An always emotional Special International Prosecutor Norman Farrell began this Finance Committee Conference by discussing the new International Tribunals Rulings here at the Nixon Presidential Library. One of the reasons this SVC IFC was held at the Richard M Nixon Presidential Library is to debunk the notion that American Presidents and their surrogates are above the Law. Ironically, President Nixon never believed that, but the past two and the current one definitely believe that they are.
Two weeks ago, the University of Montana; the University of Colorado Denver; and the University of Colorado Colorado Springs all had their Commencement Exercises. This would have been an ideal time for the Biden Administration to follow Court Orders to shutdown all three campuses for good and partition Colorado so the remainder of the Colorado University System campuses could be reformed and saved.
Now 10's of thousands of University Students in both States are in limbo and they do not even know it. It is the heigth of hypocrisy and criminality that Biden and Public Officials in Colorado and Montana are placing their futures in jeopardy like this!!!!!!!
But then again, this is nothing new. These people are experts are ruining innocent people's lives. The 118 Women who would not ever receive Justice for being sexually assaulted unless the Sutton International Complaint had been recorded almost 11 years ago.
The 10,000 other individuals have had their lives systematically ruined in Missoula County, USA, alone. There is no questions about this. None!!!!!!! And if Americans are crazy enough to believe what's happened in Missoula is are insolated incidents, SVC has a news bulletin for you!!!!!!!
The International Community has discussed the disposition of all the Judgments and properties involved with the American opprobrium, now it will pertain to US, State of Colorado and State of Montana land.
What is being discussed is not necessarily seizing assets and selling them at auction to satisfy the Judgments, but to own the property and lease them back to the governments in question at a generous discount but tax free for the Victims thereby providing them a substantial cashflow until the Judgments are satisfied.
Below is a map of all Federal Lands in each State:
The only assets which will be sold at auction and/or closed will be the personal property and business property of the traitors and terrorists and portions of the Colorado State and Montana State University systems and the appropriate Professional Licensing, Certifications and Professional Degrees institutions in each State.
With all the discussion about raising the debt ceiling, Americans should know that their Federal government is the only entity in the world which is encumbered to more than six times its value ($5 trillion v. $31.4 trillion).
Actually, it is much worse than that. The newest Ruling from the International Tribunals on 21 April 2023 levied a $250 trillion Judgment against the United States government for failing to meet the Responsibility To Protect Principles with 10% per month as further penalty. This means the Judgment is now $279.583 trillion and growing at a rate of 917 billion per day until 21 June 2023.
This Judgment will be executed and an appropriate lease payment will assessed on all US government property for all-time. Just as the traitors/terrorists have a created a generational debt that their Families will never be able to pay, because the US government has not brought them to Justice, the same will be true for the US government for all-time.
The FCC is being held in Contempt by the International Tribunals and its Federal Court Partners. The required access to American airwaves for SVC-TV and SVC-TV International is to occur at any time and appropriate penalties will be assessed at that time.
The World Trade Organization (WTO) stressed the paramount importance of Intellectual Property Rights for Microsoft and SVC Trailblazer Publications and were Granted Sanctions against American Publishers, booksellers and search engine blacklisting!!!!!!!
Thus, the WTO recognizes that SVC-TV, SVC-TV International, Trailblazer Publications and other Affiliates of the Sutton Viewpoint Center have been victimized by unlawful blacklisting and denied free and fair access to American markets in the Mass Media, Social Media, Search Engines and Publishing.
Effective immediately, all creative arts products from the United States will be assessed a 10% tariff until the $245 billion of damages is recovered and the trade issues persist.