KEY QUESTION: Why did Doc Sutton develop his Living Security Insurance Program?
EVENT/CURRENT ISSUE: Material Need & Greed
Jesus taught us: “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate one and love the other or you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot love God and money.” (Matthew 6:24)
The fact is, most people choose money and it is the single greatest reason why Jesus cannot return to a world at Peace.
Avarice is defined as “extreme greed for wealth or material gain.” Too many have this problem. Don’t get this wrong. It is not a sin to be wealthy, but it is if wealth is used for selfish reasons or to hurt others.
In TRAILBLAZER TO REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM, SVC’s President writes: Economics drives America’s political, social and cultural policies with a vengeance. There is no aspect, quite literally, in our free enterprise economy that does not affect all Americans in some way or another, from the very wealthy to the pathetically impoverished.
He also discusses the lack of Personal Responsibility in America today. Motivation to commit crimes have just two causes: 1) desperation; or 2) the profit motive turned rotten, otherwise known as greed. Personal Responsibility and survival are the microeconomic aspects and power and material need and greed are the macroeconomic aspects.
The last major public appearance Dr. Wayne Dyer ever made was during SVC’s Founder’s Day General Conference in Cape Town, South Africa. There the two Doctors of Philosophy introduced Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy Needs. Both of them started out as Psychology majors in College and Dr. Maslow’s Theories had a great deal of influence on them.
Dr. Maslow believed that every Human Being has five levels of needs to be satisfied on their way to becoming self-actualized. If the first two levels – the physiological and safety needs – cannot be met, then there is no chance one can succeed in any meaningful way. Indeed, a life of living in silent desperation is the best they can do.
SVC’s President created Living Security to make sure no one is relegated to living at the Physiological and Safety Needs levels any longer and thus will have the opportunity to realize their Divine Destinies. It is the “income insurance” component that assures everyone they will never fall below the Belongingness and Love Needs level.
With the survival concerns behind them, people will no longer attach the dubious attraction to material need and greed they have in the past, thus making a Peaceful conclusion to the world possible.
The question simply is: Why can’t Americans have Economic Democracy and Living Security installed in the United States?
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