Published on 29 October 2024 at 18:02



KEY QUESTION: What are the Principles of American Democracy? Name them. Then define them. Why is this capability a fundamental requisite to functional Democracy in the United States? 


EVENT/CURRENT ISSUE: Persecution of SVC's President is diversion by organized terrorists to cover-up their real intentions for the United States and Americans.


One of SVC President, Phil Sutton’s, favorite topics is “Seeing the Hand of God.” On SVC Peace & Democracy Day (September 6), he gave three quotes that were central to his speech that day:


“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. We shall overcome because of the moral universal is long, but it bends towards Justice. Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that." – Martin Luther Ling, Jr.


“We would like to go back to the way we once lived, but history won’t permit it” – John F. Kennedy 


"...whatever deprives People of basic Human dignity & Rights, whatever is defaming, whatever is wrong, whatever is criminal, whatever is destructive, whatever is corrupt - if anything is deceptive and unjust - we will oppose it - sure as the sun comes up in the morning, we will oppose it." - Phil Sutton


The speech infuriated those who have persecuted SVC’s President for nearly a quarter century. The persecution started at the behest of Osama bin Laden.


It is curious on the same day that the Sutton Twins disclosed the new International Findings at the United Nations on UN Day concerning who the al Qaeda operatives are - past and present - in the United States who have persecuted their Father so horribly past 23 years that none other than the Colorado State Supreme would openly question the veracity of International Law.


It is fine to question existing laws and propose changes for the better, but is quite another matter to "call out"  and mock a Judicial System's right to enforce laws which have been developed painstakingly over decades by the best Legal Minds in the world. 


It is also quite dangerous. Evidently, Justice Richard L. Gabriel feels you can disregard laws at will if you do not agree with them and the State of Colorado has serious motives to excoriate International Law. After all, the State of Colorado will be partitioned into two States and no longer be able to License, Certify or Degree anyone again because it violated its own laws. 


Indeed, all we ever have seen or heard out of Colorado and Missoula County, Montana, is the arrogance that the traitors/terrorists can do no wrong and everything is their Victims' fault. They forget that they started it all and their Victims are as innocent as doves. There is no point in even arguing it and now the chickens have come to roost!  


It is the height of hypocrisy to view the Rule of Law, the cornerstone of Democracy, as a take it or leave it proposition. That is the core reason for organized terrorism's infiltration into the United States and undermine its Democracy!


One of SVC President's favorite quotes is from William Shakespeare: "All the world's a stage and we are all but actors and all the men and women merely players. They have there exits and entrances. One man in his time plays many parts..." No one knows better than he that he will play all the roles the Creator will have him play and bring the world to a Peaceful Conclusion before Jesus returns.


Such lawlessness cannot be tolerated in civilized society and why the Sutton Viewpoint Center has practically begged Americans to intervene! SVC calls America out on its hypocrisy!


THE QUESTION: Can there be questions about the importance of the enforcement of International Law, not just in the USA, but all over the world?

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