The International Tribunals and their U.S. Federal Court Partners have levied a $475 billion Judgment against Americans For Prosperity and its parent organization Canvass America.
AFP/CA made no attempt to defend its dismissal of an International Complainant and United Nations Global Ambassador, Phil Sutton, DBA, who had more experience in the field and in management than those who dismissed him.
In typical fashion, the traitors/terrorists of the American Criminal Opprobrium are so incredibly arrogant that they never thought the Ambassador would actually demand proof of his alleged transgressions. AFP never lifted a finger to try because they knew they didn't have the goods on the Plaintiff. Brittany Trujillo and Mandy Hyde just wanted to get rid of him. That's quite clear.
Further, AFP hasn't paid him nor is there any evidence they warned their other employees what happened to Ambassador Sutton on Super Tuesday, 5 March 2024, doing his job for them. Why? AFP was probably behind the attack and they were not concerned anyone else would get hurt. That too is quite clear.
Analysis of any possibilities that that the Ambassador did what AFP accused him of was quickly dashed because the Walkbook app being used simply does not have the capability to track Canvassers as it would have to in order to verify any wrongdoing, especially when the infamous xfinity truck is in the neighborhood and freezes the little blue dot for as long as the Canvasser does not use the map to find the houses he or she canvasses and notices the dot is 45 minutes or so behind him or her.
Ambassador Sutton had been through the neighborhoods once before and he is a pilot. If you are capable of hitting military targets as an U.S. Navy Fighter Jet Pilot from 10,000 feet above them in pitch darkness, then you can get to just about any place you have to go without a map to find your way. This would make it very easy for a Supervisor to believe all the Canvasser was doing was just pushing buttons and not walking it all.
Added to this, the Ambassador had been a Supervisor himself and using a much more suffocated app, Advantage. Advantage has time spots that can literally track the Canvassers and recreate their paths during the day. Bottom line, AFP defrauded Ambassador Sutton, not the other way around.
Because AFP just summarily dismissed the Ambassador and obviously didn't give him a chance to defend himself, the International Tribunals and their Partner U.S. Federal Courts will treat AFP in kind. A Summary Judgment has been entered and approved by The Hague's U.S. Federal Court Partners. There is no possibility of Appeal.
The attack upon Ambassador Sutton remains under Investigation. It is known that the three men are Americans and have been arrested on previous acts of terrorism including the 6 January 2021 assault upon the U.S. Capitol.