, no matter how serious.
In addition, all those who have doctored SVC President's personal records and/or created the situations which tainted the SVC President's reputation so they could ostensibly prove their statements about him will also be treated with special attention when the U.S. Federal Judges sentence them.
SVC's President and SVC's Security Chief readily acknowledge now that the policy that Colorado and Montana bills had to be paid by Colorado and Montana income may have been a mistake, especially after the International Tribunals Ruled in 2019.
While Covid-19 pandemic and the switch in Administrations postponed the end of all this for about 3 years, continuing this policy only hurt our heroes. They placed themselves in very compromising positions and this allowed the traitors/terrorists to increase their suffering.
The Americans For Prosperity/Canvass America case really put an exclamation point on this. AFP intentionally dismissed SVC's President. His supervisors believed either he would quit because he was afraid to work for them after being attacked on the job or they would fire him that afternoon fraudulently claiming he had fraudulently done his job if he didn't quit on his own.
Brittany Trujillo and Mandy Hyde thought that would work, but SVC's President is a decorated Combat Veteran and received timely assistance from his fellow International Investigators. It blew up in their faces and now AFP has a $470 billion Judgment against it and SVC's President and SVC's Security Chief will no longer take jobs to pay Colorado bills, but they will foreclose on the hundreds of thousands of Judgments to pay those bills and then some!
Like everything else with the American Criminal Opprobrium, this policy started when SVC's President was saddled with the Old Jore debt when Rick Jore declared bankruptcy and was not required to pay the remainder of the Financial Services Benefits Contract Jore entered into in favor of his Employees with A.L. Williams/Primerica. Jore left 173 Families in the lurch.
If the Montana Legislature had passed a companion act with the Family and Medical Leave Act (1994) by the 1999 Legislative Session as required, then Jore would have had to satisfy the remaining $73,000 on the contract to have the debt discharged by the Bankruptcy Court in late 2001 or early 2002.
Instead, the Agent on the contract had to pay the debt off policy by policy and those sales had to be in the State of Montana. SVC's President would soon get married and started to live mostly out of Montana in Massachusetts while he was a Visiting Professor at Harvard University and in Virginia while a member of the Bush Administration, although he had to maintain his residency in Montana to keep his, ironically enough, Professional Insurance Licenses so he pay the debt off.
SVC's President also was in the process of building the Sutton Viewpoint Center into the largest nonprofit corporation of its kind in the world. He could only work in Montana two or three days a week which made repaying the debt even more difficult.
It is what led to SVC President's impoverishment in Missoula and made him vulnerable to the the rumors, innuendoes and the Make Victims Units framing him with crimes and wrongfully incarcerating him, beginning in 2006.
The Bush Administration did what it could to intervene when time ran out. Just as with the Montana Legislature if it had acted in a timely manner, if the Obama Administration had pursued the 1,100 Federal Grand Jury Indictments in 2009 and 2010 after the Public Funds Embezzling, Make Victims Units, illegal drug manufacturing and trafficking; and sexual assault scandals one by one were discovered and/or became manifest, most of what has happened to SVC's President over the past 22 years would not have occurred.
For those who challenge SVC President's place and importance in history, please give an explanation of why so many have conspired to do so much evil towards to him and why our Creator has allowed all this nastiness to materialize. The Almighty has a reason for it!
There are others who have had their world completely turned upside and they have lost all semblance of well-being before. Phil is not the first. The two who come readily to mind are Jesus and Job.
No one has ever lost popular support faster than Jesus. As Jesus he entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, he was heralded as a King, the Jewish Messiah. Five days later, the same people wanted him crucified. Because Jesus fulfilled his destiny he became the most important Person ever to live.
Job lost everything due to a bet between the Creator and Satin. Job refused to curse God and eventually all that he had lost was restored to him many fold.
This matter has consumed 22 years of Phil's life and it is time it ends with him fulfilling his destiny. Any thinking person must support a Man who's Divinely-given Destiny is to lead the world to a Peaceful Conclusion by the time Jesus returns!
On the other hand, the reason why SVC's President has been subjected to all this grief is he has incurred resistance to this idea from the usual cast of characters and their believers.
It shocked everyone when the International Tribunals took Social Security away from Americans because Phil had been denied his Retirement Benefits and was Victim of massive government fraud. No question about it. He has a letter from the Social Security Administration dated in August 2021 when he turned 62 that stated he acquired enough work credits to qualify for Retirement Benefits. What happened the past two years?
No one could blame him if he just took the whole kitten caboodle for himself given what he's been through!
You know what SVC's President is considering doing instead? Using the Social Security Trust Fund to capitalize his Living Security Insurance Product which would extend Social Security and Medicare-like Benefits not just for Retirement but for a lifetime and Americans would not have to worry about the whole thing going down the drain in about nine or ten years, anyway. Which is better?
SVC's President simply does not care anymore. He had it beaten out of him by a paid assassin long ago and no one cared for him after all he has done for the world like they have for others before and since who have done nothing...