"...whatever deprives People of basic Human dignity & Rights, whatever is defaming, whatever is wrong, whatever is criminal, whatever is destructive, whatever is corrupt - if anything is deceptive and unjust - We will oppose it - sure as the Sun comes up in the morning, We will oppose it."      -Phil Sutton, Ball State University, Muncie Indiana, September 19, 2012


Our attitudes at SVC must be that if your message is one of fear, hate and bigotry, shove it. If your message, thoughts and actions pursue Love, compassion and enhancing the condition of the Human Family, then join Us in our Great Crusade to bring our World to a Peaceful conclusion where everyone is pursuing their Divine Destiny!!!!!!!    -Phil Sutton, Marrakesh, Morocco, December 5, 2021




When I Graduated from Bozeman Senior High School in 1978, I intended to be a Pastor, Attorney or a Counselor. I never could see myself as Pulpit Pastor, but I have considered my entire Life as a Ministry to others and our Creator.


I didn't become a practicing Attorney because I cannot stand the Ethics of the Profession. My Ethical Standards are simply too high. Because our Legal System is adversarial by nature, I am glad there are those who can twist facts to their Clients favor even though they are dead wrong in a civil case or guilty as they can be in criminal case, but I cannot do it.


I am a Social Scientist and becoming a Mental Health Counselor seemed a natural course for me. I have always been a problem solver of some renown and one the chief responsibilities of a Counselor is to help solve your Clients' problems. To that end, I have held positions that took advantage of those skills.


There were times in my undergraduate years where I was unable to attend to meetings, but if a project was decided upon, I was immediately put in charge of it. I wasn't there mind you and had no idea what had been discussed, but I was in charge of it. My Organizational and Planning Skillset is that good.


Before I was 21, I had been Elected the youngest President of the Wesley Council and Associate Students of the University of Montana and the youngest Man to be on the Board of Higher Education & Ministry the United Methodist Church.


This early experience is what would later concern Osama bin Laden so much. The Kushnirs made it quite clear that al Qaeda always saw me as a major threat to them. I was chosen as the Naval Liaison after the Persian Gulf War because of my performance as a Naval Aviator during the war and my training as a Strategic Commander. Usually the job would have been given to an Army Officer with considerable more hardware on his uniform, typically someone with an eagle or a star or two. I had just been promoted to Lieutenant Commander.


The youngest Woman and person ever (she is seven weeks younger than I) to serve on Board of Higher Education & Ministry the United Methodist Church is Diane Freola Sundquist. She is currently the SVC International Counselling Vice President & Chief Compliance Officer. We have worked together as Reformers for over 40 years and while on the Board we worked to save the Church $45 million during the quadrennium in which we served together, now worth about $167 million.


When I had to fire one of her predecessors, Paul Sharkey, Esq, after he helped to create the circumstances which led to my first wrongful incarceration and first two attempts on my life by Missoula County, Montana, USA, Deputy Sheriffs Jonathan Stineford and Christian Knieb as well as many of the other issues in Missoula began to mount late in 2008, I appointed her ahead of her namesake Commission which eventually uncovered the Public Funds Embezzling; the Make Victims Units (Judicial & Law Enforcement corruption); and the Illegal Drugs & Trafficking Scandals the following year.


My first professional position as a Certified Mental Health Counselor (you can now earn a masters degree in Mental Health Counseling) was working for the former Southwest Mental Health Center in Denver. I was the live-in Manager for the first-of-its-kind "halfway house" for Mental Health Clients in the nation.


While it was a great idea, it was poorly funded and the Director of the SWMHC was a crook. He had been considered a candidate for Mayor of Denver, but the CFO and I had to get him sent to prison instead.


On top of that, I was punched out by a Client ironically from Havre, Montana. I could not defend myself because if I fought back I would have gone to jail plus I had my young Family to think about. I decided to go back to school. I thought I might try my hand in business, particularly Banking. I returned to Missoula and earned my MBA in 1985 and taught as a Teaching Assistant. I emphasized Finance and Business Policy, a precursor to starting my two Nonprofit corporations, the Montana Economic Growth Alliance (MEGA) Project and SVC.


I was hired by Cimarron Mortgage in 1986 about four months after my First Wife and Daughter were murdered. I was the top Producer of the seven MBA's hired, but once again the man that hired me was a crook. He stole MIP refunds from our Clients after they had refinanced their mortgages.


The seven of us were summoned to Breckinridge, Colorado, where we all testified in Federal Court about one of the largest mortgage banking fraud cases in history at the time. One fourth of the VA/FHA foreclosures nationwide occurred in the Denver metro area in 1986-1989. The Whitewater case that Bill and Hillary Clinton were implicated in was part of the overall Savings & Loan scandal.


One of the seven was Ron Halvorson. The process of Investigation and Prosecution so interested Ron he became a U.S. Marshal. I interviewed with the FBI as a reference to help him get his job.


Then almost 20 years later in July 2006, I asked that the U.S. Justice Department send someone to Investigate what is transpiring in Missoula after the City of Missoula failed to produce the videotape that Albertson's Manager Lewzon Bertek said he had of me shoplifting in his store. It was the MVU's at work.


It would take Ron almost three years to discover the MVU's in June 2009 and seven weeks later he and then-SVC Deputy Chief Investigator Ray Stetler would overhear UM football Players brag in taverns in Missoula and East Missoula that they had successfully passed NCAA Drug Tests when taking performance enhancing drugs.


All the Obama Administration had to do was follow-up on what the Bush Administration had done later in 2009 and 2010 and we would not be talking about this today.


On March 2, 2011, Ron (really me) was kicked out of Mansfield Library and off the UM campus for using hand sanitizer on public computer key boards. He abruptly resigned in protest of the Obama Administration not acting as it had promised and is required under Federal Law and never returned to the case.


I sent the following letter to then-UM President Royce Engstrom:


Phil Sutton, PhD                                                                                                                                  March 18, 2011

6000 Wildcat Road

Missoula, Montana 59802

Royce Engstrom

President, University Of Montana

32 Campus Drive Missoula, Montana 59812


I am a once proud two-time Graduate of the University of Montana (BA in '82 & MBA in '85) who paid full-time Student tuition and fees for 19 Quarters (1978-1982; 1983-1985). The UM I attended had top flight Programs in Communication Studies and Business Administration. That simply is not the case today.

The matter that I am addressing in this letter is "Confirmation by President of immediate restricting access to Campus," dated 3-8-2011, requested by Gary Anderson and signed by Robert Duringer. The Incident occurred 3-2-2011 and it was not served until 3-14-2011.

Given its track record, the Proposed Hearing is a Star Chamber Proceeding with the outcome already decided. My Personage is being treated as though I am guilty before I could ever prove my innocence. If this is not the case, why has my Personage been expelled from Campus prior to the Hearing? My personage has already received the maximum punishment and my Personal and Professional reputation has been tarnished to an unconscionable degree, so what's the point?

To be sure, your three Public Safety "thugs in uniform,” as Former US District Judge and US Attorney General Michael Mukasey once referred to them, ordered my personage to leave the campus immediately and threatened my personage with immediate arrest on the spot if my personage did not leave the campus immediately, even though the before-mentioned document did not grant them that authority. They made a point of telling my personage that the Document could be read after my personage was off Campus, presumably forever.

To make matters worse, my personage is a Witness to and Victim of the crimes of my accusers against my personage and thus inappropriate for me to divulge the Evidence We have to defend myself until the Federal Judiciary takes action in the required manner.

Ron Halvorson is a friend of 25 years and a former Colleague of mine in a now defunct Mortgage company in Denver. I interviewed for him as a Reference when he applied to become a US Marshal, not an FBI Agent. His involvement is our business and he will pursue his Own Legal Remedies as he sees fit.

All the reports by the Mansfield Staff, the Students and Public safety are self-serving at best, if not outright prevarications. There is ample evidence, Witnesses and videotapes to exonerate my personage beyond any question and convict these perpetrators beyond any reasonable doubt of their crimes.

The Students themselves have chosen to denigrate their own "learning environment" by relentlessly taunting my personage and thoroughly enjoying it. Ditto with the Mansfield Staff and their Student Employees. They have stalked my personage all over Campus and cyber stalked the private work done on the computer and have done so with relish, making their activities criminal in nature. They claim that this is paranoia, but the facts and videotapes speak for themselves. And no, your Public Safety outfit has shown no interest discovering the truth, nor in defending the Privacy Rights of the Student or Public Patrons in Mansfield, so that's was never an option.

Shortly before the March 1st and March 2nd Incidents, Blaine Belcher was caught asking Heidi Hill-Picchietti: "Do you have a problem being mean?" Julie Edwards was caught gleefully laughing in agreement. You have to know this is at least inappropriate. Public Employees should never conspire to intentionally be "mean" to Patrons of their Institutions.

It is also vivid proof of Mr. Belcher's vicious, malicious criminal intent towards my personage and all their conspiracy to kick Phil Sutton out of Mansfield, and now off the Campus. This is why Mr Belcher must be taken into Federal Custody for the duration to protect the Public from the likes of him.

Plaintiff's and Prosecuting Attorneys just love this.

Further, it is not for the Mansfield Staff to determine what the average Patron's purpose is for being in the Library. This smacks of some of the most infamous totalitarian regimes in Human History.

Then there is the matter of the Public's access to information, which nowadays is primarily through computers. The Public should have access to computers - in whatever form - whenever Mansfield is open. There has been quite literally well over a thousand hours that this access have been denied since the Public computer system was first installed July 13, 2009.

Indeed, every Sunday through Thursday night, the Public computers go down one-by -one beginning at 10 PM (Mansfield closes at 1 AM) and the Mr Belcher and his Employees are incompetent and can doing nothing about it. Last June, the Public was denied access for 3.5 consecutive days. Yet, the Mansfield Staff feels that the complaint that this violates the Public's Federal Rights is cause to evict a Patron from the premises.

It's very curious that another Patron that had been ejected from Mansfield late last year was cutting on copper wire with razor blades as he was working on the Public computers, posing a danger to both himself and others; yet he was just evicted from Mansfield, not the entire Campus and he has never been a Student or Employee at UM. So why has a Former Honor Student at UM been subject to such a heavy-handed, mean approach?

The Mansfield controversies are but an ever so small chip of the tip of the iceberg as it pertains to the known criminal activities and corruption on your Campus and of which you and George Dennison are responsible as President the past 56 months.

It's also curious that the alleged incidents by my personage according to Public Safety, closely coincides with your arrival as Provost. At least, George would have given my Personage the benefit of the doubt and would never have given preferential treatment the past few months to a Man from Los Angeles who actually posed a physical danger to others over a fellow Montanan and fellow Grizzly who personage was doing nothing more than tending to his own business and insisted that others do the same.

You have managed to severely damage both the University of Montana's and my reputations. I will toil tirelessly to restore both to their rightful place.


Professionally Yours,

Phil Sutton, PhD

CC: The Nearly 90 Million Recipients of the SVC International Viewpoint Worldwide



The way I finished the letter is probably one of the reasons Engstrom hired Missoula Police Officer Kurt Trowbridge to murder me. No one can now restore the good reputation of a university or its successive leadership which cannot bring themselves to deal with the truth and all that's happened an eighth century later.


Consistent with what the way the International Tribunals and their Federal Partners have Ruled, if I am not welcome on campus, then no one will be. It will be permanently closed. We promised the traitors/terrorists that if they continued their terrorism blitz that the same thing they intended for their Victims will be done unto them, their Families, their communities, their States and their Nation. It did not deter their pathological criminal behavior and the last three Federal Administrations have not done anything about the worst criminal scandal in American History, then so be it.  


Further, on December 6 and 7, 2014, some of the same Students involved with the Mansfield Library Incident 70 months before attempted to assassinate me in Manila, Philippines and Tokyo, Japan.


During questioning, they exposed for the first time that they were al Qaeda operatives and that it was bin Laden's revenge against me that motivated them, Engstrom, et al. Later that day, al Qaeda forces attacked a Filipino contingent in Syria in retaliation.


Now you might me asking why I am going through this chronology of my life. I am clearly showing that throughout my life the Creator has put me in the way of profound criminals, particularly the likes of Osama bin Laden, so they could be brought to Justice. It hasn't just been the American Opprobrium.


I have been given the the specific chore, along with my chosen Colleagues, of bringing the world to Peaceful conclusion and nothing will prevent us from achieving our divinely-given goal!!!!!!!


Unless Americans want anarchy to reign in American society, they must step up and oppose what has happened and work to eliminate such lawlessness. Too many lives have been disrupted, ruined and lost.


It is inexplicable how Americans can stand idly by and witness the murders of 25,000 fellow Americans killed by shooters so far in 2023 and already over 1,000 killed by Law Enforcement in the past 12 months. 


As an indication of how crazy all of this is, about the only time we want Law Enforcement to kill someone is if they are a shooter firing a military weapon which can release two or three bullets a second.


Because I am such a pariah in my home country, no one listens to my Proposal that in order to own military weapons, prospective owners must take a safety class, something similar to a Hunters Safety course so they can learn to use the weapons safely and at the same time place a major deterrent in the shooters ever owning such weapons because they would not want to have to take the class. How could anyone possibly disagree with that?


One way or another, Americans must make sense out of all this again!!!!!!





11 AUGUST 2023




Americans have had a reputation as a caring people and the United States did help friend and foe alike rebuild after World War II. Until recently, the USA was looked upon as a benevolent force in the world. Not anymore.


SVC's President and Vice President recently wrote a joint article analyzing a poll in 23 countries by Pew Research Center that found that while residents of these countries have a generally favorable viewpoint of the United States, the key question of whether or not the USA acts in their country's best interests, it is statistical tie at 50% saying yes; 49% saying no.


The fact is U.S. Leaders are not acting in America's best interest, let alone any other nation's. There is a reason after the service of the International Judgment against the United States, the SVC Public Website received a record number of hits from all over the world, especially from Lithuania, where US President Joe Biden had been for the NATO Summit and neighboring Sweden and Norway. They are concerned that America will not fulfill their end of the bargain with the Ukrainian War raging nearby.


One of the very best Articles ever to appear in SVC INTERNATIONAL VIEWPOINT is “AMERICA'S HALO HAS FOREVER FALLEN”. Written by the SVC Trailblazer Publications Commentary Group Foreign Writers & Journalists directly after the 1/6/2021 Insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, it asked vital still unanswered questions about America's place in the world and the best proof of organized terrorism in the United States. Updated comments will appear in red:




"Democracy - the right of people to exercise a vote, have their voice heard and then have that decision upheld peacefully- should never be undone by a mob."


-New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern


Canadians are deeply disturbed and saddened by the attack on democracy in the United States, our closest ally and neighbour. Violence will never succeed in overruling the will of the people. Democracy in the US must be upheld - and it will be.”


-Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau


The above is the reaction to the insurrection at the US Capital Building on January 6, 2021, by the two World Leaders who convinced SVC’s President that he alone could deliver an effective Resurrection Day Message to a covid-19 infested World.


Not so coincidentally, New Zealand and Canada book-ended SVC’s Annual World Democratization Conference last July (2021) and it was then the International Community decided to achieve his Goal of World Political and Economic Democratization free of American and al Qaeda impediments.


Meanwhile, International Prosecutors and International and Private Investigators have developed the Theory that these thugs actively support the atrocities of the al Qaeda-gate scandal and believe them to be right. It is no longer Prosecution’s Theory in this case, it is now proven to be incontrovertible beyond any reasonable doubt!!!!!!!


The Haque is no longer required to prove the case in a Court of Law. The Hague must simply collaborate that the terrorists are involved with any given Incident(s) to prove their guilt of committing their crimes in Criminal Court or damages done to their Victims in Civil Court.


The Hague's U.S. District Court Partners concur and will act accordingly. The new US President Joe Biden, US Justice Department and Armed Forces are expected to act upon these Court Orders. (Suffice it to say they haven't)


All the International Criminal Court and U.S. District Courts need to do is Confirm the terrorists' identities, the crimes committed and then sentence the terrorists according. If anyone in anyway has supported and aided and abetted the terrorist activities in the USA, they are as good as Convicted of those crimes. There can be no doubt concerning their guilt!!!!!!!


This is the most savage criminal mentality the World has witnessed since the Nazis portrayed and acted upon their anti-semantic attitudes toward the Jews. This mentality obviously has its roots in Arab jihadism and organized terrorism. As if the International Community needed further Evidence of al Qaeda's leadership of the terrorists in Colorado, Montana, Washington, DC, and elsewhere!!!!!!!


There will be no appeals or trials at all, only the meting out of punishment and seizure of assets to satisfy the settlement of the Judgments.


This will greatly streamline the process of dealing with these tens of thousands of terrorists and set the precedents in dealing with them and those of their ilk now and in future!!!!!!!


All the Victims have ever desired is simple Justice. Why has it been so difficult for them to attain it in the almighty United States of America?


Surely, the American People do not approve of armed insurrection against their government and its Democratic processes. The good news is that most Americans decry what happened at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, but it an astounding shallow and weak majority given what happened and what it told the World about the United States and its Politics now.

The simple fact of the matter is that in most Nations, Donald Trump and his chief cohorts involved with the insurrection would have been summarily executed for their treasonous and seditious acts.

Even amongst the more “Civilized Nations,” Trump would have been thrown in jail for treason, sedition and been held accountable for the five murders that occurred.

While Trump still may be brought to Justice through the US Jurisprudence System, the United States has the annoying and anti-Democratic tenet in its Laws that allows American Presidents to be “unindicted co-conspirators” and have protection from arrest and incarceration while in office. The US Congress and the currrent President, Joe Biden, need to work on eliminating this abomination towards Justice.

What should have happened to Trump is simple and would have at the very least in every Country on the Planet except the United States. Trump should have been arrested and jailed before a Preliminary Hearing. When there, the Presiding Federal Judge would look at Trump and his Representation cross-eyed when discussing posting bail and be denied given the crimes Trump should be accused of committing.

Trump could not act as President while in the pokey and would be forced to Resign. If he refused to Resign, then this what the Impeachment Process in the US Constitution is intended.

Forget Due Process. It is unnecessary when billions all over the World are Witnesses to Trump’s crimes. The US House of Representatives Votes 435-0 to Impeach and the US Senate Votes 100-0 to remove him immediately if not sooner. All this could have been done well within Trump’s last two weeks in Office.

Any Republicans desiring to play Political games and fail to Vote in the affirmative on the Impeachment Article can join Dumb Stunt Donald in jail for suborning Trump’s crimes!!!!!!!

Certainly, if Trump is not brought to Justice under American Jurisprudence he will be under International Jurisprudence. No Person, no matter who he is, is above the Law.

Trump had the impertinence to Sanction The Hague for presuming to Investigate War Crimes in Afghanistan. No American Soldiers are above the Law either. Trump pardoned the Soldiers in question for their misdeeds, giving the International Criminal Court good reason to Investigate.

Now, a former International Investigator & Prosecutor, Jack Smith is presiding as Special Counsel concerning Trump's 1/6 and Classified Document cases. He really has asked for it didn't he?

Surely, the American People do not approve of Women being sexually assaulted with impunity. US President Barack Obama’s Administration chose to Investigate around 80 unsolved sexual assaults in Missoula County, Montana in April 2012. After a year of Investigation, during which Missoula County Attorney Fred Van Valkenburg actually filed a Lawsuit against the US Justice Department asserting it did not have Jurisdiction to Investigate, all the USDOJ Ruled was that the manner in which local Law Enforcement handled Reports of sexual assaults had to be reformed and that the University of Montana had committed minor Title IV and IX violations. True story.

In the process, only one of the rapists is serving time in Montana State Prison because he admitted to it and only one other was brought to trial and was acquitted. There are at least 117 sexual assaults cases unsolved according to SVC International Civil Rights Associate Director Gary Shriver and will be adjudicated at the International Level under the Sutton International Complaint because the US Judiciary’s response at all levels has been woefully inadequate. There are no statutes of limitations at the International level in case you are wondering.

Surely, the American People do not approve of innocent Lives being systematically ruined through the corrupt creation of bogus criminal and other personal records.  Esquire Shriver has over 5,000 Clients (now over 10,000) who have had their Lives systematically ruined in Missoula. Montana has a Criminal Records Law in force since 1978 which infers guilt of a crime upon arrest.

This makes it doubly difficult for the Victims of this relatively new form of illegal profiling by Law Enforcement and corrupt Judicial Officers to find work and housing because now they have a criminal record. All of Esquire Shriver’s Clients have never committed any crimes and most of them are struggling just to survive, especially during the covid-19 pandemic. That is the idea.

If this was not enough, if having a criminal record is not sufficient to ruin the Victims Lives, the so-called Make Victims Units in Law Enforcement also have credit, education and even armed service records doctored.

Once again, the Obama Administration utterly failed to intervene because the Victims are not Black. The Evidence is incontrovertible that this is what has transpired.

Surely, the American People do not approve of Public Funds embezzling in the billions. This problem cannot possibly be limited to the Montana University system in the United States. If you think so, you are just kidding yourself. The 2021 Montana Legislature is in session and Investigations are under way to glean just how much has been ripped-off this past Biennium to add to the $4+ billion already known to be embezzled (2023 Legislative Session has adjourned until 2025 and Investigators have calculated over $10 billion has been embezzled).

Surely, the American People do not approve of Regulators who take kickbacks, bribes and commit fraud to then demonize those who oppose them and deny professional licensing to otherwise qualified individuals for specious reasons. As Montana State Auditor, an inane title for Montana Securities & Insurance Commissioner, Matt Rosendale disbarred an unknown otherwise qualified Security & Insurance Agents as Political payback and for kickbacks.

Rosendale was named in an Australian Parliamentary Report involving this Kickback Scandal and Christchurch shooter Brenton Tarrant named Rosendale as an American contact.

Former Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) Executive Director and Insurance Commissioner Marguerite Salazar was also named in the Australian Report and baited SVC’s President to abandoned his effort to save his 32-Year Career in Financial Services in Montana and feel free to procure Licensure in Colorado. It is now incontrovertibly proven the State of Colorado never intended to License SVC’s President no matter what he did.

What this now means is that the State of Colorado can no longer supervise Professional Licensure, Certification and offer college degrees. In order to save most of Colorado's Universities and Colleges, the State will be partitioned and the 51st State of Jefferson has been created. 

Further, Staff Members in the DORA, the Colorado Department of Justice and Administration Courts had constructive knowledge Oleksander and Kateryna Kushnir would attempt to poison to death SVC’s President outside the grounds of the US Air Force Academy on June 21, 2019, and did nothing to stop them or have them arrested. The Kushnirs were finally apprehended by Russian Authorities in Crimea.

Similar scandals have arisen with Insurance Commissioners in the District Columbia, Georgia and North Carolina.

Surely, the American People do not approve of these same corrupt Public Officials and Regulators to be perpetually reelected and/or appointed to serve and/or elected to higher office.

Rosendale is now an US Representative from Montana and the Colorado Governor who Appointed Salazar to both her positions, John Hickenlooper, is now a US Senator from Colorado. What is wrong with this picture?

Surely, the American People do not approve of law enforcement who have chronically resorted to excessive force to remain in law enforcement. US law enforcement kills over 1,000 Citizens every year or about three a day. The closest Nation to this grim statistic is Germany where only 50 Germans perish at the hands of law enforcement or about one a week. It quite literally took the entire 21st century so far for German Authorities to kill the same number of Human Beings as it took American Authorities to kill in 2020 alone, including George Floyd.

America has an incredibly violent Society and the only reason that is the case is this is acceptable to the American People. There is simply no other answer and no other solution. Catch our drift?

Surely, the American People do not approve of Public Officials who pay assassins to murder their rivals. This is not the province of despotic regimes alone. America has its paid assassins too. Missoula Police Officer Kurt Trowbridge nearly beat SVC’s President to death on April 5, 2012.

The pictures of the effects of the atrocity upon SVC’s President’s body have been distributed Worldwide at least a dozen times and was available to the Obama Administration the same week it launched its Investigation of the Sexual Assaults in Missoula.

Indeed, it is known now that the Administration Announced the Investigation the same day the Attorney for SVC’s President Announced he would present the photos in open Court in order to get his Client released from three weeks of wrongful incarceration after Trowbridge and fellow Officer Chris O’Leary had charged the Defendant with resisting arrest to justify attempting to beat him to death.

Surely, the American People do not approve of Public Officials paying hush money to cover-up evidence of murder and attempted murder. SVC’s President was suddenly released three days later so to deny the timely presentation of the damning Evidence in open Court and the concomitant feeding frenzy by the News Media.

At the request of the assassin’s payor, University of Montana President, Royce Engstrom, then-Montana State Attorney General Steve Bullock buried the photos and the squad car videos of the incident.

Later, when it was discovered that two Women had taken Private videos of the beating, Bullock’s Office paid them hush money to keep the videos under wraps.

Bullock won the closest Gubernatorial Election in Montana History that November and almost joined Hickenlooper in Senate in November 2020 when he became term limited as Governor.

Both Men were urged to seek Election to the US Senate by Obama after their failed Presidential Campaigns.

When the Obama Administration failed to respond to the pleas of the Victims of the then-Missoula Scandal, SVC’s President recorded his International Complaint with the Hague on August 27, 2012.

Surely, the American People do not approve of the members of the news media to only aggrandize their own personal viewpoints, ignoring the viewpoints of others which are contrary during on-air diatribes, thus leading to further abuse of the beforementioned victims because now these thugs have been led to believe they can get away with their crimes and no one cares about the victims.

Save, of course, George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter Movement to cover-up the truth that the before mentioned victims have been denied Justice because they are Native American, Hispanic, Asian and White. Where is the true racism in all this? The Obama Administration went to great lengths to cover-up their cover-up of what was transpiring in Missoula and the Bozeman, Montana, USA.

Almost by accident, The Hague discovered that Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton set-up those four poor souls who died in the Benghazi incident. The American News Media was complicit in this cover-up and Obama’s culpability in all the scandals that befell the most corrupt Administration in US History. When these Revelations began to trickle out just prior to Floyd's murder, the Floyd/Black Lives Movement protests were staged for the entire World to see and Participate – and hopes to bury the truth about Benghazi and Montana.

It is a perilous paradigm for Americans and their News Media to focus upon the horrible Police murder of a violent Convicted Felon like George Floyd and make Floyd a National Hero with such adulation and the 21 (24 now) murders and attempted murder of a paid assassin like Kurt Trowbridge doesn’t merit any coverage at all. This is an outrage of epic proportions and all Americans should appreciate this understatement!!!!!!!!

Refute this America if you can. Believe it or not, this is what the American People DO approve of very openly and there is simply no evidence to the contrary!!!!!!! 

Americans must know that there are consequences for allowing such atrocities on their soil and utterly failing to demand Reforms!!!!!!!

In the eyes of the world, this makes all Americans complicit with those who commit these atrocities and crimes, especially those who continue to support what Joe Biden is doing now and Trump and what Obama have done in the past. To those from the outside looking in, there is no difference!!!!!!!




The International Tribunals and their Partner US Federal Courts handed down a Judgment for $250 trillion against the US Government on 21 April 2023. The U.S. Government was served on 24 July 2023. It was given the option of a $1.4 trillion per annum on a $250 trillion Judgment which grows at 10% per mensem, saving Americans over $14 trillion per year.

The Proposal was not accepted by the deadline 4 August 2023. As of 11 August the Judgment balance is $354.7 trillion. The U.S. Government did not even discuss the matter or even acknowledge the service of the Judgment.

Then a leasehold was placed upon all U.S. Government assets with a payment of $2.917 trillion due beginning 10 August per mensem for 30 years. It has defaulted. Given the U.S. Government track record, this is expected.

Now the U.S. Government has joined the State Governments of Colorado and Montana and their University Systems; the City & County Missoula, Montana, governments; the County of Gallatin, Montana; and City of Colorado Springs, Colorado as fully encumbered and subject to any action that the Plaintiffs see fit.

For their malfeasance as Broadcast Journalists and for CNN's undue prejudicial coverage in favor of the Democrats and Fox News Channel's coverage in favor of the Republicans and to finally give SVC-TV and SVC-TV International the free and fair access to the air waves they should have had since 2006, the former will be replaced by the latter forthwith.  

Then the Personal assets of the traitors/terrorists will be seized. It is time for the long-anticipated reckoning for over 780 “living spaces” in Missoula, Bozeman and Colorado Springs and the Jore Mansion and Reeves Ranch which will ultimately be foreclosed upon with an estimated value of over $1.337 billion - more than double the original estimate due to burgeoning real estate values and inflation.

There are 22 Missoula, seven Bozeman and 14 Colorado Spring businesses involved as well as national chains Albertson's, Safeway, Target and Walmart. Target and Walmart will remain open but under different management; all other businesses' assets will be sold at auction and the University Colorado Colorado Springs; University of Colorado Denver and the University of Montana must be closed to repay SVC's President and his Special Agent Doubles for all the grief they have endured on those campuses the past 17 years.

SVC may have to prepare for another IRS Scandal. Investigators have informed SVC that numbers claimed in the Economics of Terrorism article are considered suspicious. SVC International Business & Entrepreneurship Executive Director Kristine Meriwether West, DBA, and Economics, Foreign Policy & Trade, Erica Schwarzkopf Masters, DBA, have written the new 2023 version for SVC International Entrepreneurial Spirit Day to be Published on 15 August 2023:

All these numbers have to do with SVC International alone and is nonprofit. They do not include the Economic Growth spurred by SVC Trailblazer Press Network and and its Publishing success which proceeds all have been placed in Trust Funds and tax deferred or exempt investments Internationally. One possible “positive” aspect of SVC and its Founder's being blackballed in America is no US tax liability exists because they have lost not made money in the United States.

Because of these losses, acute financial distress is a daily reminder of what the Victims have been through and because the Victims have been denied public assistance from government, churches and other charity organizations that others receive, the International Tribunals and their Federal Courts are ordering relief as soon as possible. 

The particularly suspicious case is, of course, is that of SVC's President. SVC's President is 70% disabled and has been denied Social Security disability benefits five times.  While his disabilities have several sources, the vast majority derives from the Trowbridge beating. The U.S. Government does want that on record and the fact that Former U.S. Senate Majority Leader, Dr. Bill Frist, MD is the attending Physician/Surgeon.




The righteousness of the Victims' cause cannot be in question! But why the Victims have been made to suffer in silence when the entire nation gave George Floyd a tribute of two months of protests in the middle of the covid-19 pandemic is. What is the difference?

In Missoula County alone there have been Law Enforcement Officers who have had the City & County of Missoula sued repeatedly for use of excessive force and one in particular who has murdered 24 Human Beings we know of and can prove but still wear badges . How can that be?

It should not matter that local Officials and the mass media did everything to hide videos of the events in question and in one instance the State Attorney General paid hush money to bury private videos which is what set off the Rodney King (1991) and Floyd protests, especially after they are eventually recovered and the Media refuses to play them because the Victims are not Black, thus not good for their ratings. How can that be? Is there any sense of fairness and Justice in American Society anymore?

Truth be told, SVC's President would prefer never to have to insist the National Media play the three videos of his beating by Trowbridge or have the pictures of his injuries emailed to the world a dozen times or so over. But when the killings of George Floyd and Tyre Nichols and the beating of Rodney King led to the arrest and prosecution of the officers responsible as well as nationwide support, he has to insist for the tens of thousands of Victims over the years who and/or their Families have had to suffer in silence and have seen no Justice. They are Human Beings, too, you know?

There are some thoughtful People who have suggested the Victims should just simply just get over it and go on with their Lives. First, why would any one ask someone else to do something they simply could not do so themselves?

Second, given that there are dozens who have have died during the American Opprobrium and many of their families do not know what happened to them, how could anyone ask them to give up their search for Justice?

Third, it is awfully difficult to “just get over it” when the penetrators always want to remind you and enjoy letting you know they are there; continue to ruin your life, reputation and careers 24/7 with impunity when you have not done a thing to them?

The traitors/terrorists have told SVC's President he would wish he had died 11 years as he was expected to and have delivered on that threat thinking they can get away with it and they have so far. What would you demand from the Biden Administration if you are SVC's President? What would you do if Biden's answer has been, in so many words, I don't give a damn?...

While on the SVC Sixteenth Democratization Conference July 24-28, 2023, a Consensus is building that the Biden Administration is daring the United Nations to intervene. This came from audiences in Beijing, China and four pod locations; New Delhi, India and four pod locations; Amman, Jordan and four pod locations; Alexandria, Egypt, and four pod locations; and Managua, Nicaragua and four pod locations. In all, nearly two billion People and their governments support whatever the United Nations must do.

In the way of disclosure, all these nations have their own Human Rights questions and possible violations of International Law. That's why SVC's President Scheduled the WDC the way he did.

That's the point, if the United States is allowed to getaway with all that has happened with the American Opprobrium, then what is the hope that the People in Nations like China, India, Jordan, Egypt and Nicaragua have witnessing true Democracy and Human Rights upheld in their own countries?

Another aspect is the Federal Judges have all kinds of takers on the free labor the traitors/terrorists represent to countries who are definitely building for the future. They are growing impatient for the help as are thousands of businesses and organizations in the USA and Canada.

Speaking of impatience, there are a pair of Medical Schools that need to be built; SVC and all its great Programs Worldwide needs to be reimbursed; the Sutton Family needs to pay over $3.2 million in insurance bills so their premiums are reasonable again; the 10,000+ Victims are awaiting for the Justice very much denied them; and five great Friends of SVC who are awaiting to receive their Childhood homes back that have been infested by the traitors/terrorists.

The importance of all this to the UN and The Hague cannot be overstated. The UN Charter, in its Preamble, set an objective: "to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of International Law can be maintained". Ever since, the development of, and respect for International Law has been a key part of the work of the UN.

The UN is designed - through International Investigators and Prosecutors, Tribunals, Multilateral Treaties - and by the Security Council, which can approve Peacekeeping Missions, impose sanctions, or authorize the use of force when there is a threat to International Peace and security, if it deems this necessary. These powers are given to it by the UN Charter, which is considered an International Treaty and as such is an instrument of International Law, and all UN Member States are bound by it.

The Final Kibosh of the American Opprobrium is a Peacekeeping Mission. The entire world, let alone Americans, have a vested interested in the Mission's stated goals being accomplished.

It should be noted that 189 of the 193 Nations recognized by the UN have Voted in support of the Sutton International Complaint. Only Iran, North Korea and Afghanistan oppose it and the United States abstained!!!!!!! (Syria now supports the International Complaint.)

SVC-TV and SVC-TV International have been the #1 television network in the world 13 years running, but most Americans have never heard of them. SVC's President is the most popular individual author in book sales, only the Holy Bible has sold more copies. Yet, he has problems selling just a handful of his awarding books in the United States. The WTO Rulings should change all that or he will also own the most of publishing industry and the booksellers who are supposed to have his books on their shelves, but don't.

As Reported on 3 June 2023, the determination has been made that the National Government of the United States of America has willfully chosen to defy International Law which requires the National Government to protect its Citizens and intentionally made decisions which have subjected the Victims to an atrocious existence at the hands of their fellow human beings.

After more than 14 years of trying to work with the last three Administrations in Washington, D.C., there seems to be no significant measure of contrition concerning the International and U.S. Federal crimes committed against American Citizens by domestic and foreign terrorists as defined by United Nations Resolutions and International Law.

Because The Hague has worked with US Federal Courts to adjudicate the over 470,000 cases, it is irrelevant that the United States does not recognize the Statutes of Rome, the Responsibility to Protect Principles, World Trade Organization Rulings or any other aspect of International Law and US Federal Law appertaining.

It is curious that in less than a week after the International Tribunals, the Chief International Prosecutor's Office and the United Nations decided that they needed to move forward with the Final Kibosh of the American Opprobrium independent of the Biden Administration, Special Counsel and former International Investigator Jack Smith Announced Indictments against former US President Donald Trump for his allegedly criminal mishandling of Classified Documents and as the Final Kibosh is moving forward, another Indictment has been made.

Also, it now appears to be the CNN and NBC Networks were in cahoots with al Qaeda operatives and the one who betrayed SVC's President and SVC's Vice President to the Obama Administration and Engstrom. SVC Private Investigators uncovered evidence in Montana that led them to several now confirmed al Qaeda/organized terrorist cells.

In this same spirit, the United States of America in every way is required to be in compliance with International and its own laws. Below are the primary list of violations of the traitors/terrorists: a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and International, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction.”

Article 1.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Article 2.

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

Article 3.

Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

Article 5.

No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Article 6.

Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.

Article 7.

All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.

Article 8.

Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.

Article 9.

No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

Article 10.

Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.

Article 11.

(1) Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence

(2) No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or International law, at the time when it was committed.

(3) Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed.

Article 12.

No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

Article 13.

(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.
(2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

Article 21.

(1) Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.
(2) Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country.
(3) The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.

Article 25.

(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.

(2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

Article 26.

(1) Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.

(2) Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.

Article 27.

(1)Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.

(2)Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.

Article 28.

Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.

Article 29.

(1) Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible.

(2) In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.

(3) These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

Article 30.

Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.

The Hague has mighty long arms and will use what it takes to make sure no one will ever believe they can get away with any of these US Federal Felonies, among others:

1) Conspiracy;
2) criminal intimidation;
3) criminal defamation;
4) identification theft/Fraud;
5) Discrimination & Human Rights violations;
6) Obstruction of Justice;

7) Treason;

8) Patent & Copyright Infringement;

9) Kidnapping;

10) Theft;

11) Fraud;

12) Contempt of Court;

13) Aggravated assault;

14) attempted murder; and

15) murder.


Montana State Felonies:

1) Conspiracy;
2) Criminal Intimidation;
3) Criminal Defamation;

4) Identification theft;

5) Discrimination & Human Rights violations;
6) Official Misconduct;

7) Criminal Incitement;

8) Theft;

9) Fraud; and

10) Contempt of Court


Colorado State Felonies:

1) Conspiracy;
2) Criminal Intimidation;
3) Criminal Defamation;

4) Identification theft;

5) Discrimination & Human Rights violations;
6) Patent & Copyright Infringement;

7) Theft;

9) Fraud; and

10) Contempt of Court.

Keep in mind, under the US Conspiracy Rule, if the traitors/terrorists commit one of these crimes, they commit them all. That is how quickly the criminals can condemn themselves to the equivalent of a life-in-prison sentence.

It is astounding how the traitors/terrorists do not comprehend their actions as criminal or wrong in any way even though they know they would never tolerate being treated as they treat others. It is their arrogance that is the primary reason that the retribution for their acts has to be so severe so no one will ever again feel so self-important and haughty to believe the way they think, talk and act as they have and then do and have any place in civilized society.



The United Nations, The Hague and their U.S. Federal Court Partners have decided that they will confront any obstruction to the process of Justice now transpiring by the usual means. With the U.S. Government fully encumbered and in default, U.S. Troops can be called upon by Order of the Courts to intervene whenever Public Safety is endangered.  Obviously, the International Community has the UN Peacekeeping Troops and SVC has its own Security Team to augment the effort, if necessary.   

No one has ever wanted this, but the traitors/terrorists have forced all those who are devoted to Peace and Justice hand. They thought by their continued belligerence, discrediting efforts, and creating destitution and homelessness for their Victims they could getaway with what they have done.

Many are asking why now? This all would have be done in 2020 if it had not been for Covid 19 and the defeat of Donald Trump. The election of Joe Biden created the need to give the new President an opportunity to do his duty as the National Leader under International Law. He utterly failed.

In addition, one of the young Woman who was sexually assaulted in Missoula was kidnapped, raped and murdered by the same Man 13 years later. That occurred around the deadline for Biden to act. No responsible person could wait any longer. There are not going to be any more encore atrocities if SVC can help it!

It is the Creator's Grand Design that right always will defeat might and terrorism no matter what!!!!!!!