“Both read the same Bible and pray to the same God and each invokes His aid against the other. It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God's assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces but let us judge not that we be not judged. The prayers of both could not be answered ~ that of neither has been answered fully. The Almighty has His own purposes...
”With malice toward none with charity for all with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right let us strive on to finish the work we are in to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan ~ to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations." - President Abraham Lincoln, 4 March 1965
I would hope we all would agree that Abraham Lincoln was one of America's most devoted Public Servants and Greatest Leaders. In today's climate you have to wonder.
One of the reasons President Lincoln was such an incredible Leader is his understanding of human nature and his ability to see through difficulties and have the ultimate goals in mind.
The above remarks are from his Second Inaugural Address and President Lincoln knew victory for the Union was imminent, his ultimate goal. No one knew better than he that peace would come with difficulties never experienced by a Democratic Society.
At Gettysburg 15-16 months before, President Lincoln pointedly outlined what was at stake during the American Civil War and nothing had changed. Permanently removing from American life what South Carolina Delegate to the Second Continental Congress, Edward Rutledge called, “our cherished way of life” - or Black slavery; would not be easy.
Rutledge had held American Independence hostage in order to eliminate Thomas Jefferson's Slavery Abolition Clause from the Declaration of Independence four score and seven years before. Samuel Adams predicted that by doing so they would condemn future generations of Americans to fighting a war over slavery: "...if we give in on this issue, posterity will never forgive us and we will condemn future generations of Americans to fighting a war over this issue."
It would be just a matter of time when the Boston Brewer would be proven painfully correct. Not even President Lincoln wanted to deal with post-slavery America and suggested the Blacks be sent back to Africa where they came from against their will.
Indeed, it was the Inevitable March of History that Adams would be proven correct. It was the Inevitable March of History that caused the British to create the Slave Trade in the 17th century due to the need to cultivate the labor-intensive crop of tobacco, which was indigenous to North America only. It was the Inevitable March of History that the Democratic Reforms already in progress in Great Britain at the time would eventually collide with the intrinsic injustices of slavery.
The fact is that America and Americans have always found it difficult to live up to the great ideals and principles that our Nation's Founders gave us in the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution. It is not good enough anymore to claim we have at least tried. Not after almost 250 years. We no longer have the luxury of time.
It is interesting that President Lincoln talked about Judgment and the “Almighty's purpose”. He came into the Presidency as an agnostic; he died four years and 44 days later a fervent believer in the Creator. War has a way of reassuring you of your mortality and there will be a Judgment Day.
The 16th President more than anything else hoped America would not be judged harshly for allowing slavery for nearly nine decades and losing nearly 650,000 of its Citizens in a horrific Civil War to finally end the greatest travesty found in America's History, but what he hoped America would accomplish afterward. Let's now talk about how Abraham Lincoln's Vision can be achieved.
Obviously, almost exactly 160 years later, President Lincoln would have hoped we would have the race thing figured out. It has been often said that America is now more divided than any time since – you guessed it – our Civil War.
To be sure racial relations have a much greater focus today than in 1865 and the true issues involved greater illuminated, but in terms of actually being a color blind society, America is not even close to, as Martin Luther King put it, “live out the true meaning of its creed.”
Dr. King said that in his immortal “I have A Dream Speech” almost exactly 100 years after Abraham Lincoln was Inaugurated for a second term. And in the same place. What does that tell you?
If you know my own biography, you know I spent a great deal of time working with and learning from great Black Men like Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu, Kofi Annan and John Lewis.
One aspect I learned was none these Men ever felt sorry for themselves because they are Black. They refused to carry the heavy emotional baggage of resentment. Indeed, one of Nelson's many memorable quotes is: 'Resentment is like drinking poison and the hoping it will kill your enemies.' Nelson spent 27 years in prison all the time knowing the Creator had ordained a much greater outcome for his Life.
Just as with President Lincoln, the primary aspect we all had in common is that we knew that we had a Special Calling from our Creator and the Almighty meant for us to work together and to fulfill our Divine Destinies.
I remember John seeking my support for Renewal of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. I played around with my old Friend when he I asked him, “Did you even need to ask?” He laughed and with a rare big smile and said, “I guess not!”
I have often wondered how much more racial relations in the USA would have been improved if John had been healthy enough to Lead the Black Lives Matter Movement during the George Floyd Fracas. He died in July 2020.
John knew I would have been a natural ally in this cause too. I had been subject to life-threatening police violence three times myself in Missoula, Montana, I am part Native American and that nothing had been done about my unlawful and violent run-ins with the Law. John was and would be outraged that nothing has been done to this day.
Instead, Black Managers at a Colorado Springs Wendy's and Kum & Go expelled me from their stores because I was not Black and from their viewpoint had denied them reparations for slavery. Why did they expel me and how could I deny them reparations from any grievance, let alone slavery?
Then on Memorial Day 2022, a Black gang broke in and spread my luggage all over the forest floor. Nothing was done, thus validating their racism for all to see. The 24/7 harassment continues to this day and we can't call the police, right?
The Colorado Springs Police would give us the same diatribe that the Gallatin County Sheriff's Office did when the squatters occupied our home outside of Bozeman, Montana, and tell us that they had every right to be there, we deserved what we the getting and over the next 80 days destroyed our home committing over $500,000 in damages.
Ironically, Memorial Day has its origins in the American Civil War. As Abraham Lincoln would be the first to point out: How do Americans think we can make headway on racial relations when we continue to be tit-for-tat with this kind of violent racism?
My home State of Montana was created as a territory during the American Civil War so that President Lincoln could provide Military Administration to the lands in the Rockies and the upper Great Plains and Northwest. It is so large because it was created as almost an afterthought, carved out of three territories from the east and three territories from the west.
In 1860, Candidate Lincoln told the Southerners they could keep slavery where they had it, but it could not to be spread north and west of Texas. The issue of expanding slavery to the western lands is what triggered the war. As soon as the Electoral College Elected Abraham Lincoln as President in December 1860, 11 States of the 15 slave States seceded one by one. Once created, the Territories of Arizona and Nevada also seceded.
The earliest Montanans showed they had a low tolerance for lawlessness and violence. President Lincoln's first Territorial Governor Sidney Edgerton helped lead a group of vigilantes that flushed out over 100 profound criminals who had been led by Bannock and then Virginia City Sheriff Henry Plummer.
The “Road Agents” and Plummer had betrayed the Public Trust and were the chief crooks, not the chief law enforcement agents as they were supposed to be. Sound familiar? Fittingly, the last of the Road Agents met his maker in the opening of the Clark Fork River confluence into Missoula, forever to be known as “Hellgate Canyon.”
Plummer and company are pikers as compared to those of like-mindedness in Missoula, Montana today. As Sheriff in 1864, Plummer was Mayor, Judge, Prosecutor and Lord High Executioner all rolled into one. He had absolute power, took advantage of it and abused it. The Make Victims Units in Missoula and the Scorpion Units in Memphis are much worse modern-day outlaws.
It is troubling that Edgerton and his contemporaries were much more concerned about a handful of misfits in their new territories than Americans today are about their worst criminal scandal in their nation's history which includes Presidents, Governors, Mayors; a Secretary of State; U.S. & States Attorney Generals; Judges, Prosecutors, etc, etc, etc. The betrayal of the Public Trust is easily at an all time high and growing!
Donald Trump was re-elected in 2024 and now allowed to serve a second term as U.S. President only because he made a deal with the International Tribunals and the United Nations that he Formally Apologize for Sanctioning Former International Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda when she was ordered by the International Criminal Court to investigate Court Martialed American Soldiers for War Crimes in Afghanistan in 2020. She was just doing her duty.
So naturally, Trump does the same thing to current International Prosecutor Karim Khan for even more obscure reasons. If Trump does not immediately initiate action to put down the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium showing he is keeping his end of the bargain, the pre-signed Resignation Letter will be submitted to the Secretary of State, and the Clerks of the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. J.D. Vance will take the Oath of Office as the 48th President and Former President Trump will be Ordered to turn himself in. Trump probably will be at hard labor within two or three days wearing clothes which say he proud to be a traitor to the United States. Fatou and Karim can then decide which Trump assets they want to compensate them for being illegally Sanctioned!
In many ways the AOTO is just as implacable as slavery war 160+ years ago. There are quite literally millions of Americans who have mocked our warnings of infiltration by organized terrorism and see nothing wrong with it just as the slavers saw slavery. Just as long it didn't affect them adversely, who cares?
But then the southern slave owners wanted to expand slavery into the western territories and that is where President Lincoln and the northerners drew the line. That was the tripwire that led to the American Civil War.
When the International Tribunals and their Partners in the Federal Judiciary issued their $250 trillion Judgment against the United States on 21 April 2023, it received virtually no attention, certainly no Official reaction from the Biden Administration. (
When it became time for the Execution of this Judgment some 90 days later, SVC plead with the American People for a return to sanity ( and Americans should not be "forced" to care ( Again these attempts were mocked and went unheeded.
Up to now, the traitors/terrorists committed their crimes with me as the focus. That way they could control the fallout and they had already destroyed my reputation to the point they felt safe they could continue their crime spree against me with impunity and nobody would care what they did to me.
Then a year ago, the traitors/terrorists finally hit the tripwire and this fallout they cannot control. By denying me my Social Security Retirement Benefits when there was no way they could be denied under law, they placed the entire Social Security Program at risk for all Americans. This is something almost every American does care about.
There are 70.7 million Americans on Social Security and 40% have only Social Security for retirement income. Losing that would mean these Americans could know what its is like to wake up with several inches of snow on top of them when they become homeless. This is why the traitors/terrorists will spend the rest of their lives at hard labor during the day and outside with the elements at night. What they have done to others they will have done unto them!
We did not want innocent Americans to suffer the same fate, but because most Americans did not care about the AOTO Opprobrium and have been in denial that it even has existed, maybe Americans are not so innocent and they need to take responsibility for allowing the AOTO to burgeon out of control in the same way slavery proliferated so long ago.
No matter what your opinions of Abraham Lincoln or his contemporaries are, at least they had the pluck to fight for what they believed in and put their lives on the line. That has always been the gold standard for Americans and we see precious little of it now!
Is the America Abraham Lincoln worked so hard to preserve gone forever? We shall see. The Creator cannot be mocked. The Creator knows what is in each American's heart and has abandoned Americans for their hypocrisy. The Creator wishes to see evidence that decision should be reversed.
It is time for all true Americans to stand firm in the Creator's promise of Liberty and Justice for all! Not just for Americans, but all Creation! Those who are faithful to the Creator's Grand Design and obey, you will know through a deep inner knowing what your future is and what you must do.
The Final Test will be when you will be asked to trust and believe what you are doing is the right thing and keep walking with the Jesus even tough you cannot see the destination. This is where most will give up...
But those who endure despite the fact there is nothing in their reality that gives them hope, they will see the Divine Vision and know they are on the correct path. The ultimate reward is the world coming to a Peaceful Conclusion and sharing in the Glory of Jesus' Family for all-time!!!!!!!
Phil Sutton
SVC President & CEO
12 FEBRUARY 2025