“Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.” - Nelson Mandela
South African President Nelson Nelson taught SVC's President, Phil Sutton, many things but one of the most important was that seeing the world as good versus evil is a bit simplistic. All of us are both good and bad but in the end the key is whether you are a liberator or an oppressor.
Extrapolating further, SVC's President has reminded the world of one of Jesus' predictions that eventually humankind would be separated into sheep – the liberators – and the goats – the oppressors (Matthew 25:31-46). SVC's President warned at Hastings, England, UK, that delineation has already begun, particularly in the United States.
It is not an idiot conspiracy theory that Jesus will be back soon enough and those who cannot identify themselves as liberators are going to regret it for the rest of eternity, just as Jesus foretold. It is SVC President's Divine Duty to bring the world to Peaceful Conclusion, that's why the oppressors by any other name have attempted to make life so miserable for him just as they did for Jesus.
There is no way America and Americans can continue the way they are now. Throughout history Leaders have emerged and saved the United States. Some 15 years ago at Mount Vernon, SVC's President commented his (baby boomer) Generation would be the first failed American Generation if things continued as they were.
Then came the Financial Crisis, the Obama and Trump Administrations, Covid-19 pandemic and now the Biden Administration. Obviously, things have not improved, indeed have gotten much worse. In the United States, Liberators are losing badly.
After SVC President's poisoning by Ukranians Oleksander and Kateryna Kushnir on June 21, 2019, the 2019 SVC Declaration of Concerns Committee Reported, “Phil has to stop being a better Man than Jesus and Moses and finally lose control.”
Jesus lost control in the Temple and Moses killed a slaver abusing a Hebrew Slave. Not quite, but close. SVC's President has now laid down the law with everyone. He made it clear that all of the “sheep's” reputations and credibility are at stake, too.
On July 20, 2019, the SVC International Board of Governors held an Emergency Conference and passed an Unanimous Resolution that SVC would not negotiation with the Trump Administration concerning the put down of al Qaeda-gate and provide any “dirt” on Joe Biden.
Five days later, Trump had his infamous conversation with the Kushnirs' President, Volodymyr Zelensky, that got him Impeached the first time. Trump, like many Americans felt it was difficult to believe Biden could serve for eight years as the Vice President in the most corrupt Administration in American history and not have any taint rub off on him. He hoped SVC would provide some compromising information, but refused.
The fact that the very same members of the American Information Age Industries which threatened Foreign Journalists about what really happened at Benghazi to discredit the Sutton International Complaint when SVC's President could have received grass roots support and ultimate Justice for what he and all the other Victims of al Qaeda -gate had gone through in Missoula County, Montana in 2012 like George Floyd and Tyre Nichols have; then blew up the George Floyd fracas out of control, gaining International condemnation, to cover up new evidence about Benghazi in 2020; and then making a mockery of the SVC “Until Our Lives Matter Articles” to discredit new testimony from the Kushnirs, new evidence regarding Benghazi and the hypocrisy of the Only Black Lives Matter Movement which had been derived from the nobler Black Lives Matter tells any objective observer that something is very rotten in America and few Americans see it all for what it is.
U.S. President Joe Biden did not inspire optimism that it will change in his State of the Union Address on 7 February 2023 when he blatantly stated the Administration's Official Policy is that Only Black Lives Matter and Blacks alone are protected under US Law against incursions upon their Human Rights.
More specifically, it is the "Blacks and Browns" - 32% of the population, but over half the Democratic Party's constituency - whose lives matter, the rest of Americans are on their own. Native American, Asian and White Lives simply do not matter. If this is not a true statement of the policy, when can we expect the Final Kibosh of the two-decade long infiltration by organized terrorism and the arrest of nearly half million Americans who have participated? Most Americans also need to have explained why American Government from Washington on down have supported the terrorists instead of their fellow loyal Americans?
The Creator has intentionally allowed all of the nastiness and injustice of al Qaeda-gate to expose the goats and who they really are. The greatest offense a good number of goats have committed is to betray the Public Trust. SVC's President saw this from the beginning in 2006.
Presidents; a Secretary of State; Governors; US and State Attorneys General; Mayors; Insurance Commissioners; State and Local Judges and Prosecutors; members of the Mass Media; members of Social Media; Publishers and other members of the information Age Industries have absolutely betrayed the Public Trust en masse.
The punishment of hard labor for life was originally set aside for them because an especially harsh punishment short of judicial execution had to be reserved for those who betrayed their own families, their own communities, their constituents and their country. They are Mata Haris and Benedict Arnolds one and all.
The punishment for the goats will never exceed what they have done to others. They will have done unto them as they have done to others to the extend of never again. No one will ever think it is right to what to do what they have done ever again and if do see their kind again, we will know exactly what to do with them.
The Napoleon Hill Foundation has spent much time on Jesus' Golden Rule lately. In its newsletter, there is a wonderful quote, "To profit most from the Golden Rule, you should gain recognition in your neighborhood, place of business, or place of employment as a person who believes in and applies the Golden Rule in all Human Relationships."
SVC's President puts it this way: "If a person dedicates themselves to serving the Creator and others, you cannot lose; if you focus upon your own needs and work to serve yourself and your interests only, you cannot win!"
As it always is, this is exactly what the Creator had planned at this point in history. SVC's President would not have the legal, financial and moral power and influence to change all this if he had not had to endure all he has and bring the world to a peaceful conclusion by the time Jesus returns.
Most people would sell out for a tidy Judgment. Those who think that SVC's President would ever do that don't know him. For SVC's President it is what he can do with the money that's important and how many people he can help. That's how strong his character is and always has been. It has driven the goats crazy.
SVC will obviously not work for REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM unless Americans wake-up and smell the proverbial coffee. What will be interesting is how far the goats will go to keep their illusions of grandeur alive and how many Americans they will take down with them into the abyss.
If that's the entire country, so be it. SVC and its President has not been given any incentive by our Fellow Americans to care one way or the other. You could say any sense of caring has been quite literally beaten out us and Our President and no one cared like they have for others.
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