Our attitudes at SVC must be that if your message is one of fear, hate and bigotry, shove it. If your message, thoughts and actions pursue Love, compassion and enhancing the condition of the Human Family, then join Us in our Great Crusade to bring our World to a Peaceful conclusion where everyone is pursuing their Divine Destiny - Phil Sutton, DBA
We would like to live like we once lived, but history will not permit it. - John F. Kennedy, 35th U.S. President
Sixteen years ago today right here at Mount Vernon I stated that my Generation of Americans could be the first failed Generation in American History. Now, I am certain that we are.
I have spent a good portion of my adult life developing ways that the United States could avert the classic "rise and fall" syndrome for Great Civilizations throughout history.
I started my search by studying America's Founders and I discovered something that has enchanted me ever since. George Washington and his compatriots were the greatest group of individuals in one place at one time in history. They had to be. The American Revolution has been and always will be the greatest single example of right defeating might. The odds of the Colonists winning their Independence from Great Britain was next to nil.
In the Inevitable March of History, America's Founders knew they were not only making history, they were history. They had been sent by the Almighty to do exactly what they were doing. None of the them sought their destiny as it came to pass, but the Creator had chosen them to play their role in his Grand Design and history guided them forward.
John Kennedy said it best, "We would like to live like we once lived, but history will not permit it" - history will not permit it. History is what the Creator has put in place to control the progress of Human Civilization. This is one of the reasons history appears to repeat itself again and again.
The Creator is trying to teach us lessons that will lead to the accomplishment of his Grand Design. When we fail to learn and/or heed those lessons, the Creator recycles events so we have further opportunities to reach our Divine Destinies.
If you are not the religious type, then consider what was a incredible concept 90 years ago when Napoleon Hill first Published, "Think & Grow Rich." Dr. Hill made the case that our thoughts are things. That's right, the intangible thought becomes very tangible reality.
When the covid-19 lockdowns started four years ago, SVC-TV conducted a Roundtable and while everybody else emphasized the ways one could stay physically healthy through the pandemic, I emphasized that everyone should take care of matters with our Creator because the virus was an equal opportunity killer. Keep in mind, our physical and mental existence on this planet is transient, the spiritual aspect - the real you - is forever.
Both George and I are Descendants of King William I, the Conqueror; George comes down from King Henry I and I am the scion of Saint Adela. Adela and Henry were the two youngest Children of 10. Adela would have been her Brother's successor on the throne of England if they had allowed Women to be the Monarch back then. Instead, her Son Stephen I succeeded his Uncle.
As far as the British Monarchs contemporary to us, we are direct Descendants of the Conqueror and Kings George III and Charles III are not. In the 18th century when the Monarch had any true power, this meant much to the Colonists here in the Old Dominion.
Like many of the Founders, George would have been perfectly happy if the American Revolution had not happened, but the Creator had different ideas.
As you can imagine, I too would have been perfectly happy if the American Organized Terrorism Criminal Opprobrium had never been part of my life, but in order to bring the world to a Peaceful conclusion by the time Jesus returns, it has been necessary for me to play the role the Creator has had me play.
George III believed he could oppress the Colonists into submission by passing Intolerable Act after Intolerable Act and have his way. He transformed himself into one of the great tyrants of all-time by doing so and committed acts of war against his own Subjects. If he had done so today, The Hague would have had him Judicially Executed just like the Nazis after World War II.
The traitors/terrorists have adopted George III's tyrannical ways. They believe they can mistreat anybody they please and get away with it. They believe they can make their Victims the target of their crimes and increase their own intolerable acts to oppress others, evidently not understanding that is how they got into trouble in the first place and will bring themselves down just as George III did.
Unfortunately, of course, the traitors/terrorists have been given that impression by the past three Administrations who have conveniently looked the other way or have been a part of the corruption themselves. Either way, they will all be brought to Justice and we will earn our Independence from them and cast them out of Civilized Society!
The important thing to understand is that the Inevitable March of History means the inevitability of the Creator's will be done and there is no way the George III's of today will get their way anymore than the first one did!
Phil Sutton, DBA
Mount Vernon
22 February 2024
The ninth Burning Bush Dream I had on President's Day emulated my skills to match the music with the message. I always wondered when Patti would do that. We fell in love on the dance floor and during our conversations about books we had read when we took a break. Patti was a High School English & Literature Teacher and a Speech and Debate Coach. We were well matched in our interests and talents.
My Dream opened with the Earthrise picture taken from Apollo 8 around Christmas 1968. Phil Collins uses it in his video for his song, Another Day In Paradise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt2mbGP6vFI&list=RDMM&index=15
The music is about the homeless and how heartless society appears to be them. Patti chose this for obvious reasons. The message is clear and Jesus used many analogies and metaphors concerning how we should treat one another.
Patti knew I was going to return to Montana yesterday to begin preparations for the lockdowns in Missoula and Bozeman. The Marine Detachment that guarded me as a retired U.S. Navy Captain hadn't been seen since 1998. That's how seriously the Final Kibosh of the American Criminal Opprobrium is being taken by the devotees to Superman's new motto, "Truth, Justice, and a Better Tomorrow". The America of the Great Depression Era when the comic strip started in 1938 is deemed preferable to the America of 2024. What does that tell you?
Patti reminded me that this song was first released in October 1989, just before Montana's Centennial as a State. We always planned to return to Montana by this time and I kept that commitment.
The first time I actually heard the song was when I was moving into my apartment in Bozeman and I heard the very disturbing news John Toole, Former Missoula Mayor and Vice President of Montana's 1972 Constitutional Convention, was killed by a motorist as he was leaving his Insurance Office in downtown Missoula.
I wrote my Truman Scholarship paper on Montana's Statehood Constitution Convention in 1889. My Watkins Scholarship paper expanded that to "A Comparable Study of Montana's Constitutional Conventions. " I interviewed John; Dorothy Eck of Bozeman, who was the Honorary Vice President for the Western Congressional District and Leo Graybill of Great Falls, who was the President of the Convention. John's Brother, Dr. K. Ross Toole, taught his "Montana & The West" course at the University of Montana for 25 years. Rare was the graduate of UM who did not take his course between 1956-1981.
Montana PBS produced a Documentary based on that paper more than two decades later at the behest of Nancy Field O'Connor, wife of Carroll O'Connor.
In 1997, the O'Connors donated $1 million (equivalent to $1,822,968 in 2022) to our alma mater to help match a challenge grant to the University of Montana from the National Endowment for the Humanities. The university named a regional studies and public policy institute the O'Connor Center for the Rocky Mountain West.
Afterward, Carroll taught screenwriting and production at the university, two courses which I took in the summer of 2000. These courses were key in launching the Sutton Viewpoint Center, a Public Policy Education & Advocacy Organization, in earnest. Carroll died the following June the day before SVC's First Inspirational Day - Patti's Birthday - June 22, 2001.
Patti also reminded me how the 20th century had ended for Montana. Governor Marc Racicot; Secretary of State Mike Cooney; State Attorney General Joe Mazurek; State Auditor Mark O'Keefe and Superintendent of Public Instruction Linda McCulloch had to leave office because of a term limit law passed by the People in 1992. They are Montana Grizzlies, one and all. It was the highwater mark for the University Montana, known as Harvard of the West. How very quickly did all this deteriorate in the 21st century.
It will be particularly difficult to close our alma mater, sequester Missoula County from the outside world and then proceed to drive it straight into the ground as an example of never, ever again, but for the good of Human Civilization it must be done.
Ditto for what's left of Colorado as it is partitioned. We simply cannot have another Missoula or Colorado and we will not. It is vital we rid ourselves of all forms of organized terrorism. There is no way Armageddon can be averted if modern Sodom and Gomorrah like this are allowed to thrive unabated, particularly in the United States of America.
The second song was Boston's "A Man I'll Never Be": https://www.youtube.com/watch?
It's time of release is once again significant. My first day at UM was Constitution Day 1978. The same day the Camp David Accords were signed. By the time the song was released in November, I had already been appointed to the ASUM Central Board - the Student Senate. No one had ever spent just two weeks on campus and already was "somebody".
I replaced Steve Van Dyke who was tired of dealing with the "Students of Justice" Party and asked ASUM President Garth Jacobson to appoint me, which he did. About 18 months later, Steve returned to Student Government when we ran for President & Vice-President together. We came in second in six-way Primary Election. In the General Election we were landslided in with over 70% of the Vote. Our off campus coalition of Campus Ministries and the Greeks defeated the on campus candidates rather convincingly.
I was the youngest ever elected as ASUM President. The year before I had become the youngest Elected President of the Wesley Council. That summer, Diane Freola and I became the youngest elected Members of Board of Higher Education & Ministry of the United Methodist Church. All still records and exactly what al Qaeda told the Kushnirs Osama bin Laden feared and resented about me. I was a Leader in key positions at particularly young ages and his own experience with me in 1991 told him I was just as certain about what I believed to be right as he believed was right. He never thought he would run into his equal on the other side of the Spiritual divide.
Bin Laden also did not care for the fact I was affiliated with Nelson Mandela, also a Methodist. We have never figured out why bin Laden made such a big deal of the fact we are Methodists.
On Constitution Day 2020, Steve died of cancer, not covid-19. I said then the fact that he had died on Constitution Day meant the United States would lose the Rule of Law. That happened on 1/6/2021.
The next day, Ruth Bader Ginsburg died. This happening on the heels of the passing of John Lewis meant America had lost two of its Great Civil Leaders in a very short time and that the Creator had abandoned the United States in favor of the Antichrist.
When I said it, it sounded like I was crazy. But look at what has happened the past 40 months. Both Ukraine and Israel have been attacked by their archenemies Russia and the Palestinians. Justice Ginsberg was Jewish, just as Benjamin Netayahu and Volodymyr Zelenskyy are.
The United States has taken a horrible hit in terms of prestige in our support of Israel. Always have. The United States has been the only true supporter of modern Israel since its inception in 1948.
The Biblical Prophecies say that the Jewish State would make a faustian bargain with the Antichrist in self-defense. The Eastern, Northern and Southern Kings would gang up on Israel and the western King - the Antichrist - would defend Israel.
Since ancient times the Northern King has been known to be the descendants of Magog, Noah's Grandson. Magog is the root word for Moscow and the name Muscovites, the future Russians. There has never been any question that the Northern King would be Russia.
By tradition, the southern King had been Egypt until very recently. Instead, the economic power of Saudi Arabia makes it the most likely candidate. The fact that bin Laden was a Saudi Prince and the current National Leader, Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, is as evil as his Cousin, and could make Saudi Arabia an enemy of the United States again under the right circumstances.
China is the only nation to field a 200 million man army as the Biblical Prophecies predict and is therefore the eastern King. The fact that Putin, Xi and bin Salman have been coalescing as of late is an ominous sign.
To top it off, the International Court of Justice elected a new President and Vice President on 6 February 2023. American Joan Donoghue was replaced by Nawaf Salam from Lebanon. He is a devout anti-semite and was the one who suggested that not only that the American People lose Social Security as punishment for supporting Israel and the traitors/terrorists of the American Criminal Opprobrium, but that Americans continue to pay the FICA taxes to pay for the USA's International debt. Yet another good reason for Americans to demand the end of the ACO!
Putin and Chi have always been very supportive of my International Complaint because it highlights America's hypocrisy on Human Rights. Complain all you want to about Russia's War Crimes and Russia's and China's Human Rights violations, the ACO is far worse from a broad, historic perspective and Putin and Xi know it.
There are further aspects of Patti utilizing this song but I will get to that later. The third song is Madonna's "Live To Tell":
The significance of the release date here is it didn't happen until 4.5 years after I heard it in my mind during our honeymoon.
May 2023 was an incredible month for me. It started out with King Charles' Coronation. He asked me to Conduct a SVC Public Policy Forum Series in the capital cities of the four Provinces of the United Kingdom in the run-up to his Coronation. Our first PPF was in Cardiff, Wales. There I witnessed a Memorial Site for Saint Adela, the favorite Child of King William I, The Conqueror and My 25th Generation Grandmother.
What impressed me the most is what her Father the King and her Son, King Stephen I, said about her. She was an incredibly beautiful Woman and obviously had an inordinately powerful influence over events in England and Normandy. She would have been Queen if they had let her.
My favorite story was how The Conquer read books to his little cutie just as I have with my two Daughters. The love and tenderness the only Man known to history as "The Conqueror" showed touched me deeply.
Two weeks later, SVC's North American Chairs Summit was held in Jasper, Alberta, Canada, and our Alicia had been Elected by all her fellow SVC National Chairs in North America as President of the Summit. She did a wonderful job.
Then I remembered the vision with Madonna's music I had on our honeymoon almost four decades earlier. I was giving my Farewell Speech to the American People as I was retiring as President. I used the Mission Mountains in Montana as a backdrop for the speech.
As I signed off and turned to walk down the mountain, I heard Madonna's music in my head. It was a full 4.5 years before the song's release and much of lyrics speaks to my lifetime of experiences that I had not had yet.
According to my goals at the time, I planned to be Governor of Montana 1997-2005 and President 2005-2013. If it happened on that schedule, I would have been the youngest full two-term President in American History.
I was on schedule until I decided not to run for Governor and create SVC instead in 1996. My Longfellow Dream occurred on June 1, 2013, almost five months after what would have been my retirement from the Presidency.
The Creator then intervened and told me of the better things for me to do than be President. It was about that time people were actually telling me that, too. They told me that it would be a waste of my time and talents to be President. It is an incredible thing to be saying, but I have gradually accepted that they are probably right and accepted my role as the Creator has given me.
The Creator often delays answering our prayers so there cannot be any doubt who made the difference. The fact I did not receive my Divine Commission until after my own ambitions' dates had past is an indication that is exactly what has happened in my life.
Jesus did that too. The best story in the Gospels showing this was his resurrection of his Friend, Lazarus. Lazarus' Sisters had beckoned Jesus to come and save their Brother. He didn't make it for four days. When they confronted Jesus why he didn't come sooner, he told them Lazarus was just asleep and not to worry.
Jesus went into the tomb and walked out with a very alive Lazarus. It was common belief that if a person died and could not be revived after three days, they really were gone. Jesus waited for the fourth day so there could be no doubt he had performed a miracle. It is always our lack of faith that prevents the Creator and/or Jesus to intervene in our lives in meaningful way.
In my first Burning Bush Dream with Patti 26 years ago, she admonished me to give up on being "Mr. Logical" and not fear the "emotions bubbling up inside you." She told me those emotions are my friend, not my enemy as my upbringing as a Man in American Society had taught me.
Patti told me I was a "profound right brain dominant male", which only about 2% or 3% of Men are. She taught me to follow my instincts. Those who are right-brain dominant are supposed to be intuitive and creative free thinkers. They are "qualitative," big-picture thinkers who experience the world in terms that are descriptive or subjective. That revelation has made all the difference for me. The Man I would never be is a logical Vulcan.
Star Trek Creator Gene Roddenberry was a Air Force Veteran of World War II and he named most of the ships in his franchise "Enterprise". The reason for this is the USS Enterprise and its task force were the only survivors of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
Japanese Chief of Staff, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, who planned the attack, knew the survival of the Enterprise met ultimate defeat for Japan. As all his compatriots were celebrating their victory, Yamamoto warned: “I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible resolve.”
On the afternoon of 11 September 2001, a newer version of the USS Enterprise had just cleared the Suez Canal, heading home to Norfolk, Virginia, after six months at sea. Then the Crew heard al Qaeda had made the first successful attack on the U.S. mainland in 187 years and reversed course back through the canal towards the Indian Ocean.
Roddenberry didn't live long enough to know about the second Enterprise, but the two surprise attacks on the USA had one thing in common: American arrogance. It was simply not logical that Japanese and al Qaeda could launch such attacks, but they did.
In an attempt to regain the initiative, Yamamoto plotted to attack Midway Island and the Aleutian Islands. The Japanese believed the U.S. Navy wouldn't dare vacate the Hawaiian islands and leave the west coast vulnerable to attack. After taking Midway and the Aleutians, America would be forced to expose the Enterprise task force and the Japanese could then sink them, leaving the USA without any true Naval force in the Pacific and would be forced to sue for peace.
The new Naval Commander at Pearl Harbor, Admiral Chester Nimitz, always did believe that the Japanese target was Midway. Despite all the left brain dominant men around him and in Washington telling him he should do what the Japanese wanted him to do, Nimitz followed his instincts. He sent the Enterprise, Lexington and Yorktown to Midway.
The Japanese sent four aircraft carriers, 1,000 screening vessels with 100,000 Men. The crippled Pacific Fleet sunk three of the four carriers while losing the Yorktown. The 3:1 advantage the Japanese enjoyed prior to the Battle of Midway was reduced to 2:1. The Japanese never mounted another major attack and just like Yamamoto feared, the Japanese lost the war going away.
What's interesting is Patti's revelation through me would have some influence on the last Star Trek movies. At the end of Star Trek, the two Spocks have a conversation where the elder Spock instructs his younger self: "Put aside logic. Do what feels right." Not logical...
Phil Sutton, DBA
24 February 2024