(EDITOR’S NOTE: What was scheduled as the SVC Public Policy Forum to Commemorate the Battle of Bosworth 22 August 1485 evolved into a News Conference concerning the Final Kibosh of the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium)
SVC Allied Advocate (SSA): What is the essential difference between the War of Roses and, say, the American Civil War?
SVC’s President: Good question. Most civil wars in history have usually been to settle the Leadership question in any given government and the battle between the Lancasters and Yorks in the second half of the 15th century is no different.
The fact is, both Royal Houses had Ruled England for a period and due to losses in previous battles, both sides were running low on legitimate heirs to the throne in London. The question was settled when Henry Tudor defeated and killed King Richard III in the Battle of Bosworth.
Henry VII’s claim to the throne was sketchy at best. He strengthened his claim by marrying Elizabeth of York and their two sons, Arthur and Henry became Henry’s legitimate heirs and started the Tudor Dynasty.
The American Civil War, on the other hand, was rare in history. This war was to settle perhaps America’s thorniest issue. Black slavery started on the North American Continent in 1619 and became a “cherished way of life” as South Carolina Delegate to the Continental Congress, Edward Rutledge, claimed in his demand that the Abolitionist Clause Thomas Jefferson had written into the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE be removed. Rutledge quite literally held American Independence hostage to keep his precious slavery.
The war was followed by no less than three Constitutional Amendments which first abolished slavery, granted the former slaves the same Citizenship and concomitant Civil Rights their slavers have and paved the way to assimilate the former slaves into American Society.
Another SVC Allied Advocate (SSA): American newspapers and television say the United States is close to another civil war because of Donald Trump and his “MAGA” forces. He has even predicted a “bloodbath” if he is not re-elected. What do you say to that?
SVC’s President: Yes. The very fact that President Trump is being allowed to run for President again after instigating the U.S. Capital Insurrection, probably the greatest act of Sedition and Treason by one of our Presidents we have ever seen in the United States, should be appalling enough to disqualify him altogether, but it’s not.
What really must be a concern is he has the ardent support of about 40% of the American Voters and he could win in the Electoral College just as he did in 2016. He has never been the popular choice of the American people and it’s doubtful he ever will be.
By the way, Trump got the Make-America-Great-Again (MAGA) slogan came from my REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM book series just as Barack Obama got his Audacity-of-Hope slogan. Every U.S. President from George Washington to George W. Bush held to the ethic that they would act in the best interests of the United States, regardless of party, ideology or personal interest. These two men turned that ethic on its head and have did anything but! ( (
Follow-up: Then what’s going to happen in the United States, do you think?
SVC’s President: It’s obvious you are very concerned and should be. While Joe Biden has restored some of this ethic during his Presidency, the resistance present in the United States has been too great.
For an almost a decade, SVC has warned that the United States it is being infiltrated by organized terrorism. The most striking aspect of the 9/11 Commission Report was that Osama bin Laden had built a 60-nation confederacy of terrorism – quite literally organized terrorism. He meant business.
Only recently, U.S. Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) independently set off the alarms about terrorist infiltration at our southern border. He got people excited, particularly within his political party, but it did not last long.
What’s interesting, is the chaos at the border is #1 or #2 on the list of concerns by most Republicans who favor Trump for President. Trump’s policy at the border included separating Families at the border, which is Crimes Against Humanity at the International level and it has long since decided that Donald Trump will never be allowed to be President again because he placed Sanctions against Former Chief International Prosecutor when she was requested to Investigate Court-Martialed U.S. Soldiers for War Crimes in Afghanistan.
BBC Reporter: Yes. But that doesn’t tell us what you think will happen in the United States?
Special International Prosecutor Norman Farrell:
Our goal at The Hague, very frankly, is the Final kibosh of the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium is not only to put down America's worst criminal scandal, but to bring the entire world into Compliance with International Law.
Allow me to introduce United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres and Chief International Prosecutor Karim Khan (virtually). They then released a Statement, which reiterated a previous Communique:
Both the International Prosecutor and the Special Prosecutor are surprised, but very pleased that their Federal Court Partners took it upon themselves to create a Five-, now reduced to a three-level Sentencing Guideline System on their own. It alleviates any questions about the relative fairness of sentencing all 735,000+ U.S. traitors/terrorists to the same penalty even though their levels of criminality are quite different.
This is also consistent with U.S. Federal Law which have Sentencing Guidelines for just about every crime in the U.S Code Annotated and thereby eliminates any due process and Civil Rights claims by the Defendants, thus any Legal basis for appeal if it were possible to begin with.
Further, the Federal Judges utilized the down time during the covid-19 pandemic to simulate a Judge trial for each of the defendants and then switched off with two other Judges to act as U.S. Appellate Courts and the U.S. Supreme Court.
The cases are iron clad against all of the traitors/terrorists because they follow the al Qaeda script so precisely and have for the past 14 years since the Serial Crimes Lists was first developed.
What convicts the traitors/terrorists of conspiracy, and thus all the crimes on the lists simultaneously, is their remarkable parroting of each other in Missoula, Bozeman and now in Colorado Springs over the past 18½ years, although their communities are 200, 775 and 975 miles apart, respectively, in two separate political subdivisions of the United States, namely the State of Colorado and the State of Montana.
One of the best examples of it is each of the University Libraries had one particular employee that just plain went after SVC's President: Blaine Belcher in Mansfield Library at the University of Montana; Kathie Callahan in Renne Library at Montana State University; and Shad Harder at Kraemer Library at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs.
All three still work at these Universities despite the Presidents in Montana and the Chancellors in Colorado know of their criminal misdeeds in positions of Public Trust. You better believe that they are Convicted Level 3 Offenders and will be at hard labor every day for the rest of their lives.
The so-called “Scarlet letter” Punishment which requires the Defendants to wear clothing that states: PROUD TO BE A TRAITOR TO THE UNITED STATES is not unconstitutional. There is ample examples where such a punishment has been upheld in the U.S. Federal Courts.
BBC Reporter: So you’re just going to round up all these people. That’s your solution?
Special International Prosecutor: In part. All of these individuals have Civil Judgments against them and they have incurred a debt their Families will never be able to repay. They were promised this would happen in 2010 in Missoula when there were only 700 or so known traitors/terrorists.
This was two years prior to the recording of the Sutton International Complaint against the United States of America 12 years ago this coming Tuesday. They persisted and that number has quite literally grown to over 1,000 times that.
Further, the intransigence of the last three U.S. Administrations - that of Barack H. Obama, Donald J. Trump and Joseph R. Biden - to comply with the International Responsibility to Protect Statutes has caused the International Tribunals to levy Judgments against the United States government; several political subdivisions and several business and Educational entities.
For instance, the people of the United States have lost their retirement, disability and Medicare programs and are likely to lose more because they would not rise up in protest against the Social Security Administration in support of Ambassador Sutton who was simply persecuted because is dedicated to Justice and Human Rights for all and there are simply those who do not approve of such things.
Nor would the people of the United States rise up against the State of Montana when it denied renewal of Ambassador Sutton’s Professional Licenses and State Auditor Matt Rosendale, now U.S. Representative, and his Insurance Bureau Chief Jeannie Keller had taken kickbacks to do so against him and several hundred agents in Montana.
Nor would the people of the United States rise up against the State of Colorado when Officials in the DORA and State Attorney’s Office decided to bait Ambassador Sutton to go through all the hoops again to resurrect his 32-year career in Financial Services and never intended to grant him said licenses.
What’s more, the people of Colorado singled out Ambassador Sutton for all their punishment when he and his Affiliates had brought an estimated 3,000 jobs and $1 trillion of economic wealth to their state. At least he had fellow Victims in Montana.
Those of us with the International Community don’t feel we are asking the American people to do so much because we all witnessed the support they gave George Floyd and his Family in the middle of the covid-19 pandemic.
Who is George Floyd? He is a convicted violent felon who had mugged a little old lady in Houston, Texas; who in turn, is unfortunate enough to encounter a fine example of Law Enforcement in the United States, Derek Chauvin, who then decided to sit on poor George, suffocating him.
Who is Phil Sutton? A man who has quite literally has helped hundreds of millions of people to a better life all over the world and dedicated his life to securing Liberty and Justice for all, exactly how the United States Pledge of Allegiance ends.
Since we are in Great Britain, I know I am speaking to the choir concerning the great injustices done to the Ambassador - including having to live in Montana and Colorado in the same way so many of those who he has lifted out of desperate poverty in Africa in order to protect his Family and related interests - and what needs to be done to bring these poor excuses for human beings to Justice, but the people of the United States must explain what the difference between Mr. Floyd and Ambassador Sutton is and why they continue to balk at demanding Justice for all the Victims of the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium.
Well, sir, does that explain just a little of what the International Community intends to do in the rogue nation of the United States of America?
BBC Reporter: Yes, Mr. Prosecutor, it does.
SVC’s Vice President: Now, back to our regularly scheduled program (laughter)…