“I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth.” - President Kennedy on 25 May 1961
When Astronaut & U.S. Senator John Glenn was alive he led SVC’s Annual Public Policy Forum at his namesake Institute at Ohio State University with the Concept of National Goal Setting. He got the idea from President Kennedy and he, of course, was part of America’s race to the moon which was culminated in the First Moon Landing 55 years ago.
The key National Goals for Final Kibosh of the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium are Reforming the United States of America in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the Rulings of the International Tribunals and their Partner U.S. Federal Courts.
There are seven specific areas in which these Reforms will take place:
1) SVC-TV and SVC-TV International will supplant CNN and Fox News so that the tyranny of biased news will end for all Americans.
2) Banning of black listing and prejudice against Independent Authors and other Creative Artists.
3) America without Social Security Retirement, Disability & Medicare Benefits.
Social Security has been on the verge of collapse since the 1980’s. Increasing the FICA Tax and full retirement age has been the way the U.S. Congress has chosen to kick the proverbial can down the road, but all good things must come to an end.
Obviously, the current recipients will be hardest hit. SVC’s President was active in Financial Services for 32 years between 1985 through 2017. He always advised his Clients to plan on never seeing any Social Security for their retirement and if they did so much the better.
It is ironic that the traitors/terrorists chose to go after SVC’s President in areas in which he is considered a Professional Expert. Perhaps, they saw it as the best way to disgrace and discredit SVC’s President. Now, the chickens have come home to roost.
The Montana State Auditor’s Office and the Colorado State Department of Regulatory Agencies saw fit to disbar a man who practiced for 32 years and had no Consumer Complaints against him. The U.S. Federal Courts have Ruled that if he cannot be licensed in Montana or Colorado no one can. Only recently has the full ramifications of these Rulings been contemplated.
Montanans will not have local insurance or securities offices to go to because no insurance agents or securities can be licensed in Montana. For Coloradans, no professional licenses and/or certifications can be allowed in what will be left of Colorado. This means Coloradans cannot go to local doctor’s offices, hospitals, lawyer’s office as well as financial services offices and mortgage banking institutions, etc., because they cannot exist anymore in Colorado.
Further, Colorado’s own laws forces the closure of its university system. One of the reason for Colorado’s partition into two States is to save all university units except University of Colorado Colorado Springs and University of Colorado Denver. These two universities have offended International and U.S. Federal Laws in a manner which cannot be forgiven in any way, shape or form.
When history looks back at this, it will remember Colorado’s Angela Seaberg’s character assassination letter and Montana’s Jeannie Keller’s nonsense concerning agent appointments. Neither of these Women still work at either State’s Insurance Department anymore (Seaberg is back in Minnesota) and they will have to explain to their fellow Coloradans and Montanans why they did what they did and why all this will be done. That should be a knee slapping good time.
The Colorado Social Security Administration Office will have the same responsibility as Seaberg, et al, in the Colorado DORA and the State Attorney's Office and Keller, et al, in the Montana State Auditor’s Office in explaining their actions. They intentionally wanted to professionally and personally harm, without cause, SVC’s President by not giving him his Social Security Retirement Benefits when the smoking gun letter of May 2020 already stated he has earned benefits!
The hardship this has created is unimaginable for most Americans and why the Social Security will be denied them for all time as well. Look to SSA for explanations, especially after the smoking gun letter was distributed all over the internet and there was no good faith attempt to reconcile the problem by the SSA or Americans rallying to SVC President’s cause. Evidently, Americans do not understand it could have happened to them!
One piece of good news for Americans still working is SVC’s President has decided not to exercise the option that would force workers to continue to pay FICA Taxes even though they will never receive benefits. This will mean working Americans will enjoy the largest tax cuts in American history. Both regular employees and employers will receive a 7.6% cut across the board and independent business people receiving a 15.2% tax cut.
4) SVC’s Seventeenth World Democratization Conference is this week. So far in Tokyo, Seoul and Amman, the WDC has been received with a very enthusiastic response. America’s Democracy will be reformed so that it will once again be the example to the rest of the world and not a hypocritical laughingstock.
5) The implementation of Economic Democracy will set records no one can fathom now. The results in Vanuatu, Malawi and French Guiana are very promising.
6) Demilitarization of America. Civilians will not be allowed to own military weapons unless they pass a safety course. This would deter would-be mass shooters and reduce tragedies in American homes. It fits the Second Amendment perfectly and should have no problem passing Congress.
Police violence remains a vexing problem in United States and must be resolved. There is no way that the killing of over 1,300 Citizens a year by Law Enforcement is in any way acceptable. The United Nations, domiciled in New York City, believes that there must be a much higher standard utilized to determine what excessive force means in America and criminal charges with no qualified immunity so that prosecution can be successfully made once that limit is reached.
When a Police Officer sets a price on someone’s head as a paid assassin and an University President, City Mayor and County Attorney raise the $50,000 asking price, nothing is done and the American People are not outraged, there is no question America has a very serious problem that must be addressed and will be!
Americans are kidding themselves if they think this is an isolated incident and it doesn’t matter if Kurt Trowbridge, Royce Engstrom, John Engen (who is now deceased) and Fred Van Valkenburg, respectively, are ever brought to Justice. It matters because individuals like this right now believe they have gotten away with it…
7) SVC’s President looks forward to Introducing his Living Security Insurance Product in the United States. In some British Commonwealth Countries and France and Germany claims have been successfully made. That is the gold standard in insurance. Doesn’t matter how good the product sounds, if it does not work as promised, then what good is it?
Living Security covers traditional life, health and disability insurance claims and provides lower premiums than the vast majority of current 2,100 life and health insurance providers in the USA by bundling all these products together. These products can be bought separately, but that would defeat the purpose of Living Security.
The key purpose of Living Security is its income insurance element. Income insurance makes sure no one or no Family falls below the minimum level of subsistence based upon national consumer price indexes and the like. You cannot double upon the disability and income benefits, for instance. You would receive the highest benefits of the two.
This would help eliminate material need and greed from the world and make a Peaceful conclusion to the world possible. As Jesus said, "No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other or will devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." (Matthew 6:24)
A primary advantage for Consumers is this is a private, not government- sponsored Program. Service and pricing will be much better and based on market forces. You cannot be turned down or denied benefits by some idiot bureaucrat on a whim.
Qualifications are roughly the same as traditional insurance. However, Consumers who make a point of taking care of themselves will be rewarded with much lower rates. It is possible those who abuse themselves will not qualify at all, which will would mean a real change in lifestyle for many if they do want to eventually qualify. That would be a good thing in any event.
The United Nation’s NO TOLERANCE TERRORISM POLICY will be strictly enforced. Those who exhibit behavior consistent with the al Qaeda Script will be treated accordingly.
The Arrest Warrants for all 538,749 known traitors/terrorists have been/will be issued according to the prioritization set by the International Criminal Court.
All their assets will eventually compensate known Victims; pay the International Assessments, damages and costs. The surplus funds will be utilized to renovate SVC assets & build the Sutton Benevolence Funds & Programs.
The partitioning of the State of Colorado as planned and the sequestering of what is left as well as sequestering of Missoula County, Montana, will be administered to hold them out as an example of never, ever again. They represent a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah and will treated as those ancient cities were by the Creator.
The International Complaint was recorded by South Africa against Israel on 29 December 2023 concerning Israel’s conduct in the Gaza Strip during the Israel-Hamas war that resulted in a humanitarian crisis and mass killings.
In a Judgment issued by ICJ on 19 July 2024 denied all of Israel’s claim’s concerning sovereignty over territory in the West Bank and Jerusalem and that Israel is coming dangerously close to breaking International Law in several respects.
Under International Law, The ICJ can issue binding and non-binding Judgments. A binding Judgment is legally enforceable; a non-binding Ruling is not. This one is non-binding or Advisory Ruling as of Friday because the International Criminal Court, the ICJ twin Court, had not Indicted Israeli Officials yet and thus giving the ICJ concrete evidence that International Law had been violated and must be enforced.
At the same time the entire SVC International Staff is on the SVC Seventeenth Democratization Conference and were in Amman, Jordan, Wednesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Natanyahu is in Washington, DC, USA, speaking to a Joint Session of the U. S. Congress. He spoke about the war and said that the International Tribunals (ICF & ICC) have endangered Israeli’s existence and inferred the USA would be next.
How interesting. The real danger is that any of the terrorists, whether they be Hamas or the traitors/terrorists of the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium, etc., etc., etc., are a danger to all sovereign nations and their existence. That is why International Law must be enforced!
There has only been three International Complaints of this kind Recorded at The Hague: The Sutton International Complaint against the United States; the Ukrainian Complaint against Russia; and now South Africa's Complaint against Israel. Arrest Warrants have been issued against 538,000+ Americans including two former Presidents and dozens of Russians including the incumbent President. The evidence in the first two cases is incontrovertible and all Judgments/Rulings are thus binding. Netanyahoo had better watch his steps or he and Israel will be next.
SVC will introduce a blog that will cover the Sutton Doctrine, development of the Responsible To Protect Principle and the concomitant need to enforce International Law as part of the relaunch without the past black listing for SVC President’s book, TRAILBLAZER TO REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM in August.
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