Then the big news. The US Government is served on 24 July 2023 with the $250 trillion Judgment with a 10% monthly interest penalty set down by the International Tribunals on 21 April 2023.
The Plaintiff has offered a settlement that would pay out $1.4 trillion annually to the 10,000+ Victims of the American opprobrium in exchange for changing the 10% interest charge on per annum rather then per mensem basis. These payments would cut the interest paid by over $14 trillion per year, but maintain the principal to keep Uncle Sam honest.
If the Proposal is not adopted by 4 August 2023, then a lease payment to cover all US Government assets of $35 trillion per month will be imposed for 30 years. The US Government is only estimated to be worth 14% of the first payment or $5 trillion.
Just like the State Governments of Colorado and Montana feigned ignorance of the first Judgments against them in August 2019, the US Government is ignoring the service and has made no Public Announcement concerning the Judgment.
This only confirms what has always been stated about the American Opprobrium. It involves corrupt Public Officials doing pretty much what they desire and a the Mass Media covering for them so the Public is ignorant and at the same time discrediting those who are standing up for Truth, Justice and the American Way (apologies to Superman). They are trying to wait it out until it all magically disappears. It isn't going anywhere.
Further negotiations? The US Government has had 14 years since the discovery of the Public Funds Embezzling (March 2009); Make Victims Units (Judicial/Law Enforcement corruption)(June 2009); and the illegal drug manufacturing/trafficking (August 2009) scandals in Missoula County, Montana, USA, to resolve these issues and do all the Negotiations and Investigations imaginable. There is simply no excuse for this malfeasance and the US Government and the People it represents are now culpable for all damages sustained by the Victims.
This harsh reality for some of the Victims goes back at least 20 years when Public records substantiate the existence of the MVU's (February 2003). Now the harsh reality lands firmly on the Biden Administration. The reasons for this are essentially irrelevant and now Uncle Sam must pay the piper for this malfeasance and the outright criminal corruption of top Public figures.
The righteousness of the Victims' cause cannot be in question! But why the Victims have been made to suffer in silence when the entire nation gave George Floyd a tribute of two months of protests in the middle of the covid-19 pandemic is. What is the difference?
In Missoula County alone there have been Law Enforcement Officers who have had the City & County of Missoula sued repeatedly for use of excessive force and one in particular who has murdered 24 Human Beings we know of and can prove but still wear badges. How can that be?
It should not matter that local Officials and the mass media did everything to hide videos of the events in question and in one instance the State Attorney General paid hush money to bury private videos which is what set off the Rodney King (1991) and Floyd protests, especially after they are eventually recovered and the Media refuses to play them because the Victims are not Black, thus not good for television ratings. How can that be? Is there any sense of personal responsibility or fairness in American Society anymore?
There are some thoughtful People who have suggested the Victims should just simply get over it and go on with their Lives. First, why would anyone ask someone else to do something he/she/they simply could not do so themselves?
Second, given that there are dozens who have have died during the American Opprobrium and many of their families do not know what happened to them, how could anyone ask them to give up their search for Justice?
Third, it is awfully difficult to “just get over it” when the penetrators always want to remind you they enjoy letting you know they are there; continue to ruin your life, reputation and careers 24/7 with impunity when you have not done a thing to them?
The traitors/terrorists of the American Opprobrium in Colorado Springs think this is all is very funny and have only seen SVC's President and SVC's International Security Chief to contend with. They don't know and do not want to understand that most of what they do is recorded for posterity and is monitored at close range by other Investigators. They are like little brats always testing their limits and the “adults” will make sure they are well-disciplined in the end. All Investigators and the two Victims now have the “arrest at will authority” they always needed.
While on the SVC Sixteenth Democratization Conference July 24-28, 2023, a Consensus is building that the Biden Administration is daring the United Nations to intervene. This came from audiences in Beijing, China and four pod locations; New Delhi, India and four pod locations; Amman, Jordan and four pod locations; Alexandria, Egypt, and four pod locations; and Managua, Nicaragua and four pod locations. In all, nearly two billion People and their governments support whatever the United Nations must do.
In the way of disclosure, all these nations have their own Human Rights questions and possible violations of International Law. That's why SVC's President Scheduled the WDC the way he did.
That's the point, if the United States is allowed to getaway with all that has happened with the American Opprobrium, then what is the hope that the People in Nations like China, India, Jordan, Egypt and Nicaragua have witnessing true Democracy and Human Rights upheld in their own countries?
Another aspect is the Federal Judges have all kinds of takers on the free labor the traitors/terrorists represent to countries who are definitely building for the future. They are growing impatient for the help as are thousands of businesses and organizations in the USA and Canada.
Speaking of impatience, there are a pair of Medical Schools that need to be built; SVC and all its great Programs Worldwide need to be reimbursed; the Sutton Family needs to pay over $3.2 million in health and P & C insurance bills so their premiums are reasonable again; the 10,000+ Victims are awaiting for the Justice very much denied them; and five great Friends of SVC who are awaiting to receive their Childhood homes back after they have been infested by the traitors/terrorists.
The importance of all this to the United Nations and The Hague cannot be overstated. The UN Charter, in its Preamble, set an objective: "to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of International Law can be maintained". Ever since, the development of, and respect for International Law has been a key part of the work of the UN.
The UN is designed - through International Investigators and Prosecutors, Tribunals, Multilateral Treaties - and by the Security Council, which can approve Peacekeeping Missions, impose sanctions, or authorize the use of force when there is a threat to International Peace and security, if it deems this necessary. These powers are given to it by the UN Charter, which is considered an International Treaty and as such is an instrument of International Law, and all UN Member States are bound by it.
The Final Kibosh of the American Opprobrium is a Peacekeeping Mission. The entire world, let alone Americans, have a vested interested in the Mission's stated Goals being accomplished.
It should be noted that 189 of the 193 Nations recognized by the UN have Voted in support of the Sutton International Complaint. Only Iran, North Korea and Afghanistan oppose it and the United States abstained! (Syria now supports the International Complaint.)
27 JULY 2023