…Article 13.

(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state…

…Article 21.

(1) Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.
(2) Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country.
(3) The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures… - UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS


One of the frustrations SVC has always had with the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium is watching People do things they know are wrong, but somehow rationalize what they are doing is right. The traitors/terrorists have set a new standard for amorality and are kidding themselves if they think their endless rounds of criminal intimidation, taunting and unscrupulous behavior has escaped anyone's attention. Now they are taunting the International Community into action! The delusion the traitors/terrorists suffer from under their Stage III Psychotic Denial is truly one for the books!


On the night of 16 & 17 November 2018, three traitors/terrorists drove 775 miles from Bozeman, Montana to Colorado Springs, Colorado to continue their 24/7 terrorist activities against SVC President, Phil Sutton after doing so in Montana for 17 years. Their inexplicable dedication to these activities and blind hatred towards a Man who never did them any harm has never been explained or could be understood by any rationale reasoning. There are now 2.45 million Americans who have joined this trio of traitors/terrorists over a 23-year period and will be brought to Justice.




Many of SVC President’s fellow Seniors in Colorado Springs have been overheard saying all they wanted was to chase SVC’s President out of town because of what they had been told about him and they do not understand why they are in so much trouble. OK. Once the world had been told all those defaming and discrediting efforts and infamous stories out of Missoula, Montana, were just plain wrong and fabrications over and over again the past 15 months, why have the hostilities continued and, indeed, been intensified in Colorado and no moves in Montana to attempt to make amends? That is what normally occurs. But has not in this case.


The traitors/terrorists have attempted mightily to destroy a Man’s life, career and reputation for no reasons whatsoever. These people must pay their debt to society and be utterly ruined themselves. there is other way around it! We cannot and will not have this transpiring in Civilized Society!


The International Tribunals, Prosecutors and Investigators are quick to point out that the oppression of SVC’s President within the United States of America that has been witnessed usually incur outrage from the U.S. State Department when something similar happens to World Citizens elsewhere.


It is inconceivable that the American mass media has not been all over this. It is unprecedented that a nation such as the United States has this problem and this why the Civil Judgments and Criminal Sentences against the traitors/terrorists have been and will continue to be so severe.


It is imperative that the message be sent to all would-be despots and terrorists that International Law will be upheld and The Hague and United Nations will spare no resources to bring profound lawbreakers like this to Justice!


The denial of Phil Sutton’s Voting Rights earlier in November 2024 and for the past five years in Colorado is the last straw.  El Paso County, Colorado, Clerk & Recorder Steve Schleiker intentionally dated the rejection letter on Election Day, 5 November, mailed it on 6 November and it was not received until 12 November.


This is reminiscent of what Colorado State Insurance Commissioner Michael Conway did sending the rejection letter for Professional Insurance Licensing on Phil Sutton’s 60th Birthday. These two Men did not have to be so cruel and rub it in his face like this. Heads will now roll in ways never before imagined and for very good reasons!


One glimmer of hope is that SVC’s Editor intentionally misspelled “right” in the “He Told You So” Blog to glean if anyone was paying attention and thankfully quite a number did let SVC know there was an error.(