KEY QUOTE: The most prosperous generation in America’s history is discontent. -Lyndon B. Johnson, 36th U.S. President.
EVENT/CURRENT ISSUE: Americans are addicted to the Federal Government.
When SVC’s President and Vice President received the United Nations Public Service Award for Innovative Programs in 2010, he said in his Acceptance Speech: “Born on this date, you have a special sensitivity to human suffering.”
SVC’s President noted Mother Teresa and U.S President Lyndon Johnson were born on August 27th as well. Mother Teresa’s contributions to humanity are well known and President dreamed of a poverty less America.
SVC President’s Divinely-given Dream is to bring the world to a Peaceful conclusion and believes the only way to do that is eliminating material need and greed through Economic Democracy and Living Security.
In the middle of a Presidential Election campaign, it must be noted Americans expect the politicians to solve their problems when they are really the ones responsible to do so.
QUESTION: What has happened to the Concept of Personal Responsibility? How can the American People break their addiction to their government?
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