(Editor's Note: Almost seven years ago, Pam, JC, Calista and Beth G started a series they called the “Beat Goes On” named after Sonny & Cher's composite music. What they actually wanted it to represent is that the brutal beating of SVC's President & Founder, Phil Sutton, continues until Missoula Policeman Kurt Trowbridge is brought to Justice. 4,137 days afterward the beating, Trowbridge still wears a badge in Missoula, Montana. Below is Part 312 of their Report)
In Part CLIII, SVC Reported the firing of University of Montana President Royce Engstrom when it was first made public in the Montana Kaiman, UM's newspaper:
A week before he was ousted, University of Montana President Royce Engstrom had every intention of continuing to lead the University of Montana, even though the air on campus had a renewed anxiety. Engstrom’s response to a November 23, 2016, Missoulian Article where a Commissioner of Higher Education Staffer implied that further cuts should be imposed on UM Faculty and Staff sounded the alarms of both Faculty and Students. Phrases like “program prioritization” abounded, leading many to wonder if UM was on track to see a repeat of last School year’s sweeping cut of 201 positions.
Just before 9 AM on Thursday, December 1st (2016), an e-mail was sent to the Campus Community stating that “after careful discussion and consideration, University of Montana President Royce Engstrom ... has decided that he will step down as UM’s President effective December 31st.” (
Approximately 244 weeks before, Engstrom learned of a certain group of UM Alums pressing Donors to boycott the University in protest of some 80 sexual assaults which took place on or near the campus. Among these Alums were SVC President and Former UM Student Body President Phil Sutton and star Quarterback Alum Dave Dickenson.
Just two weeks later, Engstrom hired Missoula Police Officer Kurt Trowbridge to beat Phil to death by a technique used in Soviet Gulags. Engstrom paid Trowbridge through UM funds. The Hague has copies of three of the paychecks to Trowbridge (for $15,000; $1,500; $1,500) at the media has never had any interest in seeing let alone disclosing to the public. The perpetrators did everything possible to cover-up their crimes when Phil survived the brutal assault on his body.
Trowbridge has murdered or have had a hand in murdering at least 24 others and still wears a badge in Missoula. That should have set-off National concern over Police violence over eleven years ago.
However, it began after Michael Brown, an unarmed Black teenager, was shot to death by Ferguson, Missouri, Policeman Darren Wilson in 2014, because US President Barack Obama and US Attorney General Eric Holder decided only Police violence done to Blacks mattered.
Even though over a thousand Americans are killed by US Law Enforcement every year, only Black Victims are worthy of Media coverage and Justice in US Courts and the even more important, in the court of public opinion. That's simply a fact. It needs no further aggrandizement.
Statistically, two Americans suffered the same fate that George Floyd did on Memorial Day 2020 and we do know four other Americans suffered the same fate as Tyre Nichols did on 7 January 2023 but nobody has given a damn about them and/or their families.
Phil and Angelica worked with CNN Anchor Erin Burnette at the NBC/MSNBC/ CNBC 20 years ago. Erin and her CNN colleagues spent three solid hours of coverage leading up to the release of the Nichols tapes. It is heartbreaking that a nation could be so obsessed by something no one should want to view to begin with.
Earlier in CNN's coverage of the event, Abbey Phillip mightily tried to uphold the the false notion that it is systemic racism that causes American Law Enforcement to target Blacks after the news got out that five Black Policemen murdered a fellow Black man for no reason whatsoever.
The “good” cops, who are the vast, vast, vast majority of them, track Blacks the way they do because they know that it is more likely that a Black person commits a violent crime than the rest of the US population combined.
George Floyd was a convicted violent felon. He had mugged a little old lady for drugs and money in Houston. Up until Derek Chauvin sat on George for nine minutes and essentially suffocated him, the police were doing exactly what Americans would expect them to do. They were dealing with a violent convict who was a large man and they had to be concerned about their own safety, let alone the public's, on a holiday when things can easily get out of control.
That said, Minnesota Judge Peter Cahill who presided over Chauvin's trial stated when sentencing him that he could not find Chauvin was guilty of any racism and therefore could not give Chauvin the full 30 years he could have been sentenced to under Minnesota Law.
The United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner expected to spend years investigating systematic racism in the United States after the Floyd Incident. The Commission spent three months and Ruled that no such animal exists in the United States and American Blacks need to explore alternatives to acting as the world's most pathetic Victims.
Indeed, when Floyd protesters insisted that only Black lives matter in London and Berlin, the British Parliament and the German Bundestag threatened to intervene and cease the protests. There were even threats that the Africa Project would be discontinued.
The Project's Founders, Angelina, Tony and Phil never made such threats then, but after greatly improving the lives of 84 million predominantly Black people's lives, the subject is on the table because of the ingratitude shown towards the Africa Project and its Founders and the fact that the Biden Administration has officially adopted an Only Black Lives Matter Policy, which, of course, has been condemned by the International Tribunals, their Partner US Federal Courts and the International Prosecutor.
Racism is racism no matter its source. The only aspect of the Sutton International Complaint that did not pass in the UN Security Council in 2014 was the reverse racism charge against former US President Barack Obama and former US Attorney General Eric Holder. It was dropped in exchange for an American abstention rather than veto and the fervent agreement that Holder would finally get with the program and tackle the modern Sodom and Gomorrah that is Missoula, Montana.
The sexual assaults are the only aspect of the American Opprobrium which has received any media coverage and that's probably because of Jon Kraukauer's book, “Missoula: Rape and the Justice System College Town”.
Krakauer focuses upon the experiences of three female college students who were victims of sexual assault, detailing the different avenues they utilized to pursue Justice, and the pushback they faced from systemic forces in Missoula.
Of the three cases, two involved two named members of the University of Montana football team, linebacker Beau Donaldson (who pleaded guilty to raping Allison Huguet) and quarterback Jordan Johnson (who was acquitted of raping Cecilia Washburn in state court after being expelled by the university and paid $245,00 in damages by UM). The third case involved the gang rape of Kelsey Belnap by four football players and she was interviewed on 60 Minutes.
Holder sent a letter to the City and County governments of Missoula on 24 April 2012, 19 days after Phil's beating by Trowbridge, stating that the US Department of Justice would investigate 80 alleged sexual assaults. Missoula County Attorney Fred Van Valkenberg then sued the DOJ in Federal court stating the DOJ had no power or jurisdiction in the case.
Van Valkenberg's assistant, Kirsten Pabst, resigned and successfully defended Johnson. Pabst replaced Van Valkenberg as Missoula County Attorney when he retired in 2015. After Missoula County met the nonsense reform requirements set down by the DOJ, Pabst and then-Montana State Attorney General Tim Fox discussed the matter on KGVO radio.
Afterwards, Pabst was heard to say that “we had to sacrifice Kelsey (Belnap) and Phil (Sutton) to do it.” Pabst knew exactly what they were doing all along and they had to discredit all witnesses to the fact like SVC's President, frame him for five crimes, wrongfully incarcerate him, destroy his reputation and Missoula County Law Enforcement acted as paid assassins and tried to kill him three times.
Of course, the proverbial $64,000 question is why does SVC's President garnered so much negative attention? The answer, at least initially, is Osama bin Laden. According to Phil's Ukrainian would-be assassins, Oleksander and Kateryna Kushnir, al Qaeda already knew Phil is a formidable Leader and his strong Christian beliefs couldn't possibly sit well with the Islamic jihadist. Suffice it to say, only a meeting between Jesus and Satan would have been more contentious.
Phil's relationship with Nelson Mandela was also a sore spot for bin Laden. Nelson had just been released from prison the year before and this event was aided by Phil's leadership in favor of the boycott of the Apartheid government. Bin Laden must have supported the oppressive regime in South Africa just as he supported and took over the Taliban government in Afghanistan.
The fact that the Kushnirs stated that both of them being Methodists bothered bin Laden is curious, but he probably saw that as further proof Phil was his polar opposite.
After 9/11, bin Laden saw his self-proclaimed “only worthy adversary” constantly get in his way. By 2006, after Phil had completed his work on the International Responsibility to Protect Principle based on the Sutton Doctrine in his Doctoral Dissertation, we began to witness the activities of the traitors/terrorists in Missoula.
The two most striking events in that regard were John Engen's accession as Mayor in 2006 and Engstrom's appearance as Provost at UM a year later. There is no question that Phil's difficulties with the Make Victim Units (corrupt Law Enforcement and Missoula County Judiciary) started with Engen and his problems on campus started simultaneously when Engstrom arrived.
Phil worked with Engen at the Missoulian and they both served on the local Food Bank Board together. Engstrom knew about SVC because he had attended a SVC Public Policy Forum or two in Vermillion when he was Provost at the University of South Dakota, usually with USD Alum Tom Brokaw in attendance.
There was no reasons to believe either Man had anything against SVC's President, but they most certainly had/have. Just like with their fellow traitors/terrorists, the motivation for their angst towards Phil had to be concocted by al Qaeda in some way. It is the only thing that explains it.
Ditto for Obama and Holder. It is known that Obama envied Phil's relationship with Nelson Mandela. The fact that Phil was Nelson's special American Partner in their Human Rights Initiatives including the Africa Project and Obama “missed the train” in that regard is a known source of perturbation for Obama.
Kofi Annan was term limited as UN Secretary General (1997-2007) early in 2007 and most of his work with Phil building the framework for a viable code of International Law had already been completed long before Obama became US President and long after Nelson had completed his single term as the first Black majority President of South Africa (1994-1999).
Bottom line, if the Obama Administration had done its duty in Missoula in 2009 and 2010, none of what has happened since would have. In anticipation of a deadlock concerning the $250 trillion International Judgment against the United States of America occurs, among other things, Fitch Ratings has downgraded America's credit rating. Stocks are plummeting. All well deserved for an America abandoning its own and making Phil Sutton the most persecuted Human Being ever on paper in favor of al Qaeda and organized terrorism.
Phil's problem with the “Information Age Industries” started when he had the audacity to publish his books with a University Press consortium and then he and Angelica started their own Television networks. That is a direct frontal assault on their hegemony in influencing the Public. Bin Laden and his American lackeys wouldn't stand for that.
The comparisons between what happened to US President John F Kennedy and SVC's President are alarmingly salient. Both Men had/have ideas which would turn America and the world upside down for the good. Worse, as far as their adversaries are concerned, they are some of the most powerful Communicators ever seen on earth.
Rare are the individuals who can both speak and write as powerfully as these two Men. President Kennedy's communication skills are legendary; Phil's are rapidly becoming so. It is no surprise that the modern “money changers” which Jesus threw a fit in the temple to evict and eventually had him crucified did successfully assassinate JFK and have attempted to assassinate SVC's President quite literally 14 times we are aware of now.
Historians are almost unanimous that it was the Kennedy assassination 60 years ago that started the United States on its current downward spiral. Phil has spent a lifetime trying to reverse that trend and writing books about how that can be done.
That's why it is catastrophic he does not receive the support from his fellow Americans that truly are the requisites for the REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM. Indeed, so well has organized terrorism's infiltration into the United States gone most Americans believe it is Phil that is bin Laden and vice versa.
December has been the traditional time of SVC's Africa Tour and Nelson died on 5 December 2013. It was Kofi who said Nelson had held on long enough so Phil could be in Africa for Nelson's State Funeral.
There the music summoned Nelson's Spirit, saying, “ You must continue to be the Trailblazer you have always been.”
This is the inspiration for SVC's International Trailblazer Program which has helped those same 84 million we spoke about earlier and millions more. When Phil Announced the name for his next book, TRAILBLAZER TO REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM,” last October, just about every famous person who passed away since has been mentioned as a trailblazer. Check the record.
SVC's President has that kind of control over how people are thinking without ever realizing it. It is because the Creator has sent him to prepare for the return of Jesus to a Peaceful World, not an Armageddon-torn one.
All his suffering through the American Opprobrium has made that possible. Right now the traitors/terrorists are mocking Phil because he is living an impoverished lifestyle in Colorado Springs because of what the traitors/terrorists have done to his life and how they have treated him just as Jesus' adversaries mocked him when he helped so many and could not help himself as he was dying on the cross. The ways of the Creator are hard, but they have purposes none of us can understand until the “resurrection” happens.