“Ultimately, the goal of this book has been, is and always will be to save humanity from itself.”- Introduction to DECLARING GREATNESS: THEME THAT TRANSFORM OUR DESTINY
At the Eisenhower Presidential Library, SVC's President/CEO Phil Sutton, DBA, reminded those present of the incredible events and their significance that occurred in the 777 days between November 9, 1989 and December 25, 1991. They simply changed the World and Human History forever.
First, the demolition of the Berlin Wall began on November 9, 1989. It was just one day after Montana’s Centennial as a State. The Berlin Wall was erected in 1961, shortly after President Eisenhower left the White House.
Second, Nelson Mandela was released from prison on February 11, 1990 after 27 years of captivity. Apartheid in South Africa would finally end. Phil would meet Nelson at a White House Reception in June and they became fast Friends. On May 10, 1994, Nelson, at the age of 77, was inaugurated as South Africa’s First Black, majority President and Former White President F W de Klerk became his First Deputy.
Third, Iraq invaded Kuwait on August 2, 1990. During Operation Desert Shield (August 2- January 17, 1991), US President George H W Bush would amass a 35-Nation Coalition to eject Iraq from Kuwait.
UN Resolution 678 on November 29, 1990, Stated: “Authorizes member states to use all means necessary to uphold the above resolutions and restore international peace and security in the region, unless Iraq fully complies with the above resolutions on or before January 15, 1991.”
It would be the second of three such Resolutions ever passed by the United Nations. Suffice it to say, Iraq would not comply and Operation Desert Storm was initiated. (January 17-February 28, 1991) After some five weeks of continual bombardment by Allied Forces when over 20,000 sorties were flown (3,465 were flown under Phil’s Command), Allied ground Troops marched into Kuwait and completed the Mission in roughly 100 hours. It was America’s most “efficient” war effort ever.
SVC's President, of course, queried why the world did not react the same way to the Russian invasion of Ukraine as it did 31½ years earlier with Iraq invading Kuwait. There was no firm consensus.
The first such Resolution was passed on June 27, 1950, involved the United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 83 declared North Korean actions constituted a breach of peace, recommending UN members provide assistance to South Korea to repel the attack and restore peace on the Korean Peninsula.
While Peace was restored, the two Koreas are still technically at war. The Korea War ended with an Armistice in July 1953 and no formal Peace Treaty has been adopted and signed to this day.
The third and last such Resolution was Resolution 2133 Adopted by the Security Council at its 7101st meeting, on January 27, 2014 stated: “The Security Council, Reaffirming that terrorism in all forms and manifestations constitutes one of the most serious threats to international peace and security and that any acts of terrorism are criminal and unjustifiable regardless of their motivations, whenever and by whomsoever committed and further reaffirming the need to combat by all means, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts…”
This Resolution is designed to primarily support the Sutton International Complaint which was Adopted on January 22, 2014, in the UN Security Council as well as eradicate worldwide terrorism. It was confirmed in December 2014 that al Qaeda was the primary force behind America's greatest and currently unresolved criminal scandal .
After Persian Gulf War was over, SVC's President was assigned the task as US Naval Liaison to help bolster Allied Defenses in the Persian Gulf so Saddam Hussein and Iraq could not threaten them again. In the process, SVC's President had to deal with Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda’s protests of “500,000 American infidels” on Saudi soil.
Eventually, bin Laden and his al Qaeda organization would be exiled – first to Yemen – and then migrating to Afghanistan. There bin Laden successfully infiltrated the Taliban Government and began raising money through the opiate trade for their terrorists activities.
Bin Laden would seek his revenge against both the United States and the American he perceived as his only “worthy adversary.” Both bin Laden and SVC's President would eventually build Worldwide Organizations in what they believed in – bin Laden Islamic Jihad; Phil Human Rights for all and World Democratization.
No two Men better defined what would become of the World in the 21st century. Despite Phil’s warnings, al Qaeda has killed well over 300,000 fellow Human Beings; and successfully infiltrated the United States, turned Americans against Americans, created domestic terrorist groups and transformed the USA into a rogue nation in the same league as Pol Pot’s Cambodia, Josef Stalin’s Soviet Union, Adolph Hitler’s Germany and Omar Bashir’s Sudan.
The horrible example of Nazi Germany became the impetus of developing International Law after World War II. The three original Deputy Prosecutors assigned to the Investigation of the Sutton International Complaint immediately saw the comparisons between Nazi Germany and what has and is now happening in the United States. They were all in the their 70's in 2012 and they just happened to be from Poland, Slovakia, and Ukraine. If you know your history, you'll appreciate the significance of this.
While bin Laden was busy building the largest organized terrorism organization in history, SVC has become the largest Public Policy Education & Advocacy Organization in History; SVC's President Created the Sutton Doctrine, which provides a Five Step Process to remove despotic regimes and bring Democracy to Countries who have only known oppression; SVC's President became the primary Author of the International Responsibility To Protect Statues, which has added teeth to International Law and made it possible for all Inhabitants on Earth to regress grievances against their oppressive governments and leaders; SVC has held 15 World Democratization Conferences and these Conferences are now an annual event; SVC and its President have Co-Created the Africa Project; SVC's President has Created successful Economic Democracy paradigms for underdeveloped Nations; and he has Created the Private, non-government-oriented Living Security Insurance Program.
So why is it that all these accomplishments are hardly known to Americans? Why has al Qaeda successfully lead and gotten away with a multi-billion dollar discrediting and now blacklisting campaigns against SVC, our Television Networks, books of our Members have written? Why?!!!!!!!