Published on 27 September 2024 at 17:29



KEY QUOTE: …and we solemnly declare we will preserve our liberties, being of one mind resolved to die as free men rather than live as slaves. - Thomas Jefferson, 3rd U.S. President


EVENT/CURRENT ISSUE: Fading Desire for Personal and National Greatness II.


Benjamin Disraeli’s quote utilized last week expressed similar sentiments. There will be moments in which a great Decision is required. Jesus spoke of bearing our own “crosses”. Whether or not we choose to go to our cross or run away will greatly determine how we wind up in our lives.


In his books, SVC’s President calls this our “Gethsemane Moments.” You must go to your as Jesus did or you must accept a life of mediocrity and disgrace.


Jesus is known as the greatest man who ever lived. If he had not gone to his cross – his Divine Destiny – then he would have been an unknown and nobody could have cared less about him.


The question: Why not resolve to live your life as a free, great person? Tell SVC when you made that decision and we will cheer!

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