No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State. - U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 9, Clause 8 (1787)
I have no fear that the result of our experiment will be that men may be trusted to govern themselves without a master. – Thomas Jefferson (1789)
Go tell that fox (Herod Antipas), ‘I will keep on driving out demons and healing people today and tomorrow, and on the third day I will reach my goal.’ (Luke 13:32) (30)
And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor. – Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence (1776)
In the Oxford dictionary, you will find two entries defining the word “noble”:
belonging to a hereditary class with high social or political status; aristocratic.
"the Duchess of Kent and other noble ladies"
having or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles and ideals
"the promotion of human rights was a noble aspiration".
It is rather remarkable that the same word could portray such a very different kind of person or ideal. America’s Founders were disgusted by the system that had left behind in Great Britain and made every effort to make sure America would be a noble nation, not a nation of nobles.
I have often commented that in my research regarding America’s Founders I discovered that they were not only making incredible history, but knew they were history. They knew they had a Special Mission given to them by the Creator and they meant to fulfill their destiny. They always knew that ultimately America would be independent and free - no matter the difficulties and obstacles that they would encounter!
Up until the last 60 years or so, Americans maintained their nation’s legacy and followed the Four Universal Thematic Principles of The American Dream. America was, indeed, a noble nation that all other nations looked up to and respected. (https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/trailblazer-to-revival-of-the-american-dream-1)
Then the General Semantics of History conspired to cause Americans to doubt their political system; their sense of abundance and prosperity; their sense of omnipotence; and their Independence Instincts. Americans have lost the proper perspective and now cannot discern the simple difference between right and wrong in many instances. America has lost any semblance of nobility and has become the object of disdain and ridicule at unprecedented levels worldwide and there is no perceived need to change all this. The situation appears implacable.
Enter yours truly. Just like many of America’s Founders, I have known for some time I have been led by the Creator to act as of the Peacekeeper in the end times. My failure in this endeavor will lead to Armageddon. It is a heavy responsibility, but just as the America’s Founders knew, I know what the end is. The Inevitable March of History is on our side.
On his tombstone, U.S. President Richard Nixon had written:
President Nixon’s Foreign Policy was exemplary and he brought peace to millions. His Biographer, Ben Stein, wrote: “I don’t think any president has been more wrongly persecuted than Nixon, ever. I just think he was a saint.”
Difficult times could be ahead. The world is about to embark upon unchartered territory. What should be a basic process of bringing over two million Americans who have decided to support organized terrorism in the United States to International Justice threatens America’s very existence. SVC has stated for years now the difficulty in putting down the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium will be decided by how far the traitors/terrorists are willing to go in a futile attempt to save themselves.
Just to give you an idea how the tables have turned, the International Agreement with Donald Trump will give Coloradans pause about all they have done to the both of us. Colorado State Officials already concede Colorado Springs will lose the Space Force. But that is just a chip of the tip of the iceberg as I wrote former University of Montana President Royce Engstrom in March 2011 as all the revelations about Missoula were about to present themselves.
President Trump and I both have serious reservations about how Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold conducts her job. She tried to ban the past and future President from running for President by keeping him off the ballot; she hasn’t allowed us to Vote in Colorado since she has been in office the past six years. A subtle form of Voter fraud is not allowing individuals who are likely to vote against you to vote at all and Griswold has that down pat.
Both of us want something done about the U.S. Postal Service. It is the reason why we cannot receive mail at our residential address and be able to register to vote or attain driver’s licenses. President Trump just about banned USPS during his first term because of alleged mail-in voter fraud. It all begins to fit, doesn’t it?
Of course, Social Security. Republicans have never been friendly to SSI and my circumstances with the Social Security Administration in Colorado Springs and the subsequent International Judgment closing SSA is pretty much a done deal given President Trump’s Agreement with The Hague and his own sentiments towards Social Security.
Naturally, President Trump will love partitioning Colorado and producing the new State of Jefferson which will more than likely send two spanking new Republican U.S. Senators to Washington and appoint me Territorial Governor.
Not to be outdone, Missoula County, Montana, which is the Democratic Party’s epicenter in Montana, will be sequestered from rest of the world and both what’s left of Colorado and Missoula County will be driven straight into the ground economically as examples of never, ever, ever again. This should be no problem for President Trump…
Meanwhile, the traitors/terrorists continue their obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) behavior over the luggage in Colorado Springs. They actually believe that by spotting anyone who looks like me with the luggage and taking pictures of it will actually save them when it in fact confirms them following the al Qaeda script; their serious mental illness; and desperation. The International Community will not wait for the new President to take office to act if they continue their crime spree.
23 NOVEMBER 2024