When Jesus was arrested on Holy Thursday, he was accused of blasphemy, treason and claiming to be the Messiah. The Sanhedrin convicted him of all three but dropped all but the treason charge because the Chief Priest Joseph ben Caiaphas believed it would be better to charge Jesus with Treason alone and not confuse matters with the Roman Authorities concerning Jewish beliefs.
Roman Governor Pontius Pilate accepted the treason charge, but initially acquitted Jesus. The rub came when the crowd demanded his crucifixion and Jesus refused to defend himself. Subsequently, Pilate gave in to keep the Peace.
What’s curious is down through the ages, the blasphemy charge against Jesus has been considered the most infamous, especially from a theological perspective.
Blasphemy means to insult or injure the reputation of God, a Saint or a religious institution. Jesus said that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is unforgivable. The Pharisees committed blasphemy against the Holy Spirit when they accused Jesus of being demon-possessed instead of Spirit-filled, thus it is more likely those who work for God will be blasphemed than they themselves will commit blasphemy. Indeed, it wouldn’t make sense the other way around.
On Good Friday, both Caiaphas and Pilate acted to blaspheme Jesus in ways no way else has been before or since. That is part of God’s Grand Design. The crucifixion would not make sense at all if it were not so contradictory. The perfect man being given capital punishment when those that insisted upon it were the guilty parties and condemned for all eternity. The Belief in Jesus’ Resurrection is the only hope any of us have for Spiritual redemption and salvation. That alone makes Jesus the most important and influential person ever to live.
Jesus experienced the swiftest and severest fall from grace in Human History. The same people who hailed his entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday wanted him crucified five days later.
Other than the fact Jesus is who he is and was the suffering Messiah in AD 30, why was he seen as so important, anyway? Seriously, what made him so special which placed him in the position he found himself on Good Friday? The answer is Caiaphas and company themselves. That’s right, his accusers and their blasphemous complaints against him!
Satan is the great accuser and whenever one of God’s own is about to have a breakthrough and is doing something great for our Creator, Satan goes to work blaspheming us in every conceivable way.
There will always be signs that a big change is coming in your life and the Dreams and Goals you have taken to God will manifest. One of the signs is unusual opposition and difficulties emerge. Satan doesn’t bother with those who are not faithful and doing nothing for God. Those who are, Satan will attack with a vengeance. It is inevitable that if you are on the right track, the spiritual warfare will intensify to keep you from succeeding in your quest to give glory to God!
There will be moments where doubt and fear will creep in. Doors will suddenly close and associates will start acting strangely. Bills will pile up while income becomes scarce. Things could look very bleak. But you know what? That is an indication that God will soon do something great in your life!
God will remove people, places and things in your life which no longer serve a useful purpose. Because you have exercised your faith, God will reward you beyond measure, just as Jesus promised me. Keep in mind some people cannot accept the responsibilities of your calling, and they will fade away.
Your thoughts and emotions could sabotage your progress. But remember this, if God has given you a vision, he will provide the provisions to make it happen. If God has called you to do it, he will bring you through to its accomplishment.
On January 21st, my 50th Anniversary as a Christian, I stated I felt that a powerful movement in the Spirit of God was taking place which we had not seen since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and 777 days later witnessed the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the end of Cold War I.
Events since indicate I am right.
Just when we felt we finally had a President in Washington that would put the Final Kibosh on the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium, Donald Trump began a series of activities that gave us very definite signs he was the old Dumb Stunt Donald and would not act in accordance with his Agreement with the International Community, SVC and our Affiliates.
If Trump believes he can double-cross the Creator and us, he will pay a heavy price. His untoward activities will boomerang on him and the United States. Under the Agreement, he could be removed as President of the United States. We will go down the line of succession until we find a person who will uphold the U.S. Constitution, Federal Law and Applicable International Law. I am 19th in that line of succession as per the Agreement and I will not fail to do so, if necessary.
A classic mistake are his tariffs against Canada and Mexico. What did Canada ever do that would ever begin to justify a 25% tariff? International Economic Sanctions against the United States has always been an option for the United Nations in putting down the AOTO if more punitive measures are necessary and to force compliance with International Law and Reform requirements. Trump is quite literally asking for it!
One of the most interesting questions raised by the terrorists the past couple of weeks has been: Why are you so important? What made you so great that if you can’t be licensed or are not welcome somewhere no one can be?
The answer is: You did! That’s right. If they left me alone like they did with everyone else, then I would have no claim. But because the terrorists chose to persecute me en masse without cause, they gave me that power. They can only blame themselves!
In particular, the terrorists in Colorado have been so vehement against me, they haven’t bothered to persecute anyone else just like Caiaphas, the Sanhedrin, the Pharisees and the Sadducees did to Jesus. The only thing Jesus and I ever did to them is expose them for who they truly are!
Keeping your Faith can be very difficult at times. But remember the story of Joseph in Genesis. Joseph's story is told in Genesis 37–50. It is a story of redemption, forgiveness and is often seen as a foretelling of the life of Jesus would have.
Joseph was the favorite son of Jacob and Rachel. Joseph had dreams that his brothers and the stars and moon would bow down to him. Early on, Joseph's Brothers were jealous of him and sold him into slavery to Ishmaelites and told their Father that Joseph had been mauled by a wild animal.
Joseph became steward to Potiphar, one of Pharaoh's officials. Potiphar's wife tried to seduce Joseph. He was falsely accused and convicted. Joseph was wrongfully imprisoned.
Joseph redeemed himself by interpreting Pharaoh's Dreams of seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine. As a reward, the Pharaoh made Joseph Governor/Prime Minister of Egypt. Those same Brothers did bow down to him and they asked him to help them survive the famine.
God’s Promise to me is that I will bring the world to a Peaceful conclusion by the time Jesus’ returns. All Satan has managed to do is position me to do so. Yes, I lost my first Family and then lost everything of value three times, but Job was returned to many times what he had lost. I will be, too.
Satan can delay the blessings I have in store, but he cannot deny what God has ordained for my life. My Faith and diligence has been a shining example to everyone that Love and Justice will always win over hate and oppression.
5 MARCH 2025