Not fully appreciated in America, but causing great interest elsewhere was the Nomination for the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize for the International Criminal Court.
SVC's President, Phil Sutton, shared the recognition because he had declared last December that the International Justice System would no longer allow National Governments who had not Ratified the Statutes of Rome which created the ICC and/or had a Veto in the United Nations Security Council to skirt International Justice and mock International Law.
Almost immediately, the declaration won Brittney Griner's release from a Russian Penal Colony because SVC's President stood up to Russian President Vladimir Putin concerning the war against Ukraine and dashing Putin's hopes that past favors would exempt him from International Criminal Prosecution. The ICC followed-up in March by issuing an arrest warrant for Putin.
This was not unprecedented for the Nobel Prize Committee. In 2007, Former US Vice President Al Gore won the prize along with the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
The Griner episode embarrassed SVC's President greatly because it is exposed that Americans care more about Alexie Navalny, a Russian dissident, than they do about him, a fellow American. But SVC's President did the right thing and stood by American policies and International Law. Most would not have.
While SVC's President has done his best to deal with such profound slights and not take it personally, The Hague and their Partner US Federal Courts will never forget them or the US Government Officials who are responsible for allowing them to stand at present. The established conspiracy against SVC's President is incontrovertible fact and few appear to take Personal Responsibility for what has happened.
As SVC's President stated just over a month ago: “It is all but certain tyranny will reign and Democracy will fail when Public Officials and Employees are themselves the perpetrators. This in turn creates an absurd scenario in which it becomes difficult for Citizens to trust their governments again and creates a debilitating cynicism that is all but impossible to overcome.”
Beginning in 2019 with the Christchurch Shootings in New Zealand, the Kushnir poisonings of SVC's President in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, and the infamous conversation between U.S. President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, parallels were beginning to be drawn between what happened to US President John F Kennedy and what is occurring to SVC's President.
An Australian Parliamentary Report on the International Insurance Kickback Scandal named U.S. Representative Matt Rosendale (R-MT) and New Mexico Superintendent of Licensing & Regulation, Marguerite Salazar, as Participants in the scandal when they were Montana and Colorado Insurance Commissioners, respectively. Further, the Christchurch Shooter, Brenton Tarrant, who is from Australia, named Rosendale as an American contact of his.
It was Rosendale and Salazar who were responsible for SVC President's Insurance License disbarment after 32 years in Financial Services and admitted al Qaeda operatives Oleksander and Kateryna Kushnir from Ukraine poisoned SVC's President with a WMD-derivative compound on June 21, 2019 implicated Colorado Officials had at least prior knowledge of the plot if not actually involved.
The Hague Issued a Report in July 2019 after the Kushnirs testified freely about being hired by al Qaeda to assassinate SVC's President and why. The Kushnirs confirmed that Benghazi was set-up by the Obama State Department to deflect American Media attention from the Sutton International Complaint in 2012.
This also is the origins of all the bad blood between U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Russian President Vladimir Putin because Muammar Gadaffi was a Russian Ally. When Russia annexed Crimea, where the Kushnirs are from, then-Vice President Biden was in charge of the American response which was impotent at best and encouraged the Russians to attempt to finish off Ukraine when Mr Biden became President.
With all this, U.S. President Donald Trump believed that there was plenty of dirt on the Democrat he feared most in the 2020, Joe Biden. President Trump like many “in the know” always wondered how President Biden as the Vice President in easily the most corrupt Administration in American History could serve eight years without any taint falling upon him.
When The Hague had no such dirt to offer, President Trump not only failed to put down the American Opprobrium (formally al Qaeda-gate), he had his infamous discussion with President Zelensky in search for said damning information, which got him Impeached the first time.
The impetus for the Sutton International Complaint was SVC's President brutal beating by Missoula Police Officer Kurt Trowbridge after two previous attempts on his life by Missoula County Law Enforcement.
When SVC's President had exhausted all remedies within the United States after US President Barack Obama and US Attorney General Eric Holder refused to grant him protection and Justice like Rodney King had been in 1991 and George Floyd would have in 2020, he recorded his International Complaint.
Like Lee Harvey Oswald, Trowbridge was a Marine and had learned their mode of assassination while in the service. Oswald, who was technically a Soviet Citizen at the time of the Kennedy assassination, was hired by the communists and Military-Industrial Complex to do the deed. Trowbridge was hired specifically by then-University of Montana President Royce Engstrom and ostensibly by al Qaeda and their affiliates within the “Information Age Industries” in Missoula.
The recent disclosers concerning General Electric, the NBC networks and their part in the American Opprobrium have only given further credence to the case theory that SVC's President has been the target of a vast domestic conspiracy just as John Kennedy was.
American pundits argue that all this is 50 and 60 years in the past, but it is not. It is in actuality much worse now than then. In the controversial movie, JFK, there is an conversation between New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison and “Mr X”, former Chief of Special Operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Kennedy Administration, Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty:
X: Army Intell had a "Harvey Lee Oswald" on file, but all those files have been destroyed. Many strange things were happening that day, and Lee Harvey Oswald had nothing to do with them. We had the entire Cabinet on a trip to the Far East. We had a third of a combat division returning from Germany in the air above the United States at the time of the shooting, and at 12:34 P.M., the entire telephone system went dead in Washington for a solid hour, and on the plane back to Washington, word was radioed from the White House Situation Room to Lyndon Johnson that one individual performed the assassination. Does that sound like a bunch of coincidences to you, Mr. Garrison? Not for one moment.
The cabinet was out of the country to get their perception out of the way. The troops were in the air for possible riot control. The phones didn't work to keep the wrong stories from spreading if anything went wrong with the plan. Nothing was left to chance. I bet you there were even backup teams and cars on the other side of the underpass in the event that Kennedy got through unwounded. They would have moved in with vehicles like they did with de Gaulle. He could not be allowed to escape alive.
Garrison: I never realized Kennedy was so dangerous to the establishment. Is that why?
X: That's the real question, isn't it - "Why?" - the "how" is just "scenery" for the suckers … Oswald, Ruby, Cuba, Mafia, it keeps people guessing like a parlor game, but it prevents them from asking the most important question Why? Why was Kennedy killed? Who benefitted? Who has the power to cover it up?
Garrison: I don't ... I can't believe it. They killed him because he wanted to change things. In our time - in our country?
X: Well they've been doing it all through history. Kings are killed, Mr. Garrison, politics is power, nothing more! Oh, don't take my word for it, don't believe me. Do your own work, your own thinking.
Garrison: I can't. The size of this is... beyond me. Testify?
X: Me?
Garrison: Testify?
X: No chance in hell. No, I'd be arrested and gagged, maybe sent to an institution, maybe worse, you too. Now I can give you the background, but you have to find the foreground, the little things. Keep digging. Remember, you're the only person to bring a trial in the murder of John Kennedy. That's important, it's historic.
Garrison: I haven't yet. I don't have much of a case.
X: You don't have a choice anymore. You've become a significant threat to the national security structure. They would have killed you already but you got a lot of light on you.
Instead they're trying to destroy your credibility. They already have in many circles in this town. Be honest, your only chance is to come up with a case. Something, anything. Make arrests, stir the storm, hope to reach a point of critical mass that'll start a chain reaction of people coming forward, then the government will crack. Remember, fundamentally, people are suckers for the truth - and the truth is on your side, Bubba. I just hope you get a break...
The movie began with the Farewell Address of President Dwight D Eisenhower which helps to explain the danger of crossing the “Military-Industrial Complex”:
The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist ... We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted...
Like Prouty stated, the discrediting efforts against him and Garrison had already reached a fever pitch. Every time SVC's President or some of the sexual assault Victims who were interviewed by Jon Krakauer for his book: “Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town”, attempted to seek the Justice they deserved, they were immediately stonewalled and the public was told they were the ones who were the criminals and responsible for what happened to them and possibly crazy.
Are you beginning to understand the obvious comparisons?
But the true reason John Kennedy and Phil Sutton became the targets of key American Business interests in their day, traitorous government officials and foreign enemies is because they had/have ideas, beliefs, values and visions which ran/run contrary to the benighted status quo and as Engstrom told at least five people, “Sutton must die.”
SVC President's Son Jack asked his Mother, SVC Vice President/COO, Angelica E T Sutton, why this was, she responded, “Men like Jack and Bobby Kennedy and your Father are Dreamers. They see a wonderful world none of the rest of us are capable of envisioning and it scares the hell out of the old guard. They see everyone sharing in God’s abundance...”
The key thing to know is right will always defeat might in the end. As the Final Kibosh of the American Opprobrium unfolds, Americans have to excel in enemy identification and begin to do what they should have done 11 to 22 years ago and stand for what is right, Democracy and Justice no matter what.
The implications are enormous. Russians have constituted the most hits on SVC's Public Website since the news about the Nobel Peace Nomination first broke. The Russians are very nervous. There had better be at least as many Americans who are just as nervous, after all they are fugitives from Justice just as Putin is.
The traitors/ terrorists will not be able to go anywhere or do anything without knowing they can and will be brought to Justice.
For instance, an incident at UCCS on 12 October indicated how much stock the traitors/terrorists place on making SVC's President destitute so they can justify what they have done and feel he could not possibly bring them to brought to Justice.
For their lack of compassion and clearly evil intent towards SVC's President, the closure of UCCS is imminent so that this destitution can be eliminated for good!!!!!!!
The traitors'/terrorists' arrests will soon follow and/or they will be watched 24/7 just as they have stalked SVC's President because they are dangerous criminals and deserve it when he never did!
12 OCTOBER 2023