The way to right wrongs is turn light of the truth upon them - Ida B. Wells
Ida Bell Wells-Barnett was born a slave in 1862, but she never really knew slavery as it existed in the United States because by the time she turned three in July 1865, slavery no longer existed. That did not stop her from covering the horrors of lynching in the Jim Crow south and she was honored in 2020 with a Pulitzer Prize special citation "for her outstanding and courageous reporting on the horrific and vicious violence against African Americans during the era of lynching", approximately one month before George Floyd was murdered.
Just like I am, Ida was a self-trained American Investigative Journalist and Educator and we both married college Educated Journalists. She was a much earlier pioneer in the Civil Rights movement than I and one of the Founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Ida also shared my dedication to combating prejudice and violence. Interestingly, she was more a Suffragette for Women's Rights than Advocate for African-American Equality alone.
One of the more exhilarating benefits to becoming a writer and author is authors quite often share their articles and books with each other as well as their ideas. That is how I became acquainted with Ida's work.
As it turns out, Ida's story influenced on my Friend U.S. Representative John Lewis (D-GA). She was from Mississippi and he was from Alabama. Their Families conformed to the post-Civil War norm of working in the fields just as their enslaved ancestors had and any attempt for self-improvement could be cause for your lynching. But these two were unabashed.
The Independence Instinct shown all too brightly in Ida who braved threats to her own life to provide the historic record with detailed accounts of over 4,000 lynchings during her career. She knew "the way to right wrongs is turn to light of the truth upon them."
John became the self-appointed Member of Congress to make sure when the renewals for the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act were required he made sure it happened. That's where I got to know him. Now that John has passed away, SVC Civil Rights Associate Director, Gary Shriver, plans to take John's place and he has our full support!
Most Americans believe it was Rosa Parks who first refused to give up her seat in a public transportation coach in 1955. No so. On September 15, 1883 and on May 4, 1884, a train conductor ordered Ida to give up her seat in the first-class ladies train car and move back to the smoking car which was already very crowded.
Ida sued, hiring an African-American Attorney. Then when he betrayed her and he was bribed by the railroad, she hired a White Attorney.
Ida actually won her case on Christmas Eve 1884 and a local Circuit Court granted her a $500 ($16,023.93 today) award. Naturally, the award was overturned by the Tennessee State Supreme Court saying Ida had been unreasonable in her desire to stay upfront in the accommodations she had paid for and the conductor was correct in ordering her to move.
Ida was only 21 years old when she had her first personal brush with discrimination in public. She was ordered to pay legal fees and responded: "I felt so disappointed because I had hoped such great things from my suit for my people. ... O God, is there no ... Justice in this land for us?"
It is difficult to imagine a young Black Woman had the spunk to do what Ida did 140 years ago. Truth is, despite the apparent progress we have made in Civil Rights in America there are those who still exist in American Society who would think nothing of tearing it all down if they had the opportunity!
What people have to understand is if any of us are denied the full exercise of our Divinely-Given Rights, then we are all devalued as Human Beings. It is that simple!
Indeed, SVC's Foreign Writers & Journalists wrote a very insightful Article concerning the American condition just after the 1/6 Insurrection at the U.S. Capital:
"Democracy - the right of people to exercise a vote, have their voice heard and then have that decision upheld peacefully - should never be undone by a mob." -New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern
“Canadians are deeply disturbed and saddened by the attack on democracy in the United States, our closest ally and neighbour. Violence will never succeed in overruling the will of the people. Democracy in the U.S. must be upheld - and it will be.”
-Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
The above is the reaction to the insurrection at the U.S. Capital Building on January 6, 2021, by the two World Leaders who convinced SVC’s President that he alone could deliver an effective Resurrection Day Message to a covid-19 infested world in 2020.
Not so coincidentally, New Zealand and Canada book-ended SVC’s Annual World Democratization Conference last July and it was then the International Community decided to achieve his Goal of World Political and Economic Democratization free of American and al Qaeda impediments.
Meanwhile, International Prosecutors and International and Private Investigators have developed the Theory that these thugs actively support the atrocities of the al Qaeda-gate scandal and believe them to be right. It is no longer Prosecution’s Theory in this case, it is now proven to be incontrovertible beyond any reasonable doubt!!!!!!!
The Hague is no longer required to prove the case in a Court of Law. The Hague must simply collaborate that the terrorists are involved with any given Incident(s) to prove their guilt of committing their crimes in Criminal Court or damages done to their Victims in Civil Court.
The Hague's U.S. District Court Partners concur and will act accordingly. The new US President Joe Biden, US Justice Department and Armed Forces are expected to act upon these Court Orders.
All the International Criminal Court and U.S. District Courts need to do is Confirm the terrorists' identities, the crimes committed and then sentence the terrorists according. If anyone in anyway has supported and aided and abetted the terrorist activities in the USA, they are as good as Convicted of those crimes. There can be no doubt concerning their guilt!
This is the most savage criminal mentality the world has witnessed since the Nazis portrayed and acted upon their anti-semantic attitudes toward the Jews. This mentality obviously has its roots in Arab jihadism and organized terrorism. As if the International Community needed further evidence of al Qaeda's leadership of the terrorists in Colorado, Montana, Washington, DC, and elsewhere!
There will be no appeals or trials at all, only the meting out of punishment and seizure of assets to satisfy the settlement of the Judgments.
This will greatly streamline the process of dealing with these tens of thousands of terrorists and set the precedents in dealing with them and those of their ilk now and in future!
All the Victims have ever desired is simple Justice. Why has it been so difficult for them to attain it in the almighty United States of America?
Surely, the American People do not approve of armed insurrection
against their government and its Democratic processes.
Surely, the American People do not approve of Women being sexually
assaulted with impunity.
Surely, the American People do not approve of innocent Lives being
systematically ruined through the corrupt creation of bogus criminal
and other personal records.
Surely, the American People do not approve of Public Funds
embezzling in the billions.
Surely, the American People do not approve of Regulators who take
kickbacks, bribes and commit fraud to then demonize those who
oppose them and deny professional licensing to otherwise qualified
individuals for specious reasons.
Surely, the American People do not approve of these same corrupt
Public Officials and Regulators to be perpetually reelected and/or
appointed to serve and/or elected to higher office.
Surely, the American People do not approve of law enforcement
who have chronically resorted to excessive force and remain in
law enforcement.
Surely, the American People do not approve of Public Officials who
pay assassins to murder their rivals.
Surely, the American People do not approve of Public Officials
paying hush money to cover-up evidence of murder and attempted
Surely, the American People do not approve of the members of the
news media to only aggrandize their own personal viewpoints,
ignoring the viewpoints of others which are contrary during
on-air diatribes, thus leading to further abuse of the before
mentioned victims because now these thugs have been led to
believe they can get away with their crimes and no one cares
about the victims.
Save, of course, George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter Movement
to cover-up the truth that the before mentioned victims have been
denied Justice because they are Native American, Hispanic, Asian and
White. Where is the true racism in all this?
Refute this America if you can. Believe it or not, this is what the
American People DO approve of very openly and there is simply
no evidence to the contrary!
Americans must know that there are consequences for allowing
such atrocities on their soil and utterly failing to demand
In the eyes of the world, this it makes all Americans complicit
with those who commit these atrocities and crimes. To those from
the outside looking in, there is no difference!
If anything, SVC's Foreign Writers & Journalists could augment all the things which must be reformed in the United States 42 months later. It hasn't gotten any better! All the Reforms previously discussed will happen and there will be no further discussion about it!
For instance, the USA Today Reported that American Law Enforcement killed over 1,300 Citizens in 2023. At the time of Floyd's murder, that number was only about 1,000. That's crazy! You would have hoped that if nothing else the whole fracas with Floyd would have at least reduced the number, not increased it by 30%!
As Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel reminded us during SVC's Annual Convention, American Law Enforcement kills more people by breakfast every day than German Law Enforcement does in a week! And Germany is the next worst nation in that regard!
(TROUBLESOME SIGN: As anticipated, two Colorado Springs Policeman passed SVC President's personage early morning 17 July and attempted to gaslight him. Will they ever learn?)(For further information refer to:
What's really crazy is the only time most Americans are thankful their Law Enforcement kills somebody is when they kill a mass shooter who uses military weapons that can kill approximately 150 people per minute! What sense does it make to argue the Second Amendment somehow protects the shooters' alleged right to do that?
But this is the kind of logic that pervades American Public Policy in 2024 and the International Community has had it with it. Believe me, my International Colleagues want to return America back to its former status as the prime example of all that is good with Humanity and not the unmitigated disaster and laughingstock it has become!
12 JULY 2024