

PROCESSIONAL MUSIC: Hymn of Promise: Natalie Sleeth


Introduction To The Message – Rev. J. C. Watts

While our Speaker today hardly needs introduction, the message he intends to give does. The song we just sang is "The Hymn of Promise" by Natalie Sleeth. Natalie was a United Methodist Pastor's wife and Musician. She married the Rev. Dr. Ronald E. Sleeth, a Professor of Homiletics. Homiletics is defined as the study of the analysis, classification, preparation, composition, and delivery of sermons. The video is a chorus of voices from the Wesley United Methodist in Morgantown, West Virginia, where Phil Sutton's Parents were married.

This past week, Phil and I wrote one of our Reality Check 2024 Articles for SVC INTERNATIONAL VIEWPOINT. In it is Phil recalling the Events that led him, Renown Actress Angelina Jolie and Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair to Creating the Africa Project and how it came to be that the International Community designated Phil as the Primary Author of the International Responsibility to Protect Statutes.

On Mother’s Day, May 8, 2011, Phil began his Series for SVC’s Public Policy Forum’s entitled, “Seeing the Hand of God.” That’s what his message is ultimately about today: How the Creator of all has touched his Life and how Jesus has led him to fulfill his God-Given Destiny and the best news of all, we all have ours as well!

Prayer of Preparation: Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Gilchrest, PhD

Heavenly Creator:

We beseech thee to cause our focus to always be on you and how we can serve you and each other and not ourselves. In this difficult time of testing, we ask that we experience the Love and grace you have for Us all.

For those who have suffered the loss of Loves Ones and/or are suffering the pain of separation, help them understand and be assured that this is only temporary and they will be together again and for eternity.

Bless those who are sick and help them recover to be stronger than ever. Bless those who are frightened and feel abandoned. For they are not alone. You are always with them.

Bless those who work upfront with those who are sick. Protect them from becoming ill themselves and give them the strength to endure.

Bless the World’s decisionmakers and help them bring our Lives back to what they should be as soon as possible.

Heal our Spiritual, mental and physical scars. Bring the International Community closer together. Let the crises help the World come to a Peaceful conclusion by the time Jesus returns.

As Paul wrote in Romans 8, there is nothing that can separate Us from your Love and we know that in all things in you works for the good of those who Love you and have been called according to your purpose. To thee be the glory!!!!!!! Amen.

The Eucharist – Rev. Dr. Gilchrest & Rev. Watts
Participants Provided Their Own Sacraments & Followed The Pastors’ Instructions

From The Scriptures– Rev. Watts

“But now, as to whether the dead will be raised—even Moses proved this when he wrote about the burning bush. Long after Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob had died, he referred to the Lord as ‘the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.’  So he is the God of the living, not the dead, for they are all alive to him.”
-Luke 20: 37-38

No, dear Brothers and Sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.

-Philippines 3: 13-14




"The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are." – Carl Jung

"Go tell that fox (Herod Antipas), ‘I will keep on driving out demons and healing people today and tomorrow, and on the third day I will reach my goal. (Luke 13:32)’... I have been blessed with the same instincts. I rather serve the Creator and others than to try to save myself for selfish gain. - Phil Sutton


The best Sermon I ever heard in person was in the Summer of 1973 at Luccock Park Church Camp in Montana. Rev Marvin Northcutt instructed his young charges of the important Theological matches of the Jewish Passover and the Christ's Passion Week or Holy Week.


The Jewish Calendar, which is a Lunar Calendar, not Solar Calendar like the Gregorian Calendar followed by the modern Western World, places the Passover after the Paschal Moon - the full Moon after the vernal equinox. Western Christian Churches do the same thing and that is why Christ's Resurrection is commemorated anywhere from March 21st and April 24th every Year.


While the Jewish Passover is celebrated Tuesday to Tuesday around the Paschal Moon and the Christian Holy Week is Sunday to Sunday, the important days that match are Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and the second Sunday.


Holy Week begins with Jesus' Triumphant entry as a King in Jerusalem. What the Holy Bible tells us that this really was a celebration of the prophesized Jewish Messiah coming to power and being recognized for who he was and is. However, as Jesus would inform Pontius Pilate five days later, his Kingdom is not of this world.


Jesus' fall from grace began with his clearing of the Temple the next day. The Gospel of John moves the event to very early in his account of Jesus' life in the concern that people would believe this was one of the reasons Jesus was crucified. It may have red-flagged his perceived threat to peace with the Romans.


Just like the Second Coming of Jesus, the Year of the Hebrew Exodus from Egypt is unknown, but it must and will occur on the same Gregorian calendar year. In 2023, Christians commemorated Holy Week on the proper dates - April 2-9 - for the first time in 73 years.


On what would be the equivalent of April 4th of that Year, Moses warned Ramses II that the 10th & Final Plague would hit Egypt if he did not relent and release the Hebrews from 400+ Years of bondage. The Pharaoh refused, setting the final stage of that saga.

In 30 AD, that date is the only day that has no Special Name in Christendom (e g, Palm Sunday, Black Monday, Spy Wednesday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Passover Saturday and Easter, now RESURRECTION SUNDAY). On that Tuesday, Jesus told many of his Parables and his Disciples how he wanted them to prepare for the Passover Meal on Thursday.


On Wednesday April 5, 30, Judas Agreed to betray Christ. On that same date in the year of the Exodus, the Creator instructed Moses how to protect the Hebrews from the 10th Plague - the death of all Firstborn Children in Egypt.

This is why the Article "Neverending Excuses" was Published in SVC INTERNATIONAL VIEWPOINT on 27 March 2024 because it outlined the betrayals I have endured in my life in Service to the Creator and to you. (


On Thursday, April 6th, the Hebrews had History's first Passover Meal and they took the blood of the unblemished lamb and swashed its blood over their doorways. This was done so that the angel of death would "Passover" their homes and only take the Lives of Egyptian First Born Children.
At the same time approximately in 30 AD, Jesus shared his last meal on Earth with his Disciples and during the Traditional Passover Seder instructed them how to celebrate the Holy Eucharist or Communion. In this way, Jesus transferred the Creator's Covenant with Abraham in favor of the Jews to the Christians. Jesus had transferred the Flags representing the Creator for all-time.


At that very moment the Jews were plotting against their Messiah and planning to arrest Jesus and have him put to death. The key aspect of betrayal in the story is to remind us that the first betrayal was that of Satan against The Creator. It is important to understand then and now that the whole reason we all exist is to participate in the Creator's Final Triumph over the evil one.


The day in the Middle East goes from sundown to sundown, not sunrise to sunrise as commonly practiced in the Western World. This is key because after the Sun fell that Thursday, it became Good Friday. In that 24- hour period, Jesus would be arrested, nearly beaten to death, tried, crucified and died.


Jesus gave his Life and his blood to save all Humanity from our sins just as the lamb's blood saved the Hebrews from the angel of death.


Probably the best Christian Sermon ever was Rev Billy Graham's Series he entitled, "Were You There When They Crucified My Lord." From a theological viewpoint, the answer is yes. Jesus died for the forgiveness of all of humanity's sins - those who had come before, were on Earth then, ever since and those still to come until Jesus' Second Coming!


The incredible redemptive power of Jesus' Resurrection is what we are Commemorating today and it the single most important Event bar none in Human History!


April 8th, the Passover Sabbath is simply the Holiest in Judaism and is the day the Pharaoh consented to let the Creators' People go.


April 9th is RESURRECTION SUNDAY, the day of Christ's Resurrection from the dead, and the Hebrews' Independence Day from Egypt.


April 11th or the second Tuesday is by tradition when the Red Sea was parted, assuring the Hebrews their Freedom and killing their Egyptian Pursuers.


During my Revelation Dream the night of January 24th & 25th, 2014, the Creator confirmed this and revealed that the Four Horseman of the apocalypse foretold in Revelation 6 are: White - Christ; Red – the Roman destruction Jerusalem in 70 AD; Pale White - the Anti-Christ. The shocker is that the Black Horseman had very different duties and Mission than ordinarily understood.


It is the metaphoric Black Horseman's Mission and purpose to attempt to prevent the need for Armageddon and bring about Christ's Second Coming by Peaceful means. If I fail, the Anti-Christ will lead the World to Armageddon and utter destruction, only to be cut short by Jesus' Second Coming.


The primary focus of the Armageddon Prophecy is that the "Kings" from the North, East, West and South would meet in the Valley of Megiddo in Israel and commence Humankind's last battle. The only clearly discernible King here is the one from the North. The Descendants of Noah's Grandson are Magog. Magog is the root word for Moscow. The Northern King must be the Russians. The Russian Conquest may not end in Ukraine.


Approximately three Weeks after the SVC-TV's debut, Our Twins were conceived, were due on March 11th and born on March 10th in a later time zone the following Year, the date of the Vernal Equinox in 1582 when Pope Gregory XIII created the Calendar that bears his name. His Papacy number and the fact Jesus was crucified on a Friday is the basis for Friday the 13th being viewed as particularly unlucky. Alicia and whose birthday SVC International Children's day, my first Child was born in 1982, exactly three centuries later.


The fact that my Academic Background is dominated with Economics; I created the Economic Democracy Concept; and Living Security Insurance Program which is designed to eliminate material need and greed is also the clear focus of the prophecy found in of Revelation 6:5-6 concerning the Black Horseman:  When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, "Come." I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard something like a voice in the center of the four living creatures saying, "A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; but do not damage the oil and the wine."


What is more, the prophecy also mentions scales which are traditionally utilized as symbols of law and Justice where I have spent a considerable amount of my Professional efforts the past 19 years. Further, the command not to damage the oil and wine is to prepare for celebrating Jesus' glorious Second Coming!


I also introduced the Concept that of all of the Nations that exist and have existed on Earth, the Creator specifically created Israel and the United States of America only; I created the INTERNATIONAL DREAMWEAVER PLEXUS, the chosen instrument to fulfill the Prophecy of the Black Horseman and I was nearly beaten to death and jailed on Holy or Mandate Thursday in 2012, 1,982 Years after Jesus was all infers that I fulfill the Black Horseman Prophecy.


By the way, 2012 started on a Sunday, the requisite for the above Special Calendar, but the date is bumped over one day because it is a Leap Year, created by Pope Gregory to keep the Calendar straight.


Beginning to understand that the Creator Loves the same sequences all the time? Everything on Earth runs in cycles and is incredibly intricate and perfect. It is the best indication we have as mere mortals that Creation has had a guiding hand and that everything on Earth didn't simply come about due to some primordial accident!


On the screen above (below in transcript) is the reprise of that Article I referenced to earlier:


(Editors Notes: It places a proper perspective on the USA's role in the World and the enormous responsibilities America has Globally, not just in the Middle East. It should be both appreciated and heeded. The Article was originally Published in SVC WEEKLY VIEWPOINT, e-VOL. II, #42, fittingly enough on March 31, 2002. Have a Great RESURRECTION SUNDAY!)

"'A Nation Divinely Created'

Throughout this volume (REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM) you will see a touch of 'religiosity' that you may feel is inappropriate. For the record, the Author will now explain the reasons for including my Faith in this book.

I personally believe with everything that is in me that our great nation (the United States) and its great fortune the past two and a quarter centuries is due to the fact that the United States is one of only two nations our Creator has taken time out of what must be a very busy schedule to create. The other, of course, being Israel. 

Moses and Aaron and the 56 Signers of the Declaration of Independence had a great deal in common. These brave men all went to the most powerful person of their times, Pharaoh Ramses II and King George III, respectively, and bluntly informed these two despots they no longer desired to be associated with them as in the past and demanded freedom from their tyrannical rule.

Ramses and George had every right to laugh at the proposition of Hebrew and American liberty. But, guess what? After 400+ years of captivity in Egypt, the Hebrews did receive their freedom, didn't they? The American Colonists did not suffer as long as the Hebrews, but the possibility of winning independence from Great Britain, the greatest Empire the world still has ever known, was as daunting as for the Hebrews receiving their freedom some 32 or 33 centuries earlier. 

It was in the Hebrews' case, and must have been in the Americans' case, divine intervention that procured independence for both Peoples.

In Genesis 15, Abraham made his covenant with God. God promised him that his Descendants would be 'as numerous as the pieces of sand on the seashore and as numerous as the stars in the sky.' The typical theological interpretation is that the sand represented his biological descendants, the Jews, and the stars represented his spiritual descendants through Jesus Christ, the Christians. It is my belief that Israel is the nation God created for Abraham's biological descendants, the Jews, and the United States is the nation of his spiritual descendants, the Christians. Indeed, America has always prided itself as a 'Christian nation', founded on Christian principles. However, I also strongly believe, all humans are heirs to the legacy of the American Revolution, no matter what their religious views or nationality.

George Washington stated as much in his First Presidential Inaugural Address: 'No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the Invisible Hand which conducts the affairs of men more than those of the United States. Every step by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency.'

So pardon the 'religiosity' from time to time in this book. I am only trying to give credit where I believe credit is due."



Exactly 22 years ago today when this was first Published, REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM had not been Published and Angelica and I had not been married yet. I wrote the Article in response to events that led to the Beirut Arab League Summit. Some 22 Nations unanimously adopted the Arab Peace Initiative – a historic document that offered a formula for ending not only the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, but also the wider, lingering Arab–Israeli conflict, and to achieve a collective peace and security for all.


Obviously, given what is now transpiring in the Middle East the Arab Peace Initiative failed. The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is the oldest in the world and goes back to Genesis. No conflict in history has remained so implacable and difficult to resolve.


A popular topic in the world in which I have been devoted is World Democratization. It was my Sutton Doctrine I first wrote about in my Doctoral Dissertation that caused then-United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan to ask me to write the International Responsibility To Protect Statutes in 2005, which has become the Guiding Principle in the enforcement of International Law.


Kofi's successor, Antonio Guterres, says this on the front page of the United Nations website:

"People around the world are outraged by the horrors we are all witnessing in real time. I carry the voices of the vast majority of the world who have seen enough … It’s time to truly flood Gaza with life-saving aid. The choice is clear: either surge or starvation. Let’s choose the side of help – the side of hope – and the right side of history. I will not give up. And all of us must not give up in doing all we can for our common humanity to prevail in Gaza and around the world." — ANTÓNIO GUTERRES


The idea for the Sutton Viewpoint Center's Annual WORLD DEMOCRATIZATION CONFERENCES came from Queen Noor of Jordan. She is the American-born, last Queen of King Hussein. The Jordanians have given and sacrificed the most of any nation in the Middle East to end the conflict. SVC has worked with Queen Noor's step-son, King Abdullah II, to Democratize Jordan and promote Democratization in a part of the world where the very concept is not welcome at all and never has been.


It was by no mistake that King Abdullah was the first to point out that the actions of Israel in Gaza may cross the line and could be serious violations of International Law. I know both men well. Neither the Secretary General nor the King support Hamas and their terrorist ways, but the humanitarian crisis caused by the 7 October 2023 Hamas attack on Israel cuts both ways for the International Community. We must keep our eyes on helping the innocent Victims on both sides of the war while at the same time eradicating the terrorist threat.


It is pathetic that American politicians take offense at helping Palestinians and Arabs who have had their lives shattered just because it is politically advantageous. The world knows all too well the United States is the only true supporter of Israel. That plays well into the Armageddon prophecies actually occurring if you know your Bible.


In my newest book, TRAILBLAZER TO REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM, I write about how to deal with implacable Foreign Policy challenges and in particular the ongoing Israeli-Arab conflict. I have written about it for over a quarter of a century now, but because my books and SVC-TV and SVC-TV International have been blacklisted, Americans are the most ignorant human beings on earth of what's really transpiring out there and what can be done about it.


Jesus' Second Coming can only occur two ways: with an Armageddon-torn world or a peaceful world where all inhabitants know their Divine Purpose and are pursuing them. Three guesses which one the Creator and Jesus want?


Jesus' First Coming was designed to establish the Spiritual and Divine link to the Creator. The saga of Holy Week clearly defined the rules of attaining that link. It is the stark choice which has always confronted humankind and now we are really up against it.

You are not imagining it when you have the upside down feelings that the world is spiraling out of control. The very fact that the world witnessed 1/6 occur in the United States - the United States mind you - is such an aberration in history that it is truly mind-boggling.


On 1/7/2021, International and SVC Investigators knew that the only difference between the 1/6 terrorists/participants and 9/11 terrorists/ participants is their nationality. Two of the three thugs who attacked me 26 days ago in Colorado Springs participated in the Insurrection at the U.S. Capitol 1,700 miles away. What does that tell you?


Further, SVC's Foreign Writers & Journalists suggested that if Trump had instigated the insurrection in the 60% of countries in the world which are not democratic, he would have been summarily executed for treason. In the other 40% except the United States he would have gone to jail and he would still be there. They are right you know. They really are.


So naturally, Trump is the presumptive Republican Nominee for President for the third time and roughly 40% of the American people actually support him. No wonder we have so much trouble getting Americans concerned about the American Criminal Opprobrium. America is really that messed up and what should be very embarrassing to Americans is not and get this - is apparent to the whole wide world out there!


Meanwhile, the world also knows the truth about Benghazi Raid on 11 September 2012 and nobody is fooled. One of the reasons Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping just laugh at the USA now is the American hypocrisy everyone must recognize in the world. It is time to wake up Americans to the situation before it's too late. That's exactly what we are doing now at SVC with Final Kibosh of the American Criminal Opprobrium.


At the peace treaty signing with Japan on the USS Missouri at the close of World War II, U.S. General Douglas Mac Arthur said: “We must find other ways to keep peace in the world...or Armageddon will be at our door.”


No doubt the general was referring to the nuclear weapons dropped upon Nagasaki and Hiroshima that finally ended the world’s greatest conflagration.

Truly, an all-out nuclear war would bring Armageddon. Mac Arthur knew humankind now possessed the power to destroy the entire world.


Interestingly, J. Robert Oppenheimer, the chief of the “Manhattan Project” and subject of this year's Academy Award Best Film, developed the first nuclear weapons remembered an old Hindu proverb when the first nuclear test was successful in the New Mexico desert on July 16, 1945: “I have become death, a destroyer of worlds.”


Paradoxically, there is a Biblical basis for both this Hindu Proverb and Mac Arthur’s statement on the USS Missouri. In the ancient world, the “gods” held the power to create and destroy worlds at will. Gods were something to be feared and awed.


Much of the unfulfilled biblical prophecies relate to a time when humans would possess the power of these gods and destroy themselves. The events that are supposed to lead to the final battle of “Armageddon” and Christ’s Second Coming are fully underway now.


Suffice it to say here, what must be understood by all regardless of our nationality or religion is that the Creator will have the ultimate victory over evil. That can happen in a violent, all-destructive conflagration known as Armageddon or by following the Steps of the Sutton Doctrine, the peaceful end of the world and the much trumpeted Second Coming of Christ. It is our choice.


Humankind controls its ultimate destiny. We were given an absolutely perfect world by the Creator and look what we have done with it. All the strife known is our fault, not the Creator’s.


We can collectively choose to create a world where there is no material need and greed and each person is allowed to become the individual they were meant to be or we can continue down our current path to oblivion. There are a thousand different ways our Lives could be turned upside down tomorrow. You are kidding yourself if you believe otherwise.


I believe that it is by no mistake that this message is being given at this time in history, nor is it by any mistake that this speaker sees the great correlation between the beginnings of ancient Israel and America as closely paralleled. I do not propose to be a prophet, nor do I think we are at the end of the world just yet.


However, while the world we live in and the well-known American hypocrisy in it makes it difficult to presume American omnipotence, in many ways, this presumption is not far from the truth. America’s founders believed in the unlimited potential of America and its people.


There is every reason to believe that this unlimited potential and all its fruits still does exist. The basic premise for this omnipotence has changed and we need to work together to take advantage of it for all the world, but we can do it!


Meanwhile, all of the world's Citizens must work together and prosper in ways we could have never previously imagined. After all, one way or another, there is a change in command coming and we want to be at our best when the King of Kings finally returns!





There were 21 Separate Benedictions Conducted between Auckland, New Zealand and Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, USA, all very moving and Inspirational