"Armageddon Scenario"



In December 2023 the Sutton Viewpoint Center held a Bicentennial Commemoration of the Monroe Doctrine in Monrovia, Liberia. This Doctrine set the course for American Foreign Policy well into 20th century. Monrovia is the only other National Capital named after an U.S. President.


President James Monroe first presented his Namesake Doctrine in his State of the Union Address on 2 December 1823. It forbade Old World Nations, primarily European Countries, from meddling in New World Nations' business, all which were former Colonies of France, Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Spain, and the United Kingdom.


However, the primary Author of the Monroe Doctrine was Secretary of State John Quincy Adams. He had his eye on keeping the Russian bear out the Pacific Northwest. The Russo-American relationship has always been a complicated one.


Tsarina Catherine II the Great was the first major Head of State to formally recognize the United States of America, but the relationship has done from there. At that time, her Grandson Tsar Aleksandr I was Emperor of Russia from 1801–1825 and king of Poland from 1815–1825, as well as the first Grand Duke of Finland.


Beginning with Catherine's Father, Peter III the Great, the Russians have had an annoying Policy to meddle into its neighbors' business. This is the Genesis of Russia/Soviet aggression against Poland, Finland, Ukraine, et al and is the basis for the current war against Ukraine.


This is important regarding the Armageddon Scenario because since ancient times the Northern King has been known to be the descendants of Magog, Noah's Grandson. Magog is the root word for Moscow and the name Muscovites, the future Russians. There has never been any question that the Northern King would be Russia.


By tradition, the southern King had been Egypt until very recently. Instead, the economic power of Saudi Arabia makes it the most likely candidate. The fact that bin Laden was a Saudi Prince and the current National Leader, Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, is as evil as his Cousin, and could make Saudi Arabia an enemy of the United States again under the right circumstances.


China is the only nation to field a 200 million man army as the Biblical Prophecies predict and is therefore the eastern King. The fact that Putin, Xi and bin Salman have been coalescing as of late is an ominous sign.


Fareed Zakara started his Sunday Program on 3 March 2024 by having "Armageddon" in bright red letters on pictures of the war destruction in Gaza. He further discussed how U.S. President Joe Biden has lost control of events and how the USA's support of Israel has cost America a great deal in International prestige in the process. https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2024/03/03/fareeds-take-biden-netanyahu-israel-gaza-gps-vpx.cnn


To top it off, the International Court of Justice elected a new President and Vice President on 6 February 2023. American Joan Donoghue was replaced by Nawaf Salam from Lebanon. He is a devout anti-semite and was the one who suggested that not only that the American People lose Social Security as punishment for supporting Israel and the traitors/terrorists of the American Criminal Opprobrium, but that Americans continue to pay the FICA taxes to pay for the USA's International debt.


What is troublesome here is Americans didn't even bat an eyelash at the news that Social Society has been lost. None of this is speculation or some far out conspiracy theory. Americans need to wake up and smell the proverbial coffee.


Indeed, the Social Security Administration is sponsoring "Help Us Slam the Scam" "National Slam the Scam Day" March 7, 2024. How about the scam involved in denying SVC's President his Retirement Benefits after working 50 years?


Putin and Chi have always been very supportive of the Sutton International Complaint because it highlights America's hypocrisy on Human Rights, among other things.


Complain all you want to about Russia's War Crimes and Russia's and China's Human Rights violations, the American Criminal Opprobrium is far worse from a broad, historic perspective and Putin and Xi know it.

-Phil Sutton, DBA, SVC Founder & President/Chief Executive Officer; & SVC International Governor, Admiral Boyd D “Frosty” Meyers (Ret), TRAILBLAZER PUBLICATIONS, VOL XXIII, #2,147,777,778,400,011










