TERRORISM WARNING:  Shamsud-Dinb Jabbar, 42, drove a truck into the crowded Bourbon Street area of New Orleans early New Years Day and killing 15 and injuring dozens of others. Jabbar allegedly got out of the truck wielding an assault rifle and opened fire on police officers and other law enforcement officials. Officers returned fire, killing Jabbar, a U.S.-born citizen from Texas and Veteran of the U.S. Army. SVC has been warning for years of the danger of U.S. Veterans turning what they learned in the Armed Services on the Civilian population. The most infamous examples are Lee Harvey Oswald, Timothy McVeigh and Kurt Trowbridge. The motive for the attack is not known and Jabbar did not act alone. As a result, the Sugar Bowl was postponed for 24 hours and New Orleans Residents are asked to stay at home until further advised.




“Reconciliation means working together to correct the legacy of past injustice… My appeal to you, fellow citizens, is: Let us join hands and build a truly South African nation.” – Nelson Mandela

“As British policies became more repressive and the Revolution gained momentum, I became convinced that reconciliation was not feasible and that the colonies needed to declare independence.” – Benjamin Franklin

"...whatever deprives People of basic Human dignity & Rights, whatever is defaming, whatever is wrong, whatever is criminal, whatever is destructive, whatever is corrupt - if anything is deceptive and unjust - We will oppose it - sure as the Sun comes up in the morning, we will oppose it." - Phil Sutton


This is the 20th year the Sutton Viewpoint Center has conducted a Tour of the African Continent and while it has always been inspiring it has also enlightened us to the struggles of humanity and the reconciliation that must occur between extreme poverty and a human being’s right to become what he or she is meant to be no matter where they reside.


We are all accidents at birth. We did not choose who are our parents, what nationality we are, what education we would receive or what religion we would follow. We had no choice in these matters.


Most inhabitants of this earth are ignorant of what the possibilities are and are taught greatness is not something that is within their grasp. They become cogs in a society that is unjust and forces them to be content with mediocrity.


While I have written eight books and published seven, there have always been universal themes in each. What I call the Independence Instinct is the most important. The Independence Instinct is the longing to be unfettered to be who we are and do what we want to do. We are painfully aware when our Independence Instinct is being offended in some way.



As most of you know, I had the tremendous privilege and honor to know and learn from South African President, Nelson Mandela. Of the many things Nelson taught me either by communication or observing his incredible example to us all, is that we are essentially two kinds of people: we are either Liberators or oppressors. Either we instinctively desire to liberate others from oppression and thereby ourselves or attempt to control and manipulate others and suppress them.


While working with the International Apartheid Boycott and then with Nelson and the African National Congress once they were freed from prison in 1990, it always astonished me how they were not filled with hate or resentment and wanting revenge but were resolved to reconcile their differences with their oppressors and have a “truly South African nation.” That kind of love has but one source: Our Creator.


In history’s first case where the British messed-up with their vaunted empire (South Africa was a British Colony), the American Colonists were not like the South Africans. They did burn with resentment and were all too ready to fight a war, if necessary. I have spent the past third century inquiring why this is true.


I have come to the conclusion that it was and would be today - material need and greed. The issues between the Blacks and Whites in South Africa were much more intangible than “no taxation without representation.” Human Rights is much more based upon a person’s values and viewpoint than getting gouged in your wallet. The longest serving Judge at any level in Montana State History was W.W. Lessley of Bozeman. Judge Lessley once said, “The tenderest part of the human body is the wallet.” In American and British Societies that is definitely true.


It was my idea in 1988 to target South Africa’s economy, especially boycotting its diamond mines that finally brought down Apartheid. That and even White South Africans becoming tired of P.W. Botha’s machinations. He had been in power for over a decade and even his best supporters wanted him out.


British Economist Adam Smith wrote, “The Wealth of Nations.” Smith probably never realized how many of his suppositions concerning the development of wealth were/are true and still are 250 years later. “The almighty dollar” does control everything American and in the world because of American influence.


Subsequently, I have turned my attention to combating material need and greed because it can turn good people into monsters if allowed to. That is where Economic Democracy and Living Security come in.


Here in Malawi, you know what Economic Democracy can mean. When a nation goes from having 1 in 4 Citizens unemployed to full employment and developing an economic base through a severe downtown during the covid 19 pandemic and still sustain those kind of numbers, you have to be happy about it!


Malawi does not have Living Security because it does not have the Financial Services infrastructure necessary. I am from the United States, and you cannot walk two city blocks in a commercially zoned area without seeing an insurance office. Seriously. That’s on me. We will get it figured it out so Malawians can have a Financial Services sector eventually.


One of things Living Security will do for people is free them from worrying about simply surviving, where their next meal will come from or where they will spend the night. Because of my situation in the United States, I have been there done that for parts of the last 23 years.


I am also a Combat Veteran and have participated in America’s last two wars. I have personally seen the worst aspects of humanity and have vowed to do my uppermost to prevent wars and atrocities from occurring again or anymore.


Currently, a few of Malawi’s neighbors are at war and most of the conflicts are about settling old scores and completely unnecessary. I am fully aware I have stated that it is my chore to bring the world to a Peaceful conclusion. It appears it is impossible, but I will remind you that Jesus promised that what is impossible for us is possible for our Creator. I have gone through an awful lot in my life that has placed me in a perfect position to accomplish my God-given goal.


My First Wife, Patti, has popped in once and awhile in my dreams over the past 27 years informing of what to expect in the future or to explain why all the tragedy and hardship I have known has been part of my life.


Patti appeared while playing Foreigner’s “I Want to Know What Love Is.” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3Pr1_v7hsw) The song was first released exactly 40 years ago just before our last Christmas as a Family. The key was the name of the album, “Agent Provocateur”.


An Agent Provocateur is a person who induces others to be violent or commit an illegal act to incriminate him or her; or discredit a cause. The perfect definition of what the traitors/terrorists have attempted to make me do or have done to me during the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium.


Patti broke the news her murder was definitely part of it. I always had difficulty believing it because of the timeline. That was 5½ years before the Persian Gulf War and before I ever met Osama bin Laden. When you are born to a have a particularly Special Role in History you are going to be a direct target of Satan. And I have been.


Jesus, of course, received the most attention. From the time he was born, Satan’s people wanted to kill him. The “three kings” - Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar – told Herod the Great that the Jews’ King would soon be born. From modern-day Iran and Iraq, they told Herod they knew this because a heavenly configuration of the king planet – Jupiter and Saturn, representing the Jewish Sabbath on Saturday – would be seen over Jesus’ birthplace.


Too late to assassinate the baby Jesus, Herod ordered the “Massacre of the Innocents” and all male children under the age of 2 were murdered. Jesus’ Father, Joseph, was warned by an Angel of the coming tragedy and escaped with his new Family to Egypt.


I have received my own warnings about coming events before Jesus’ return and you will see SVC and the International Community acting accordingly.





5 December 2024