God will repay each person based on what they have done. Those who seek glory and immortality through good deeds will receive eternal life, while those who reject truth and follow evil will face wrath and anger. - Romans 2:6-8
Two roads diverged in a wood and … I took the one less traveled by; And that has made all the difference. – Robert Frost
Remember our rule of thumb: The more scared we are of a work or calling, the more sure we can be that we have to do it. ― Steven Pressfield
Our attitudes at SVC must be that if your message is one of fear, hate and bigotry, shove it. If your message, thoughts and actions pursue Love, compassion and enhancing the condition of the Human Family, then join Us in our Great Crusade to bring our World to a Peaceful conclusion where everyone is pursuing their Divine Destiny. - Phil Sutton
As a follow-up to SVC President's Dream with the Creator, Patti appeared on the morning of U.S. Thanksgiving Day. The Creator made sure SVC's understood it is finally time to claim his authority. The International Agreement with Donald Trump has committed the once and future President to put the Final Kibosh on the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium!
SVC's President outlined what Patti instructed him to do, which included calling the January General Conference “Esprit de Corps” Day. It will occur on January 21st every year on his Christian Birthday and call his new SVC International Initiatives “Dream Weaver Now!”
The Special International Prosecutor knows what must be done will be done in the United State whether or not Trump works with him. It is time to end the suffering for the Victims of the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium and to set the precedent for the World which assures all inhabitants of Justice regardless of where they may live or what kind of Government they have!!!!!!!
Because the Biden, previous Trump and Obama Administrations refused to grant the Victims the most basic Human Rights in the United States and the damages to their lives are so egregious, the International Tribunals are determined to do a thorough job of compensating the Victims and/or their Families in every way possible!
The idiocies now transpiring within and by the USA has given SVC no alternative but to acquiesce completely to the Reform-minded International Community. No one can justifiably defend the United States and its Leadership at all levels anymore!
SVC's President reiterated International Policy towards the traitors/terrorists. The Hague and their Partner Federal Courts will have the traitors/terrorists work not only to help their Victims rebuild their fractured lives, but to rebuild the infrastructure of the States and/or Nations they betrayed and Non-Profit Organizations and Schools so that these entities better can help all unemployed People with Reeducation and Training for new jobs and basic survival needs. This will be part of his 21st Century Marshall Plan!
Perhaps the most important aspect of this for SVC is the healing that has occurred for all of us at SVC. The International Community views SVC as the Leader for the rest of the World, regardless of what happens in the USA!!!!!!!
SVC’s President explained how the Creator works and how all that has happened and all that will happen has always been part of the Creator’s Grand Design. For his part, SVC’s President has had to accept the all the heinous maltreatment he has received as part of his Divine Destiny.
The General Semantics of History has now set the pattern that will decide the ultimate conclusion of Humankind’s existence as we now know it and nothing can stop it! As SVC’s President said when he left the rostrum after giving his Hastings Declaration in 2022, “Human History is hurtling towards its conclusion.”
The Creator knows your deepest desires – whether they be good or evil – better than you do. The Creator knows the Goals which will give you the greatest fulfillment if you are willing to search for and pursue your Divine Destiny.
Every great Leader, Inventor, Artist and Entrepreneur who has achieved remarkable success often commented that their ideas and opportunities came from inspiration by the Creator. Their minds were/are attuned to the Creator’s Divine Destiny for them and they could do nothing else.
Likewise, those who hear a different calling and not from the Creator, feel just as strongly they are following the correct path, but it couldn’t possibly be. Adolf Hitler believed the death of Franklin Roosevelt was a sign from God that the Nazis could still prevail. Just 18 days later, Hitler would commit suicide and Nazi Germany would surrender unconditionally eight days after that.
That is why from the beginning, the International Investigators saw similarity between the Nazi horror and the traitors/ terrorists involved in a the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium. Just like the Nazis, the terrorists actually demand respect and maltreat their Victims because they are Public Officials and Employees or are highly esteemed by the Public. That has always been the severest criminal behavior in the minds of the International Prosecutors & Investigators. Using their job descriptions to justify abusing their Victims and betraying the Public Trust is the red flag the International Community always looks for and is precisely why these terrorists are automatically considered Class 3 Offenders and will suffer the greatest punishments!
While the Nazis will always be the primary target in any such discourse about history, when 2.5 million Americans gang up on a single individual and commit 428 million U.S. Federal Felonies against him, there cannot be any argument whatsoever that this has been and still continues to be out of line and they must be made an example of so Civilization can deter such egregious behavior in the future.
SVC's President and his Family have not been able to Register to Vote and attain their Driver's Licenses because the U.S. Postal Service refuses to deliver mail to the International Independence Creek Properties. The Sutton Twins were finally able to attain their Driver's Licenses and Vote in the State where they are attending College. SVC would love to receive your mail as well. You must ask USPS why that has not been possible the past six years. It is such outrages that have been visited upon SVC's President alone that calls into question just what really is transpiring in the United States.
Now, believe it or not, the terrorists say they haven’t done anything to SVC’s President and he is the one who deserves all the grief and just making excuses for his own failures. It is easy to look at it that way when you have an apparent numeric advantage of approximately 2,500,000 to 1 and U.S. Presidents and the Mass Media on down have been directly involved with the scandal.
Let’s see what the facts really are… There are about 525,000 United Nations Troops who have volunteered to put the Final kibosh on the opprobrium. There are only a handful of Nations on the planet that support the United States concerning the opprobrium. There will be no problems placing International Economic Sanctions against the United States if decided upon.
Oh, by the way, the UN Security Council has already authorized Sanctions and force in the matter 11 years ago and the USA could not Veto it like Russia did when Sanctions were going to be imposed upon it in 2022 for invading Ukraine.
Plus, Donald Trump has crossed over to the right side and amazingly saw most of his legal problems vanish. That is what should happen if you truly are repentant and want to make amends for your own and everyone else’s benefit. By every indication, Donald is quite willing to do what is expected of him in reforming the USA, especially when it comes to “fixing Colorado.”
Meanwhile, all the Mass Media, Social Media and other Information Age Industries who have kept the American People in the dark about all this are not long for this world. They will be replaced, consolidated under new management or closed and assets sold at auction.
Just like Ike forced the German People to view the carnage at Nazi concentration camps, all Adult Americans will be required to see SVC International’s Documentary. There Americans will view plenty of police violence videos and film and startling evidence and eye-witness accounts of what the terrorists are saying they didn’t do to SVC’s President and his fellow Victims.
Or, in the converse, didn’t do but should have such as issue Professional Licenses and never intending to do so which is blatantly against Colorado State Law or even banning the Public from a Public University like UCCS has! Such outrageous behavior by Public Officials/Employees must be punished or what kind of Society will America have?
When the terrorists say they have had it with SVC's President they miss the simple fact that he hasn't done anything to have had it with in the first place and it is all made up in their minds, but the terrorists have been profuse in doing what The Hague and the United Nations have had it with and will no longer allow to exist in a Civilized World!
Further, none other than Former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder warned the Missoula terrorists in 2010 what would be the consequences if they persisted. Over 14 years later, the terrorists in Colorado Springs are perfectly parroting the behavior of their comrades in Missoula 1,000 miles way.
Ultimately, Holder's warnings fell on deaf ears and he did nothing to back his warnings up. This is why the terrorists believe they are in no trouble. Holder's multiple malfeasance is one of the greatest obstacles to Justice in the case.
Needless to say, these terrorists are co-conspirators and thus can be made responsible for their crimes as well as the others' crimes. Following the al Qaeda Script two or three times is enough to send a terrorist to hard labor for at least 40 years.
Now, each and every one of the 2.5 million terrorists have at least attempted to defame, taunt and/or intimate SVC’s President three times and any violation of the al Qaeda Script is as though they committed all 12 crimes on the Serial Crimes List and that would get them sentenced to approximately 360 years in prison, so life at hard labor is letting them off easy.
The terrorists were warned countless times and did not listen. For instance, these cowards are great in backfiring their engines or honking or opening or closing their doors with distinction as SVC’s President passes by or the police gaslight him or security will tell him he broke every rule on the books in the libraries.
Bottom line, the terrorists are comparing making Federal cases out of perceived rule violations, etc., versus their Commission of actual U.S. Federal Felonies as a way justifying what they are doing to SVC's President. If they think they are going to get away with this, the International Prosecutor has a news bulletin for them!
All the terrorists had to do all along is understand that eventually what they did to their fellow Human Beings would come back on them no matter what. Therefore, the terrorists must know firsthand what they have wrought. It is awfully cold in most of the USA right now and soon enough they will be exchanging places with their Victims and they will know the pain and misery that comes with sleeping outside in single digit and below zero weather and no one caring about them. The only difference between the terrorists and their Victims is that the latter didn't deserve it at all and the former most certainly do!