18 FEBRUARY 2025

Those at The Hague and the United Nations have had a concern from the beginning that the Final Kibosh of the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium could deteriorate into a violent brawl, especially in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and Missoula, Montana, USA.


A dangerous Sting Operation provided hope that it might not be so. SVC's Security Chief, ran a dangerous Sting Operation on 17 February 2025 at Library 21c in Colorado Springs. The strategem was to act out and appear to violate Library Rules and see what would happen. One of the Security Guards has had it in for SVC's President from the first time they met in East Library five years ago. His name must be withheld as the Investigation continues.


SVC's Security Chief removed his boots to allow his socks to dry. He has a Medical Condition which causes sweaty socks to act as sandpaper against the skin and shred the feet. He now has an infection and could sue. In any event, Federal Law requires that Public Facilities allow for such exceptions to such rules when these kind of conditions exist. In the later discussion with the Supervisor, Pikes Peaks Library District has and does not intend to observe such exceptions for Disabled Persons. If pushed to extremes, the Legal situation could become a violation of the Person's Federal Rights and thus a Felony.


Second, SVC's Security Chief was accused of falling asleep when he was in Meditation in a course with Magali Peysha. That is simply a false accusation and follows the al Qaeda Script. Since the accuser a is Public Servant who made the accusation and has betrayed the Public Trust, it makes him a Class 3 Offender and entitles him to a lifetime of hard labor without any time off, etc. The key here is this is what the terrorists have been doing all along: attempting to discredit SVC's President and make him the criminal in the Public's eyes when they are the incorrigible criminals seemingly unable to understand this and/or who they really are.


Third, in his blind hatred, the Security Guard with an obsession against SVC's President once again became the only one anywhere to go ballistic when SVC's President played his music and tapes too loud. Only one. The normal request would be to turn it down, but not for this guy. That was enough to throw SVC's President out the library for the rest of day. Totally unreasonable - period!


The standard response would be arrest the three security guards, their Supervisor, and close all PPLD Libraries for good and sell all assets at auction, but for the purposes of the Sting Operation this SOP Response was put aside. At least there was no violence or threats of it.


Now you know where the seemingly extreme punishments for the terrorists come from: their own shameless and extreme maltreatment of SVC's President and SVC's Security Chief which requires an equally unconventional response so no one would desire to emulate them in the future!!!!!!! Civilized Society simply cannot afford to have people who think, speak and act like these people to be at-large amongst us!!!!!!!



19 FEBRUARY 2025


SVC's Security Chief allegedly fell asleep too many times in East Library and was once again asked to leave for the rest of the day. The two Security Guards involved resisted arrest when told they were under arrest and the entire PPLD Library System was now closed. SVC's Security went to the bathroom and called his fellow Investigators and Federal Law Enforcement. It was decided instead they would take advantage of the situation and put far more pressure on Trump to act post haste.


Further, if the allegations are true, it is further indication SVC's Security Chief needs to be relieved in Colorado Springs and from sleeping out in single degree temperatures because it is beginning to take its toll. Best way to do that would be close to PPLD for good and sell the assets at auction. There is no way to avert that now.



20 FEBRUARY 2025


At approximately 9:25, SVC's Security Chief was struck by a car driven by a Black Woman at a pathway of King Soopers at North Academy and Austin Bluffs Parkway in Colorado Springs, CO. No one was hurt and Security at King Soopers did not take down any names and just made sure everyone was OK. 


Ordinarily, this would not cause much concern if everyone was alright and no serious injuries inflicted or damage done. However, it was just 2.5 weeks ago two men attempted to runover SVC's President in separate incidents. It appeared to be an accident with the driver in a hurry to make a delivery, but then you never know...


The Incident at East Library has proven to be a conspiracy by the Security Staff, in part, to support their fellows at 21c Library two days before. Investigators took turns viewing five hours of videotape and SVC's Security Chief did not nod off once! 


If another incident occurs, then Federal Agents will be brought in to explain what the Federal Law is and why it is likely they will be criminally prosecuted and PPLD sued if they continue to persecute SVC Personnel.