(SVC INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE EMERGENCY CONFERENCE REPORT: In an unprecedented move, SVC International Executive Committee Members called an Emergency Session. The IEC is authorized to act in the SVC International Board of Governors’ behalf until the next General Conference or Annual Convention.)


The Creator expects SVC's President, Phil Sutton, to claim his authority. The International Agreement with Donald Trump has committed the President to put the Final Kibosh on the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium and the Emergency Conference was called to decide what will be done to get that process initiated NOW, no matter what Trump does!


Norman Farrell, Deputy International Prosecutor, explained what must be done and will be done in the United States, whether or not Trump meets his responsibilities and obligations. It is time to end the suffering for the Victims of the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium and to set the precedent for the World which assures all inhabitants of Justice regardless of where they may live or what kind of Government they have!


What triggered this unprecedented SVC Event is the vituperative treatment Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky received in an explosive televised Oval Office showdown which abruptly cut short a visit meant to coordinate a plan for Peace in the Russo-Ukrainian War.


Exactly where Trump and his Vice President J.D. Vance got off giving Zelensky any grief at all is a serious concern for the International Community. International Law must be upheld and enforced. Russia attacked Ukraine three years ago 24 February and had already annexed Crimea and now four eastern provinces, all of which violates International Law.


Under International Law, only the Russian takeover of Crimea ostensibly by the consent of the people in a Referendum could be seen as legitimate and needs to be adjudicated by the International Court of Justice. Otherwise, all other territory must be returned to Ukraine, Russia must pay reparations for damages done and Russian President Vladimir Putin, his Generals and all those responsible for the conduct of the war in Russia must face charges of War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity at The Hague. No other Peace Terms will be considered and recognized by the United Nations – period!


Historic precedence for this is the trigger to World War II, so Trump had better watch his talk concerning Zelensky possibly starting World War III. It is Putin who bears any responsibility for creating the impetus for WW III.


Poland, which shares a border of 329 miles with Ukraine to the north and west, was attacked without provocation by Germany and the Soviet Union on 1 September 1939. France and Great Britain met their obligations to Poland and declared war.


It was British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain who attempted to appease Germany Chancellor Adolf Hitler during the Munich Conference and ceded territory in Czechoslovakia to Germany with the proviso there would be no more land grabs by Germany. When there was, WW II started. Ever since then, International Law has always recognized the basic tenet that aggression cannot be appeased or rewarded! So, it must be with Russia’s aggression against Ukraine!


This tenet is what was behind the United Nations Authorizing Force to eject Iraq from Kuwait in 1990. Ditto, for North Korea’s invasion of South Korea in 1950. The only reason why this was not done against Russia three years ago is Russia has a Veto in the UN Security Council.


The only other time the UN has Authorized Force is in 2014 to put down the AOTO because the United States Government failed to protect innocent Citizens from Sexual Assault; having their lives systemically destroyed by a corrupt Judiciary and Law Enforcement; supporting and allowing the funding of foreign terrorist operations through the trafficking of illicit drugs and other means; and for Government Officials paying to assassinate Political Enemies. The list of violations of International and applicable U.S. Law has only burgeoned the 12½ years since the Sutton International Complaint was first recorded in 2012.


While Zelensky should have exercised more self-control than he did, his frustration is quite understandable. The Trump Administration needs to make it less obvious that they officially the USA supports Russia in the conflict if they are to be a broker for Peace.


Ironically, SVC’s President, Phil Sutton, has exhibited too much self-control and patience with AOTO. It is time that ends. All the participants in the Emergency Conference have come to an Unanimous Consensus that the AOTO must be dealt with and disappear ASAP.


Just like with Ukraine, SVC’s President has done nothing to invite the aggression and provocations against him. International Law requires a full punitive response to make sure the current and any future perpetrators understand that their behavior is unacceptable in Civilized Society!


The primary difference is SVC’s President is a human being, not a country. There are approximately 38 million people in Ukraine, which is roughly 11% of the U.S. population. Some 2.8 million Americans have persecuted SVC’s President and committed 429+ million Federal Felonies against him or 153 per person. This would give them roughly 765 years in prison, so life at hard labor is hardly cruel and unusual punishment. Some would receive hundreds of thousands of years in prison if anyone bothered to calculate it. It has been that bad.


When the International Tribunals read his Personal Representatives’ argument that if SVC’s President could not be licensed in Montana and/or Colorado, no one could. The Justices challenged SVC’s President to prove it. When he successfully did so, the U.S. Supreme Court and many Federal Court Judges joined the International Tribunals Partnership because the Justices and Judges discovered all the horrible Injustices done to SVC’s President over the previous 17 years and Montana and Colorado are to be stripped of all licensing authority.


For Montana, all this means is the Montana State Auditors office will be closed, all the insurance and securities offices must be closed and Montanans must go out of state to take care of their insurance and investment needs.


In Colorado, however, because Colorado consolidated all its Regulatory Agencies in the DORA, no professional licensing or certification will be possible. This means all Professional Offices of any kind will be closed and no such offices can ever be open again. Yes, this includes the closure of hospitals, doctor’s offices, etc., because Doctors, Nurses, etc. cannot be licensed in Colorado.


Institutions of Higher Education must be closed as well because the State of Colorado violated its own “baiting law”.  Further, all those licensed, certified and degree since 5 December 2018 when SVC’s President should have received his licenses will have such documents rescinded and they will never be allowed to earn such documents elsewhere and to practice in those professions ever again! It’s exactly what the State of Colorado did to SVC’s President!


To save Colorado’s finer points, it will be partitioned into two States and the concomitant benefits will be transferred to the State of Jefferson.


These Rulings set a precedent that will have far-reaching implications. If SVC’s President cannot be licensed, no one can. If SVC’s President is not welcome on the University of Montana campus, no one can be and it will be closed. If SVC’s President cannot have Social Security, Disability or Medicare, then no one can have Social Security, Disability or Medicare. 


If SVC’s President is not welcome on the Public University grounds, then no one can be; if SVC’s President is not welcome in Public Libraries or on Public transportation; no one will be and they will be shut down.


If it can be proven that Public or Private Assistance has been intentionally denied SVC’s President when it has been given to others, then these organizations too can be closed and assets sold at auction.


None of this is an outrage because it is exactly how SVC’s President has been maltreated and quite intentionally so, we might add. The outrage is that the terrorists have so far gotten away with it!


Even supposed old friends have enjoyed watching SVC’s President slog through this scandal the past 23 years and have done nothing to help even though SVC’s President has always been there to help them. As Dr. Martin Luther King once said: “We will not remember the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends…”


The last two straws that have broken the proverbial camel’s back are the revelations that somehow SVC President’s Mother and Sister have lived comfortably in Missoula the past ten years and what has happened with Xulon Press.


Ordinarily, SVC’s President would have been happy to hear that his elderly Mother was well-treated but then comes the realization that his Mother and Siblings gave him no end of grief about going to college in Missoula and his true statements about the high quality of UM when he attended it. How did Missoula become the place to be for them?


It also begs the question of how the Mother and Sister of Phil Sutton and Widow and Daughter of Mack Anderson could pull it off. Both Men were excoriated to the nth degree and by their alma mater no less. What they did to Phil is now well known, but Anderson was disbarred from the practice of Law on the basis of technicalities in the Canon of Ethics and the personal vendetta Anderson’s first wife’s Attorney in their divorce. Sam Haddon became a U.S. District Judge. The UM Law School spends a week on the “Anderson Case” in its Ethics Course and that has now been over 30 years ago! Get a life!


What this means is the animus UM has shown SVC’s President is extremely personal and the Administration, past and present, cannot spend much time figuring out why UM is being closed; its assets transferred to MSU-Billings to build a Medical School, etc.; and why they soon will never see their Families and Missoula again and will be at hard labor themselves.


On the day his Mother died, SVC’s President received word that the World Trade Organization had completed a unprecedented audit on his book sales during the last quarter of 2024. The Report stated 525 books had been sold, predominantly through Barnes & Noble and Amazon.


The rub came when SVC’s President checked his records at Xulon Press and only 59 books had been sold in 3½ years, all but 14 had been returned. He inquired why and Xulon Press stuck to its guns. And so has the WTO.


WTO absolutely verified according to the booksellers’ records specially prepared for the WTO that 525 books had been sold during the 2024 Christmas Season at seven separate booksellers including Walmart, believe it or not. They were ordered through Xulon Press and Xulon Press had the books delivered to the buyers. Period.


There are only two possible explanations. First, just like with Capital One concerning frauds in SVC President’s banking and credit card accounts, there is a plant working at Xulon Press capable of intercepting the orders, filling them and not recording the sales and giving Xulon Press or SVC’s President due credit.


Or, second, there has been a black market created for SVC President’s two books he has published at Xulon Press and, likewise, capable of intercepting the orders, filling them and not recording the sales and giving Xulon Press or SVC’s President due credit.


Most concerning is not the loss of royalties to recoup the over $3,000 paid to Xulon Press to publish the two books, but the fact SVC President’s copyrights have been seriously compromised.


For TRAILBLAZER TO REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM, SVC’s President never received a notification of his Copyrights from the U.S. Patent Office as required by the publishing contract and Xulon Press failed to provide an actual publication date for the book. Very suspicious now that the entire matter is under Investigation at The Hague and WTO.


Adding further speculation that criminal activity is occurring is that in two separate Book Signings at B & N Briargate in Colorado Springs, SVC’s President sold 45 of his own books where he is far from popular. This means Xulon Press has only sold 14 books on the Author’s behalf in 42 months or at a pathetic rate of 1 per quarter.


An Author with any book in any genre should be able to sell that many books almost by accident in that amount of time. Suffice it to say, there are definitely activities transpiring which are not supposed to happen!


The rate at which such things have been visited upon SVC’s President the past 32 years is staggering. He has lost an estimated $6 billion in book royalties and over $350,000 in business related matters dealing with Anderson’s and Old Jore’s bankruptcies and other fraud which has destroyed his credit ratings, making him extremely fortune he has not had to declare bankruptcy himself.


Further, he has lost incalculable amounts in salaries, commissions and fees in underhanded business dealings; wrongful dismissals and losing his licenses and no longer being able to receive income from Speaking & Consulting Fees; as well over $500,000 in stolen Social Security, Disability and Medicare benefits.


Not to mention he has paid over $3.45 million in medical and prescription costs due to the Trowbridge beating and over $530,000 to repair their home outside of Bozeman due to squatters and vandalism. He wants to repay the insurance companies for paying these costs for him minus the deductibles and copays because the monthly premiums to keep the policies are over $700 per month. True story!


These are amongst the many reasons why the Final Kibosh of the AOTO must go forward. In a way, we are ganging up on our Founder and President, too. He doesn't want to wreak havoc in others people's lives. That is not his speed. But he must finally help himself because certainly no one else has been willing to help him in the ways that would truly matter. We will not allow SVC’s President to continue to suffer and have any more of these indignities enter his life, especially after he has done so much good for millions and millions of others. Phil deserves to have many blessings finally come his way for a change and he will!!!!!!!