Eighty-five years ago, Time Magazine Published a Special Edition entitled: “World War II: When Darkness Fell.” It was 50th Anniversary Special remembering when Nazi Germany attacked Poland and triggered World War II in Europe.
Twelve years ago, SVC's Founder & President/CEO, Phil Sutton, recorded his International Complaint against the USA. From the beginning, the International Investigators – who are from Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine - stated that what they saw reminded them of the Nazi horror, that there was something deeper, uglier involved than just massive government corruption in Missoula County, Montana, USA.
Everyone’s worst fears were confirmed 27 months later when former Foreign Students at the University of Montana attempted to assassinate SVC's President in Manila, The Philippines, and Tokyo, Japan, and confessed to being al Qaeda operatives.
These Students were involved in the Mansfield Library Incident on 2 March 2011 on the University of Montana campus and feared that the wheels were coming off their cover-up when the United Nations approved a series of Resolutions in favor of the Sutton International Complaint earlier in 2014 and adopting SVC Founder's No Tolerance Terrorism Policy for the world.
Further Investigation revealed that Hezbollah had handed-off Islamic Jihad’s goal to successfully infiltrate the United States to al Qaeda in the same way Osama bin Laden managed with the Taliban Government in Afghanistan. Darkness had fallen once again on 9/11. The once great United States of America has become unrecognizable to even its closest Allies.
The American People cannot be surprised by the consequences which come from what the 735,000+ Americans who have chosen these courses of action in their lives. This number of traitors/terrorists jumped approximately 200,000 from 535,000 to 735,000 because those who have been arrested or turned themselves exposed them. That is typical. SVC has no idea how high this number will climb.
On 14 July 2024, the WTO rejected an Appeal from China. China wanted the International Sanctions reversed against its alleged Intellectual Piracy concerning Microsoft’s products. China argued that the WTO and the International Court of Justice had no standing to make such Rulings.
The WTO would have none of it and levied further sanctions against China due to its unfair trade practices and attempting to flaunt International Law. The WTO further warned any other such activities will lead to further Trade Sanctions.
In the other half of the 14 October 2022 Ruling, American Publishers won a partial victory against SVC. The WTO Ruled that the 10 Publishers named in the original Ruling had instituted unfair trade and business practices against SVC’s Publications within the United States and were Ordered to Cease and Desist or Sanctions of 10% tariff against all American Creative Artists work/products would be levied.
Publishers had been Granted relief from the multi-billionaire dollar Judgment against them because of the absence of a clear manner in which to calculate damages and placed the Ruling into Legal limbo until such a clear, objective manner could be established.
On 18 August 2024, SVC’s Founder book signing at Briargate Barnes & Noble bookstore in Colorado Springs, clearly delineated how fair damages could be assessed. That afternoon, 12 of the 15 books B & N had available were signed and sold. The other three books were signed by the Author before he left and sold within 24 hours. This occurred in the middle of one of worst hotbeds of the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium (AOTO).
It was always known that if this book is displayed in bookstores, people would buy it. The infamous blacklisting that the 10 Publishers have engaged in is in fact illegal and the WTO has reinstated the Judgment.
Originally, the Judgment was based upon the sales of REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM. During its 10-year run between 2002 and 2012, the book sold nearly 780 million copies worldwide. It has been estimated that if the book sold at that same rate in the United States as it did elsewhere and elsewhere where it should have been available, the Author lost, adjusted for inflation and likely increases in prices, approximately $5.88 billion in royalties. This would give anyone a serious headache just thinking about it.
Now, the WTO has made it simple. As of 1 September 2024, TRAILBLAZER TO REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM must sell a minimum of 15 books per day, per State or 750 books per day in the USA or the 10% Sanctions will kick in and reimburse the Author until all his losses in royalties and prestige then and now are recovered, an estimated $875 billion. There are also provisions for other SVC & Affiliate Authors to recover damages.
Normally, no Rulings of the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court and/or the World Trade Organization are Appealable. In fairness to SVC's President, not the 10 American Publishers, the WTO simply corrected its previous Ruling and increased the recoverable damages for SVC's President.
The Enforcement Report regarding the WTO sanctions, which took effect on 1 September 2024, stated that for the first 10 days of September, no States are in compliance and the 10% Sanctions against all American Creative Arts is being duly assessed!
It also should be noted, that the Martel case in the State of Montana set the precedence for the AOTO concerning Appeals of Judgments and Rulings of the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court and/or the World Trade Organization. The Montana State District Court threw out the Martel countersuit and the Montana Supreme Court turned down the Appeal from the District Court correctly stating it did not have Jurisdiction in the case.
It is already anticipated that the U.S. Government; State of Colorado; other political subdivision governments within the United States; and other American Citizens may attempt the same stunt and the U.S. Federal Court Partners will intervene if necessary and make sure no further delays in Justice will occur.
There are 10,374 Victims who are scheduled to receive benefits from the International Tribunals Judgments and the amounts of their compensation has been approved by U.S. Federal Courts. The priority has always been for SVC and the International Judiciary and Peacekeepers to be reimbursed and/or paid first. Collecting the proceeds from the Judgments is now the larger problem.
What Americans need to know is why the International Tribunals have moved so quickly against the United States in 2024. First, the change of Leadership on the International Court of Justice occurred on 6 February 2024 and when the news broke about SVC's President having his Social Security claim declined the day before. New President Nawaf Salem and new Vice President Julia Sebutinde are from Middle East and Africa and are well aware of what SVC's President has contributed to the development of International Law and economic development of their homelands and they were infuriated. When the "smoking gun letter" was discovered, the rest of the ICJ joined them and Ruled against the Social Security Administration.
Under International Law, the ICJ can only Rule against the National Government, not against individuals or entities within the offending nation. Many of the Rulings having to do with the Sutton International Complaint are based upon the Responsibility to Protect Principle which allows for civil and criminal action against individuals and business entities which have flaunted both International Law and their own National Laws with the National Government's acquiescence to or even supported by the National Government. This has definitely been the case throughout the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium.
The Hague soon realized as well that by closing the Social Security Program for all Americans it would send the dual, universal message that not only the United States National Government had acted in a manner that fully justified closing the program, but the American People had to take the responsible for not supporting SVC's President against all that has happened to him during the AOTO. Nearly every American has a vested interest in the Social Security Program and thus an astringent message will be sent that all this will not be tolerated in a civilized world.
The International Tribunals and United Nations are well-aware of the discrediting efforts against SVC's President and the Mass Media's and Social Media's cover-up efforts for and by the U.S. Government and other lower level governments and business entities and that most Americans would like to claim ignorance of what has been transpiring with the AOTO and the fact the Social Security Program is a goner and why.
Well, SVC alone has over 10 billion emails worldwide that the SVC INTERNATIONAL VIEWPOINT Newsletter goes to twice a week. SVC's Affiliates have their billions of emails and while there are duplicate emails, there are at least millions which are not. CNN and Fox News are Scheduled to go off the air and Twitter recently cut off any Twitter accounts SVC'ers have. And Twitter will wonder why it, along with Facebook and Tic Toc, they will be going off air as well. All these media outlets, at one level or another, are national security risks because that have cooperated fully with the traitors/terrorists of the AOTO.
What's truly ironic, is Darnela Frazier, at the tender age of 17, was the one who made the world aware of what happened to George Floyd. The 2021 Pulitzer Prize Committee gave her a Special Citation writing, "For courageously recording the murder of George Floyd, a video that spurred protests against police brutality around the world, highlighting the crucial role of citizens in journalists' quest for truth and justice." Drs. Dan O'Loughlin and Phil Sutton won their actual Pulitzer Prize in National Reporting for the "Retirement In America Series" alongside the Washington Post reporting on police violence in 2014. Any gains in Justice from Darnela's courageous act was put asunder by the Black Community in the United States when they turned a noble movement "Blacks Lives Matter" into "Only Black Live Matter" and offended the entire world.
This U.S. Labor Day, many Americans are asking: How can the International Tribunals do all that has been announced?
The real question that must be asked is how the traitors/ terrorists could do what they have done to make it necessary? They have the answers. The International Tribunals are making sure they will not get away with what they have and be duly punished so that no one will ever want to emulate them!
The commercial success of his books is the least of his concerns, however. SVC's Founder wants to get his Concepts out there and make a difference. The first and probably the biggest reason he has been so vehemently opposed by the Information Age Industries is because he wants all Americans to truly have a shot at living their version of the American Dream!
Economic Democracy makes everyone owners. They will be compensated for what they are worth economically, not simply paid by virtue of the j-o-b they hold. Most Americans hate their jobs and only do enough to keep them. If they are owners and paid according to their contributions, the ambitious ones will live the lives that want and they will have earned it.
In the countries where Economic Democracy has been installed, there is full-employment, the economy is booming and the growth rate is astronomical relatively speaking. If companies fail, it is the CEO’s who will find the unemployment lines first, not their underlings who had no control over their fate. Under the current state of affairs, the CEO’s sense no moral hazard about making bad decisions, causing businesses to flag or fail, and laying off 20,000 people to cover-up their malfeasance.
Of course, the traitors/terrorists have made it virtually impossible for the Sutton Family to live their version of the American Dream within the United States, thus discrediting SVC Founder’s Concepts could actually work in the United States if he is down and out.
In the end, it has been the Creator working through SVC's Founder to flush Satan’s people out, eventually eliminate them from Civilized Society, and make sure they cannot interfere with the completion of the Creator’s Grand Design.
According to SVC's Founder, material need and greed is the root of all evil. This is a more precise, modern statement of Jesus’ warning in Mathew 6:24: “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”
If Civilization removes material need and greed for everyone, then the destructive, insidious power of money loses its hold. The only way to do this is eliminate what Abraham Maslow called our “Safety & Physiological Needs” through Living Security.
In the countries where Living Security exists, the empirical evidence suggests that is exactly what Living Security can and will do. However, as SVC's Founder travails with Professional Insurance Licensure indicate, the U. S. insurance industry suffers from serious corruption and there is no chance Living Security could ever be possible in the United States without the complete putting down of the AOTO.
Once respected and even envied for all its greatness, the United States is only respected for its military and naval power. The vast majority of nations have only contempt for the USA now.
America’s foreign challenges have developed because of the hypocrisy within and arrogance without. The growing isolation of the United States which has undeniably occurred because the last three Administrations have not responded as all previous Administrations would have to the AOTO. It is simple as that.
The most recent example of this is the United Nations’ reaction to the United States vetoing Palestinian Statehood. The UN Resolution that created Israel in November 1947 also created a Palestinian State. Only a handful of nations supported Israel and the USA in the General Assembly Vote. And rightly so.
Ironically, Ambassador Sutton represented the United States when Israel first ceded control of the Gaza strip at about the same time he started writing the Responsibility to Protect Statutes, now Principle, for the UN and then-Secretary General Kofi Annan.
Seriously, if Americans look at their standing in the world objectively, they cannot possibly be happy with it or the lack of leadership that has caused it. Fortunately, America still has a reservoir of goodwill and could very quickly revive its high stature in the world if Americans chose to finally put down the AOTO internally.
1. Public Officials – elected or appointed – and Public Employees will not allowed to use their powers to systematically ruin lives as they have and still do in Missoula County, Montana.
2. Judicial Officers and Prosecutors will not be allowed to use their powers to systematically ruin lives as they have and still do in Missoula County, Montana.
3. Public Officials – elected or appointed – and Public Employees will not be allowed to pay hush money or grant other gratuities to cover-up their crimes or the crimes of others as they have in Montana.
4. Media of all kinds will be required to allow fair and equal coverage of the same kind of events in all cases as CNN and Fox News have not. Mass Media and Social Media cannot discriminate on the basis they can have higher ratings and/or make more money covering one event over another or concerning others or they cannot cover it at all.
5. Further, Mass Media that does discriminate and place lives in danger thereby will be responsible for any deaths, injuries or damages that occur as a result.
6. Public Officials – elected or appointed – and Public Employees cannot hire assassins to eliminate political enemies as they have in Missoula County, Montana and apparently now in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA. Because of further provocations by the traitors/terrorists in general and evidence that the supposed flashflood accident on July 20-21, 2024, was in fact not an accident and stripped everything of value in Colorado Springs from SVC's President, could have cost him his life, and the usual assistance given to a victim of such an accident was denied him - as usual - efforts to extricate them have been moved up.
7. Public Officials – elected or appointed – and Public Employees cannot bait Citizens to seek Professional Degrees, Certifications or Licenses and never intend to grant said Professional Degrees, Certifications or Licenses like they have in Colorado without losing those powers to do so.
8. If any government agency intentionally denies benefits in which Citizens are to automatically receive and make no attempt to correct the situation after they are caught in their criminal malfeasance doing so like the Colorado Springs, Colorado Social Security Administration has, then said bureaucrats will be responsible for the loss of all benefits for all Citizens. What’s fair is fair.
Furthermore, if benefits are actually received beginning in September 2024 or Medical bills paid by Medicare, the benefits will be subject to clawback measures and must be returned. Based on the latest Reports, the payments for those born during the first ten days of the month on 11 September have been hit or miss. Americans who have received Social Security Payments are advised not to spend these payments all in one place. They must be paid back in full.
If the Congress passes further appropriations of more funds for Social Security and Medicare, than those funds will be impounded.
This also goes for Public Officials – elected or appointed – and Public Employees who collect taxes, fees, etc. from the Public. The U.S. Postal Service refuses to deliver mail directly to SVC or anyone living in the vicinity of the SVC International Complex. This has been going on for two decades now.
Most residents have P.O. Boxes in Gunnison or Saguache and receive their mail that way. That’s fine if you have an established physical residential address elsewhere and that address is acceptable to obtain your driver’s license, personal I.D, and/or registering to vote. If you don’t, you cannot drive or vote in the State of Colorado.
The State of Colorado has also made receiving tax refunds a perennial circus. For instance, SVC Founder’s Income Tax Refund has still not been received and its late August.
SVC's Founder knows they have received the tax return because one of the I.D.’s the State uses for the inquiry is the amount of the refund or the computer program says there is no such account in the system instead of the tax return being received.
SVC's Founder has received his Federal tax refund long ago and both tax returns were sent in at the same time. This is the fourth year in the last five there has been a problem.
It is yet another example of how the traitors/terrorists are just picking on SVC's Founder. Fine. He quite literally owns the State of Colorado just as he owns Social Security. The International Tribunals and the Partner U.S. Federal Courts have already Ordered the closing of the Social Security Program and the partitioning of the State of Colorado. Wonder what they have in mind for Colorado now on the tax revenue end even as the Colorado State Legislature is in Special Session to fix there property tax mess…
9. Any public or private Employer who has an employee assaulted or harassed hoping they will quit or firing them without cause if they don’t like American For Prosperity and Canvass America has, will be subject to severe civil and criminal liability.
10. Any public or private Employer who knowingly denies employment, additional income opportunities or promotion on the basis of known doctored personal records or intentional inaccuracies on a credit report or background check like Employment Background Screening of Colorado and Blitz Canvassing has, will be subject to severe civil and criminal liability.
11. Mass shootings and gun violence will be markedly curtailed. As of August 29, 2024, 372 mass shootings have taken place with 1,528 deaths. In addition, as of August 29, 2024, the Gun Violence Archive (GVA) reported that there have been 11,257 gun violence-related injuries and homicides in the United States, including: 21 mass murders; 370 mass, shootings; 160 children (age 0-11) killed; 385 children (age 0-11) injured; 778 teens (age 12-17); killed 2,197 teens (age 12-17) injured.
The United States is the most violent nation in Human History, it's not even close. As part of the Reforms mandated by the United Nations, The Hague and their Partner U.S. Federal Courts, American Civilians will no longer be allowed to own military weapons unless they have taken and passed a Safety Course, similar to a Hunter's Safety Courses.
This will not on only cut down on mass shootings significantly, it should make sure that unfortunate deaths at home will be curtailed as well. This is by no means an infringement on Americans' Second Amendment Rights and is a no-brainer for the U.S. Congress to pass and for the President, who ever that may be, to sign the legislation
12. Likewise, police violence, will be curtailed significantly. According to Mapping Police, 884 Americans have been killed by police so far in 2024 in the United States.
International Special Prosecutor Norman Farrell’s diatribe at Bosworth, England, on 22 August 2024 indicated the frustration of those looking from the outside in have with Americans and the United States. They just cannot understand how a nation that once was the example to the rest of the world for every good and decent aspect in Civilized Society has turned into the example of how no one in their right mind would want to be! (
The BBC Reporter was doing what American Reporters should have been doing long ago. He truly wanted to know what is wrong with the United States and why there is so much strife. The General answer is that American Journalists are too busy participating in the cover-up.
If you need proof, all you need to know is CNN created the George Floyd saga in order to mask new revelations about Benghazi. No legitimate American Hero’s legacy was ever lauded more or were they treated better than George Floyd after they passed away. This is why the Special International Prosecutor rhetorically asked who is George Floyd and compared him to a legitimate American and International Hero who has survived three attempts on his life by American Law Enforcement.
What is more important is that over 1,000 Americans suffered the same fate as Floyd in 2020 and no one gave a damn about them or their Families. True, a few police killings were permissible cases where Law Enforcement had to defend themselves, but relatively few.
In 2023, over 1,300 police killings occurred according to USA today. Like so many aspects of American Society today, killings by Law Enforcement is getting worse not better, and Americans are signing off on it saying that it is just fine with them.
All this should already be adhered to and be a no-brainer for everyone in America to desire, but it’s not. There has been no contrition by the traitors/terrorists, save the over 178,400 contrite Americans who have already cooperated with International Authorities.
Worse, those who survive police violence and nothing is officially done to make sure it doesn’t happen again if Law Enforcement acted without probable cause or were paid or otherwise incentivized to do it, makes the Victims subject to future run-ins with the law and that time they might not be so fortunate to survive.
Case in point, SVC'S President has been the Victim of police violence four times with intent to kill or least maimed. There was only once out of five times he was arrested on counterfeit charges that he was not physically injured. He did nothing to provoke the use of excessive force.
The final time, Missoula police officer Kurt Trowbridge nearly beat SVC'S President to death utilizing a Soviet Gulag technique. He was paid at least $50,000 by University of Montana President Royce Engstrom; Missoula Mayor John Engen; and Missoula County Attorney Fred Van Valkenburg through Public Funds to assassinate him as a political enemy. If this had happened in another country, the U.S. State Department would have a fit!
Up to U.S. Labor Day, the Colorado Springs police not only gaslighted and tried to intimidate SVC's President and SVC's Security Chief.
Early Monday morning, two COS policemen parked their squad cars in a menacing fashion on Montebello Drive W adjacent to Garden Ranch Park. Indeed, one of them parked hiding behind trees and blocking through traffic.
SVC' s Security Chief, who is an 18-year Veteran of the U.S. Marshal Service, knew immediately what they were attempting to do. They wanted him to feel intimidated, panic and attempt evasive action so they could claim he was evading arrest and shoot him dead. This is probably what happened with De Von Bailey in 2019. Eventually, Bailey's cousin was acquitted of the crimes they both were charged with. An innocent youth is dead for no reason at all!
This is a police tactic used all over the United States and quite literally thousands of Americans have have been murdered, not just killed by police in this way. This is why this matter demands attention and resolution ASAP.
SVC'S Security Chief bravely and calmly followed the path out of the park going about his business with a fellow Investigator on the phone. A thorough Investigation has been launched. SVC's Security Chief is right on target regarding what the motives of the COS Police was. The United Nations Peacekeepers are on Yellow Alert. If necessary, COS will be locked down and all SVC Personnel and their Families will be given armed protection.
Of course, all this does is heighten the concern by the United Nations and The Hague that the United States cannot appropriately handle its own internal affairs and the responsibility to protect vulnerable Americans has become the International Community’s duty!