During the SVC International Commitment Celebration I encourage Everyone to take some time and really concentrate what you want and what you are willing to commit to Achieving this next Year. Nine Years ago I needed to take my own advise big time.
The International Investigators estimate the traitors/terrorists of American Criminal Opprobrium have spent over $7.5 billion to excoriate SVC, Angelica and Me. They have quite literally spared no expense.
This business of moving a strange couple into Sutton Manor North was really amazing. What really floored Me was when the Gallatin County Sheriff's Dispatcher told Me they had every Right to be there. That's where all that anger came from. I could not believe it!
Both the Gallatin County Sheriff's and Bozeman Police Departments told us that We could not enter upon our own property, much less live there or be arrested; yes, I was taking a chance when I pounded on the door to get the intruders out of bed that Father’s Day.
You can imagine what was going through my mind when this moron was telling me this couple, who had absolutely no business being on the property, had moved-in in full view of our neighbors like they owned the place!
This after seven months of waiting for the Inspection and Approval of our house following the repair of the damage created by the vandalism in November 2014, only to find out that the same had occurred 54 days before.
I have never been so apoplectic. I was so upset. Now I know how Jesus must have felt when he cleared the Temple. It was so wrong!!!!!!!
It was all I could do to keep from killing them and wanting somehow to reach through the phone and strangle the Sheriff's Deputy.
You got to understand this couple are enjoying the amenities of our house that we have not been able to enjoy for the 223 days prior. I have missed 4.5 Years of Holidays with my family, spent 112 nights in humiliation and disgrace at the Warming Center the previous two Winters, and spent a collective four or five Weeks sleeping outside in the Spring of 2015 and these people haven't paid a dime for it!
Eventually, we managed to get the squatters out on Labor Day 2015. The Reconstruction of the damage they inflicted was over $500,000, all of which came out of our pocket.
There have been dozens of days over the previous nine months that the buyers and I We had to sleep elsewhere because the construction demanded it. We never recovered any rent from the squatters, nor would now Former Gallatin County Attorney Marty Lambert and company arrest or prosecute the squatters. It was all so unbelievable!
SVC’s no longer traditional Public Policy Forum at the University of Colorado during the SVC International Inspiration Day PPF Series on June 21st fell on Father’s Day in 2015 and Angelica, Wayne, Kevin and John settled me down after I returned to Colorado. As I began doing what I Love so much working with all of you, the anger finally subsided and perspective returned.
When Wayne reminded me of Moses becoming so angry he killed an Egyptian for abusing a Hebrew Slave and I somehow managed not to repeat such an act, I really began to feel better. I certainly have endured the provocation which would justify knocking a few heads together. The reminder of Moses Story reminded why I have named My Dreams with Patti My "Burning Bush Dreams," after Moses' first experience in being in the presence of the Creator in Exodus 3:4-15:
When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, “Moses! Moses!” And Moses said, “Here I am.”
“Do not come any closer,” God said. “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.” Then he said, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.” At this, Moses hid his face, because he was afraid to look at God.
The Lord said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey—the home of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites. And now the cry of the Israelites has reached me, and I have seen the way the Egyptians are oppressing them. So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.”
But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”
And God said, “I will be with you. And this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this mountain.” Moses said to God, “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?”
God said to Moses, “I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.’”
God also said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites, ‘The Lord, the God of your fathers—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob—has sent me to you.’
“This is my name forever, the name you shall call me from generation to generation."
What Wayne taught me over the Years is that we deny Our Divinity when we discount events which can't possibly happen "in the normal," like the burning bush that was not being consumed by fire. The Creator did that to get Moses' attention and give him his Great Commission.
The Creator, Jesus and Patti have visited me in my dreams to accomplish the same. I have actually been a harder case to win over than Moses precisely because, as a former Mental Health Counselor, I knew what People would say.
One of the things Jesus was emphatic about when we talked with me was that I am "one of us, not one of them." That meant the "them" would do anything to obstruct the Achievement of My Great Commission, averting Armageddon, bringing this World to a Peaceful conclusion and being the harbinger to Jesus' Second Coming.
When your emotions are running amok, it is an indication your sensitivities have been offended and you need to evaluate whether or not the emotions are validated by the situation or not.
Also, own them. There is such a thing as righteous indignation. Learn the lesson of Star Wars. The Emperor was glad when he could provoke strong emotions in Luke Skywalker, particularly anger. In that way, he could be turned to the "dark side of the force." That is not fiction. That's what the terrorists have been attempting to do through all their provocations and acts of terror. It has been only through the grace of the Creator I have resisted becoming one of "them."
Next, decide how you are going to remedy the situation, both inside and out. Everything involving ACO Scandal has been designed to keep me distracted from what the Creator wants Me to do, to do what Wayne said is "natural" for me.
If it doesn't feel natural for you to do, then don't do it. You are quite literally fighting that Divine spark that is within all of Us. Al Qaeda and the terrorists would not have spent at least 17 Years constantly attempting to keep Me in Montana if this were not so and then sprung the Colorado Surprise.
Americans are the richest people in the World. Approximately 7,000 of them work their entire Lives to earn combined amount what al Qaeda and organized terrorism has already spent to keep me, My Family and this organization down. Obviously, it is that important to them.
I almost crossed over to the "dark side" on Father’s Day 2015. As John reminds us every year at this time, you must pay attention to what you are going to do and not worry about what your opponents are going to do. And that is exactly what the International Community and SVC is going to do from here on end. All these vile efforts will be in vain!!!!!!!
After the incredible SVC International Inspiration Day Program, I really felt inspired!!!!!!! We are all incredibly powerful. We decide what happens to us, not external Events. Oh, yes the al Qaeda's of the world might have something in different in mind, but know this, if that's not what the Creator has in mind for you, it doesn't really matter. The Creator always has Control!!!!!!!
This is why Jesus gave Me the metaphor of being hit by a Baseball when I was seven. I didn't get hit on the arm, leg or chest with a pitch on Father’s Day 2015, I was hit in the head.
I was knocked down for a while, but now I am back in the batter's box. People think I am crazy talking about averting Armageddon and bringing the World to a Peaceful conclusion.
Keep in mind that it is the Creator's idea, not mine. It would have been inconsistent for the Creator to sacrifice Jesus to bring Us Spiritual Salvation and not give his Creation an opportunity to destroy evil in their own right!!!!!!!
This is the kind of logic that confused Pilate Good Friday morning. Pilate thought, OK, now I have seen everything. The Jews want Me to crucify their long-awaited Messiah. It is as crazy as it sounds. But We all know it happened.
It further annoyed Pilate that Jesus, an innocent Man, would not defend himself. This is because Jesus knew it was all fixed and there wasn't anything Pilate, he or anyone could do about it. Who fixed it? Yep. The Creator. It was simply meant to be!!!!!!!
It took awhile, but Moses began to understand the same thing about his Great Commission. As plague after plague hit Egypt, he began to understand he was on the right side of the equation and his Faith grew in the inevitability of the Hebrew Exodus from Egypt.
I am no different. It is taking Me quite some time to accept what My Destiny is. But you know what? I know everything is fixed. The daunting task of eliminating material need and greed from the World; eliminating the idiotic mentality of chasing after those things which are perishable and creating the desire in each and every one of Us to become what the Creator desires Us to be is a done deal. That is what Heaven is. That is the Kingdom Jesus is coming back to preside over. How we get there is up to Us!!!!!!!
But just like Jesus, Moses and their followers, we have a few hoops to pass through first. Jesus passed through all his troubles and Pharaoh Ramses II proved incorrigible, just like al Qaeda, the traitors/terrorists of the American Criminal Opprobrium and the Obama, Trump and now the Biden Administration.
I am excited to discover just what the Creator has in store for us when we apply our Faith and how the barriers that now exist will be eliminated one by one, just as the plagues led to Hebrew Freedom!!!!!!!
It cannot be emphasized enough that Jesus was viewed and was a Political Leader, not a Religious Leader. That is the fear and lack of Faith that caused Caiaphas, the Sanhedrin and the Jewish People to want to kill Jesus. That is the evil that entered into Judas Iscariot and caused Jesus' right hand Man to betray him.
The fact is that Jesus is the most important individual ever to Live. This is why I always use the Anonymous Poem about his Life to illustrate what one Person can do:
"He was born in an obscure village. He worked in a carpenter shop until he was thirty. He then became an itinerant preacher. He never held an office. He never had a family or owned a house. He didn't go to college. He had no credentials but himself. Nineteen centuries have come and gone, and today, He remains the central figure of the human race. All of the armies that ever marched and all of the navies that ever sailed, all the parliaments that ever sat, and all the kings that ever reigned have not affected the life of people on this earth as much as that one solitary life."
We are all Heirs to Divinity's Dream. We just have to accept Our Inheritance and apply our Faith. I long since have. How about you?
And, for you purists for whom SVC Inspiration Day would not be Inspiration Day without my renown 'Commitment, Abby, Commitment' Article, which first appeared in e-Vol I, #41, on Thursday, June 21, 2001 {It's hard to believe it has been 23 Years}; here you go:
"Thanks to the correspondence between John and Abigail Adams in the Spring and early Summer of 1776, we even have a remote inkling of the events that transpired 225 {now 248} years ago to inspire the birth of the United States.
In one of my favorite exchanges between the Adams' relates to Husband John's lack of success of persuading his fellow Delegates to the Continental Congress of the wisdom of American Independence: 'The entire south has walked out this Congress, George Washington is on the verge of total annihilation, the precious cause for which I have labored these several years has come to nothing. It seems that I am obnoxious, suspected and disliked. That I am unwilling to face reality....'
Wife Abigail responds by consoling her husband: "Can you really know so little about yourself? And can you think so little of me that you'd believe I married the Man you've described? Have you forgotten what you used to say to Me? I haven't.
'Commitment, Abby, commitment! There are only two creatures of value on this Earth: those with a commitment, and those who require the commitment from others.' Do you remember, John?"
No truer words have ever been written or spoken. Commitment has little meaning today. Most see it as a trap, not an empowering principled belief as John Adams saw it. The commitment John and Abigail Adams made when her Father married them; or when My late Wife Patti and I married {now Angelica and myself a Year later}; or made by any Married couple is the single most important commitment we make in this Life {and to the Children we have together.}
That's why I have called the time period between Patti's Birthday, June 22nd, and just before Independence Day, July 3rd, every Year the "Commitment Celebration" for SVC.
Patti always believed that her birth in 1958 during the Summer Solstice was something special. Inspiration Day makes it so. The actual Celebrations on her birthday remind one of "Memorial Day" and the sports halls of fame. "Memorial" denotes mourning to Me. I am done with that.
June 22nd is to be a day of Inspiration!!!!!!!
During the 'Commitment Celebration', please find some time to go to the mountains, the beach or whatever secluded place you like to go to and just think. Think about what truly matters to you. What you are committed to. What great service to others you intend to provide as your legacy. That's what makes Life meaningful and rewarding!'"
As each year passes, this passage becomes ever more powerful, even for Me. Enjoy SVC INTERNATIONAL INSPIRATION DAY for what it truly means for all us!!!!!!!
Today is SVC International Inspiration Day. This is our chance to Celebrate the Achievements of those that have preceded us in the great causes of Democracy, Justice, Liberty, Peace, and Self-Actualization.
This particular SVC International Inspiration Day has a very special meaning to those of you who have witnessed our tiny little band grow from the issuance of its first e-Magazine Edition 24 Years ago today to becoming the largest and most significant Public Policy Advocacy Organization in the World. And We are just really getting started!!!!!!! 1,253 weeks or 8,767 days ago today it all began!!!!!!!!
Specifically, this morning SVC Honors five great Individuals who will join the 149 previous Inductees in SVC Allied Advocate Inspiration Hall. The Sites of Honor of all 149 of the previous Inductees here at International Independence Creek, Jefferson, in SVC Allied Advocate Inspiration Hall collectively encircle the SVC Liberty Auditorium in the SVC International Complex Apex Building.
The tassels on the SVC Flag are what changes during the four Celebrations of the "101 Days of Summer" at SVC. The Children's Day Celebration is represented by the SVC logo and Red and Green tassels, representing the "Christmas colors", thereby the Children, and light blue tassels representing the Academic Color of Education and to Honor SVC's ever more popular Education Celebration.
On Inspiration day, the light blue tassels change to Royal Purple to represent Reverence for Our Creator; the Green tassels are transformed to silver, the Academic Color of Speech Communication, symbolizing Patti's and My common Academic Major (actually Angelica's Broadcast Journalism major could also fall under this same Academic Color); and the red remains in all five Flags, representing continuity, commitment, courage and the red circle in the Olympic Flag representing all the Americas.
The changes made in the SVC Logo and Flag during the SVC International Complex Groundbreaking on 2003 SVC Children's Day have appeared in SVC's Four Flags: the three quasars in the middle of the triangular peaks modeled after Mount Lady Blackmore south of Bozeman, Montana, and have been changed from being gold, silver and copper the school colors of the University of Montana - to the School Colors of all those Schools that benefited My Education.
The left peak's quasar is now red & black (Bozeman (Montana) High School); the center peak's quasar gold, silver and copper (UM); and right peak's quasar red and maize representing the University of Oklahoma.
As of SVC 2008 Inspiration Day, the colors center quasar has changed in the SVC Logo and all SVC Flags. The gold and silver will remain, representing the State of Montana's motto "Oro y Plata" - Latin for "Gold & Silver." Still representative of UM and the State of Montana because the School's "Spirit colors" are maroon and silver, but indicates permanent disdain for the Sodom and Gomorrah it has become.
The third sliver has been changed to Ivy Green, representing the honor of receiving of a Doctorate from the ultimate American University: Harvard, 17 Years ago. This is especially meaningful for SVC because the Degree is in Public Policy!
For the first time 20 Years ago, all fifty States and the four American Territories were represented by their Flags on the left side as you approach the building; all the affiliated Democratic countries on the right; and in the center in front, will be the American Flag, the Flag of the United Nations in place SVC's new domicile State, Jefferson; and of course, the appropriate SVC Flag. On both Children's Day and Inspiration Day, all the other Flags are ceremoniously removed on those days only, except the one flag for that special day as described above.
The traditional musical selections for the Flag Processional on SVC Inspiration Day has also been changed. The theme to the movie "Glory" and the SVC Liberty's Theme will remain. However, "My Heart Will Go On" from the movie "Titanic" was replaced 17 Years ago permanently with "Eternal Flame" by the Bangals. This is symbolic of My Personal transformation from a grieving Widower, losing both My first Wife and Daughter and being restored to a very happy Family Man with Angelica, Our Twins and Alicia's miraculous return to My Life. I will always Love and remember Patti, but emotionally I must move onto My Living Family with Marti, Jack, Angelica and Alicia!!!!!!!
I chose a third piece of music that was consistent with the Inspiration Theme of this day: the Academy Award Winning Song from the Movie "Top Gun" in 1986, "Take My Breath Away" by Berlin.
"Top Gun" was Released by Paramount on May 12, 1986, which was exactly one Week before Alicia's Fourth Birthday (I missed her Fourth through Twenty-Ninth Birthdays). "Take My Breath Away" was Released on September 13, 1986, which was exactly one Week after Angelica's Twelfth Birthday.
To Celebrate the Human Spirit, I added Whitney Houston's, “One Moment In Time” in 2023.
Under mostly cloudy skies, an U.S. Air Force Academy Color Guard conducted the Flag Ceremony for SVC.
The actual inscriptions for, induction speech for and pictures of each Inductee in their location within AAIH is on the SVC Allied Advocate Inspiration Hall Web Page on the SVC Corporate Web Site.
Order of Induction is as follows with the Nominator's/Presenter's name is in parentheses:
Class Of 2001:
#1: Benjamin Franklin (Phil)
#2: Thomas Jefferson (Phil)
#3: George Washington (Phil)
#4: John Adams (Angelica)
Class Of 2002:
#5: Jacques Van Goer (Phil)
#6. Harry Truman (Phil)
#7. James Monroe (Phil)
#8. James Madison (Calista)
#9. Abigail Adams (Beth)
#10. John Hancock (Angelica)
#11. Theodore Roosevelt (Mike)
#12. Eleanor Roosevelt (Clarisse)
#13. William I (Charles)
#14. Joan of Arc (Marti G.)
#15. John F Kennedy (David B.)
#16. Abraham Lincoln (Rod & Bryan)
#17. Frederick Douglas (Pam)
#18. Franklin D. Roosevelt (Bob H.)
#19. Mahatma Ghandi (Schwarna)
Class of 2003:
#20. Richard Henry Lee (Phil)
#21. Dr. Benjamin Rush (Phil)
#22. John Marshall (Phil)
#23. John Quincy Adams (Angelica)
#24. Samuel Adams (Beth)
#25. Norman Vincent Peale (Mike & Clarisse)
#26. Martin Luther King, Jr (Pam)
#27. Japanese Emperor Meji (Calista)
#28. Napoleon Hill (Art)
#29. Dale Carnegie (Angela)
#30. William Wallace (Jack T.)
#31. Caesar Rodney (Maria)
Class of 2004:
#32. Roger Sherman (Phil)
#33. Rev John Witherspoon (Phil)
#34. Josiah Bartlett (Phil)
#35. Charles De Gaulle (Paul G.)
#36. Winston Churchill (Charles)
#37. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (Beth)
#38. Margaret Chase Smith (Angelica)
#39. Dwight David Eisenhower (Orris)
#40. Jeannette Rankin (Karen M.)
#41. Will Rogers (Steve L.)
#42. John Jay (Calista)
#43. Meriwether Lewis (Pat)
#44. William Clark (Garth)
#45. Sacajewea (Deanne)
#46. Naya Nuki (Gayle)
#47. Indira Gandhi (Schwarna)
#48. Golda Meir (Teresa)
Class of 2005:
#49. Mary Randolph (Phil)
#50. William Randolph (Phil)
#51. George S. Patton (Phil)
#52. Diana Francis Spencer Mountbatten-Windsor (Charles)
#53. Agnesë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu - aka, Mother Teresa (Schwarna)
#54. David Farragut (Frosty)
#55. Daniel Webster (Jack)
#56. Thomas Hart Benton (Garth)
#57. Tom Green (Calista)
#58. John Dickenson (Brett)
Class of 2006:
#59: Hussein bin Talal Of Jordan (Phil)
#60: Menachem Begin (Phil)
#61: Chester Nimitz (Phil)
#62: John Paul Jones (Frosty)
#63: Henry VII (Bob K.)
Class of 2007:
#64: Richard I (Phil)
#65: Elizabeth I (Phil)
#66: Alexander The Great (Phil)
#67: Jim Bridger (Kevin)
#68: Carl Albert (David A.)
Class of 2008:
#69: Thomas Edison (Phil)
#70: Alexander Graham Bell (Phil)
#71: Henry Ford (Phil)
#72: John Muir (Jack T.) #73: Williams Jennings Bryan (Bob K.)
Class of 2009:
#74: Mike Mansfield (Phil)
#75: Zebulon Pike (Phil)
#76: George S Patton (Phil)
#77: Benjamin Disraeli (Charles)
#78: Simon Bolivar (Jose)
Class of 2010:
#79: George Marshall (Phil)
#80: Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck (Phil)
#81: James “Jimmy” Doolittle (Phil)
#82: Nelson Story (Becky)
#83: U.S. Grant (Brett)
#84: Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier,
Marquis de La Fayette (Paul G.)
#85: Robert F Kennedy (Angelica)
Class of 2011:
#86: Andrew Jackson (Phil)
#87: Lyndon Johnson (Phil)
#88: Richard Nixon (Phil)
#89: Woodrow Wilson (Brett)
Class of 2012:
#90: Helen Keller (Phil)
#91: Queen Victoria (Phil)
#92: Alan Shepard (Phil)
#93: Ronald Wilson Reagan (Paul G.)
#94: William Lloyd Garrison (Pam)
Class of 2013:
#95: Louis Pasteur (Phil)
#96: Albert Einstein (Phil)
#97: John Davison Sutton (VII) (Phil)
#98: Duke of Edinburgh, John Sutton (III) (Alicia)
Class of 2014:
#99: Anwar Sadat (Phil)
#100: Mary Sutton Spencer, Duchess of Marlborough (Phil)
#101: Chet Huntley (Phil)
#102: Gerald R. Ford (Susan)
#103: David Brinkley (Angelica)
Class of 2015:
#104: Dag Hammarskjöld (Phil)
#105: Duke of Normandy, John Sutton (Sutton Courtenay) (Phil)
#106: Charlemagne (Phil)
#107: Edward Roscoe Morrow (Angelica)
Class of 2016:
#108: Boudica (Phil)
#109: Johannes Gutenberg (Phil)
#110: Louis Mountbatten (Phil)
Class of 2017:
#111: Patrick Henry (Phil)
#112: Victor Hugo (Phil)
#113: Omar Bradley (Phil) #114: Walter Cronkite (Angelica) #115: Dame Eunice Kennedy Shriver (Beth)
Class of 2018:
#116: Sir Isaac Newton (Phil)
#117: William Halsey, Jr. (Phil)
#118: King George VI, United Kingdom (Phil) #119: Robert C. Byrd (David B)
Class of 2019:
#120: Sir John Sutton, (IV) Duke of Edinburgh (Phil)
#121: Neil Armstrong (Phil)
#122: Sally Ride (Phil)
#123: Gifford Pinchot (Jack T.)
#124: Edward Spencer, Duke of Marlborough (Charles)
#125: Sir John Sutton, (V) Duke of Edinburgh (Alicia)
#126: Philip II, The Great (Brett)
Class of 2020:
#127: Walter Marty "Wally" Schirra (Phil)
#128: Omar Nelson Bradley (Phil)
#129: King Stephen I (Phil)
#130: Mamie Geneva Doud Eisenhower (Teresa)
#131: Claudia Alta Taylor “Lady Bird” Johnson (Beth G.)
#132: Thelma Catherine Ryan “Pat” Nixon (Brian H.)
#133: Elizabeth Ann “Betty” Bloomer Ford (Susan)
Class of 2021:
#134: Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (Phil)
#135: Gordon Sinclair (Phil)
#136: Saint Adela, Countess of Belois (Phil)
#137: Winnifred Watkins Butler (Phil)
#138: Anna Marshall Jones Whitehair (Phil)
#139: Helen Gutkowski (Bob)
#140: Sharouse Sharahkfar (Jezreel)
Class of 2022:
#141: Margaret Thatcher (Phil)
#142: Leonard Nimoy (Phil)
#143: Václav Havel (Phil)
#144: John Carroll O'Connor (Angelica)
#145: Maya Angelou (Pam)
Class of 2023:
#146: Stephen I, Count of Belois (Phil)
#147: Stephen II, Count of Belois (Phil)
#148: Theobald the Great, Count of Champagne (Phil)
#149: Queen Maud (Matilda) (Alicia)
Class of 2024:
#150: Carrie Fisher (Phil)
#151: John Glenn (Phil)
#152: Muhammad Ali (Phil)
#153: Arnold Palmer (Brett)
#154: Nancy Reagan (Marti G.)
These Inductees' and their fellows' Lives are hereby commemorated for their contributions to the cause of Liberty, Democracy, Peace, Self-Actualization and Human Rights (Justice).
Each and everyone of us has special gifts and talents no one of the 17 billion or so Humans that have ever Lived on Earth have ever had! You are special and unique in every way and you are appreciated here at SVC!
Just know your Life is Divinely Inspired & Guided!!!!!!!
Phil Sutton, DBA
SVC Founder & President/Chief Executive Officer
E-mail: svctrailblazers@svctrailblazerpublications.com