SVC always believed in Leading by example. Nine years ago SVC International Business & Entrepreneurship Executive Director Kris Meriwether West, DBA, and SVC International Economics, Foreign Policy & Trade Executive Directors Erica Schwarzkopf Masters, DBA, wrote an Article regarding the contributions SVC has made as an International Contribution and they wrote the Article in Commemoration of SVC INTERNATIONAL ENTREPRENEURIAL SPIRIT DAY in 2014!!!!!!!
Here's their 2023 Update:
During many of the SVC International Septimal and General Conferences and the SVC International National Conventions, the conversation has often turned to what would have been the impact of SVC if We didn't have to mess with al Qaeda-gate.
The 2,135 Economists Worldwide who Participate in the SVC International Business Barometer decided to try to quantify the Economic impact of the Sutton Viewpoint Center, Inc, and then extrapolate those numbers in an attempt to delineate what the Former Montana Scandal has cost SVC let alone the World in terms of Economic well-being.
For starters, SVC International has 7,049 SVC Allied Advocates on Staff at the SVC International Complex. These are full-time positions and do not include support Staff which work only on maintenance of the Facilities and Custodial duties. They work for outside Employers, usually have several commercial Clients and are paid on a contract basis.
SVC has 14,749 National, State, Provincial Territorial and Satellite Offices Worldwide where Four Corporate Officers at each level work with an average 21.5 support Staff or approximately 320,277 full-time Staff (2.25 million total). Again, support Staff for the Facilities are hired from outside sources and the number of their Employees cannot be estimated accurately or their hours worked specifically at SVC Offices.
All these numbers have to do with SVC alone. They do not include the Economic Growth spurred by the SVC Trailblazer Press Network and the SVC President’s Publishing success.
Now the tricky question. What has been the Economic impact upon SVC and the World because of the Old Jore Debacle and al Qaeda-gate. In terms of my time, the al Qaeda-gate has caused me an average of three days per Week away from SVC. It could easily be stated that SVC and its vaunted numbers would be at least 75% greater or about $70 billion in annual payroll Worldwide.
The number of full-time Jobs lost Worldwide is approximately 425,350, over half of what the US Economy conjures per month when it is growing and its highest GDP, which was in 2021, was just over $25.46 trillion (the National debt is over $33 trillion, oops...).
The aggregate Human suffering cannot be quantified. Money and Economic value always talks. If US President Joe Biden desires to Build America Back Better, end the violence and make America secure in its future prosperity, then U.S. Troops should be on their way to the Rockies ASAP!!!!!!!
There are 105 National Legislatures considering ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY right now after the Vanuatu Parliament has passed the ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY Enabling Act in a Country of just 300,000 People. The Economy has grown over 200 times in just the past seven Years!!!!!!! We are all so excited for Vanuatu and the rest of the World!!!!!!!
All together, this is 320,277 full-time positions directly under the SVC umbrella and the total payroll in US Dollars is approximately $27.87 billion annually or $973,000,000,000 in equivalent GDP. There are only a handful of International Corporations which can claim as much. There are approximately 70 Nations or about one-third of those recognized by the United Nations whose GDP is lower than SVC's Direct Payroll figures and equivalent GDP.
All these numbers have to do with SVC International alone and is nonprofit. They do not include the Economic Growth spurred by SVC Trailblazer Press Network and and it Publishing success which proceeds all have been placed in Trust Funds and tax deferred or exempt investments Internationally. One possible “positive” aspect of SVC and its Founder's being blackballed in America is no US tax liability exists because they have lost not made money in the United States.
Now the tricky question. What has been the Economic impact upon SVC and the World because of the Old Jore Debacle and the American Opprobrium. The al Qaeda-gate Scandal has caused SVC's President an average of three days per Week away from SVC. It could easily be stated that SVC and its vaunted numbers would be at least 75% greater or about $70 billion in annual payroll Worldwide or $2,482,833,000,000 in equivalent GDP.
The number of full-time Jobs lost Worldwide is approximately 425,250, three times of what the US Economy conjures per month when it is growing and its highest GDP, which was in 2022, was just over $25.46 trillion (the National debt is over $33 trillion, oops...).
The US Economy constitutes 20% of the World Economy in terms of GDP. This means SVC is at least 9.75% of the US economy and 2.4% of the World Economy and could have been 14.9% and 3.75% if it hadn't been for the American Opprobrium (Qaeda-gate). This means a loss of at least 425,350 jobs and $1.08 trillion in economic wealth lost annually because the Obama, Trump and Biden Administrations in the USA have stubbornly resisted putting down al Qaeda-gate the past 14 years.