On USA's Constitution Day, 17 September 2020, SVC's President, Phil Sutton, learned his Friend of almost 50 years, Steve Van Dyke, had passed away after a long struggle with cancer, not covid-19. Phil and Steve had served together as Associated Students of the University of Montana President and Vice President and he stated that Steve's death on such a historic day meant that the United States of America would lose the Rule of Law. That transpired exactly 16 weeks later during the 1/6 US Capitol Insurrection.


The International reaction was one of disbelief and outright terror. Something like this could happen just about anywhere else in the world, but not the USA. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke for his constituents when he stated:


Canadians are deeply disturbed and saddened by the attack on Democracy in the United States, our closest ally and neighbour. Violence will never succeed in overruling the will of the people. Democracy in the US must be upheld – and it will be.”


On 7 January 2021, Chief International Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda and Private and International Investigators confirmed that domestic organized terrorist groups were responsible for the attack on America's Democracy. America's Incumbent President, Donald J Trump, not only encouraged but planned with the terrorists the assault on the US Capitol, one of the greatest single acts of treason in US History.


The previous Spring, The Hague was rediscovering what really happened in Benghazi, Libya on 9/11/2012. The security there had been intentionally withdrawn and a deal struck with al Qaeda agents to schedule the attack on the 11th anniversary of 9/11 in the United States.


Why? To allow the Barack H Obama Administration to cover-up its inadequate response, indeed, collaboration with organized terrorism in the scandals within a scandal known now as the American Opprobrium (aka al Qaeda-gate).


The Sutton International Complaint (SIC) had been recorded 15 days before and was to be formally announced six days later. This would have made it very difficult for Obama to win re-election to a second term in 2012 if it had been allowed to be presented to the world in all its glory without undue distractions by the Obama Administration and the American News Media.


The SIC has yet to get any meaningful coverage in the USA nearly 11 years later. This despite the exponential increase in gun and police violence in the United States which has a direct causal link to domestic organized terrorism.


Now a third American National Administration, that of Joseph R Biden, presumes to play games with the truth. Under International Law, The Hague can only address the National Government and International Law issues appertaining.


The basic issues have not changed since the SIC was recorded, only the revelations concerning the American Opprobrium have illuminated the endeavors of the Public Officials, American Business and Mass Media to make every effort to save their “fiefdoms” and keep them from being brought to Justice.


On 1 August 2020, Prime Minister Trudeau addressed the primary problem with getting anything done concerning putting down the American Opprobrium and the importance to World Peace and Democracy for do so during the SVC Fourteenth World Democratization Conference.


The International Community correctly analyzed the problem and stated that somehow SVC's President had to be freed of his reliance on the United States. This International Crusade has been pursued to gain his independence from a country which had utterly betrayed him just as the Jews betrayed Jesus. We are glad to Report this has been accomplished.


The past few weeks, the International Community has patiently waited for Biden to commit to making the UN Reform Requirements for the United States his own. An informal deadline was seen this past weekend when the University of Colorado Colorado Springs, the University of Colorado Denver and the University of Montana all had their Commencement Exercises for the last time and then would be shut down permanently and their assets transferred to other units and/or sold at auction.


Because of the corruption, Official Malfeasance, and Crimes Against Humanity discovered in the Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA), the State of Colorado can no longer be allowed to have a Higher Education System granting Professional Degrees or any government branch authorizing Professional Licensing and Certifications, it was felt the Biden Administration would race to partition Colorado and thereby save the University units in the new State of Jefferson and allow the current non-graduating Students to transfer in order to continue their Educations elsewhere. Evidently not.


Due to this, the SVC North American National Chairs at the North American Summit in Jasper, Alberta, Canada, Unanimously Voted to commit all necessary resources to enforce International Law under the SIC as passed by the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2133: “The Security Council, Reaffirming that terrorism in all forms and manifestations constitutes one of the most serious threats to international peace and security and that any acts of terrorism are criminal and unjustifiable regardless of their motivations, whenever and by whomsoever committed and further reaffirming the need to combat by all means, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts…”


This Resolution is designed to primarily support the SIC which was Adopted on 22 January 2014, in the UN Security Council as well as eradicate worldwide terrorism. It was confirmed in December 2014 that al Qaeda was the primary force behind America's greatest and currently unresolved criminal scandal.


Over nine years later, the world waits for the US Government's Final Resolution to the conflict or the United Nations may have to resort to force just as it did in Korea and the Persian Gulf. No one wants this, but Justice has been long delayed and thus denied to the Victims of the American Opprobrium.


To make matters worse, the traitors/terrorists are able to point to the suffering and the apparent abject poverty of SVC's President in Colorado Springs and justify their actions towards him knowing full well they are responsible for his condition in the first place. The traitors/terrorists have only hatred and cruelty to offer the world. They have no compassion and then they wonder why they are the ones who deserve being treated as they have treated others!!!!!!!


Their many crimes are manifest:



1) Crimes Against Humanity; 2) Hate Crimes; 3) Crimes of Aggression; 4) Obstruction of  Peace; 5) Obstruction of Justice; 6) Genocide; and 7) Contempt of Court.




1) Conspiracy; 2) criminal intimidation; 3) criminal defamation; 4) identification theft/fraud; 5) Discrimination & Human Rights violations; 6) Obstruction of Justice; 7) Treason; 8) Patent & Copyright Infringement; 9) Kidnapping; 10) Theft; 11) Fraud of all kinds; 12) Aggravated assault; 13) Attempted murder; 14) Murder; 15) Hate Crimes; 16) Criminal Endangerment; and 17) Contempt of Court.


With the new Rulings from the International Tribunals on 21 April 2023, Biden's inaction is costing the United States $833,333,333,333 per day in interest on the $250 trillion Judgment at 10% interest on a monthly, not per annum basis.


As of 16 May 2023, the Judgment is now $270.833 trillion. By US Independence Day, which is the goal for having the American Opprobrium completely behind us, the Judgment will be enhanced by $67.625 trillion or $317.625 trillion ($317,625,000,000,000). (


Just to put this in perspective, the current debt ceiling of $31.4 trillion that all the fighting over is less than half of what the interest payment alone will be by US Independence Day.


At the end of FY 2022 (30 September 2022), the total for US Government assets is just $5 trillion, of which is $1.8 trillion is government land. The obvious legal action is to encumber all US assets through this Judgment and set lease payments adequate to meet the $100 million per year judgment payments to the 10,000+ victims of the American Opprobrium plus the US Government must pay for all costs of arresting, prosecuting and punishing the nearly 500,000 Americans known to be involved as well as the serving of all Judgments and seizure of all traitor/terrorist assets; and cover all costs to creating the new State of Jefferson.


And that's just for starters...


North Americans are also very concerned about the lack of a concerted Immigration Policy, the rampant gun violence and Law Enforcement violence in the United States.


Four of every seven residents on the Continent live in the USA. The contagion of violence created by the organized terrorism within the United States can and has spilled over to other countries and cultures. The American Opprobrium presents a very real and present danger to the North Americans and the United Nations, The Hague and the International Community must pay as close attention to America's disgrace as they do to the Russians invading Ukraine and take commensurate action!!!!!!!






DATED: 16 MAY 2023