The confluence of events of the Americans for Prosperity Incidents and issuing of the International Judgment; the SVC International Communication Day General Conference & Public Policy Series; the American Independence Party Presidential & Vice Presidential Primaries; Joe Biden clinching the Democratic Presidential Nomination and Donald Trump clinching the Republican Nomination Presidential Nomination; and the Madison, Jackson & Cleveland Birthday Commemorations Public Policy Forum Series and International Community warning the United States it had better settle down Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over Hamas has finally led to the necessity to putting down the American Criminal Opprobrium.
The International Tribunals, International Prosecutors and United Nations will accept no more excuses. The Neverending excuses from the Barack Obama, Donald Trump and Joe Biden Administrations have continued for 15 years when the Obama Administration first knew of the Public Funds embezzling; the Make Victims Units and corrupt Judiciary systematically ruining lives and targeting innocent Citizens for assassination; and illegal drug manufacturing and trafficking to financially support organized terrorism's infiltration into the United States and for 12 years since the recording of the Sutton International Complaint will no longer be allowed to continue no matter what the U.S. Government says.
The callous and cruel nature of the Americans For Prosperity Incidents underscored things had finally hit critical mass and seemingly "normal Americans" are now resorting to domestic terrorism to get their way in politics and getting rid of people they do not want to work with or have living in their communities.
The very fact Donald Trump talks about a "bloodbath" if he is not elected at about the same time the three assailants attacked SVC's President, who are supporters of Trump and two were arrested for their participation in the 1/6/2021 U.S. Capitol Insurrection says it all.
The United Nations had always stated that if the traitors/terrorists turned violent and demonstrated their hatred for the SVC's President in a physical, violent manner then the UN had to intervene. The International Tribunals punctuated their angst by addressing SVC's President in their Judgment against Americans For Prosperity and Canvass America not in his Civilian rank in the USA as Secretary/Undersecretary of State; his Military rank as a U.S. Navy Captain; or his Academic rank as Doctor or his Business Title as they had in the past, but by his International Title of Global Ambassador. By doing so, they have adopted SVC's President as one of their own and profoundly made it known they will protect him.
During SVC's International Communication Day Celebration, SVC's President gave his empowering "Fear of Belonging to Your Dreams" speech. The speech inspired millions around the world and as he always has done, turned his own recent disappointment and heartache into a triumph for us all!
The Special International Prosecutor also knows he has the authority to do what he must whether or not Biden works with him. It is time to end the suffering for the Victims of the American Criminal Opprobrium and to set the precedent for the World which assures all inhabitants of Justice regardless of where they may live or what kind of Government they have!
Because the Trump, Obama and Biden Administrations refused to grant the Victims the most basic Human Rights in the United States and the damages to their lives are so egregious, the International Tribunals are determined to do a thorough job of compensating the Victims and/or their Families in every way possible!
The most salient question of all is why? Why all this grief particularly for one man who never has acted out of malice towards anyone now must return that vehemence in full measure because he is the Victim.
No one cares to deny that all these horrible things have befallen SVC's President. Indeed, just like the Middle Eastern terrorists, they take pride in what they have done to him!
The Special International Prosecutor acknowledges that the Sutton Family is the only exception in that there is no way Justice could ever be restored to the most persecuted Human Being in History, SVC's President. It means exactly what it implies.
No one is in disagreement with the fact that the traitors/terrorists cannot be allowed to exist unfettered in Civilized Society. Just how much America and Americans will lose in order to get that done remains to be scene, but it must be done!
Case in point is Social Security. According to the Social Security Administration's own Guidelines, any American who has earned 40 "work Credits" and attained the age of 62 is eligible for Retirement Benefits and cannot be denied Benefits.
A work credit is a three-month period in which a worker contributes a set minimum to the Social Security Trust Fund. A would-be Beneficiary only need work and contribute for a full 10 years to qualify. The Benefits are determined by formulas based on age at retirement (62 to 70) and contributions made up to the maximum amount a worker needs to contribute by law, which is currently $168,600.00 or $10,453.20/year.
Then why is it SVC's President has recently been declined Benefits? He has worked and contributed to the Social Security Trust Fund for 49.5 years or 198 work credits, almost five times the number he needs to qualify for Retirement Benefits, technically. Indeed, he has paid the maximum amount required by Law for 23.25 years or 93 work credits.
SVC's President applied for his Retirement Benefits on 9 September 2023 to try to stabilize his financial situation because Colorado income must pay Colorado bills so he and his Business Affiliates would not further aggrandize Colorado's Economy and not have to execute his International/U.S. Federal Judgments.
Now, because the traitors/terrorists have proudly made it too difficult for him to even pay the simplest of Colorado bills through jobs he somehow loses every little whip stitch for no good reason, Colorado Judgments must pay Colorado bills and attempt to even remotely compensate SVC's President for all the traitors/terrorists have put him through illegally and with malice.
SVC's President took these odd jobs, etc., etc. and held off for years from Executing his Judgments in hopes that either the Administration in Washington would uphold the law and/or his fellow Americans would demand the traitors/terrorists would be brought to Justice or the profound criminals would end their criminal rampage on their own. Now, there is no choice anymore and everyone will pay the price.
The Colorado Springs, Colorado, SSA Office stated the process would take 2 to 4 weeks with the anticipation of receiving his first Benefit check on 25 October 2023 because he chose to retire at age 64 years, 2 months. The declension letter was sent at the beginning of the 22nd week.
The declension letter was dated 1 February from California, but it was actually sent overnight on 5 February and received 6 February, indicating the letter is considered a hate crime under U.S. law in reaction to SVC President's Presentation in Laramie, Wyoming, comparing the Victims of American Criminal Opprobrium to the American Colonists and how they were treated by King George III's government.
Retiring at age 64, 2 months, SVC's President is due 81.1% of the full retirement benefit at age 66 years 10 months ($3,822) because he was born in 1959 or $3,099.64. Now the next payment date for SVC's President would have been 27 March and he must be paid for October, November, December, January, February and March ($18,597.84 is due) or have his retirement age moved up to 64 years, 7 months, adding additional benefits.
Those that see SVC's President on the streets and think he is a tramp and homeless had better remember and understand why and who is responsible for his plight. Soon enough those responsible will be working at hard labor for the rest of their lives; never be able to own anything ever again; be homeless and so deservedly wear clothes saying "Proud To Be Traitors to the United States."
The traitors/terrorists so very much deserve it; SVC's President deserves nothing he has received and had to endure. That's why the traitors/ terrorists punishment will be so severe and it is bear minimum. We can not have these kind of people infest Civilized Society any longer and if we do, now we will know what to with them!
Plus, SVC's President is due Survivorship Benefits from his First Wife's Social Security contributions. Patti was murdered at age 27 years and four months, but she would have earned her 10 work credits.
The SSA letter required an appeal within six weeks. Appeal what? No explanation was given in which to base an appeal. Of course, the reason for this is there no valid reason under law Benefits could have been given, declining Retirement Benefits in the first place!
Of course, this is all academic because the International Tribunals and its Partner U.S. Federal Courts have given SVC's President a Judgment that grants him the roughly $2.8 trillion balance in the Social Security Trust Fund plus working Americans must continue to pay the FICA tax to further payoff the Judgment even though they will never receive any Social Security Benefits.
Just to make sure everyone understands this correctly, when this Judgment was first Announced in mid-February 2024, no one seemed to take this very seriously. That has been typical throughout the American Criminal Opprobrium. Now it will cost the American People dearly for their obtuseness.
Few Americans have perceived the significance of the issues involved with the American Criminal Opprobrium as important to them so they really didn't care much. Social Security is different. Social Security affects every American one way or the other. Losing Social Security will ram home to Americans that the Criminal Opprobrium and the Sutton International Complaint has always been important and all Americans - all inhabitants on Earth - have a stake in it.
Further, what the Social Security Administration did here is reminiscent of what the State of Colorado did declining SVC's President Professional Insurance Licenses in 2018, which set this whole menagerie in motion to begin with in Colorado. The International Tribunals and U.S. District Court Partners Ruled that Colorado had baited SVC's President to get licensed in Colorado and never intended to grant him his Licenses in defiance of Colorado State law itself. Thus, Colorado will no longer be allowed to grant Professional Licenses and Certificates or College degrees. Likewise, The Social Security Administration never intended to grant SVC's President his Social Security Retirement Benefits. What "Cindy" did at the COS office is criminal by definition.
But this is the kicker. The International Tribunals and their U.S. District Court Partners have consistently ruled that if SVC's President is denied Professional Licensing, no one can be licensed. If he is not welcome on the University of Montana or University of Colorado Colorado Springs campuses, then no one can be and they must be closed and assets sold at auction to satisfy the Judgments against them; etc, etc.
The natural extension of this is if SVC's President cannot have his Social Security Retirement Benefits, then no American can. On 21 April 2023, the Victims of the American Criminal Opprobrium were granted a Judgment for $250 trillion with 10% monthly interest for failing to meet its Responsibility To Protect its Citizens under International and U.S. Federal laws.
Right now, the Judgment is around $727 trillion as of 27 March 2024 and growing at more than $2 trillion per diem. The amount in the Social Security Trust Funds is about $2.8 trillion and American workers pay about $1.1 trillion per year in payroll taxes. No one would get any benefits, but they would still pay the payroll taxes to even begin to make a down payment on the debt.
Bottom line, the traitors/terrorists are desperate to get out of the deep trouble they are in and never thought they would be brought to Justice. They have created a monster no one can contain.
The traitors/terrorists of the American Criminal Opprobrium were promised again and again that if they continued their crime spree, they would adversely affect themselves, their families, their communities, their States and their Nation. Those promises will be kept!
Maybe there are few good signs in all this. As Trump and Biden were wrapping up their party's Nomination for President on 12 March 2024, SVC's President won his own Presidential Nomination; that of the American Independence Party with 49,837,245 Votes out of of 50,540,994 possible or 98.7%.
To put this in perspective, only 11 Men and one Woman have garnered this number of Votes or more for President in any Election: Ronald Reagan (1984); George H.W. Bush (1988); Al Gore and George W. Bush (2000); Bush and John Kerry (2004); Barack Obama and John McCain (2008); Obama and Mit Romney (2012); Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump (2016); and Trump and Joe Biden (2020). Trump leads the all-time Vote tally at over 137 million Votes and Joe Biden received over 81 million Votes in 2020, the most ever in a single election.
While SVC's President ran unopposed and the result was a foregone conclusion, approximately 21,750,000 Voters registered in the last 10 days before the election. Exit Polling revealed that 78% who registered at the last minute did so in protest of the likely Biden-Trump rematch. It is the first discernible sign that the tide may finally be turning in the United States in favor of Justice for SVC's President and his fellow Victims!
Actually, SVC's President is not all that enthusiastic to run for President. For about the past ten years, he has been told it would be a waste of time for him to be President of the United States because he can be far more effective in what he is doing now.
SVC's President has stated that if his supporters could get him on the ballot in all 50 States he would make a concerted run for the Presidency. They also need to purchase and read his newest book, "Trailblazer to the Revival of the American Dream" because the contents would be his National Platform!
Further, he could take his Judgments against Americans for Prosperity, Canvass America, Vanguard and Groundgame Campaigns and have them conduct a petition drive to get him on all 50 State ballots. A lawsuit similar to Donald Trump's countersuit against Colorado banning Trump from the ballot will be filed to open ballot access for all third party candidates.
But first things first. The retribution for all this. Given the facts, it is clear nothing short of destroying SVC's President just as Osama bin Laden wanted will do for the 528,577+ known American traitors/ terrorists.
The major Incidents in this case concerning Americans have been (the assassination attempts by Foreigners is not discussed here):
Old Jore Bankruptcy. Rick Jore left his 173 Employees high and dry when he filed for bankruptcy. SVC's President managed the Employee Benefits and because the State of Montana had not yet passed a Companion Act with the Federal Family-Medical Leave Act at the beginning of the 21st century as mandated, Jore was allowed to skirt the nearly $73,000 he owed on his contract with Primerica and SVC's President had to pay Primerica back through commissions on Montana sales.
The bankruptcy Court Ruling came in January 2002 that Jore was not responsible for the unsecured debt. It would take almost exactly seven years for SVC's President to pay it back through some 250 policy sales. Most Insurance Agents do not sell that many policies during their entire Careers and SVC's President had to do it in just three days a week because he was building his Dream - the Sutton Viewpoint Center - and he and SVC Vice President Angela Sutton had married, relocated in Massachusetts and Virginia and he had to go back and forth.
SVC's President owes Pasco's New Jore, Rick Jore's Mansion and he settled with Primerica for $3 million. The Suttons purchased their home in Virginia with the settlement money. As with all the other Judgments, the Jore Judgments will now be Executed forthwith.
Albertsons (2006)/Poe Meadows (2007)/Missoula Detention Center (2008)/Safeway (2009) /Mansfield Library (2011)/Skaggs Building (2011)/Owens Incidents (2012)
These are the incidents when SVC's President was accused of a crime and/or arrested by Missoula County, Montana, Law Enforcement with physical injury inflicted. It is abundant clear they wanted to murder him.
SVC's President has been absolutely and completely exonerated of any criminal wrongdoing and all those involved with Poe Meadows/ Missoula Detention Center/Skaggs Building and Owens Incidents will be Judicially Executed because of the IED Incident in Iraq which killed 17 people and the 24 Trowbridge murders.
The Owens Incident is the one where Missoula Police Officer Kurt Trowbridge was hired by University of Montana President Royce Engstrom to assassinate SVC's President. UM paid $16,500 that can be proven to Trowbridge. The City of Missoula contributed a matching $16,500 and Missoula County paid $17,000 for a grand total of $50,000 to beat SVC's President to death using a Soviet Gulag Technique.
In addition, keeping SVC's President alive and semi-functioning, he has run up almost $3million in Medical bills and squatters did over $500,000 damage that took three years to repair to the Sutton home south of Bozeman. That money had to come from somewhere and must be remunerated.
No one has ever denied the truth of the Owens Incident, but no one in the media has ever covered it because they complain no video has ever been produced.
Then-Montana State Attorney General Steve Bullock paid two Women in Missoula hush money to keep their private videos quiet. When these videos and the squad car video finally came forward two to three years later, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder resigned abruptly. Holder did not pursue nearly 1,100 Indictments handed down by a Federal Grand Jury and he didn't care to explain that to 700 suffering Missoulians at the time, especially to those Women who had been sexually assaulted.
Further, the Mass and Social Media's have had the opportunity to play the videos but have, for whatever reason, chosen not to. SVC-TV will replace CNN and SVC-TV International will replace Fox News soon enough and all adult Americans will be required to view SVC's Documentary just as U.S. General Dwight Eisenhower forced the German People to view the Nazi Concentration Camps after World War II. That will help blow the doors off of all this nonsense about SVC's President!
When SVC's President recorded his International Complaint, the Clinton Administration planned with al Qaeda the Benghazi raid. This was done to deflect media interest from the Sutton International Complaint.
The Congressional Hearings regarding the raid found no malfeasance by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, but there were always lingering doubts.
Seven years later, The Hague was closing the books on the Muammar Gaddafi case and discovered accounts of American Reporters roughing up Foreign Reporters to keep them from revealing the truth about Benghazi.
This happened when SVC bravely held an open air International Children's Day General Conference in May 2020 in the middle of the Covid-19 Pandemic.
A week later came Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin's murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Particularly CNN made Floyd a National Hero far beyond what the mass media did for Martin Luther King's assassination and broadcast what essentially was a State Funeral for Floyd in Houston. This for a Man who had mugged a old Lady for drugs and money.
This was an absolute outrage. To top it off, the Presiding Judge in Chauvin's murder trial and the United Nations High Commissioner on Human Rights found there was no systemic racism involved, the very thing that made Floyd somewhat of folk hero to the Black Community. Nothing was accomplished for America, except outraging other Families who had lost loved ones or had been brutalized by American Law Enforcement without good cause!
Many other members of the Barack Obama Administration and Clinton have been convicted of Obstruction of Peace and Justice at the International level and could be charged with murder or being accessories to murder at the American level.
Pulitzer Prize Winners David McCullough and Phil Sutton are the only two Authors who see a special significance in 4 March 1801. It was the day Thomas Jefferson and the Democratic-Republicans replaced John Adams and the Federalists.
Never before had a Man who lost re-election as the National Leader of a country allowed the Man who defeated him in an election peacefully take power. All previous times this had occurred in history the losers tried to stay in power and democracy was lost.
Approximately 80,284 days later, America backslid to those days in history where Democracy had failed. "As if Americans needed another example of how far the United States has fallen from its greatness, "Donald Trump remains in denial about his defeat by Joe Biden," SVC's President wrote in TRAILBLAZER TO REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM, "Many historians declared that this was precisely what the founders feared the most, a President refusing to peacefully relinquish power after his defeat in an election."
6 January 2021 is now the Darkest Day in American History. Americans had seen this type of thing elsewhere in Central and South America; Africa and Asia. The idea that it would happen in the United States of America is unthinkable, but it did.
To think that 40% of Americans are still in favor of a second term for Donald Trump is catastrophic. You cannot have a Man who threatens revenge and a bloodbath if he is not elected be President again. That is not remotely sane.
The International Criminal Court has Convicted Trump on Obstruction of Peace & Justice just like Obama and Clinton for Sanctioning then- International Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda for doing her job in Afghanistan and Crimes Against Humanity for separating migrant Families at Americas southern border.
Also, the same thing that could make Obama, Clinton, et al, responsible for the four deaths at Benghazi could do the same against Trump and his minions concerning the five deaths on 1/6 at the Capitol. This is why SVC has time and time again alerted the American People to the very real dangers of organized terrorism's infiltration into the USA.
As the Mahatma Ghandi said, “It is wrong and immoral to seek to escape the consequences of one’s acts.” The consequences of not owning up to one's transgressions are enormously damaging, especially if are or have been President of the United States.
The Publishing Industry has made sure the books of SVC's President were blacklisted within the United States. The sales numbers have been abysmal in the United States, but not in the International markets. To that end the World Trade Organization has adopted Sanctions against all Creative Arts Products from the United States.
The Sanctions are a 10% tariff on all American products sold in the 174 Distinct Member Countries and 24 Observer Countries which are in the process of becoming Distinct Members. Approximately 47% of the tariff monies will be is paid directly to the aggrieved parties and will remain in effect until the over $100 billion in losses are paid back and the unfair businesses practices are discontinued.
The Hague has handed down Judgments against several Publishers and will consider additional direct Lawsuits against those who backlisted SVC Publication Products or Xulon Press, the American Publisher for SVC President's last two books.
Living Security
The Living Security Insurance Product SVC's President has developed has done well in the British Commonwealth Countries; France; Germany and Italy. The product has recently been introduced in Portugal and Spain. The hope is that it can be in the United States.
Many regulatory obstacles exist, but the U.S. Senate Banking Committee has been reviewing acceptable changes. It could take over many of the functions of Social Security and is a private, not government plan.
It may be necessary for the U.S. Government to take over Insurance Regulation in the United States because of the inconsistency in the State Laws and the scandals in Colorado, District of Columbia, Georgia, Montana and North Carolina.
This is the last time SVC will spend so much time on this. SVC will follow its Leader's challenge to the world:
Our attitudes at SVC must be that if your message is one of fear, hate and bigotry, shove it. If your message, thoughts and actions pursue Love, compassion and enhancing the condition of the Human Family, then join Us in our Great Crusade to bring our World to a Peaceful conclusion where everyone is pursuing their Divine Destiny!!!!!!!
SVC TPCG Foreign Writers & Journalists
27 MARCH 2024