"You become what you think about all day long." - Earl Nightingale

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last publication to be made Public by the Sutton Viewpoint Center pertaining to the American Opprobrium. SVC is done talking and will now start doing)


I (SVC International President & CEO, Phil Sutton, DBA & PhD) played Little League and Babe Ruth Baseball until age 14 and Southside Park in Bozeman, Montana, USA, was a practice field then. When I was seven years old my teammates and I were practicing and I was batting. I was hit by a pitch. It really hurt and I wanted to go home.

My Coach, Max Amberson (an SVC Allied Advocate), objected saying that if I didn’t back into the batter’s box immediately, I may not ever again. Max A understood what a traumatic experience like that could mean to a little 7-year old Boy.

I did go to bat again. In the seven Years I played organized Baseball, I usually was the lead-off Batter for my team because I got on base an extraordinarily high percentage of the time, either by a hit, walking and, yes, being hit by another pitch. My Coaches wanted to get the opposing pitcher off to a bad start.

Our Son Jack had been the lead-off batter for his Little League Team, which eventually became Little League World Champions!

Jesus told me this has been a magnificent metaphor in my life. I had been hit – and sometimes very hard – by many a pitch, but I never failed to back into the batter’s box. The American Opprobrium has scarred My Family and I beyond compare, but we have always gotten back up to bat. That's how life is and the metaphor cannot be lost on those who desire to have the incredible Life the Creator intends for you!

I was abused by My Parents virtually from the moment I was born. This set a mentality for me which has attracted all the abuse I have received in my Life. It's hard to swallow, isn't? We are responsible for what happens in Our Lives. While I am not responsible for setting the mentality, I am responsible for allowing the abusive cycle to continue and allowing it to prevent me from achieving my Divine Destiny.

Until recently, I subconsciously believed I somehow deserved the abuse I have seen in his Life. Once that mentality takes root, it is incredibly difficult to supplant and reverse, especially when I was unaware of why I felt that way and the fact that those thoughts were some of my first thoughts as a days old infant. My body, Mind and Soul were defenseless and simply accepted that viewpoint of myself as true.

This is why my Personal requirement to end the abusive cycle in my Life is of paramount importance me. The only way that can be accomplished is to crush any idea that I am in anyway deserved any of that abuse - in my or anyone else's mind.

It is real basic Psychology. Abused Individuals must see Justice done to their abusers. This does not necessarily mean through the Judicial System, but it must be done in such a way that the abused know that the emotional, physical and sometimes sexual abuse is not deserved and that the wrongdoers are being dealt with harshly and that their behavior shunned by all.

I would prefer to follow Nelson Mandela's example of forgiveness and reconciliation, but the traitors/terrorists of the American Opprobrium have made that impossible. The White Oppressors in South Africa eventually came to know what they were doing was wrong and worked to make amends. Can you see the traitors/terrorists of the American Opprobrium ever doing the same thing? Enough said.

The best way to overcome your own difficulties is to help others overcome theirs. Nelson readily gave me credit for insisting that the effort to topple the Apartheid government had been too dissipated for over a half century and by focusing on gaining his and others' release from prison through a International Boycott would be more effective.

Approximately 50 months after his release from prison he became the First Black Majority President of South Africa. The Movement against Apartheid had started during the Great Depression when Nelson was a teenager. When he was inaugurated, he was 75 years old.

Everything - and we do and we mean everything - the SVC International Board of Governors and its subordinate Standing Committees and Commissions have done, is considering doing and will do to Reform the American Opprobrium is consistent with this Psychological and Mental imperative for me. If it sounds a bit over the top, tough. That too is consistent with the traitors/ terrorists' outrageous behavior and attitudes towards their Victims.

SVC has always stated that the vehemence shown by the terrorists towards me would be returned in full measure. This will not be out of revenge, but the very real need to make sure that the rest of the world understands that it is their behavior, not mine or that of the other true Victims of their crap, that is forever inexcusable and unacceptable in Civilized Society and can never be allowed to happen again!

This is what is so awkward about the situation with putting down the American Opprobrium at the same time opposing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. If I did not know any better, the Russians deliberately invaded Ukraine just before the Lockdowns in Colorado and Montana with UN Troops were to occur in 2021, thus keeping the American hypocrisy intact and forcing Americans to do the same things to Russia as will soon be done to the United States in terms of International Economic Sanctions.

The Opening Episode of Star Trek, Deep Space Nine (1993-1999) is Entitled, "The Emissary." In it, the lead Character Benjamin Sisko, lost his Wife through violent means just as I did in real life - in an attack by the Borg. Two-Thirds of the way through the episode the Characters that know Sisko is the Bajoran Emissary bring him back to the moment Sisko loses Jennifer. Sisko confesses that this moment is the most painful in his Life and that he did not care to relive it. Then the Character playing his Wife asks the profound question, "Then, why do you exist here?"

Sisko says he doesn't understand. What Sisko doesn't understand is that he is stuck mentally in the grief of that moment and his grief stood in his way of getting on with his Life and realizing his Destiny.

I was stuck in the same way for an eighth century until the Burning Bush Dream I with Patti. Patti effectively kicked me out of her Spiritual existence into Angelica's. Nine Days after that Dream, Angelica (Sutton, PhD, SVC Vice President & Chief Outreach Officer) and I were out on our first date.

Of all the wonderful things that have happened with Angelica in my Life, being able to leave the "Love of My Youth" behind and find the "Love of My Life," as Patti put it in that Dream, is the most precious, because it made all the other happiness even possible!

Ironically, Patti was a High School English & Literature Teacher. She loved talking about the rich metaphors, allegories and figures of speech in Literature. She would often give credit to her Students for writing Reports on Books they read discussing the same.

That was the reason in the Second Dream on what would have been our 31st, Wedding Anniversary, she used the metaphor of the One Tin Soldier (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTBx-hHf4BE). This informed me that I must go forward with my International Complaint against the United States of America, but that ultimately putting down the American Opprobrium would offer only a hollow victory and that, just like I had grieved over her passing, I must not get stuck there. That is obviously why I have so earnestly led SVC in such a way that envisions the future after the American Opprobrium. I have already passed it in my own mind. You all need to be there too.

For me, the American Opprobrium is like Peter when Jesus said to him, ”Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; for you are not setting your mind on God's interests, but man's.” – Matthew 16:23

That is precisely what the American Opprobrium is to me, SVC and our Affiliates. And that obstruction from Satan's people will be removed in such way that there is no chance it can ever erupt again and give us any grief.

My most important reason for finally leaving Patti behind was my desire for a Family. I had no idea or had any reason to believe I'd ever see Alicia alive again. The story of our 2-year old Marti saving her cat Tiffany is absolutely precious. The Faith she showed in the healing power of the Creator puts most Adults to shame and is very inspirational.

Marti plays Basketball as well as her Brother plays Baseball. Both have Athletic Scholarships at Division I Colleges and Angelica and I are very proud of them!

I have often stated that when I have been Teaching Marti and Jack that the value of what I learned has been far greater than I have ever imparted to my Children. I have benefited from it the most, it has never been a fair exchange.

You don't have to lose a Loved One or be an abuse Victim to get stuck. Napoleon Hill said that the 97% or 98% of the people that do not realize their Divine Destiny have gotten stuck somewhere down the line. They have given way to mediocrity giving every excuse in the book to explain their failures - don't let that be you!

Revelation 3:21 tells us that if we overcome, we will inherit a place on Jesus' throne as he has inherited a place on the Creator's throne. That's powerful! I have quite literally spent a lifetime overcoming. It's comforting to know what your ultimate destination will be.

"Men since the beginning of time have sought Peace. Various methods through the ages have been attempted to devise an International process to prevent or settle disputes between Nations. From the very start workable methods were found in so far as Individual Citizens were concerned, but the mechanics of an instrumentality of larger International scope have never been successful. Military alliances, balances of power, Leagues of Nations, all in turn failed, leaving the only path to be by way of the crucible of war. The utter destructiveness of war now blocks out this alternative. We have had our last chance. If we will not devise some greater and more equitable system, Armageddon will be at our door." -Douglas MacArthur, September 2, 1945

I have been given the duty by Our Creator to bring the Earth to a Peaceful conclusion by the time Jesus returns. Armageddon is not an option. It would have been inconsistent for the Creator to send Jesus to save us Spiritually and not have a plan to avert Armageddon and ultimately defeat Satan.

On June 17, 2013, I had the high honor to Conduct this very same SVC International Executive Committee Septimal Conference from the decks of the USS Missouri. Upon those venerable decks, World War II came to an official, merciful end on September 2, 1945.

The USS Missouri has a very special meaning for me as it was brought of mothballs during Persian Gulf War I to constantly bombard Iraqis holed up in Kuwait City. I walked upon her decks many times, each time remembering the great History of the Ship.

The USS Missouri (BB-63) ("Mighty Mo" or "Big Mo") which Margaret Truman christened, in 1944, in itself is/was a United States Navy Iowa-Class Battleship and was the third ship of the US Navy to be named in honor of the US State of Missouri.

The Missouri was the last Battleship commissioned by the United States and was the site of the surrender of the Empire of Japan, which ended World War II.

Missouri was ordered in 1940 and Commissioned in June 1944. In the Pacific Theater of World War II she fought in the Battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa and shelled the Japanese home islands.

The Missouri fought in the Korean War from 1950 to 1953. She was decommissioned in 1955 into the United States Navy reserve fleets (the "Mothball Fleet"), but reactivated and modernized in 1984 as part of the 600-ship Navy Plan, and provided fire support during Operation Desert Storm in January and February 1991.

The Missouri received a total of 11 Battle Stars for service in World War II, Korea, and the Persian Gulf, and was finally decommissioned on 31 March 1992, but remained on the Naval Vessel Register until her name was struck in January 1995. In 1998, she was donated to the USS Missouri Memorial Association and became a Museum Ship at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

Part of that history is MacArthur made the above Statement on the Missouri's deck just before the Treaty Signings between the Japanese and Allied Powers in Tokyo Harbor. The General's stark warning regarding Armageddon is as vivid and true as it was first spoken 78 Years ago. Somehow Humankind has managed to survive since, but the specter of a Nuclear holocaust is always there.

The Study of Human History indicates that war has always occurred when a perceived material need was not satisfied or despots wanted to extend their greed to their otherwise Peaceful Neighbors. Eliminate material need and greed on this planet and you eliminate the impetus to and for all war. It is as simple as that.

Four of America's last five Armed conflicts had to do with oil in some way. The Japanese bombed America at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 because of America's oil and scrap iron embargo. Tojo explained the Decision to attack America by saying, "The embargo is like a knife to Japan's throat."

The Japanese did their “Island Hopping” to reach oil rich Indochina which includes Vietnam. Persian Gulf War I was ignited when Iraq invaded Kuwait claiming rights upon the Kuwaiti oil fields and later set them on fire as the Iraqis retreated back into Iraq. Osama bin Laden was a Saudi Prince and, of course, was the master mind of the 9/11 attacks.

America's addiction to oil is its most costly Public Policy Issue and Public Policymakers are deluding themselves to believe Energy Independence today is not akin in importance to America's Political Independence from Great Britain 247 Years ago.

US President Jimmy Carter was right in calling OPEC oil embargoes in the 1970's, "the moral equivalent of war." The USA just keeps on going to war and thousands of our fellow Americans die on Foreign Battlefields so Civilians can keep driving gas-guzzling vehicles. Think about it!

I started my "Seeing Hand of God" Presentation in my SVC PPF Presentation on Mother's Day, May 8, 2011. I did so because it was Mother's Day; SVC was at the Harry S Truman Presidential Library in Independence, Missouri, on the 127th Anniversary of the 33rd President's Birthday. It was also the 66th Anniversary of V-E (Victory in Europe) Day and the final defeat of the Nazi horror.

Seven years before Margaret caught me completely off guard for the first and only time SVC Public Policy Forum History stating: "Historians say that the First World War made My Father; I believe the First Persian Gulf War made you." Margaret could not have had any idea what would happen the next 19 years after she said this. Only by the grace of the Creator have I survived. One wonders what her Father's reaction would be to the American Opprobrium and the criminal malfeasance and abuse of power by three of his successors in the White House.

President Truman died the day after Christmas in 1972, same as Gerald Ford in 2006 and Desmond Tutu in 2021. I never met the Missourian, but I did meet the Michigander and I worked with the South African for the better part of 30 years.

You are who you become associated with and I have no problem whatsoever being associated with people like this.

George H W Bush took a special interest in SVC and in me. There are few who have such a dedicated and diverse record in Public Service as did the 41st US President.

If Woodrow Wilson, Harry Truman’s Commander in Chief during World War I, had handled the transition from war to Peace at Versailles as well as my Commander in Chief during Persian Gulf I handled the transition to the post-Cold War I World, then there probably would never have been a Second World War and the World would have never known the Nazi Holocaust. George had a gift of Statecraft that he believed I had too.

That’s why he Recommended me to his Son the President that I’d be George W’s Ambassador Plenipotentiary (Personal Representative). This opened many opportunities that have allowed me and SVC to become one of the World Leaders in many respects. And Margaret was absolutely right. President Truman turned 33 when he went to war in 1917; I was 31 in 1990. We were never the same again.

The Creator will make my personal vindication in the American Opprobrium as a way to denude the massive Scandals within a Scandal, but provide encouragement to all those who are oppressed in the world hope that they can achieve Justice, Liberty & Victory in their Lives in their part of the World!

My Personal Work in Diplomacy and International Business has been and always will be focused upon somehow create an International environment that all inhabitants of the Earth will live in Peace, Liberty and Prosperity. Quoting the Holy Bible: "Peacemakers who sow Peace raise a harvest of righteousness." - James 3:18

I am the Primary Author of the “Responsibility to Protect” Legislation at the International level and is the natural extension of the Sutton Doctrine. Every Year for the past 23 Years I spoken in the same way at Independence Square regarding how the Revival of the FOUR FOUNDING PRINCIPLES OF THE AMERICAN DREAM (now FOUR UNIVERSAL THEMATIC PRINCIPLES OF THE AMERICAN DREAM) will lead to Rebuilding America and, of course, REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM!!!!!!!

I will never forget a Personal Development tape by Jim Rohn where he commented that when one makes the Decision to absolutely commit to the Accomplishment of a Goal and go all out to achieve it:

"The Man says I will climb the mountain. They say it is too high. It is too far. It is too rocky. It is too difficult. It has never been done before. But it is my mountain. I will climb it. Pretty soon you will see me waving from the top or dead on the side because I am not coming back.

When confronted with iron-will determination, I can see time, fate and circumstance calling a hasty conference and deciding, we might as well let him have his dream. He's said he's going to get there or die trying.”

It is at this point I first heard SVC Allied Advocate Inspiration Hall Inductee, Benjamin Disraeli's Quote, "Nothing can resist the human will that will stake even its existence on the extent of its purpose”. It is absolutely true and history has proven it again and again.

My Three Guidelines to making a Decisions enunciated in REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM and all subsequent books: The Decision which will be the (1) most difficult to achieve; (2) is/will be least popular; but 3) will help the most People is the correct one. If all three aspects or elements coexist in the Decision-making Process, the Creator is calling you to do something great! After all, it is only by the Creator’s power you can accomplish anything!

Do you think the Goals associated with the SVC INTERNATIONAL DREAMWEAVER PLEXUS and ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY fit this bill? The Mission is most difficult to achieve and is hardly popular, but it will help hundreds of millions if not billions of People!!!!!!!

Bottom line, the Decisions you make have and will continue to shape your Life - so make some good ones.

In my so-called "Liberty Speech" in Prague January 2009 was an outflowing of what We truly believe about you, I and everyone who has, is and will live on Earth: We are indeed endowed with certain inalienable Rights - better still qualities - that are meant to drive Us to Our ultimate Destinies and those Rights are meant to pave the way! We must unlock Our Natural Talents for the betterment of all Creation!

As I stated in Prague 14¾ years ago, although no one knows when or where, there are defining moments in the Lives of Individuals and Nations. Organizations have them too. I believe SVC is now at our next defining moment which will launch it into marvelous prominence.

As Wayne Dyer would no doubt remind us, my thoughts have now become reality because I had a Spiritual knowing, not intellectual knowing of what is really behind the American Opprobrium.

Almost a decade ago, Angelica and Barbara De Angelis, PhD, started a series on Judgmentalism during her SVC International Outreach Committee Septimal Conferences because they realized that was the crux of the angst against me in the American Opprobrium. Jesus said:

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” – Matthew 7:12

Angelica wrote in her Report:

Judgment can really be an ugly thing. There is no greater example of this than the American Opprobrium. Phil has been the target of the greatest barrage of Judgment in Human History. He just has.

During the SVC 2021 International Founder's Day General Conference & PPF Series, Phil stated the way Nelson Mandela endured 27 years in prison and he has survived the greatest persecution of any Human Being in History is because they both knew who is in charge and that their suffering would be awarded big time!!!!!!!

Even with all of what the traitors/terrorists have done to him, Phil still wants to give them an opportunity to redeem themselves. A high percentage of the terrorists will be sentenced to life at hard labor and there is plenty of work to be done to build and rebuild the World most impoverished areas.

American Society will be left out, however, because of SVC's Social Infrastructure Program - part of Phil's 21st century Marshall Plan – has witnessed the lack of gratitude and appreciation shown Phil, SVC and our great Affiliates by the American People.

Obviously, if the traitors/terrorists and their fellow travelers would be or could be honest - even remotely honest - with themselves and knew the truth behind all that has happened to Phil and our Family, they’d understand the damage that they have done in their own Lives, the Lives of their Families and their Communities as a result because Civilized Society cannot tolerate having such hateful and judgmental individuals in it. Indeed, We are all just beginning to discover how damaging it really has been and will be.

What was transpiring in Bozeman and Missoula and now in Colorado Springs and Denver metro area is a classic example of what we mean. For 5½ years or so Former International Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda shared her frustration with what to do with the traitors/terrorists of the American Opprobrium because they are so arrogant and actually believe they will get away with what they are doing. Their behavior has become so socially unacceptable that there are avenues being reviewed to Judicially Execute more of them because Civilization simply cannot have their kind at-large and must have a deterrent established to assure the World we will not see another American Opprobrium!

The traitors/terrorists have always involved themselves in Group Think and have allowed themselves to be captive of their Third Stage Psychotic Denial. They have never bothered to confront the truth about their activities which match them with al Qaeda and what that means for their future. Committing one crime on Judge Brinkema’s Serial Crimes List makes them guilty of all the rest.

In the harsh Judgment of the International Tribunals against the traitors/ terrorists is a direct result of matching the al Qaeda Script and makes the notion of a trial irrelevant, only the punishment phase is necessary. History will remember them as al Qaeda operatives for all time.

So is the power the traitors/terrorists have given their Victims to exact absolute retribution upon the traitors/terrorists, their Families, their Employers their Communities, their States and the United States...That cannot be allowed to happen ever again! That is not being judgmental, it must happen to save Civilized Society!

This has become particularly true now that SVC knows the score and why this Great Organization has suffered so when there is no obvious reason for it!

It has always been curious why al Qaeda would spend billions of dollars to obstruct the truth one Person carried. Now we know that is chump change as compared to the threat perceived by al Qaeda and its fellow travelers in all that SVC Represents and is getting accomplished worldwide. There must be somebody who has sat down and decided no amount is too great to expend to destroy these good works!

Before any smart asses begin to discuss what they perceive as our own Judgmentalism, Angelica and Barbara have taught SVC'ers that there is a difference between Judgmentalism and discernment.

Discernment allows individuals to perceive in the absence of Judgment with a viewpoint to attaining spiritual guidance and understanding. In this instance, it is not difficult to discern what the the traitors/terrorists mean to do to me. No Judgmentalism on our part is necessary. They have made no secret of the hatred for me and there desire to kill me or failing that, making my life a living hell.

As of 9/30/23, here is the breakdown of where I have encountered the traitors/ terrorists or where they reside now:

Colorado Springs: 395,080

Missoula : 53,977

Bozeman : 3,877

Elsewhere in USA: 72,569

Total : 525,503


Because I am from Bozeman and went to school in Missoula, I knew a good number of my tormentors and those numbers for the two Montana cities are transient because almost 45% of the traitors/terrorists counted in Bozeman and Missoula were Students at Montana State University and University of Montana, throwing their young lives away.

Colorado Springs is a completely different story. Adding the driver who ran a red light with the intention of running me over at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs on September 28, 2023, constituting the 15th attempt on my life, I knew virtually none of the Colorado traitors/terrorists before November 16, 2018. The matter is under Investigation.

The fact that the “Kagy Korner” car traveled 775 miles from Bozeman to COS overnight to continue their terrorism against me in COS the past five years is a testament to just how vehement the hatred is with these people against me.

I never met any of them nor did I do anything to provoke their behavior. Nor can I contact the normal authorities to arrest them because evidently the COS traitors/ terrorists has a vested interest in protecting the University of Montana, City & County of Missoula and their fellow traitors/terrorists 1,000 miles away.

One of the supreme ironies of all this is I was trained and educated concerning Conflict Management during my undergraduate years at UM. The Communication Studies Department was the very best in the nation at the time. What I learned became the foundation for the Sutton Doctrine and eventually the International Responsibility to Protect Principle which became the basis for my International Complaint over what is transpiring in Missoula and now elsewhere. It also was one of the reasons Montana was considered “Harvard of the West.” My, how the mighty have fallen.

UM just reported it had the largest enrollment increase in 14 years for the current semester that under law never should have been convened. They are bragging about their 10,300 Student population UM now has. When I started at UM in 1978, there were 2,000 less Students, but that was 45 years ago. The US population has grown at 2½ times greater rate.

The 14-year time span is consistent with the timeline of the American Opprobrium. It was in 2009 the wheels started coming off the cover-ups and the Public Funds Embezzlement; Make Victims Units & Judicial Corruption; and drug manufacturing & trafficking Scandals with the Grizzly football team and 47 other Division I Schools were first exposed in March, June and August of that year, respectively; with the Sexual Assault Scandal quickly following. Prospective Students likewise understood they didn't want to go there for college and enrollment dropped by the thousands.

We cannot allow these people to continue to delude themselves and the rest of the world that somehow all this should be forgiven and they can get off scot-free. We know UM President Seth Bodnar and his Administration's attitude is that they inherited the mess and they are doing their best to clean it up. OK. Fair enough.

Then what about the Shannon Schweyen sex discrimination case? Or not even attempting to appropriately deal with the Public Funds Embezzling scandal; the illicit drug manufacturing & trafficking scandal; the sexual assault scandal and all the damage Royce Engstrom did to the university and its reputation. The man taught chemistry at UM the past six years before retiring. What is that all about?

Bodnar is a Military Academy Graduate and Green Beret. He knows full well that he can be held responsible for everything that occurs under his “command” at UM and he will be. The fact that he has not responded in a conciliatory manner to the emails he has received from SVC tells us he has bought into the mentality that is Missoula and UM now. Quite frankly, that kind of attitude must be banished from the face of the earth!

The Conspiracy Rule that automatically convicts all the traitors/terrorists of all the crimes on the al Qaeda Script list comes to us from none other than George Washington. Early in his Presidency, Washington sent a memo to everyone in the infant US Government at the time saying he was responsible for their actions and that they had better fly right. The concept is very military and it is remarkable that the US Civilian Government has adopted the concept in its laws. Such was the influence of General Washington.

The point of all this is that the International Tribunals, their Partner US Federal Courts and the United Nations have no alternative but utilize all measures necessary to put down the American Opprobrium. What incentive do they have to wait any longer?

Personally, I am tired of living my life in a 24/7 dogfight. The real live dogfights I have been involved in over the Middle East allowed me to fight back and defeat my adversaries decisively. I was in control of my own fate and I wouldn't be here if I had not fought well. The metaphoric dogfights here I have been involved in the United States I have been virtually defenseless and it has been open season on me for no discernible reason(s).

We are going to find out what the incentive for these people has been, who has carried Osama bin Laden's vendetta against me forward the past eighth century since he was killed and how the traitors/terrorists have managed to compromise America's National Security so very well.

This should be a concern for all Americans, not just me or my fellow Victims of the American Opprobrium, but it is not. Ultimately, the the traitors/terrorists must come to their senses just like the White South Africans did in 1990 or cause the utter destruction of the United States. Are they willing to take America down with them in a desperate attempt to save themselves?

Besides, the situation in Colorado Springs has forced the issue. We cannot forestall foreclosures and arrests because the traitors/terrorists have closed almost all means of income and support. It is causing too much hardship going into the Winter months. We are not going to be stuck there. It is the traitors/ terrorists who must be outside in the cold paying their debt to society...


Phil Sutton, DBA & PhD, SVC International Executive Committee Chair & SVC International President & Chief Executive Officer

SVC PUBLIC WEBSITE: https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com

SVC PUBLIC E-MAIL: trailblazers@www.svctrailblazerpublications.com 












