According to the United Nations, the world is supposed to be fully Democratic in another 1,037 days on America's semiquincentennial, July 4, 2026. The Economist Group says only 14.7% of the Nations are fully Democratic (8% of the world's population); 28.7% (37.3% of population) are flawed Democracies, including the United States; 21.7% are hybrid regimes (17.9%) and the largest percentage is authoritarian at 35.3% (36.9%). The rest have not provided enough information to make a determination by the Economist.
This means that only 43.4% of the nations on earth are considered in any way Democratic and only 45.3% of the population have any real control over their government.
The United States is called a flawed Democracy because it has not protected its Citizens' rights. US Citizens do not have the proper avenues by which to redress their grievances and such efforts are often mocked by the very Leaders who are supposed to respect such rights.
One of the primary reasons for the American Revolution was the Colonists had no say in what was happening between them and their National Government in London and they eventually saw no alternative but to become independent from the despotic regime of King George III.
On U.S. Constitution Day, September 17, 2020, when SVC's President, Phil Sutton, learned that he had lost his Student Body Vice-President and Friend Steve Van Dyke to cancer, he stated with such a confluence of events that the United States would lose the Rule of Law. That is exactly what happened on January 6, 2021 at the U.S. Capitol.
The following day, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died of the same disease. Noting that Ginsburg's death came shortly after Black Civil Rights Leader US Representative John Lewis passed away, SVC's President stated the Creator had abandoned the U.S.A. in favor of the anti-christ, who is destined to be an American President and lead a very non-Democratic America into Armageddon if it is not forestalled.
Just over two year later, SVC's President gave his now famous Hastings Declaration which outlines how the emergence of a corrupt America had developed and why, making it even remotely possible that Americans would one day soon be led by the anti-christ. The anti-christ turned 25 in June, is eligible to run for Congress in 2024, and probably will.
SVC's President complains just like everyone else about the issues Human Civilization must confront, but he always has solutions to those problems at the same time. He has been sent by the Creator to foil the Satan's plans and is asking for all those who choose to join the Coalitions SVC has created to avert Armageddon altogether.
The last U.S. President who was given the same Divine Vision that SVC's President has to avert Armageddon is John Kennedy. Like SVC's President, President Kennedy faced opposition from the upper echelons of both Business and Government along with Foreign enemies of the United States to make the world a better and more prosperous place for everyone. When the 35th American President refused to relent in his quest, he was murdered.
SVC's President has faced assassination himself 14 times since 2007; three times by Law Enforcement in Missoula, Montana; three times by Foreigners; and eight times through various means in Colorado. It is by no mistake that the American Press, related Business interests in information and publishing; and Governments at all levels have intentionally buried these stories because they are part of the cover-up just as their predecessors were in 1963.
With all the troubles SVC's President has faced the past 17½ years, he has kept his Family remarkably safe and free of any actual direct involvement in the American Opprobrium. The closest it has come is with Phil's wrongful incarcerations when SVC thought he was dead already because, as with Trowbridge's 24 successful murders, the Missoula City Police never planned on contacting the Families and would have placed SVC's President on a missing persons list never to be heard from again.
Throughout the American Opprobrium (formerly the al Qaeda-gate scandal) - which the US Government refuses to "officially" recognize to the American Public, but has had no choice but to do so in the United Nations - the key aspect has always been to discredit SVC's President and his accomplishments in every way.
When Shannon Schweyen filed her Sex Discrimination Lawsuit against the University of Montana, it exposed an unlikely rift between UM and one its most popular and well-known Graduates. The truth of the matter it is another example where Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda have worked to undermine and disgrace the only Man he viewed as a "worthy adversary."
As a Member of UM Student Government SVC's President proposed in 1979 and as ASUM President in 1980 created the Escort Service for Women on the UM Campus which would later be nixed. The Sexual Assault scandal more than a decade ago now and the Schweyen Lawsuit were/are cases where abuse of Women is evident, makes the U.S.A. look like the Middle East in terms of how Women are treated there and meant to discredit everything for which the United States stands.
It is SVC President's Christian Faith, strength of character and historic accomplishments in favor of Human Rights is what bin Laden most despised.
Americans have allowed organized terrorism's infiltration to work, at least so far. What will happen in the coming weeks will determine the future of the United States unlike anything since the outcome of the Second World War.
As SVC's President explained in his Sermon at Lakewood Church in July, George Washington patiently waited for the opportunity that eventually became his Victory at Yorktown; he described how Abraham Lincoln absorbed all his "defeats" that have been so famously enumerated to eventually win the U.S. Presidency; and how an old crotchety Politician like Winston Churchill ascended to be British Prime Minister at the most perilous time in British History.
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address and Churchill's "We Never Surrender Speech" are the most important speeches ever given in History. Both National Leaders were telling their contemporaries that the American Civil War and World War II were for the "whole ball of whacks." All Human progress was at risk and all that is important would be lost if they did not prevail.
SVC's President then fast forwarded these Historic Events to current Events and how the Creator is once again moving through History with spectacular power. One of the reasons he has had the patience he has had with the American Opprobrium is that every step of the way Satan's operatives exposed all their scandals one by one.
SVC's President brilliantly illustrated how unearthing all these scandals run together. His beating by Missoula Policeman KurtTrowbridge on Holy Thursday, April 5, 2012, will forever be known as the "Owens Incident" in Legal parlance. Why? Because SVC's President was conducting his Insurance Business that night and it was Philip Owens who was the Police Informant that led Trowbridge and fellow Officer Chris O'Leary to him so they could carry out their murderous plot. Owens was a NAA Lead and he used the copy of the lead he filled out himself and given to his Granddaughters at the door by SVC's President to positively identify him.
Now Events have coalesced. SVC's President has been the Victim of three attempts on his Life by Law Enforcement and that should have been embraced by the Black Community and the American News Media, especially after all SVC's President has done for the Black Community not only in the United States but in Africa the past 35 years. It has led to even further alienation of the Black Community from the very People who can help them most.
You can readily see how the Creator has intervened and made it possible not only for SVC's President and his Fellow Victims to receive their well-deserved Justice, but make major Reforms in Racial Relations; Government at all levels in the USA; the Press; and, of course, the Insurance Industry and its scandals.
It is difficult to image that a Man who has basically lived a perfect Life under the Law could be subjected to three attempts on his Life by Law Enforcement and have the incumbent Administration in Washington, let alone Helena, conspire to cover it up, including the almighty videos tapes that might have correctly sent the American News Media into a tizzy like the George Floyd Incident but didn't.
Instead, SVC's President has been subjected to 11 years of unprecedented terrorism activity towards one person. He went through all of the legal machinations with the Obama Administrations and was forced to record his International Complaint, which in turned was covered up by all that happened with the Benghazi saga.
Square that with what Chauvin did to Floyd. The act of murdering Floyd is very atrocious, but Floyd was not stopped for a bogus arrest warrant like SVC's President was by O’Leary and Trowbridge.
The Police were called in by a Merchant who believed Floyd had passed a counterfeit $20 bill. Added to that, the Minneapolis Police knew Floyd was a convicted violent criminal out of Houston. They had every reason to be concerned about Floyd and what he was up to.
In other words, the Minneapolis Police were just doing their job, Trowbridge was quite literally paid to murder SVC's President utilizing a Soviet Gulag Technique which would cause a slow and painful death in prison through kidney failure. Chauvin has been fired and then Convicted of Floyd's murder. Trowbridge still wears a badge in Missoula and has never even been investigated for his crimes. What is wrong with this picture?
Granted, the Democrats and the American mass media will have a wonderful time explaining this travesty and is probably the reason why the Biden Administration and their lackeys in the press haven't said word one about the International Judgment and what is happening with it. It is an admission of complicity no one who like to make.
Just to put it in overall perspective, if what happened to George Floyd justified all the coverage and the two months of protests, then exactly how many years of protest should rightly be coming to support SVC's President and all that he has gone through? Or support the Families of the 24 Innocents who Trowbridge did manage to murder? Or the 117 sexually assaulted Women who are still waiting for Justice? Or the 10,000+ Victims who have had their Lives systematically ruined in a town with a population of just 74,000 people in the past 20 years?
What America owes these people is incalculable. And is the crux of what Americans must now deal with through the International Judgment and the Final Kibosh of the Opprobrium. One way or the other Justice will be done. There is no turning back.
Obviously, we want to excise the societal and cultural cancer which has caused this without killing the patient, but the early indications are not good. That's why this article had been written in hopes that the American People will finally wake-up and demand the Opprobrium be appropriately put down.
SVC has handed over the particulars of the Final Kibosh of the American Opprobrium to the International Tribunals and their Federal Court Partners; the International Prosecutor and the United Nations.