(EDITOR'S NOTE: The simultaneous confluence between US President John F. Kennedy's Birthday; the sacred Memorial Day Holiday when America remembers its fallen Leaders and Heroes; and being in Boston where the American Revolution began spurred a conversation about future of the world and America's place in it. The New America Revolution is starting...)


When Dr. Rev Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated on 4 April 1968, U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy quoted George Bernard Shaw: “Some men see things as they are and say why, I dream things that never were and say, why not.” The quote is often attributed to Bobby because of it. He himself would be assassinated two months later.


When SVC's Vice President, Angelica E. T. Sutton, was asked by her Twins why the Kennedy Brothers had been assassinated and so many attempts had been made on their Father's Life, she responded: “Men like Jack and Bobby Kennedy and your Father are Dreamers. They see a wonderful World none of the rest of us are capable of envisioning and it scares the hell out of the old guard. They see everyone sharing in God’s abundance...” (


In his own studies of history, SVC's President, Phil Sutton, very quickly learned that some of us have special callings from our Creator. That we are not only making history, but we are history.


John Kennedy began his special walk across the pages of history when he visited Nazi Germany in its formative stages. He realized almost instinctively the dangers that Hitler and company posed to world peace and sanity.


Jack returned to Great Britain where his father was US Ambassador. He expressed concern about what he had witnessed. Joe was not moved. He believed the policy of appeasement that Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain advocated was the correct one.


So appalled was Jack that he wrote his Senior Paper at Harvard on the subject. “Why England Slept” would become a seminal work in understanding what caused World War II.


Future Prime Minister, Winston Churchill Agreed. He would later claim, “It is my purpose, as one who Lived in these days, first show how easily the tragedy of the Second World War could have been prevented; how the malice of the wicked was reinforced by weakness of virtuous."


Phil utilized this quote in his Hastings Trailblazer Day Declaration to likewise advise the world of the dangers present in our world today: (


Years later, President Kennedy would augment this understanding with what he learned from Barbara Tuchman's book, “Guns of August,” which outlined the causes of World War I:


The lessons the 35th President had learned from his own experiences and through his study of history contributed greatly to his ability to avert Armageddon during the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962.


History intervened again on August 12, 1945, when his older Brother Joe was killed while flying a secret mission over France. According to the tradition of primogeniture, Joe Sr's aspirations for his namesake Son to become President passed to Jack.


Jack himself had been severely injured when the PT boat he commanded had been rammed by a Japanese destroyer on August 1, 1943. He managed to save all but two crew members, but severely injured his back. That's the reason you often see the famous rocky chair in the pictures of the Kennedy White House.


When asked about his act of heroism he quipped, “It was involuntary, they sunk my boat.” This lesson was not lost on his fellow Sailor. Phil drilled those under his command during the Persian Gulf War and the initial sorties into Afghanistan after 9/11 until they dropped. Under any circumstances, warriors must be so well trained they will act instinctively because if they have to stop to think about what they will do next they are already dead. Everyone of the 5,000+ Sailors and Marines under Phil's command went home. This is a fact he is most proud.


When SVC International Viewpoint Publications, which is now SVC Trailblazer Publications, first started in 2000, Phil wrote a series on the closest Presidential Elections since World War II because he predicted in the very first SVC International Viewpoint that the 2000 Election between George W. Bush and Al Gore would eclipse the 1960 Election between John Kennedy and Richard Nixon as the closest in American History. He was right.


When Phil did the research for the article concerning the 1960 Election, every commentator bemoaned the fact that these two young bucks would try to replace the venerable Dwight Eisenhower and it would be a disaster. The 1960 Election is the only election in which a President under the age of 50 would be elected.


History would prove the critics wrong. Both the Kennedy and Nixon Presidencies would be tragically cut short and both Men were on track to becoming Great Presidents. We will never know, particularly in Jack's case, what would have happened if they had been President for a full eight years.


The Kennedy Administration began with probably the best Inaugural Address in history. He called for increased defense spending and for tax cuts. Republicans Ronald Reagan in 1981 and George W Bush 2001 reiterated that message. The Republicans reminded younger Brother Ted of that every time he voted against their tax cuts.


Whenever SVC would visit the Kennedy Presidential Library when Ted was alive, he would ask Phil which one of the Kennedy Brothers he felt like most like that day. Inevitably, it was the President. He knew that before he asked.


After the Bay of Pigs, Jack reversed his call for an increase in defense spending and began to close military bases in areas that were not Democrat-friendly. He kept a campaign promise and sought a nuclear arms limitation deal with the Soviet Union. In a word, became an unexpected threat to the Pentagon's desired perpetual mobilization.


Then came the Cuban Missile Crisis. The Pentagon wanted to invade Cuba and remove the Soviet nuclear arms by force. Jack demurred. He saw the danger of all out nuclear war if that invasion took place. He decided to blockade Cuba, hoping he could force Nikita Khrushchev 's hand without armed conflict.


It worked and ended the crisis, but it permanently damaged the Commander-in-Chief's relationship with those he would command. No one knows exactly when or who, but the Pentagon brass conspired with the communists to assassinate the President and they were successful.


One of the last things Jack did as President was withdraw the 50,000 “military advisors” from Vietnam. On the same day Americans buried their President, the new President, Lyndon Johnson, reinstated those advisors.


That decision would ruin LBJ's Presidency and send him to an early grave. Ditto for Richard Nixon. The release of the “Pentagon Papers” led to the creation of the “plumbers” which in turn led to the Watergate Scandal.


Phil's walk across the pages of history began when he was a Counselor at the Billy Graham Crusade in Denver in July 1987. He worked with Children that answered the alter call. A pair of adorable Twin Girls were among them.


Their Parents had been Mexican Immigrants and they had encountered prejudice in their new Country and turned to their Faith to help them endure their ordeal and explain their problems to their Daughters. They were three-years old. In the process of helping this family, Phil became involved with the International Apartheid Boycott.


The effort actually had started in 1959 and gained United Nations support, but languished until Phil's Free Nelson Mandela Campaign took form. Nelson became the poster child of the Boycott Movement.


The key moment in the Movement was the 70th Birthday Tribute to Nelson on July 17, 1988. The tribute culminated in Hyde Park, New York, where the Membership Drive Phil led reached 17,500 Members in the USA alone.


Then the great moment. On February 11, 1990, Nelson was freed after 27 years of imprisonment. President George H. W. Bush invited Phil to a Reception he held for Nelson at the White House in June 1990.


When Nelson saw Phil, he made a B-Line in his direction. He knew who Phil was. Phil will never forget how grateful he was for our support and how much he wanted to continue our association. Nelson would become the single most important mentor in Phil's life.


History, as it always does, intervened again. In August 1990 Iraq invaded Kuwait. President Bush mobilized over 30 Nations under the United Nations Charter to eject Iraq from Kuwait. It was only the second time the UN had authorized force, the first was during the Korean conflict.


Phil accepted the U.S. Navy's invitation to return to fight on the Persian Gulf War. But before he left Montana to go to war, South African Bishop Desmond Tutu spoke in Helena. After that speech, he was asked what would happen if someone assassinated him. He rose up on his tippy-toes and said, “It doesn't matter because God will send someone to take my place.” Indeed.


Desmond virtually visited SVC on his 90th Birthday, October 7, 2021, and reiterated Phil's Four Universal Thematic Principles of the American Dream. At length, he discussed why the United States and then the rest of world must adopt the lessons from the creation of the United States from which these principles sprang and adopt the Key Guiding Thematic Fundamental ”Always Do What Is Right.”


In all Phil's Books from “Revival of the American Dream” to “Trailblazer To Revival of the American Dream”, he has outlined instances where the Creator's People overcame tremendous odds to do the right thing. Like the American Colonists. Like the South Africans. Like SVC now. As Jesus remarked: those things which are impossible for humans are possible for the Creator.


Just like Jack Kennedy, Phil's encounter with the “crime” - the belief might will defeat right – came at a young age. The Persian Gulf War had been America's most efficient war. We accomplished our objective in five weeks and 100 hours. There were 500,000 Americans in harms way and we lost just over 300. We didn't want to lose anybody, but as any Military Person can tell you, losing only 0.06% of your Personnel in a war is outstanding.


Osama bin Laden didn't care at all for 500,000 “infidels” on Saudi soil. He was just as strong in his beliefs and Phil was in his. Their talks weren't getting anywhere. Eventually, Phil Recommended that bin Laden be exiled. Phil knew he had seen first hand a diabolic genius at work and just like Jack thought about the Nazis, he knew al Qaeda was an imminent threat that had to be cut-off in its infancy.


And just like Jack, Phil's concerns found their way into my academic work. He developed his “No Tolerance Terrorism Policy” based on his experience with bin Laden. On the night of 9/11, President George W Bush introduced the world to Phil's philosophy towards organized terrorism when he quoted directly from his Doctoral Dissertation and his first book's manuscript: “The United States should 'make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them.'” This became the Bush Doctrine.


Phil spent the afternoon of 9/11 calling all his Sub-Commanders of the US Naval Reserve Unit he commanded because he knew we would be called-up. They were ready to go before the Orders came. After the NATO forces began our assault in Afghanistan, we led the first American sorties into the Afghanistan eastern front where bin Laden was believed to be. Just like with Saddam Hussein, they didn't bring bin Laden to Justice for around a decade. Fellow Montanan and Sailor Rob O'Neill finally got him in May 2011.


Phil had no idea bin Laden had been tracking him all this time and knew we were once again at loggerheads. In the Foreign Policy Chapters of his books, Phil has always described the Sutton Doctrine and the Five Steps to World Democratization right before his No Tolerance Terrorism Policy. This is where Round 3 against bin Laden started.


UN Secretary General Kofi Annan was interested in giving International Law teeth. The Statutes of Rome created the International Criminal Court and the Office of the International Prosecutor in 2003. He Proposed the Responsibility To Protect Statutes (now Principles) and asked Phil to be the author.


The task was completed right before Christmas 2005. After lengthy debate before the UN General Assembly, the Statutes became law later in 2006. The statutes struck at the heart of what bin Laden wanted to accomplish and build a worldwide terrorist network.


It was by no mistake that all Phil's difficulties with the Make Victims Units in Missoula began at that time. In 2007, bin Laden would declare war on Phil and named him as his “only worthy Adversary.” From March 2006-April 2012 he would be accused of one Federal crime and four State of Montana crimes.


In the only case that ever reached anything close to a legitimate trial was the Federal charge and Phil was acquitted with no attorney, no preparation and no witnesses, including Missoula County Deputy Sheriff Jonathan Stineford, who was the arresting officer and was required by the US and Montana Constitutions to be there, but wasn't. Phil only had the truth. That's how it is supposed to be.


Stineford had gotten Missoula County sued at least twice for using excessive force prior to being hired by US Forester Al Hilshey to come up to Poe Meadows and shoot Phil dead. They admitted as much in their Reports of the incident and nothing has ever been done to bring them to Justice.


Fact of the matter is that Stineford tased Phil instead. Two weeks before a teenager died after being tased in Fredericksburg, Virginia and the US Justice Department suspended the use of tasers by US Law Enforcement, which Stineford technically was because we were on Federal Land, as a result.


The Bush Administration received Federal Grand Jury Indictments against them prior to leaving office, but the Obama Administration never pursued those Indictments. These Indictments would be the first of over a thousand Indictments mysteriously never prosecuted.


When Phil motioned Justice of Peace Karen Orzech to dismiss the State charges she refused. US Attorney General Michael Mukasey had the case dismissed at the Federal level due to multiple violations of Phil's Civil Rights and put him in a Witness Protection Program.


When Phil didn't show up for the next Hearing for obvious reasons, Orzech revoked his bail and had him arrested just before she went on vacation for two weeks, leaving the message to the jailers not to release him under any circumstances because Orzech was “going to deal with him personally.” That meant he had to stay in jail for at least 17 days without the possibility of bail and he was accused of a misdemeanor, not murder or any other violent crime.


During Phil's wrongful incarceration, an IED went off in Iraq killing 17 people that he could have easily saved. Orzech and company will be Judicially Executed for those murders as though they committed them themselves under the U.S. Federal Conspiracy Statutes. And they think Phil has/had “mental health issues?”


Later that year, right in the middle 2008 Presidential campaign, the al Qaeda concocted financial crisis hit. It was the worst International Economic crisis since the Great Depression. Phil was the Chief International Economist in the State Department charged with the duty of advising the President of the United States and Secretary of State what to do about it.


In 2009, the wheels on the al Qaeda conspiracy began to come off. In March the Public Funds Embezzling scandal came to light; in June, the Make Victims Unit (MVU)'s; and in August the illicit drug scandal which led to the sexual assault scandal. If the Obama Administration had acted as they should have then, at least 8,000 people would have been spared having their Lives and reputations systematically ruined; over a 100 Woman would not have been raped; and Missoula and the University of Montana would not being ensnared in a endless set of scandals that require its sequestration from the rest of America.


Actually, al Qaeda, which means “the base” in Arabic, set-up shop in Colorado Springs in 2003. They did so because cannabis became legal and they could raise funds for their terrorist activities through the sell of pot. Al Qaeda took over Afghanistan by operating its opiate trade and raising billions in cash. They were going to do the same in the USA. They have been altogether successful and explains why there are at least 458,000 Americans who must be brought to Justice. There is simply no other explanation for their involvement and focusing their grief on a single human being.


Then City Court began with their MVU gambits. They sent Phil a Notice to Appear two days after the fact. Naturally, they issued a bench warrant for his arrest and took his right to jury trial away.


Once Phil actually received the Notice, he called the Court. Phil was told that the Judge had dismissed the case. Fine.


Phil didn't hear anything for almost eight months and pretty much had forgotten it. Then on Holy Thursday, April 5, 2012, Missoula Police Officer Chris O'Leary stopped Phil and told him one of his prospective Business Clients had called and complained. He was a lead generated by my company. Phil still doesn't know what his problem was.


O'Leary ask Phil for ID and he checked for warrants. Phil had been found guilty in absentia and he used the expired warrant to proceed to arrest Phil. Phil didn't know anything about it. It was a ruse.


Kurt Trowbridge had arrived and he and O'Leary threw Phil down on the hard concrete to supposedly cuff me. Instead, Trowbridge began beating Phil and injecting him with a still unknown substance. Trowbridge was a Marine and he was using what was later identified as Soviet Gulag Technique he learned while in the service.


Lee Harvey Oswald was also a Marine and another example of a Veteran using what they learned in the military and turning it on the Civilian population.


Oswald was a trained sharp shooter and quite capable of shooting the President. He was a Soviet National at the time of the shooting and undoubtedly part of the Pentagon/communist conspiracy to murder John F. Kennedy.


Oswald was murdered himself by Jack Ruby, but no other individual has ever been brought to Justice in the case.


Hitler committed suicide rather than answering for the holocaust. Two dozen of his henchmen were Judicially Executed after the Nuremberg Trials.


Bin Laden has also figuratively been brought to Justice; 19 of the 9/11 hijackers committed suicide by crashing the planes and Zacarias Moussaoui is spending life in prison.


However, Trowbridge is still at-large, still wears a badge in Missoula. While roughly 5,000 people have come forward and admitted their wrongdoing elsewhere in the United States, there is no sense of contrition in Missoula or in Colorado. That is why the University of Montana will be closed; Missoula County will be sequestered from Civilized society; and Colorado will be partitioned. They quite literally have asked for it.


For instance, University of Colorado Colorado Springs Police confronted Phil on 31 May 2023 about complaints that he was a homeless tramp hanging out at the University. While these Officers handled the situation well just as the vast majority of American Law Enforcement do, it was a clear indication that the traitors/terrorists have not learned their lesson and they still believe they are in control and are fully justified in what they have done to Phil. What kind of insanity is that?


Seriously, the Trowbridge beating of Phil Sutton made the one Tyree Nichols received this past January from five Black officers look like a love tap. It is not racism that propels Police violence. It is a permissive society that does. Both Minnesota Judge Peter Cahill who presided over Derek Chauvin's trial concerning the murder or George Floyd and the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights found no racism was involved in Floyd's murder.  What must be done is to make sure that the Stinefords, Trowbridges, Chauvins of the world and the Memphis 5 never wear a badge in the first place. 


The outrage is that to this day, no one in authority cares about what happened to Phil, who is part Native American, or the other 24 innocents who Trowbridge has actually managed to beat to death; or, for that matter, the 1,000+ Americans who are killed by American Law Enforcement every year.


Instead of the Pentagon, the Information Age Industries have actively conspired against Phil and SVC partnered with organized terrorism. Those who Phil and SVC should be naturally allied with are in fact some of our worst adversaries, at least in the United States. It doesn't make sense.


Like the Kennedy Brothers and Dr. King worked together in their time, Phil worked with Kofi and Nelson to create a better world for everyone in ours and develop ideas to make it work.


Matters have now become so aberrant from what should be that to restore democracy and peace to America, a firm hand is now being asserted to get America back on track. Nobody likes the idea that American Leaders will be told what to do by The Hague and United Nations, but there is no longer any alternative. No matter what, the successful infiltration into the United States by organized terrorist groups and their partners in business and government will not be allowed to prevail.


U.S. President George W. Bush stated the reason for a New American Revolution better than anyone else could on the Twentieth Anniversary of 9/11:


In the weeks and months following the 9/11 attacks, I was proud to lead an amazing, resilient and united people. When it comes to the unity of America, those days seems distant from our own. A malign force (organized terrorism's successful infiltration) seems at work in our common life that turns every disagreement into an argument, and every argument into a clash of cultures. So much of our politics has become a naked appeal to anger, fear and resentment. That leaves us worried about our nation and our future together.” Indeed.



UPDATE: 31 MAY 2023