Before we get started today, I want to be sure no one believes this Address is in anyway a response to US President Joe Biden's Address last Thursday. This is the 11th consecutive year I have delivered this Labor Day/SVC Peace & Democracy Day Address.
That said, the current President and I do agree the United States is a mess and great reforms are necessary to make the USA right again. The only true way to solve problems is first to acknowledge they exist and then forthrightly confront them. Unfortunately, a large portion of Americans are utterly deluded about the truth of our current difficulties and their roles in them.
The good news is America has an extraordinarily great track record in overcoming its problems and our generation of Leaders must step up and do so again.
Traditionally, Americans have understood the ideals of hard work and thrift; Democracy; and search for enduring Freedom and Peace. Americans have earned it, Americans have lived for it, and Americans have died for it.
Now there is an unprecedented malaise and implacable distrust between Americans which permanently threatens our hope for domestic Peace, Democracy and prosperity at home and recapturing our formerly good standing abroad.
Today, classes begin at the International Institute of Peace & Democracy for the ninth Academic year. As you know, SVC-TV International provided the world with exclusive coverage of Mikhail Gorbachev's Funeral on Saturday. Mikhail served as a incredible Regent for the Institute, always sharing his Vision of a world at Peace.
In early January 2013, I interviewed Mikhail on SVC-TV International. He was very interested in my Concepts of Economic Democracy and what is now known as Living Security. He appreciated my knowledge of Marxist theory.
I surprised him when I stated I believed capitalism would run its course just as Marx did, utilizing Hegel's Dialectic. In fact, I developed Economic Democracy as an alternative to communism when capitalism does give way to the next stage of Human Economic Development. It is inevitable.
As our debate went back and forth, Mikhail ultimately pleaded with me to eliminate what he termed “the rough edges of capitalism.” He didn't have to define what he meant by that.
From this conversation I began to develop the Mission Statement of INTERNATIONAL DREAMWEAVER PLEXUS:
What has always amazed me was Mikhail's tremendous love for Humanity and desire to Mentor young people like myself. I will always be grateful for his insights and desire to serve as a Regent!!!!!!!
Beginning with William the Conqueror, the English-speaking Peoples grand march to Democracy began with his victory during the Battle of Hastings on October 14, 1066, and culminated with his 19th Generation Grandson, George Washington's, Victory at Yorktown on October 19, 1781, almost exactly 715 years later to the day.
When Princess Diana's Funeral conducted in 25 years ago yesterday an American Commentator stated a George Washington Relative is buried at Al Thorp, the Spencer Family Ancestrial Home. In the Sutton Family Geneology compiled by my Great-Great Grandfather John Davison Sutton, he spoke of Cousin George's Sixth Generation Grandmother where he inherited her "stellar character." Duchess of Marlborough, Mary Sutton Spencer, is the one buried at Al Thorp.
When the Hanovers came to power in the United Kingdom in 1714 and replaced the Stuarts, the fifth John Sutton in our Family line surrendered the Duke of Edinburgh title and accepted exile to the New World in the West Virginia mountains.
The Spencers lost their Dukedom to the Churchills and were reduced to an Earldom. Diana's Brother Charles is the 9th Earl Spencer. There is even an hierarchy of noble titles in England. No wonder why America's Founders banned the granting of noble titles by the US Government.
JD's Father, Felix, married Maria Kranz Delano. Mary, as she was called, was the Sister of Franklin Hugh Delano and Grand Aunt to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Franklin's Namesake, and the 32nd President of the United States. Yes, FDR and Winston Churchill are my Sutton Cousins.
The Suttons led the "West Allegany" Delegation in the Virginia House of Burgesses during the Colonial period and House of Delegates after American Independence was won. They were responsible for the passage of Richard Henry Lee's Independence Resolution in May 1776; the Ratification of the US Constitution in June 1788; and holding Virginia's secession from the Union to over 80 ballots in March & April 1861.
Secession passed only after the firing upon Fort Sumner and the beginning of the American Civil War. After secession passed, Felix led his fellows to secede from the Confederacy and founded the State of West Virginia 1863. JD joined the Union Army at age 17 and was wounded four times and received three Purple Hearts for his valor and bravery.
One of the most moving Family stories I ever heard was told to me by my Maternal Grandfather, Russell Clarke Butler, PhD. When I was visiting my Maternal Grandparents over my first College Spring Break in March 1979, Granddad told me how JD asked to be let out of the car "where he could march with the boys again."
My Maternal Grandmother, Winnifred Watkins Butler, is JD's eldest Grandchild as I am hers. If it had not been for a number historical accidents, including the mysterious disappearance of the first two John Suttons, and the so-called "Paternal Rule" or primogeniture where younger Brothers succeed to the throne over older Sisters, our Mother Carolyn would be the Queen sitting on the throne in London right now and I would be her Prince of Wales, the 27th and 28th Generation First Children down from William I. (See: )
As you can see in George Washington's Ancestry he is a direct descendant of Henry I, the third Son of King William I and Queen Maud (Matilda). The Elder John, Sutton Courtenay, would have succeeded his Uncle if he had survived. Instead Cousin Stephen I became King in 1135.
In the Summer of 1971, my Sister Karen, brother Stuart and I were taken on a tour of Civil War sites by our Paternal Grandmother, Anna Marshall Jones Whitehair. Nana, as we called her, wanted us to know and appreciate her Family's History and contribution to American History.
Nana is a Randolph. William & Mary Randolph of Turkey Island lived in the 17th century and are known as the Adam & Eve of the famous Virginians. They had seven Boys together and five of them were Parents, Grandparents or Great-Grandparents of famous American Revolutionaries.
The first Son produced Peyton Randolph, the first President of the Continental Congress; the third, Thomas Jefferson; the fourth, John Marshall, the fifth, Thomas Lee, Father of Richard Henry Lee and Grandfather to Henry Lighthorse Lee; and the seventh, Edmund Randolph, the first US Attorney General and Second Secretary of State after First Cousin Thomas.
Of course, Cousins Thomas and John need no introduction to most Americans. In my opinion, the Greatest US President is the former and the Greatest American Jurist is the latter.
Richard is our Fourth Generation Grandfather. When he had to return to Virginia on Personal Business and to become Governor of the Old Dominion, Cousin Thomas was assigned with writing the Declaration in support of Richard's Independence Resolution.
John was the third of seven Secretaries of State of the Randolph Dynasty and Angelica's Fourth Generation Grandfather, John Adams, appointed him Chief Justice at the very end of his Presidency. The famous 11th hour Appointments by President Adams led to the landmark Ruling by the US Supreme Court of Marbury v Madison. Chief Justice Marshall wrote the Opinion which gave the Federal Judiciary its primary job: Judicial Review. If you ever wanted to know why you needed to learn about this case in school, now you know.
The Rowe v. Wade Opinion written by Associate Justice Harry Blackmun created the trimester system where increasing restrictions are applied to the availability of abortion as the pregnancy progresses through the second and third trimesters. Due to advances in Medical Science, it should now be a semester system based on viability of fetus.
Under the Doctrine of Judicial Review, the entire Federal Judiciary, let alone the Supreme Court, is to be consistent with previous Rulings which means access to unrestricted legal and safe abortions should be by the end of the first trimester or 13 weeks. The problem is that the Supreme Court is the ultimate authority and regressive decisions like the one made overturning Rowe v Wade in June cannot be reversed.
What will probably happen is a plethora of cases will now test the traditional exceptions made for abortions: life of the mother, fetal deformity, rape and incest. The Federal Judiciary will be bombarded with such cases, but will not end abortion entirely in this country. Self-defense is definitely a right every woman has and any Federal Judge or Supreme Court Justice that would deny a woman the legal and safe opportunity to save her own life should be impeached and removed from office.
All the 11th hour appointments by President Adams became Politically necessary when he became the first President to be defeated for Re-Election. He gave way to his Vice President, Thomas Jefferson, without obstruction on March 4, 1801. The Election had been decided in the House of Representatives because of a snafu in the Electoral College that was corrected by the 12th Amendment.
This was the first peaceful transfer of power between the victor and the vanquished in Human History. It paved the way for the United States to become the World's first stable and functional Democracy.
What happened on January 6, 2021 at the US Capitol seriously undermines America's future as a Democracy and is outright treason towards the United States of America. Donald Trump became the first US President who refused to concede to defeat and grant Joe Biden a peaceful transfer of power for the first and only time in history.
Henry "Lighthorse" Lee III famously eulogized George Washington as "First in War, First in Peace, and First in the Hearts of His Countrymen," was one of his subordinate Generals during the Revolutionary War and Father of Confederate General Robert E Lee.
Henry's last act of Patriotism was an attempt to thwart civil unrest in 1812. He died of complications of his injuries in 1818. The last time such civil unrest occurred in the Washington area, our Father, Marshall Lee Whitehair, died of complications of covid-19 on January 6, 2021. Reality can, indeed, be stranger than fiction.
When we returned to Montana, I told my Father that I would have fought on the Union side during the Civil War if I had been alive then. He just laughed. He proceeded to call his three Children "born rebels" and own Mother an "Unreconstructed Rebel".
Further, he explained why his namesake, Robert E Lee, had fought for the Confederate side. After Confederate President Jefferson Davis appointed him Commander of the Army of the Potomac, Cousin Bobby told Davis he felt slavery was morally wrong and he thought secession was Unconstitutional.
Probably somewhat horrified, Davis asked, "Then why are you here, General? Bobby responded, “Five generations of my Family have been born and raised in Virginia. I could no sooner raise my sword against Virginia than my own Family.”
When I retold this story in the Introduction to my book, DECLARING GREATNESS: THEMES THAT TRANSFORMS OUR DESTINY, Historians have adopted it as the Historic reference and documentation to the Family story of what was one of the most infamous mysteries in US History almost 160 years after the fact. Both Davis and Abraham Lincoln very much wanted Bobby to be their Commanding General.
Further, this tour gave rise to my Concept of the General Semantics of History and all my work for Human Rights. Karen would study the Abolitionist Movement throughout her Academic Career and became her Doctoral Specialty. I was 11 and Karen was just five. The tour has profoundly affected our Lives and what we have done with them, exactly what Nana intended.
Another pair of famous Generals who are Randolph Cousins are US Grant and George C Marshall. Yes, the two Generals who met at Appomottax Courthouse are distantly related. George, who is the First Cousin to John, three times removed, was FDR's and Sir Winston's favorite General during World War II. The three of them became blood relatives when I was born in August 1959.
Yet another Randolph and Sutton Cousin is James Madison. James was childless and his relationship with our Family is through marriage only. Nonetheless, James was the primary Author of the US Constitution, as was Thomas the primary Author of the Declaration of Independence; as Eleanor Roosevelt was the primary Author of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and I am the primary Author of the International Responsibility to Protect provisions. It has become the Family Business to write key Historic Documents concerning World Democratization and Human Rights.
Thomas had no idea what he had spawn when he wrote that we are endowed by our Creator with certain Inalienable Rights. Four years ago when we were commemorating Thomas' Birthday, April 13th, at Monticello, I commented that the only one these truths were self evident to in 1776 were to the Author himself.
No one had even dared think let alone write that all Human Rights comes with the package. We are all born with those Rights, not granted them by any sovereign and/or government.
The Independence Instinct made its grandest appearance in my crusading Cousin in a way which had not been seen before or since. There are few instances where the Creator so obviously intervened in human events. One thing I do know is that the Independence Instinct is strong in our family.
Ironically, Thomas conjured these words in rebuttal to chief loyalist in the Second Continental Congress, John Dickenson's claim that George III had the power to grant or withdrawal these Rights as he saw fit. Thomas forever put down that argument and assured that any future discussion regarding Human Rights would be couched with the People having power over their government, not the other way around.
Of all of my famous Relatives, it is Thomas who I have the greatest affinity. I knew from an early age I think and write most like him. And as he did in his time, I must protest that America's Leadership has betrayed the Universal Thematic Principles of the American Dream and I must work to correct our National trajectory and get the USA back on track.
The idea is that United States and its People have been and hopefully will be again viewed as Democracy's Model in a
World searching for answers.
Americans have been Freedom's Missionaries in a doubting World. Americans must renew Democracy's Mission - both Political & Economic - in our own hearts and in our own Homes.
There is no substitute for realizing the REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM in our own lives first and then extending a helping hand to those who legitimately need it to do so as well. Leadership is best set by example, not by some Politician pontificating with a grand platitude or Academic with some grand Theory. Practical solutions to real World problems is what we need and today's American Leadership appear to be utterly incapable of delivering such solutions.
The twenty-first century has not been kind to the United States. It started with the 9-11-2001 al Qaeda attacks. Osama bin Laden and islamic jihad have sought to sow the seeds for America's destruction and have discovered there are Americans all too ready to help them.
In America, there is violence towards innocent Citizens and legitimate Law Enforcement; corruption in Offices and positions in the Public World searching for answers.
Americans have been Freedom's Missionaries in a doubting World. Americans must renew Democracy's Mission - both Political & Economic - in our own hearts and in our own Homes.
There is no substitute for realizing the REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM in our own lives first and then extending a helping hand to those who legitimately need it to do so as well. Leadership is best set by example, not by some Politician pontificating with a grand platitude or Academic with some grand Theory. Practical solutions to real World problems is what we need and today's American Leadership appear to be utterly incapable of delivering such solutions.
The twenty-first century has not been kind to the United States. It started with the 9-11-2001 al Qaeda attacks. Osama bin Laden and islamic jihad have sought to sow the seeds for America's destruction and have discovered there are Americans all too ready to help them.
In America, there is violence towards innocent Citizens and legitimate Law Enforcement; corruption in Offices and positions in the Public Trust; aimlessness among Our Youth; anxiety among Our Elders and there is a virtual despair among the many who look beyond material success for the inner meaning of their Lives. The very place where examples of morality should be set, the opposite has been Witnessed.
Small Men and Women, seeking their Own wealth, power and position in American Society, have too often and too long turned even the highest levels of noble Public Service into mere Personal gain.
Now, certainly, simple honesty is not too much to demand of Men and Women in Government Service at all levels. We find it in most. American Independents demand it from Everyone. They demand it from Everyone no matter how exalted or protected his or her position might be. The growing menace in the United States to Personal safety, to Life, to limb and property, in Homes, in Churches, on the playgrounds, and places of Business, is the mounting concern, or should be, of every thoughtful Citizen in the United States.
Security from Domestic violence, no less than from Foreign aggression, is the most elementary and fundamental purpose of the US and all subordinate Governments. Governmental entities that cannot fulfill these purposes are ones that cannot long command the loyalty of its Citizens. History shows us - indeed, demonstrates - that nothing - nothing prepares the way for tyranny more than the failure of Public Officials to keep, maintain and secure Our Liberties from criminals, bullies, marauders and terrorists.
When those same criminals are or have been our own President, Attorney General; State Governor, Judges, Prosecutors, Regulators and Law Enforcement; and University Presidents, Administrators and Employees entrusted with the Public good, you have a calamity of mammoth proportions and no effort can be spared to bring them to Justice and implement positive Reform as soon as We are able.
It is all but certain tyranny will reign and Democracy will fail when Public Officials and Employees are themselves the perpetrators. This in turn creates an impossible scenario for Citizens to trust their Governments again and creates a debilitating cynicism that no one can overcome. I am ever so concerned that is exactly what has and is transpiring in America as I speak.
Never before in Our History have Americans been called upon to face three grave threats to Our very existence, any one of which could destroy us.
We face disintegrating Economic relations with the World; a weakened sense of National Security and ability to defend Ourselves; and Public Policy based on the sharing of scarcity.
Our current Leadership tells us they have done the most that Humanly could be done. They say that the United States has had its day in the Sun; that Our Nation has passed its glory days; and that We must accept its permanent decline. They expect you to tell your Children and Grandchildren that the American People no longer have the will to cope with their problems; that they must be dependent on Government for the answers and that the future will be one of repeated sacrifice and few, if any opportunities.
My Fellow Americans, I utterly reject and refute that viewpoint, as I hope you do. The American People, easily the most generous on Earth, who created the highest standard of living, are not going to accept the notion that We can only make a better World for others is by accepting the degradation of our own position. Those who believe that have no Business leading this Nation.
I cannot stand by and watch this great Country destroy itself under mediocre Leadership that bounces between one crisis to the next like bumper cars, eroding what's left of Our National will and purpose.
America not only needs the REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM, it must have a rebirth of the American tradition of Leadership at every level of Government and in Private Life as well. The United States of America is unique in World History because it has a genius for producing Great Leaders -many Leaders - on many levels and in a diversity of areas.
Back in 2008, which seems like eons ago, President Barack Obama's Campaign Slogan was "Change We can believe in," accompanied with the chant "Yes We Can." Most Americans bought in. What they bought into was an anemic Economy with barely measurable growth. What they bought into was a weakened America abroad. They saw change all right. They witnessed the shrinking of their well-being in just about every conceivable way that matters.
The Obama Administration even wanted to ration your Health Care and the GOP has not developed a viable alternative. Even those Americans who have benefitted from Obamacare will eventually know disappointment because all Government Programs have two unfortunate drawbacks: one size must fit all and that's not how the real World works; and because what of I call Government creep, the programs will require greater and greater funds – a bottomless cup of resources - when this once great Country is nearly bankrupt at every level of Government.
Our viewpoint must not be that Government places trust in one Person or one party or ideology, but in those values that transcend Persons, parties and ideology. The trust must be where it belongs - in the People themselves. The responsibility to live up to that trust is where it belongs, in their Elected Leaders. That kind of relationship, between the People and their Elected Leaders, is a special kind of compact.
The Trump Administration did manage an opening flurry in the Economy and made America appear great again, but that growth rate didn't even meet Donald Trump's expectations. Americans are led to believe that it is the covid-19 pandemic that led to a deep recession. Wrong. The US Government's own statistics showed that the Economy was dipping into recession, anyway, and that the pandemic only exacerbated the crisis.
Further, in the process of attempting to make America great again, the Trump Administration had in fact pushed the United States into being considered a rogue Nation by the International Community. No President in living memory has done more to hurt, not aggrandize, America's reputation around the World.
Trump's only competition in that regard is Obama. From George Washington to George W Bush, every American President put America's National Interests ahead of his own Personal or Political interests. Obama and Trump have acted contrarily to this American tradition and irreparably maligned America's reputation and future.
I will never forget former US Senate Richard Lugar's comments which are indicative of this point. When SVC was at the University of Indiana in August 2017, Dick, who was Joe Biden's opposite on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee,, trading the gavel depending upon which party had majority control, said, “You know this country is in trouble when we are pining for the days of George W Bush.”
Despite the fact his fellow Hoosier, Mike Pence, was the new Vice President, Dick had already given up on Trump before he had been President for seven months. This says it all.
Let us make a commitment to MAKING REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM INEVITABLE; to Teach Our Children the values and the virtues of the Four Universal Thematic Principles of the American Dream handed down to Us by Our Foreparents; to have the courage to defend those values and the willingness to sacrifice for them when necessary.
Let us pledge to restore, in our time, the American Spirit of Voluntary Service, of cooperation, of Private and Community initiative; a spirit that flows like a deep and mighty river through the History of Our Nation.
We must work to Reform the Federal Government and subordinate Governments in order that they can do the People's work without dominating their Lives. We must pledge to renovate American Government that will not only work well, but wisely; its ability to act tempered by prudence and its willingness to do good balanced by the knowledge that Government is never more dangerous than when Our desire to have it help us blinds us to its darker capacity to permanently harm our future. Once Liberties are ceded to Government, they prove difficult to restore.
President Abraham Lincoln once said, "While the People retain their virtue and their vigilance, no Administration by any extreme of wickedness or folly can seriously injure the Government in the short space of four Years." Sorry Abe, you are wrong. The Obama and Trump Administrations managed it big time.
The People of little Vanuatu, a wonderful Island Nation in the South Pacific Ocean, have grown their Economy over 300 times under ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY in seven Years.
Help Me with the math here. Which Economic Growth Rate do you think Americans would rather have 2% or 3% at best or 32,400% growth?
True, Vanuatu is a very small Nation of 300,000 People and its Economy is concomitantly small which skews the statistical analysis a bit, but what if the American Economy under ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY grew at just 1% of Vanuatu's pace? That's 324% growth, or around 100 times greater than the highest average annual Economic growth rate in the US History!!!!!!!!
Most of My fellow Economists would be very pleased to see any National, let alone the US Economy growing at a just a 3% pace. I promise you that will be a piece of cake when the ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY is installed in the USA!!!!!!
In addition, the traitors who have betrayed the Public Trust during al Qaeda-gate will be set to work in building what I call the Social Service Infrastructure so the legitimately needy can have their basic needs met and can be given the opportunity to turn their Lives around for the better without government intervention or interference.
Now, when George Washington and John Adams convened the US Government for the first time on May 1, 1789, they faced the daunting task of creating the World's first true, functional and stable Democracy.
Self-Government requires enormous Faith and Trust in those who lead it. President Washington and Vice President Adams, fortunately, were up to the job.
As time passed, they learned there were two very distinct and unique aspects of Democratic Government that were quite different from Governments led by monarchs and/or despots.
First, diversity was a good thing. The very same People President Washington was raised to look down upon as an Aristocratic Plantation and Slave Owner necessarily had to be an integral part of the new America.
That was an enormous mental and attitudinal transformation that America's First President and Greatest Leader handled incredibly well. If he hadn't, We might not be here 233½ years later discussing the REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM at all!!!!!!!
Second, the Economy drove the Politics of the Nation, not the other way around. That's why it is said everything in the United States comes down to the almighty dollar. It is simply fact.
That said, if We have the attitude of Service towards one another and Our Creator and not ourselves, We can create the World of Peace, Prosperity and Self-Actualization We all desire!!!!!!!
Americans must renew our commitment to Democracy so that modern Americans can relearn and edify the lessons learned by the first Americans. As US President John F Kennedy once noted, “When written in Chinese, the word 'crisis' is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity." I believe that there is enormous opportunity in the current set of crises that eventually Americans and the World can build lasting Peace and Prosperity for all!!!!!!!
Like my Ancestors, I am tired of witnessing our Rights trampled upon and our calls for our Independence from many injustices ignored and mocked. For instance, the entire George Floyd fracas ostensibly is suppose to indicate a problem with systemic racism.
But what do you know, neither the United Nations High Commission on Human Rights nor the presiding Judge in Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin's murder trial found racism was involved at all. If you are going to solve a problem, have the proper focus. It is Police predilection towards the use of excessive force that is the problem.
That is not to say the treatment of Native Americans, Blacks, Hispanics and other Racial Minorities in the United States is appalling and astonishingly severe to those from the outside looking in. The racial divide in the United States has reached volatile levels and those who are most responsible for it will surprise you.
First, the American People managed to Elect and then Re-Elect a Black racist in Barack Obama and then a White supremacist in the Donald Trump as their previous two Presidents.
The Hague has learned that Obama and his first Attorney General Eric Holder chose to allow 118 Women to be sexually assaulted with impunity; over 5,000 innocent Citizens to have their Lives systematically ruined; and Missoula City and County, Montana, Law Enforcement and murder, maim and wrongfully incarcerate Political adversaries at will because they were not Black.
Besides, the Holder-led US Justice Department refused to pursue thousands of Indictments by Federal Grand Juries carried over from the George W Bush Administration and buried the multiple scandals within al Qaeda-gate because the Victims were not Black.
When Obama's lackeys in the American News Media failed to conceal the sexual assault scandal in Missoula, Montana, Holder called for an Investigation in late April 2012 when Obama was up for re-election.
After a year of Investigation, all the US Justice Department did was provide Guidelines about how local Law Enforcement should handle sexual assault cases in the future and Order the University of Montana to reform its Title IV and Title IX Policies. That's it. Name one institution of Higher Education in the USA which does not have to reform its Financial Aid Programs and Gender Equality Programs. Name one. Meanwhile, a decade later, at least 118 Women are still awaiting Justice!!!!!!!
Ten years ago, SVC already knew something very dark and evil was transpiring with America's most corrupt Administration, but we didn't know who or what was behind it. I was led to record my International Complaint by the Creator. I did so on August 27, 2012, just before the General Election campaign began in the United States.
The thought was that Obama could not seek Reelection successfully with the Missoula Scandal labyrinth weighing him down and that his Administration would move quickly to resolve what already had become the worst criminal scandal in US History. Instead, Obama and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton concocted the Benghazi Scandal.
During the SVC 2020 International Children's Day General Conference, it would be disclosed that as The Hague's Files Investigating Libyan Strong Muammar Qadaffi were being sealed by the International Criminal Court, that two International Investigators had filed disturbing Reports why the attack on the American Consulate in Benghazi took place and killed Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer, Sean Smith and two CIA Operatives Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former US Navy SEALs.
The Investigators Report that al Qaeda operatives were told that the US Government would let their guard down at the Consulate on the eleventh anniversary of the 9-11-01 al Qaeda attacks and could be attacked without concern of serious reprisal. Al Qaeda did so.
Further, American Journalists, knowing they could clear Obama with the American People with this cover story of another al Qaeda attack on 9/11, threatened Foreign Journalists who desired to Report what really happened. The attack occurred 10 days before my International Complaint against Complaint against the USA would be Announced and there was no coverage of this Announcement by the American News Media as a result. That is exactly what Obama intended, he was successfully Reelected and never had to answer for his malfeasance in Missoula throughout his second term.
Fast forward to Memorial Day 2020. This, of course, was the day George Floyd was murdered by Minneapolis Policeman Derek Chauvin. This is something that happens three times a day in the United States or over 1,000 Police killings a year.
Beyond comprehension, George Floyd has become the most celebrated American in our History. No murdered American has ever enjoyed so much adulation. Not even America's assassinated Presidents or renown Civil Rights Leader Martin Luther King. It is not even close, in fact.
The American News Media is primarily responsible for the inexplicable adulation just as they are responsible for the Obama Administration's successful Benghazi and al Qaeda-gate cover-ups. Indeed, they are one in the same.
Americans do not need to defund their Law Enforcement, they need to demilitarize Law Enforcement. After the Soviet Union fell and Cold War I ended, US President Bill Clinton offered military hardware to local Law Enforcement. This seemed innocuous enough at the time, but it set the Law Enforcement mentality we now witness all over the United States.
American Law Enforcement automatically resorts to excessive and/or lethal force upon the first sign of trouble with a suspect. That military mentality must change ASAP. Americans saw this with the De'Von Bailey case in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and the Jacob Blake case in Kenosa, Wisconsin. Both Men were shot in the back by Police while resisting arrest. Shooting anyone in the back for any reason is a cowardly act and neither Bailey nor Blake posed an imminent danger to Police, although the Police claimed that they did to make their actions in any way palatable.
Bailey is dead and would have been acquitted of any wrongdoing had he lived. Blake is paralyzed for life and Rusten Sheskey who shot in him seven times at close range faces no Federal or State charges.
In any event, everyday local Law Enforcement must be disarmed so these tragedies are not even possible. American Police have proven they cannot handle the responsibility which comes with armed force and further training is unlikely to make a marked difference.
Instead, Special Forces can be created to handle the rare event of criminal use of arms and would only be utilized in situations which are already known to justify the use of lethal force. Concomitant with this Reform, the demilitarization of American Society is also necessary. I am from Montana and I appreciate how precious the Second Amendment is to some People. But enough is enough. The image of 17-year old Kyle Rittenhouse carrying an AR 15 rifle down the streets of Kenosha and killing two should end all delusion that such weapons should be available to the American Public at-large.
The Second Amendment guarantees the right to bear arms for a well-regulated militia. If Americans desire to fire such weapons, then join the modern militia - the National Guard - and learn to use these weapons in defense of this Country and take down its enemies rather than our fellow Americans.
The United Nations Commission on Human Rights and The Hague are Investigated all these matters. Americans, their News Media and the last two Administrations will be made to answer for all these outrages. The United Nations has already set requirements for the United States of America to meet to become a Nation in Good Standing again.
Gender and Racial Inequality and Injustice; Police and gun violence; and government corruption of righting their Ship of State. It is that serious and the profound evil so deeply engrained in American Society.
Our Crusade to set the course to achieve what Dr Wayne Dyer once referred to as "Divine Mind at work" - a collective consciousness which enables Us to lead the World to a Peaceful and prosperous conclusion. We can do this together and it must be that way. It is the only way it will work.
The fact I made similar Proposals the past two years and little or no attention has been given them during the 2020 General Election campaign and the initial months of the new Administration, exposes the necessity of unprecedented Legal action by the International Community, The Hague and the Victims of al Qaeda-gate.
If Obama and Trump and their supporters believe they can get away with their malfeasance in office and the cover-ups of Benghazi and Capitol Hill Insurrection, for instance, we have a little news bulletin for them.
The two former Presidents will be treated as the rest of the Americans who have exhibited the al Qaeda script, plain and simple. Gone are the days an American President can be treated as an "unindicted co-conspirator" in or out of office. They will be brought to Justice just as all the other American traitors/ terrorists of al Qaeda-gate.
These are the Goals which all loyal, knowledgeable, and visionary Americans will pursue. As Americans Commemorate Our Labors this Holiday, let Us carry forward the appropriate perspective with which all Americans can realize their Version of the American Dream!!!!!!! God Bless America!!!!!!
-Phil Sutton, DBA & PhD
SVC International President & Chief Executive Officer
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