The one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne, as I also conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne. - Revelation 3:21


For the first time in SVC History the SVC International Board of Governors conducted a planned Emergency Conference. Participants in the Conference were impressed with SVC's Initiatives of Economic Democracy, Living Security and World Democratization compatible with its Charter and shared values of Democracy, Human Rights, and the rule of law.


Special International Prosecutor Norman Farrell, direct from the United Nations across town, gave us the Directives from the UN and The Hague. In the end, the Governors did nor have much to discuss, only confirm what now must happen to put down the American Criminal Opprobrium!!!!!!!


SVC's President, Phil Sutton, again emphasized the story of the Emissary from Star Trek Deep Space 9 and warned us not to get stuck in all the bitterness attached to American Criminal Opprobrium. SVC cannot afford to dwell on the past which we can do nothing about now, but we have a marvelous future and much to be thankful for!!!!!!!


That said, SVC's President also stated we have a responsibility to Civilization itself to make sure the traitors/terrorists are brought to Justice and their way of being is never accepted as " normal" in American/Civilized Society.


In his Avenging God Dream on 14 April 2024, the Creator took SVC's President down memory lane which started with the Roman sacking of Jerusalem.

The date was 1,954 years before and after Masada fell in AD 73, the Jews were exiled from the Holy Land for nearly 19 centuries. 14 April is also an infamous date in American History: in 1861, the American Civil War began; in 1865, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated.


SVC conducted its annual Commemoration of U.S. Grant's Birthday, he was born 202 years ago today. Many observers say Americans have not been so divided as they are now since the Civil War. That may be and SVC aims to remedy that!


What SVC's President did not share with us previously was the Creator interjected the importance of his relationship with William the Conqueror. SVC's President is the 26th Generation Grandson of the Conqueror; just as Jesus was the 26th Generation Grandson of King David (Matthew 1).


As Jesus told the Apostle John in Revelations 3:21, The one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne, as I also conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne. By virtue of his ancestry, SVC's President is the one of them who is being discussed and is one of the 24 Elders mentioned in Revelations 4.


What SVC's President is supposed to conquer is humankind's penchant for self-destruction, "to save humanity from itself" as Jesus told him. It is why SVC's President has been the target of 400+ million U.S. Federal felonies, 16 assassination attempts and countless personal slights and betrayals.


The Creator has allowed this to happen to SVC's President so he would eventually gain the cause, power and influence to bring the world to a Peaceful conclusion by the time Jesus returns.


The following are not Proposals, open to negotiations or any of the rest of it. They must and will occur!!!!!!!


U.S. Government


Because International Law requires the International Tribunals and the United nations to deal directly with the National Leaders and Government of an offending nation, that is the appropriate place to start.


First, it was the Barack Obama Administration who failed to do the most basic of legal work on the Public Funds Embezzling; Make Victims Units; Illicit Drug Manufacturing & Trafficking; and Sexual Assault Scandals in the Missoula, Montana and committed the Benghazi Travesty to deflect public and media interest in the Sutton International Complaint.


If the Obama Administration had simply done its job, most of what now has to be done would not be necessary. All those who have betrayed the Public Trust will be brought to Justice - period!


Then there is the Donald Trump Administration, who did more harm than good in just about every way conceivable. The Trump Administration committed obstruction of justice & peace by the Sanctioning International Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda and committed Crimes Against Humanity by separating migrant Families. If anyone is concerned that Trump Towers, etc, will be the target for transfer due to Court Judgments, it will be going to Fatou Bensouda, not New York State.


No one knows what will become of all the Indictments against Mr. Trump in the USA, but the International Crimes have already been adjudicated and he is done. The Republican Party would do everyone a favor if they just finally got over its fetish for Donald Trump, otherwise the International Criminal Court and Prosecutor will remove any chance he ever gets close to the Oval Office again!


And who is the National Leader whom will be requested to turnover Mr. Trump for International Justice? You guessed it, Joe Biden. If the Incumbent Administration does not cooperate in the Final Kibosh of the American Criminal Opprobrium, Mr. Biden could be arrested and removed from office. Then the International Tribunals would go down the line of succession until it found an American Official who would uphold the U.S. Constitution, U.S. Federal Law and International Law.


Then again, it will be the Biden Administration which will be held responsible for the $250 trillion International Judgment for not protecting its Citizens and refusing to even acknowledge the Judgment and agree to settle the matter for $1.4 trillion per annum last July. The Judgment amount now nears $800 trillion. By mid-June the Judgment will top one quadrillion, that's a billion millions and it must be paid!


The International Tribunals have already ruled that all Social Security Benefits will be denied Americans and that they must continue to pay the FICA taxes to reduce the burgeoning debt. What other programs are Americans willing to lose until they rise up and demand the end of the American Criminal Opprobrium?


This whole mess could have been prevented if someone would have intervened long ago and simply said this is wrong and we are going to stop it! SVC Security Chief Gary Norman is spending two more nights in the snow this weekend and getting him out of there is all SVC is thinking about...




The malfeasance and blacklisting in the media is being addressed by the World Trade Organization. CNN and Fox News will soon be replaced and those who want to continue to hide behind their lies are going to be very disappointed.


The SVC Documentary concerning the American Criminal Opprobrium will be televised and all adult Americans will be required to watch TBD. Everyone who has hidden behind the belief the videos of the Trowbridge beating of SVC's President didn't exist and thus Americans rightly did not react to that event the same way they did to Rodney King's beating in 1991 and George Floyd's murder 2020 - primarily in the Mass Media and Obama Administration - are going to wish they could disappear.


The Creative Arts Industries will have sanctions placed against them if the blacklisting continues. SVC's President will serve his Judgments against certain Publishers and will have form a Publishing Consortium that will be open to all would-be Authors.


SVC's President will also be relaunching TRAILBLAZER TO REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM and booksellers will be required to have his book on their shelves, plus there will be book signings at those booksellers and other locations beyond the historic SVC Public Policy Forums.




The Living Security Insurance Program and Economic Democracy are the ideas and concepts which are the real reason America has turned against SVC's President. He has stepped onto to many toes and this threatens the hegemony of very powerful interests and they have done everything in their power to prevent the proliferation of such ideas and concepts.


The creation of the new State of Jefferson promises to provide the opportunity to introduce Living Security and Economic Democracy much quicker than by any other means.


The Partition of the State of Colorado has already been decided upon. It is required and it will happen. There will be a 51st State!




These matters has been discussed so many times everyone is getting cross-eyed reading all the information:





On the 13th anniversary of Osama bi Laden being brought to Justice in Pakistan, the traitors/terrorists of the American Criminal Opprobrium which was spawn out bin Laden's revenge against SVC's President are acting out in ways that are very provocative. The Social Security Administration (SSA) emailed SVC's President concerning applying for Medicare. Curious for obvious reasons. First, SVC's President has been turned down his Retirement Benefits supposedly forever in February and Social Security Retirement and Medicare are paid for at the same time through the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) payroll tax.

Second, yesterday the papers are formally filed to expropriate the entire Social Security Trust Fund and FICA under the separate International Court of Justice Ruling in addition to the International Judgment against the U.S. Government for failing to protect its Citizens as required by International Law. This hardly can be simple coincidence.

Third, its been discovered that the SSA Office simply fabricated the story that SVC's President did not pay the minimum of $69,200 (40 work credits X $1,730) or did not review his entire 50 years of contributions as required by law or an estimated $238,000.


Further, SVC's President received a letter from SSA in September 2021, shortly after his 62nd birthday, that stated he had qualified for his Retirement Benefits. No matter what actually happened, these actions constitute federal felony fraud and federal felony theft and fully justifies the International Tribunals Judgments!

Of course, the third possibility is that SVC's President's records were tampered with by SSA just as his Education, Health, Tax, Naval, tax, and criminal records have been.

Investigators learned long ago that the traitors/terrorists could only behave for 4 or 5 days before acted out again. Again, the patrons at East Library in Colorado Springs just cannot resist to persecute SVC's President and/or SVC's Security Chief.

Worse, the Security Staff have thrown in with them after taking no action concerning the theft of the phone charger during the PPLD's Open House there on 8 April.

Further, SVC kids you not, the internet only works in one location in the library, that's all. The computer quite literally reads that they are out of range even though they are in the library. This has caused SVC's Dynamic Duo to sit in place where everyone and his or her brother passes through to use the internet. No one likes it, but all PPLD has to do is strengthen the signal for all locations and the problem would be solved.

Of course, SVC's President has Judgments against PPLD because of previous mistreatment, so PPLD facilities could be shut down and assets so at auction to end the siege in Colorado Springs rather than wait for the University closures or actually receiving funds from Social Security.


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27 APRIL 2024