


“...whatever deprives People of basic Human Rights & dignity; whatever is defaming; whatever is wrong; whatever is criminal; whatever destructive; whatever is corrupt – if anything is deceptive or unjust – We will oppose it – sure as the Sun comes up in the morning – We will oppose it. - Phil Sutton, Ball State University, September 19, 2012


"Then, I was the Leader. You are our Leader, now." - Former Polish President Lech Walesa, 21 September 2020

"Never underestimate the power of the righteous defiance of an oppressed people." - Phil Sutton, University of Michigan, August 9, 2022


Former Polish President Lech Walesa made the above comment on 21 September 2020. It is the passing of the baton from one generation of Freedom Fighters to another. The remarkable aspect is SVC's President Phil Sutton was grateful for the Honor bestowed by the Great Man and he accepted the Statement as fact without hesitation. He knew exactly what Lech meant by it and accepted the mantle of Leadership. Most of the World sees SVC's President the same way. It is infamy at its finest and makes his case incontrovertible that he cannot enjoy the same respect in the United States. https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/wind-of-change


In 1961, James Meredith wrote in his Admission Application to the University of Mississippi: "Nobody handpicked me...I believed, and believe now, that I have a Divine Responsibility...I am familiar with the probable difficulties involved in such a move as I am undertaking and I am fully prepared to pursue it all the way to a degree from the University of Mississippi."


Meredith became the first Black Student at Ole Miss in 1962 after the Kennedy Administration sent 31,000 National Guardsman to enforce Meredith's Civil Rights. What happened to that America? What ever it takes, that America will must revived!!!!!!!


 Just as Meredith saw his devotion to receiving a College Education at the institution of his choice and viewed it as his Divine Responsibility, the International Tribunals and the International Chief Prosecutor's Office are fully committed to the full utilization of International Law and to its enforcement.


What started as a Nation-to-Nation adjudication of Civil Claims and Criminal Law Enforcement between Nations has now grown to making it possible for individuals and groups to petition The Hague for redress of grievances against their National Governments.


This is an amazing modern achievement for all those involved and SVC's President desire to write, adopt and then enforce an International Declaration of Independence will be the epitome of the Dream for International Justice!!!!!!!


The International Declaration of Independence will be a team effort, not an individual one on SVC's President part. There needs to be a catalytic focus everyone must have and the writing, adopting and enforcing the declaration tenets can be that focus from its inception. Some of concepts are already in development.


The writing of a 21st Century Declaration of Independence has become an International Project and a major shift in power will be transferred to International Peacekeeping Forces so there will be no question regarding the United Nations’ Authority to intervene in Reforming a rogue Nation like the United States!!!!!!!








On January 4, 2020, in Fetsund, Norway, during the SVC International Outreach Committee Septimal Conference, SVC’s President, Phil Sutton, predicted in the coming year Events would happen that have not been seen for Generations.


Many had thought because SVC was in Jan Stenerud’s Hometown SVC's President was referencing that the Kansas City Chiefs would win their first Super Bowl victory in exactly 50 years and long-suffering fans like him would finally be rewarded for their loyalty.


While that happened, this was not what he was referencing. Both Bill Gates and SVC's President had predicted the covid-19 pandemic was coming for years. How? History told them it was going to happen. As you can imagine, both Men are tired of not being listened to!!!!!!!


SVC's President also predicted 4¾ years out that the winner of 2016 Presidential Election would go down in 2020 because History dictated that the American People would never Re-Elect four consecutive Presidents in a row and they have not. 


Later, on US Constitution Day, September 17, 2020, when SVC's President learned that he had lost his Student Body Vice-President, SVC Allied Advocate and Friend, Steve Van Dyke to cancer, SVC President stated the United States would lose the Rule of Law. That is exactly what happened on January 6, 2021 at the US Capitol. SVC's President lost his Father due to covid-19 complications later day. 


The following day, September 18, 2020, US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg also died of cancer. Noting that Ginsburg's death came shortly after Black Civil Rights Leader US Representative John Lewis passed away, SVC's President stated the Creator had abandoned the United States in favor of the anti-christ, who is prophesized to be the last American dictator and lead a very non-Democratic America into Armageddon. 


About 25 months later, SVC's President gave his now famous Hastings Trailblazer Day Declaration which outlines how the emergence of a corrupt America had developed and why, making it even remotely possible that Americans would one day be led by the anti-christ.


As SVC's President always does, he complains just like everyone else about the issues Human Civilization must confront, but he always has solutions to those problems at the same time. He has been sent by the Creator to foil the Satan's plans and is asking for all those who choose to join the Coalitions SVC has created to avert Armageddon altogether.


The last US President who shared SVC's President Mission to avert Armageddon is John Kennedy. Like SVC's President, Kennedy faced opposition from the upper echelons of both Business and Government in the United States to make the world a better and more prosperous place for everyone. When the 35th US President refused to relent in his quest, he was murdered. 


SVC's President has faced assassination himself ten times since 2007 in the United States, three times through Law Enforcement in Montana; twice through poisoning in Colorado, once by a Foreign Couple; three times through asphyxiation and twice through rifle fire.


It is by no mistake that the American Press, related Business interests in information and publishing; and Governments at all levels have intentionally buried these stories because they are part of the cover-up just as their predecessors were in 1963. https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/walking-across-the-pages-of-history


In their Article VINDICATION by SVC International Executive Directors Kristine Meriwether West, DBA and Erica Schwarzkopf, DBA, exposed the evil which pervades Missoula County, Montana and how the cover-up there is slowly but surely unraveling.


Throughout the al Qaeda-gate scandal - which the US Government refuses to "officially" recognize to the American Public, but has had no choice but to do so in the United Nations and before The Hague - the key aspect has always been to discredit SVC's President and his accomplishments in everyway. 


When Shannon Cate Schweyen filed her Sex Discrimination Lawsuit against the University of Montana, it exposed an unlikely rift between UM and one its most popular and well-known Graduates and yet another area where Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda have worked to disgrace the only Man bin Laden viewed as a "worthy adversary.” "https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/vindication      https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/real-state-of-the-union


As a Member of UM Student Government he proposed and as President he created the Escort Service for Women on the UM Campus. The Sexual Assault scandal a dozen years ago now and the Schweyen Lawsuit were/are meant to discredit SVC President's worthwhile accomplishments in favor of Human Rights particularly on the UM Campus, in Missoula and Montana. Americans have allowed it to work, at least so far. 


SVC's President timely, but incidental assist in getting Brittney Griner released from Russia was the last episode where SVC's President should have received appropriate credit and support, but nary a word of praise ever came his way and he had to stand up to the Russians who had given him support and accolades in the past for it to happen at all. Does the Reader have any conception of how difficult that had to be for SVC's President?


SVC's President created this situation when he defended International Law and its universal application. Question is: Why have some Countries refused to sign and ratify the Rome Statutes and Responsibility to Protect Statutes? 


Some Nations want to have control over the prosecution of their criminals and do not want to have the input of the International Criminal Court. For instance, this is what the Obama Administration stated it would do when the Sutton International Complaint became effective in January 2014 and President Barack Obama and his Attorney Eric Holder would resolve those issues internally with no ICC involvement necessary. 


Great, if that's what happened. Nine years later with the Biden Administration in power, nothing has been done. In fact, the International Tribunals now know that the Democrats have gone to great pains to cover-up why they didn't fulfill their commitment to thousands of innocent American Victims and their number is still growing. 


Other Countries do not want to be held accountable for their actions and those of their people because they know that they will be found guilty. 


All the States that have ratified the Rome Statutes and Responsibility To Protect Statutes are:

4.Antigua and Barbuda
18.Burkina Faso
22.Cape Verde
23.Central African Republic
29.Cook Island
30.Costa Rica
32.Czech Republic
33.Democratic Republic of Congo
37.Dominican Republic
71.Marshall Islands
79.New Zealand’s
88.Republic of Korea
89.Republic of Moldova
91.Saint Kitts
92.Saint Lucia
93.Saint Vincent
95.San Marino
99.Sierra Leone
101.South Africa
107.The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
112.United Kingdom
113.United Republic of Tanzania


Naturally, the Russian Federation and the United States of America are conspicuously missing on this list (With the Arrest Warrant issued against Putin, this little technicality has become irrelevant).


The Russians felt they had obligated SVC's President to defend them before the ICC no matter what because they have caught the Kushnirs escaping after perpetrating the most serious attempt on SVC's President's life.


The Democrats felt they had successfully buried his International case against the Obama Administration concerning the Missoula Sexual Assault Scandal and their own treasonous participation in the al Qaeda-gate cover-up.


The Republicans felt they could Sanction the ICC and obstruct International Justice concerning al Qaeda-gate, let alone the possibility of War Crimes in Afghanistan.


They are all very much mistaken.


With this kind of gross criminality exhibited by the National Leadership of two of the most prominent Nations on earth and their obvious attempts to skirt and obstruct International Justice and have exhibited no remorse for their violations of International and their own National Laws, the 76 Nations which are not signatories will be compelled to comply with the Statutes of Rome and Responsibility To Protect Statutes henceforth and Russia and the United States will be made an example of for the sake of posterity.


US President Joe Biden did not inspire confidence during his State of the Union on 7 February 2023 that his Administration understands its racial bias in favor of Blacks and Browns to the exclusion of the other 68% of population (Blacks and Hispanics are better than half of the Democratic Party's voting constituency).


Indeed, it is a sickening political ploy just like the Sexual Assault Scandal Investigation in Missoula, which left 120 Woman still waiting for the Justice they deserve in 2023 and the Benghazi Scandal to cover it up and get the Obama-Biden ticket Re-elected in 2012.   Biden confirmed the International Tribunals Ruling that it is his Administration's Policy that essentially Only Black Lives Matter and subject to further Sanctions for egregious violations of International Law and the US Constitution. Everyone's Life matters and should receive equal protection under the law - period!!!!!!!


If this is not so, then the same quick resolution of the crimes committed against SVC's President for the past 17 years - an estimated 343 million felonies – and the other Victims of al Qaeda-gate that the world witnessed in Memphis in Nichols' favor or heads will absolutely roll no matter who the goats are trying to mess it up. All Investigation and Prosecution is complete. The goats just need to be brought to Justice - and now.


The Creator has intentionally allowed all of the nastiness and injustice of al Qaeda-gate to expose the goats and who they really are. The greatest offense a good number of goats have committed is to betray the Public Trust. SVC's President saw this from the beginning in 2006. https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/bringing-the-world-to-a-peacful-conclusion


Now if necessary, the Contingency Group formed at nearly the beginning of the al Qaeda-gate crisis in 2010 when Royce Engstrom replaced George Dennison as University of Montana President is now activated and act in concert with UN Peacekeeping Troops and loyal US Armed Services Members and Law Enforcement. 


In a Worldwide Poll of the 191 SVC National Chairs, A Resolution Making 2023 The Year Of Human Rights is passed with Unanimous Consent!!!!!!!


In the United States, SVC and its President have always worked tirelessly for the Revival of the American Dream. If Americans do not respond in kind and help SVC heal the deep wounds of al Qaeda-gate and bring the traitors/terrorists to Justice no matter who these people are, then SVC will have no alternative but to follow Our Creator's example and abandon America and Americans to Satan, the anti-Christ and their vision of the United States...  https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/real-state-of-the-union







SVC and Members worldwide are unified in our focus on achieving the Mission Statement of the SVC INTERNATIONAL DREAMWEAVER PLEXUS:




Moses wondered what had just happened to him when he literally encountered a burning bush which was not being consumed by fire and the Creator giving him his Commission History would know him for all eternity.



SVC's President First Burning Bush Dream with his First Wife, Patti, on February 19, 1998, quite literally rescued him from obscurity most Human Beings concede for themselves and steered him to his Destiny and over the past 24½ years accepting his Commission the Creator has given him.


The true nature of that Commission is to bring the world to a Peaceful Conclusion by the time Jesus returns. During his Longfellow Dream on June 1, 2013 which took place in Bozeman, Montana, the Creator told him the nature of his Commission which many see as contradictory to the prophecies of Armageddon is what the Creator always intended. SVC's President understood that it would be contradictory for the Creator not to want the world to have a Peaceful Conclusion and Armageddon is Satan's idea.


The Longfellow Dream ended with SVC's President waking in a pool of his own blood 2,300 miles away in Charlottesville, Virginia after he had slipped and hit his head on a masonry wall in Bozeman. Just as unlikely as the Burning Bush, the Creator gave us a sign which is in the Natural World impossible to happen, but as Jesus always told us, is possible for our Creator!!!!!!!


When their Daughter Alicia turned 16, Patti appeared to SVC's President as he was jogging at Schreiber Gym on the University of Montana Campus in a Vision after the memories of two clips from the movie “Patton” crossed his mind.



The first clip was when General George S Patton had been relieved of Command of the US 7th Army in 1943; he said, “God will not permit this to happen. I will be allowed to fulfill My Destiny…” This clip has reappeared in his Mind quite literally thousands of times since. It made a profound impression on SVC's President.


The Second clip was when Patton surveyed a battlefield in France in 1944. He leaned on a tank and said, “Compared to war, all other forms of Human endeavor shrink to insignificance. God help me, I do love it so.” For SVC's President it is not war, it is Politics and Public Service.


The Event stopped him in his tracks when he was running about 14 MPH. He will never forget Patti sternly looking at him with tears in her eyes and stating, “Now, you know who you are.” Indeed.


The desire to do great things is in all of Us. We allow the world and outside circumstances deter us from fulfilling Our Destinies, not realizing that is only 20% of the game. The other 80% we have absolute control over and do not choose to assert it. Why?!!!!!!!


Contrary to our adversaries viewpoint, all lives matter. We consider their attitude the 20% we cannot control at present. The way they think, act and speak will not have a place in the peaceful world we shall have.


If Americans do not care for the Victims of al Qaeda-gate through the same compassion that gave rise to the Floyd demonstrations in the middle of the covid-19 pandemic, than they will simply be forced to care by the Creator.


That is why there is no point in further discussion, debate or legal action. The evidence is incontrovertible and continually growing. Only the Penalty Phase, both Civil and Criminal, is now necessary. The Punishment will fit the traitors/terrorists crimes and this has become an absolute requisite. The Traitors/terrorists must take full responsibility for their actions and they cannot feign that they unable to cognate they are profound criminals. They know exactly what they are doing and enjoy inflicting pain upon others. They are sadists, not criminally insane and do not belong in Civilized Society. Justice has been delayed for the Victims far too long and will not and cannot be denied!!!!!!! 


The traitors/terrorists are resorting to their time-honored smear and recruiting-by-deception campaigns, saying SVC's President is mentally ill and he is the profound criminal instead. They will not get off attempting a reverse insanity defense and that their Victims somehow deserve the adverse treatment. Quite the opposite. 


The traitors/terrorists have endeavored greatly to make their perception of SVC's President appear to be true and much of the homelessness, joblessness and concomitant social ignominy that society imposes on the down-trodden has been inflicted on SVC's President. That's why the traitors/terrorists will know the same in their punishment. It is punishment to fit their crimes. 


SVC's President has done nothing to them or to society that would even remotely justify turning him into the most persecuted Human in history. Indeed, SVC's President is a former Mental Health Counselor and it has been his resolute patience for Justice, perseverance and strength of mind and character which has allowed the International Community to discover the truth about al Qaeda-gate.


The International Tribunals, their Partner US Federal Courts and SVC will make no distinction between those who have propagated these evil lies and those who have acted upon them as true. The traitors/terrorists have intentionally inflicted great mental, emotional and physical pain upon Victims this way and it has destroyed lives in many cases.


Those that say the measures which will be imposed are draconian do not understand that it is the traitors/terrorists who have set the standard for their own punishment by how they have treated their fellow Human Beings and that the traitors/terrorists will be given serious doses of their own medicine. The traitors/terrorists are, in fact, especially deserving of the retributive measures imposed and their Victims have been as innocent as doves. 


In Matthew 10:16, Jesus told his Disciples: “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves." 


Further, in seeking Justice, SVC will follow Jesus' example of continuing our work: “Go tell that fox, ‘I will keep on driving out demons and healing people today and tomorrow, and on the third day I will reach my goal.'" (Luke 13:32) 


The International Community is seeking both its and the SVC President's complete vindication and this will eventually lead to the creation of a Peaceful World where all Good Citizens would Achieve their Divine Destiny!!!!!!! 


Most Humans feel they must Judge each other and find solace in it. The United Nations and International Tribunals have noted the Revelations they have had the past few years and have set the Final Kibosh of al Qaeda-gate in motion with the same vehemence the traitors/terrorists have always shown toward their Victims.


Objective Observers see only Americans wanting to complain and not take action to improve their Country for the better. The sense of Personal Responsibility has almost disappeared from the American landscape and it worries the rest of the world except its enemies who are delighting in America's implosion.






Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.” - Nelson Mandela


South African President Nelson Nelson taught SVC's President, Phil Sutton, many things but one of the most important was that seeing the world as good versus evil is a bit simplistic. All of us are both good and bad but in the end the key is whether you are a liberator or an oppressor.


Extrapolating further, SVC's President has reminded the world of one of Jesus' predictions that eventually humankind would be separated into sheep – the liberators – and the goats – the oppressors (Matthew 25:31-46). SVC's President warned at Hastings, England, UK, that delineation has already begun, particularly in the United States.


It is not an idiot conspiracy theory that Jesus will be back soon enough and those who cannot identify themselves as liberators are going to regret it for the rest of eternity, just as Jesus foretold. It is SVC President's Divine Duty to bring the world to Peaceful Conclusion, that's why the oppressors by any other name have attempted to make life so miserable for him just as they did for Jesus.


There is no way America and Americans can continue the way they are now. Throughout history Leaders have emerged and saved the United States. Some 15 years ago at Mount Vernon, SVC's President commented his (baby boomer) Generation would be the first failed American Generation if things continued as they were.


Then came the Financial Crisis, the Obama and Trump Administrations, Covid-19 pandemic and now the Biden Administration. Obviously, things have not improved, indeed have gotten much worse. In the United States, Liberators are losing badly.


After SVC President's poisoning by Ukranians Oleksander and Kateryna Kushnir on June 21, 2019, the 2019 SVC Declaration of Concerns Committee Reported, “Phil has to stop being a better Man than Jesus and Moses and finally lose control.”


Jesus lost control in the Temple and Moses killed a slaver abusing a Hebrew Slave. Not quite, but close. SVC's President has now laid down the law with everyone. He made it clear that all of the “sheep's” reputations and credibility are at stake, too.


On July 20, 2019, the SVC International Board of Governors held an Emergency Conference and passed an Unanimous Resolution that SVC would not negotiation with the Trump Administration concerning the put down of al Qaeda-gate and provide any “dirt” on Joe Biden.


Five days later, Trump had his infamous conversation with the Kushnirs' President, Volodymyr Zelensky, that got him Impeached the first time. Trump, like many Americans felt it was difficult to believe Biden could serve for eight years as the Vice President in the most corrupt Administration in American history and not have any taint rub off on him. He hoped SVC would provide some compromising information, but refused.


The fact that the very same members of the American Information Age Industries which threatened Foreign Journalists about what really happened at Benghazi to discredit the Sutton International Complaint when SVC's President could have received grass roots support and ultimate Justice for what he and all the other Victims of al Qaeda -gate had gone through in Missoula County, Montana in 2012 like George Floyd and Tyre Nichols have; then blew up the George Floyd fracas out of control, gaining International condemnation, to cover up new evidence about Benghazi in 2020; and then making a mockery of the SVC “Until Our Lives Matter Articles” to discredit new testimony from the Kushnirs, new evidence regarding Benghazi and the hypocrisy of the Only Black Lives Matter Movement which had been derived from the nobler Black Lives Matter tells any objective observer that something is very rotten in America and few Americans see it all for what it is.


The International Tribunals and their Partner Federal Courts have Ruled that the US Government has adopted an “Only Black Lives Matter Policy” and subject to further Sanctions for egregious violations of International Law and the US Constitution. Everyone's Life matters and should receive equal protection under the law - period!!!!!!!


If this is not so, then the same quick resolution of the crimes committed against SVC's President for the past 17 years - an estimated 343 million felonies – and the other Victims of al Qaeda-gate that the world witnessed in Memphis in Nichols' favor or heads will absolutely roll no matter who the goats are trying to mess it up. All Investigation and Prosecution is complete. The goats just need to be brought to Justice - and now.


The Creator has intentionally allowed all of the nastiness and injustice of al Qaeda-gate to expose the goats and who they really are. The greatest offense a good number of goats have committed is to betray the Public Trust. SVC's President saw this from the beginning in 2006.


It is obvious that Vice President Kamala Harris has also conjured what the real problem is: that Tyre Nichols died at the hands of the very people he thought he should be able to count upon for his safety.


Presidents; a Secretary of State; Governors; US and State Attorneys General; Insurance Commissioners; State and Local Judges and Prosecutors; members of the Mass Media; members of Social Media; Publishers and other members of the information Age Industries have absolutely betrayed the Public Trust en masse.


The punishment of hard labor for life was originally set aside for them because an especially harsh punishment short of judicial execution had to be reserved for those who betrayed their own families, their own communities, their constituents and their country. They are Mata Haris and Benedict Arnolds one and all.


The punishment for the goats will never exceed what they have done to others. They will have done unto them as they have done to others to the extend of never again. No one will ever think it is right to what to do what they have done ever again and if do see their kind again, we will know exactly what to do with them.


The Napoleon Hill Foundation has spent much time on Jesus' Golden Rule lately. In its newsletter, there is a wonderful quote, "To profit most from the Golden Rule, you should gain recognition in your neighborhood, place of business, or place of employment  as a person who believes in and applies the Golden Rule in all Human Relationships." 


SVC's President puts it this way: "If a person dedicates themselves to serving the Creator and others, you cannot lose; if you focus upon your own needs and work to serve yourself and your interests only, you cannot win!" 


As it always is, this is exactly what the Creator had planned at this point in history. SVC's President would not have the legal, financial and moral power and influence to change all this if he had not had to endure all he has and bring the world to a peaceful conclusion by the time Jesus returns.


Most people would sell out for a tidy Judgment. Those who think that SVC's President would ever do that don't know him. For SVC's President it is what he can do with the money that's important and how many people he can help. That's how strong his character is and always has been. It has driven the goats crazy.


SVC will obviously not  work for REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM unless Americans wake-up and smell the proverbial coffee. What will be interesting is how far the goats will go to keep their illusions of grandeur alive and how many Americans they will take down with them into the abyss.


If that's the entire country, so be it. SVC and its President has not been given any incentive by our Fellow Americans to care one way or the other. You could say any sense of caring has been quite literally beaten out us and Our President and no one cared like they have for others.


Related Material:  https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/svc-wins-human-rights-prize












Oleksander and Kateryna Kushnir have clarified their testimony concerning why they felt SVC's President, Phil Sutton, supported the Russian Annexation of their homeland of Crimea in 2014 and thus bought al Qaeda's reason to poison him to death.


This notion came from al Qaeda operatives in the Colorado State Government, local Colorado Springs Government and Law Enforcement and the local News Media. The International Tribunals have long since Ruled that the Kushnirs testimony is credible and the U.S. Government is required to bring these would-be murderers and to Justice co-conspirators have not lifted a finger to do so. The Kushnirs are outraged that they are the only ones who have been brought to Justice in the multiple assassination attempts on SVC President's Life.


The fact no Public outrage was shown concerning the Colorado Springs Police gaslighting of SVC's President on 26 January 2023 is further evidence which verifies the Kushnir's Testimony and International and Private Investigators' findings that there is a massive al Qaeda-led conspiracy against SVC's President.


With the initial reaction to the UNTIL OUR LIVES MATTER Article why it is important for all brutality by American Law Enforcement to be treated like Rodney King, George Floyd and Tyre Nichols, America and Americans collectively have chosen a path incompatible with a Civilized World and must be treated accordingly.



The model for Reform will be how the City of Memphis handled the Nichols case. Keep in mind Jonathan Stineford, Christian Kneib, Kurt Trowbridge and Chris O'Leary still wear badges in Missoula County, Montana, USA, 15½, 15 and 10¾ years after they admitted in their own Reports and all evidence verifies they intended to murder Phil Sutton.


Further, how many times has the SVC International Documentary showing the horrendous videos and photos of Trowbridge's beating of Phil Sutton been placed on the Internet and given to the TV Networks and not incurred the same outrage and public attention as the videos of Rodney King, George Floyd and Tyre Nichols has?


No retribution can be considered too great for these outrages and all those Individuals who and Entities which have obstructed Justice in this way have been and/or will be held equally and severally liable civilly and personally liable criminally.


Further, the scorpion group in Memphis appears even more infamous than the Make Victims Units in Missoula. Those who are charged with public safety, ironically enough, who mocked and/or ignored the warnings that are clearly there concerning these kind of Law Enforcement criminals in the United States will likewise be held equally and severally liable civilly and personally liable criminally.  https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/legend-of-the-burning-bush




The primary concerns the International Community has and will continue to be:

(1) Preserve Peace wherever it resides;

(2) Bring Peace where armed conflict exist;

(3) Assert as much control over Climate Change and reverse its negative impacts as much as possible;

(4) Feed, clothe and see to the Health of the needy and sick; and

(5) Protect the Human Rights of all the Inhabitants of the Earth and make sure those who violate those Rights are brought to Justice.” 


To that end, serious Reforms must take place before the United States of America can be fully reinstated as a Nation in good standing. The consequences for American noncompliance with International Law and the International Responsibility to Protect Statutes just begins the list of necessary Reforms:


1) Meet the Responsibility To Protect its Citizens, which not only includes putting down al Qaeda-gate in all its faucets and formally apologize to its aggrieved Citizens, the U.S. Government Americans in general must make every effort to return the Victims and their Families to their rightful station in society, a society where every Citizen is supposed to have Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness without ever having to actually defend those rights as though they didn't deserve to have them in the first place.


2) Acknowledge that George Floyd's murder had nothing to do with systemic racism as ruled by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights but instead the violence of American Law Enforcement which is now considered genocide under International Law. A society in which 1,000+ citizens are killed by law enforcement per year is intolerable.


The Black Community must further acknowledge that it is more likely that a Black Person will commit a violent crime in the United States than the rest of the population combined. This is why Blacks get more attention from Law Enforcement than their fair share based on population and not racism in the vast majority of cases. Thus, the Black Community must forthrightly work to reduce this crime rate regardless of the socioeconomic causes.


In addition, the International Tribunals and their Partner Federal Courts have Ruled that the US Government has Only Black Lives Matter Policy and that it is abhorrent to any concept of Human Rights. The Sanctions against the US have been more than doubled to $250.0 trillion as result.   https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/united-states-rulings-updated



By the same token, the United States as a whole will undergo a complete Reform regimen and make such things as the Make Victims Units uncovered in Missoula, Montana, USA illegal at all levels.


Henceforth, any Judicial Officer, Prosecutor and/or Law Enforcement Officer who knowingly frame a Citizen of any crime or inflicts unnecessary physical or mental and emotional injury will be subject to treble the penalty assessed against the innocent citizen and/or what the law would require of any assailant/murderer in any other circumstances.


3) Americans will work to demilitarize their society in all ways necessary. No Civilian will be allowed to own weapons which are meant for military purposes. The Second Amendment to the US Constitution expressly says the right to bear arms is for the militia and the modern militia is the National Guard and Naval Reserve.


If Civilians wish to use these weapons, then they can join the Guard or Reserve and if they kill someone with such weapons they will be enemies of the United States and not their fellow Americans.


Ditto for American Law Enforcement and Security Guards. Regular traffic cops and the like will no longer be allowed to bear arms of any kind so they will no longer be tempted to shoot young Black Men in the back like they did in Kenosha, Wisconsin and Colorado Springs, Colorado. Each Law Enforcement Agency shall have specially trained units to use fire arms in appropriate situations.


4) The Territory of Jefferson has been Created and is Formally Recognized. The State of Jefferson will become the Model for Political Reform in the USA as well as be the ultimate put down of al Qaeda-gate. The Statehood Enabling Act will be consummated by the United Nations if the United States Congress fails to do so. International Peacekeeping Troops will be called to keep the peace if there is any unrest or resistance. 


There will be a Referendum on the Jefferson State Constitution by 28 June 2023. If the Colorado Secretary of State fails to place the matter on the ballot in March 2023, then the State of Colorado will be petitioned through occupation and the entire Colorado State University System units will be closed permanently and assets will sold at auction.



Once passed, the Statewide Officers will be Elected by 7 November 2023. No vestige of al Qaeda-gate will be allowed to exist beyond America's 247th Birthday, 4 July 2023. 


The implementation of Economy Democracy and reforms could put Americans in the driver's seat again, controlling their own destinies. SVC's President owns his own Insurance Company offering Living Security which will eliminate material need and greed from the world. If the insurance regulations are reformed appropriately, he will assert his ownership over Aetna, Primerica and Forester's and allow this cradle-to-grave Insurance product to be available to Americans.


Economic Democracy and Living Security will only be available in the United States if the USA meets all required reforms. SVC and its President are not obligated to care about Americans at all given they have not cared about us. 


6) Universal implementation of Human Rights and returning the USA as role model to the rest of the World rather than a laughingstock. It is a perilous paradigm for Americans and their News Media to set the horrible police murder of a violent Convicted Felon like George Floyd as a National Hero, becoming the focus of such adulation and the 21 murders and attempted murder of a paid assassin like Missoula, Montana, Police Officer Kurt Trowbridge doesn’t merit any coverage at all.


This is an outrage that no one will ever be able to explain adequately on behalf of the United States and that is why the USA is in so much trouble. There is no way to satisfactorily explain it or indemnify SVC's President or the thousands of other Victims of police violence and their Families as the Floyd Family has been.


Further, the News Media makes these Victims targets for more police and societal abuse because the traitors/terrorists/haters believe no one cares about them, will help them or bring their Victimizers to Justice. The entirety of American Society bears the responsibility for this.


By eliminating the profit-motive in Television Journalism and turning over the CNN, HLN and Fox News Channel cable television licenses to SVC-TV and SVC-TV Television which are nonprofit, most of this dark Journalism will end and the American People will receive the kind of press coverage the First Amendment of the US Constitution guarantees.


CNN and the Fox News Channel will go off air April 2, 2023 in time for SVC's Special Holy Week coverage April 2-9, 2023. It will be spectacular!!!!!!! https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/u-s-tv-publishing-creative-arts-industries-disciplined



7) Set standards for good Government at all levels and what must be done with corrupt Public officials and employees in terms of retribution for betraying the Public Trust. The lack of enthusiasm for this provision in the Reforms speaks volumes of where the USA is at present.


8) Eliminate US Laws at all levels that invite vigilantism by Citizens or that have led to abuses of Human Rights by Government powers and law enforcement. This is the clear theme of the American traitors and the Foreign terrorists and the attitude they have always exhibited. They can do anything they want to their victims and there is no accountability. Right now, that is “American Law” in the United States and gospel according to the Obama, Trump and now Biden Administrations.


9) Set standards for UN Enforcement of International Law and direct interventions for Victims under the International Responsibility to Protect Statutes. This is what US Presidents Barack H. Obama, Donald J. Trump and now Joseph R. Biden have or are contesting. The Right of the United Nations to intervene on behalf of the Victims of al Qaeda-gate should have been a no-brainer and welcomed event. 




But then again, no one ever thought the United States Government, the American People and the American News Media would defend al Qaeda and its operations within the United States or witness a US President receiving a pass when he supported/allowed al Qaeda’s sacking of an American Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, or another President getting away with instigating an armed insurrection upon the US Capitol by domestic terrorists, either.



Former Libyan Leader Muammar al-Gaddafi was regarded as a close ally to Russia, certainly one of their closest Allies in the Arab world, despite Membership in the Non-Aligned Movement.


Russia also lashed out at the United States for killing Gaddafi on 20 October 2011 and Vladimir asked "They showed to the whole world how he (Gaddafi) was killed; there was blood all over. Is that what they call a democracy?" Foreign Minister Segey Lavrov said Gaddafi should not have been killed, and added that his death should be investigated.


The initial International Investigation into Gaddafi only included International crimes which may have been committed by Gaddafi not crimes against Gaddafi such as political assassination. No such Investigation was undertaken.


After the Gaddafi file was reopened after the Revelations concerning American Reporters threatening Foreign Reporters about what really happened at Benghazi, the latter was Investigated by Private Investigators.


The Kushnirs testified that al Qaeda told them SVC's President supported the Russian annexation of Crimea and that's why they poisoned him. Russia may have a legitimate claim on Crimea given the Agreement between the Soviet Socialist Republics of Russia and Ukraine at the time the Soviet Union was dissolved. That's why Putin went there first.


It is also one of the reasons why Putin had it on for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton because it was the Clinton Administration in 1993 who failed to recognize Russia's claim. Now, thirty years later, a war is being fought on that basis.


This also explains how al Qaeda knew about the land claim, could insinuate what they did about SVC's President and then Russia support the Sutton International Complaint in part because the Russians knew about Clinton's role in Benghazi and her husband's Administration denying Russia their land claim.


Just as Obama has not been nailed for planning the killings at the US Benghazi Consulate and is responsible for the four murders on 9/11/2012 there just as assuredly as he had done them himself, Trump has not been nailed for instigating 1/6 and the treason it represents against the very government he was leading at the time.


The US Congressional Committee Investigating the Insurrection has discovered as the International Prosecutors and Investigators have known all along that Donald Trump not only instigated the Insurrection in an attempt to stay in power but was premeditatedly involved in the planning of the staged event prior to 1/6/2021.


Trump cannot claim his "Freedom of Speech Rights" protects him from criminal liability. If the US Government fails to duly Prosecute the Former President, The Hague will.


That said, perhaps there is genuine hope that they are finally "getting it" in Washington. U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland has appointed International Prosecutor Jack Smith as Special Prosecutor to Investigate Trump. 


No one on the outside looking into the United States can make any sense of either act of treason by two American Presidents and now the Taliban, the Government which capitulated to Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda, are now back in power in Kabul.

It should be noted that no other Nation has attempted to flaunt International Justice as the United States, thus greatly complicating the Final Kibosh of al Qaeda-gate. 


10) Set standards for UN Enforcement of International Law under the International Responsibility to Protect Statutes having to do with American News Media universal coverage of Human Rights violations in the USA and assuring access to the News Media by the suffering Public. The Princess Diana Statutes will be strictly enforced. If necessary, International Peacekeeping Troops will be the enforcement mechanism. 


History will record that the blacklisting of the al Qaeda-gate Documentary by the American News Media on Super Sunday 2021 and Super Sunday 2022 as a tragic mistake. 


It is as upside down as it sounds and American Journalists and the entities they work for will be required to account for such obvious outrages or pay substantial fines, Judgments and may be even spend some time at hard labor for all the grief they have caused and emboldening the traitors/terrorists to continue their terrorist activities with impunity.


CNN was originally just supposed to be replaced by SVC-TV or one of its affiliates, but because of the way it handled the "Until Our Lives Matter" Articles, its assets will be seized and sold at auction which now includes HBO.



Because the 24/7 harassment of SVC's President in Colorado Springs continues, the Walmart money used by Heir Rob Walton to purchase  the Denver Broncos at $4.65 billion will now accrue  to SVC's President and he will be the Primary Owner of the Broncos.


                                                   EXAMPLES OF WHY AL QAEDA-GATE MUST BE PUT DOWN


SVC's First Couple know all too well that if you return hate with hate, you are just stoking the flames and making matters worse. On November 14, 2022, SVC's Vice President wrote this thoughtful commentary on the situation in her SVC International Viewpoint Editor's Report: 


"...We came here a day early because of the shooting in Charlottesville. We are so tired of the continued success of al Qaeda's infiltration within the United States and the intransigence of the American People to put it down.


The recent elections in the USA turned into a status quo election instead of a 'red wave' precisely because while Americans sense something is very wrong with their Country, Americans cannot put their fingers on it and they have figured better the devil you know than you don't.


During the Executive Committee Session at the SVC 2016 International, 16th Annual Convention, the SVC International Board of Governors chose to disband the SVC Executive Advisory Commission and the SVC Judiciary & Prison Reform Commission because it was clear that the Obama Administration would not fulfill its promises to the United Nations to put down al Qaeda-gate and bring the traitors/terrorists to Justice. SVC International had spent its last dime in doing our part to end America's largest criminal scandal.


The Governors knew we were lifting the firewall that both the Obama Administration and al Qaeda had enjoyed and an incredible increase in domestic violence would ensue. Check the record. Things have gone exactly as al Qaeda planned in a continuation of its 9/11 strategy to infiltrate the USA just as it had in Afghanistan. Apparently, this has been the case with the full knowledge and acquiescence of the Trump and Biden Administrations since.


That's why the International Community and SVC have moved forward with plans that have been in the works for almost nine years now without any Official American help. No matter what occurs, Americans must understand that their Leaders at all levels of government and mass media have let America down and the consequences for their malfeasance are incredibly unfortunate."


Now there has been yet another shooting in Colorado Springs. It appears that it is a hate crime against the LGBTQ+ Community. This is the same area al Qaeda set-up shop in the United States because the terrorists could raise funds on the opiate/cannabis trade just as it did in Afghanistan and stalk and terrorize SVC's President with impunity.


On the night of November 16-17, 2018, the infamous Kagy Korner car chased SVC's President 775 miles from Bozeman, Montana to Colorado Springs. Local Media in both cities tipped al Qaeda off concerning the exodus. SVC's President had finally escaped Montana after the Sutton Home outside of Bozeman was reconstructed after sustaining over $500,000 damage by squatters who occupied the home for nearly a year after a previous burglary and vandalism, causing homelessness and great hardship for three years during the occupation and reconstruction. Gallatin County Officials actually told SVC's President the squatters had every right to be in the Sutton Home. 


When the house was finally sold, the Sutton Family looked forward to finally be at peace after a brutal 13 years in Montana's university towns. Instead, SVC's President became the lone target of the State of Colorado and/or al Qaeda's operatives. It is clear the traitors/terrorists never wanted SVC or its Founder to be anywhere close to "their base", which is what al Qaeda means in Arabic.


Not to mention, Osama bin Laden had designated SVC's President as his "only worthy adversary" and swore vengeance for all SVC's President has done in developing International Law; and support of Human Rights and Victims of terrorism, sexual assault; and gun and police violence.


Now, there has been a tenth assassination attempt against SVC's President. A Man took a rifle out of the back of pick-up truck in southeast Colorado Springs with the intent of shooting SVC's President. Fortunately, SVC's Security Chief Gary Norman realized what was transpiring and averted the tragedy. The picture of the front of the truck is on the bottom of the screen.


As usual, instead of receiving the support of the U.S. Government, the State Governments of Colorado and Montana; and his fellow Americans which they have so lavishly showed for the Victims of these last two mass shootings in the Charlottesville and Chesapeake, Virginia and Colorado Springs, Colorado, they have thrown in with the traitors/terrorists against SVC's President. There is something terribly wrong here and that is why al Qaeda-gate will be put down as discussed herein.






There are many aspects of the Final Kibosh of al Qaeda-gate which everyone will need to keep track of as we move forward. First, the shooting in Colorado Springs probably is a "hate crime" and the first time International Prosecutors used the term to describe the traitors/ terrorists after SVC's President recorded his International Complaint was “haters”.  


These Investigators were from Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine and were quick to see a twenty-first century version of the Nazis involved. It cannot surprise anybody that a perpetrator of a hate crime would show up particularly in Colorado Springs given how SVC's President, who is part Cherokee, has been treated there.


Second, the sudden barrage of horrific mass killings in Colorado Springs; Moscow, Idaho; and Charlottesville and Chesapeake, Virginia so close to where the Suttons have owned homes and/or where SVC National State Offices are is an indication that the violence spawn by the al Qaeda infiltration into the USA is intensifying in an attempt to forestall the Final Kibosh.


Third, the Announcements concerning just how the Final Kibosh will be handled has gone over like a proverbial lead balloon. Not so surprisingly, SVC is hearing complaints about the “draconian” treatment of the traitors/ terrorists, evidently not understanding that the retribution they are or will receive is a direct reflection of how they have treated their Victims, thus perfect punishment to fit their crimes!!!!!!!  https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/george-washington-s-warnings-update




Finally, the American hypocrisy regarding al Qaeda-gate is beginning to incense the decision-makers about what else should be accomplished with the Final Kibosh. SVC has approached it with the Creator's Love in mind, but that has to be reciprocated at some point.  There are few that have done more for the Human Family than SVC and its Founder, but you couldn't possibly tell that in the United States of America! 


Because SVC's President has seen very little of the outpouring of compassion by our fellow Americans towards him that has been shown other Victims of mass shootings, police violence, sexual assaults and other forms of violence and injustice all over the country - and in some instances those who have benefited from that compassion have joined the traitors/terrorist in their criminal behavior - maybe the traitors/terrorists' reverse Golden Rule needs to be applied to how many businesses are seized and sold at auction; lowering the bar about who will be considered al Qaeda operatives and duly prosecuted and divested of all they hold dear as SVC's President has; and what other Reforms are necessary to bring America back into compliance with International Law, its own Laws and Constitution. 


                                                        IMPACT OF SUTTON INTERNATIONAL COMPLAINT

From the get-go, China and Russia supported Sutton International Complaint for one chief reason: they are tired of the United States rubbing their Human Rights violations in their faces all the time even as Biden, Trump and Obama knew/know the USA really does have serious Human Rights violations in its own backyard and is hypocritical when they complain that the Putin and Xi regimes have them when the USA’s violations given al Qaeda-gate paint a far grimmer picture for the USA and the world overall!!!!!!!


As Jesus would put it: YOU HYPOCRITES!!!!!!! ( PERILS OF AMERICAN HYPOCRISY | SVC Trailblazer Publications )



The SVC TPLG Foreign Writers & Journalists have so subtly exposed the hypocrisy in how Americans have treated SVC's President versus Navalny and the refusal to resolve al Qaeda-gate by the Obama, Trump and now Biden Administrations.


The power and truth of the argumentation defeats all notions that the two former US Presidents and all those who have supported them concerning their response to al Qaeda-gate should be able to avert receiving anything but the severest punishment for their violations of International Law and Our Human Rights!!!!!!!


The process has begun to end the suffering for the Victims of al Qaeda-gate and to set the precedent for the World which assures all inhabitants of Justice regardless of where they may live or what kind of Government they have!!!!!!!


Because the Trump, Obama and Biden Administrations refused to grant the Victims the most basic Human Rights in the United States and the damages to their lives are so egregious, the International Tribunals are determined to do a thorough job of compensating the Victims and/or their Families in every way possible.


For many, Justice has no monetary value. Justice is making sure their victimizers are viewed for what they are and are duly punished. The Hague believes that the prescribed punishments will adequately chasten and discipline the traitors/terrorists and deter others from behaving as they have.  


The traitors/terrorists have done their best to commit perfect crimes so that they never would be brought to Justice and their Victims would appear to deserve the abuse and injustice they received. Worse, the traitors/terrorists have succeeded because they can count in their number Presidents of the United States; a US Representative; a US Senator; US & State Secretaries of State; US & Attorneys General; Governors of the States of Colorado and Montana; Insurance & Securities Commissioners of States of Colorado and Montana; County & Local Prosecutors; State & Local Judges; Bureaucrats & Law Enforcement at all levels. In short, the very individuals who the American People rely upon to protect them are in fact the most infamous criminals.


It doesn't help matters that the mass media also are in cahoots with these traitors/terrorists and often have contributed to the cover-up of the most heinous crimes imaginable. If it had not been for the Sutton International Complaint, no one could know this inconvenient truth and has been steadily worsening for the better part of two decades.


This why the International Responsibility to Protect Statutes will be universally enforced whether or not any Nation is a signatory to them. The rift that Donald Trump created by placing Sanctions on the International Criminal Court, the Chief International Prosecutor, et al, will be handled in ways the 45th US President will wish he had never dared to question The Hague’s authority. His insolence and disrespect for the Rule of Law at whatever level will not be tolerated any more than the rest of his fellow American traitors and/or Foreign terrorists crimes will be!!!!!!!


The atrocities now transpiring within and by the USA has given SVC no alternative but to acquiesce completely to the Reform-minded International Community. No one can justifiably defend the United States and its Leadership at all levels anymore!!!!!!!


The Hague and their Partner Federal Courts will have the traitors/terrorists work not only to help Ukrainians and Floridians rebuild, but to rebuild the infrastructure of the States and/or Nations they betrayed and Non-Profit Organizations and Schools so that these entities better can help all unemployed People with Reeducation and Training for new jobs and basic survival needs. This will be part of SVC's 21st Century Marshall Plan!!!!!!!


The best way to look at it is this is what the traitors/terrorists have earned and very much deserve will now occur. After all, The traitors/terrorists have always believed they could getaway with anything and they would never be brought to account. As SVC International Human Rights Executive Director Gary Shriver stated 16 years ago now: “These people turn the Golden Rule on its head.”


When the simple warning to cease and desist was ignored, they were told that they would create a financial situation that Family could never repay (on average it would take 9,793 years to repay), they persisted.


When the traitors/terrorists are told that they would harm their Communities and States irrevocably, they persisted. Now, the State of Colorado will be partitioned and Missoula County, Montana will be permanently cauterized from Civilized Society.


When the Serial Crimes List was created in 2010 {Serial Crimes List being Utilized by the International Tribunals, Chief International Prosecutor’s Office and by their Partner U.S. Federal Courts: CRIMES UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW: 
1) Crimes Against Humanity; 2) Hate Crimes;  3) Crimes of Aggression; 4) Obstruction of  Peace; 5) Obstruction of Justice; 6) Genocide; and 7) Contempt of Court/US FEDERAL FELONIES: 1) Conspiracy; 2) criminal intimidation; 3) criminal defamation; 
4) identification theft/Fraud; 5) Discrimination & Human Rights violations;  6) Obstruction of Justice; 
7) Treason; 8) Patent & Copyright Infringement; 9) Kidnapping; 10) Theft; 11) Fraud; 12) Contempt of Court; 13) Aggravated assault; 14) Attempted murder; and 15) Murder}, the traitors/terrorists are told if they committed one of those crimes they would be found guilty of all of them and condemned to a lifetime of retribution, they persisted. 



Keep in mind, under the US Conspiracy Rule, if the terrorists commit one of these crimes, they commit them all, save if there is no Patent & Copyright Infringement possible. That is how quickly the criminals can condemn themselves to the equivalent of a life-in-prison sentence. 


When the The traitors/terrorists are told they would identify themselves as al Qaeda operatives if they persisted because they acted according to the al Qaeda script, they not only do so, they ratchet-up their terrorist activities towards their Victims and Society in general.


The traitors/terrorists have been so incorrigible that they have given Prosecutors and the International Tribunals no alternative but assure the world that they will held out as an example of never, ever again.


The Execution of the Judgments and Arrest Warrants have been and will be from US District Courts and the Biden Administration will be obliged to assign the appropriate Law Enforcement and/or Military Personnel to achieve the objectives stated in the Civil Judgments and Criminal Convictions. 


Once the traitors/terrorists exuded the various behaviors associated with the al Qaeda Script and reaffirmed that behavior by continuing the behavior ad nauseum, all that is required for conviction of their crimes is to be charged by the Victims. With over 455,777+ known al Qaeda operatives in the United States and the continued warnings of the consequences for over a decade and a half in some cases, if they continued their behavior, the traitors/terrorists waived any rights to trial or appeal.


Further, the US Government and subordinate governments at all levels have had at least 14 years to conduct this Legal Business as prescribed and required by US Federal Law and have utterly failed to do so. Indeed, Public Officials across the board have not only betrayed the Public Trust, but have contributed to the burdens of the Victims and acted as though the traitors/terrorists are justified in their treatment of their Victims. It is as absurd as it sounds.


Also, The International Tribunals and International Prosecutors and Private Investigators anticipated the traitors/terrorists would attempt to turn the tables and feign Investigating them and saying they are the traitors/terrorists. That constitutes Obstruction of Justice under  International and US Federal Law and Crimes Against Humanity because of the nature of their despicable attitudes toward their fellow Human Beings.  




SVC has been flooded with questions about what SVC did to help procure WNBA Star Brittney Griner's freedom from a Russian Penal Colony in exchange for arms dealer Viktor Bout. In the direct sense, nothing; but indirectly, everything.


As SVC's President Phil Sutton usually does, he advocated the strict enforcement of International Law and that there should be no exceptions. But this time, the Primary Author of the International Responsibility To Protect Statutes stated exactly just how that should be done.


That caught the attention of the Russian Government. SVC's President pointedly suggested that the veto power that the Russian Federation has as a Permanent Member of the United Nations Security Council should not enable the Russians to conduct a war against a neighbor with impunity and be sanctioned by world's premier Peacekeeping body. To allow otherwise would be to defeat the whole purpose of the UN.


Vladimir Putin had always believed SVC's President supported him. After all, the Russian President invited SVC to Moscow to debut SVC-TV in 2006 and the Russians had apprehended al Qaeda operatives Oleksander and Kateryna Kushnir outside Simferopol.


The Kushnirs attempted to poison SVC's President to death on June 21, 2019 outside of the US Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA. The date for the assassination attempt was chosen because SVC was going to conduct its annual Public Policy Forum at the SVC Colorado State Office and to successfully murder SVC's President where the US Air Force Academy was in charge of security would have been a major coupe for the terrorist organization. 


The Kushnirs fled quickly and were out of the USA by dusk, not knowing their plot had failed. They learned SVC's President had survived but with complications when Russian Authorities arrested them.


The Russians added that not only did Americans betray SVC's President, were actually complicit in the plot and allowed the Kushnirs to escape the country, they accused the Russia government of poisoning a “subversive” , Alexei Nalvany, and the US Government and Media supported a Russian over an American who went through the same exact event and in the United States no less.


The Russians also reminded SVC's President that they had always supported the Sutton International Complaint because the Obama Administration had not only betrayed him repeatedly, but allowed 118 Women to be raped with impunity; 7,000+ lives and reputations to be systemically ruined, including his; and that Missoula County Law Enforcement nearly murdered him three times.


The Russians also attempted to ram home the fact that International and Private Investigators concluded that US President Barack Obama and US Attorney General Eric Holder decided they would not intervene “because these people must find out the hard way what it is like to to be Black in America.” Racism goes both ways and it is never right.


SVC's President acknowledged these facts are true and that he appreciated the Russian support he and SVC had received, but the invasion of Ukraine was “a bridge too far” for him and SVC to reciprocate.


What the Russians did next is rather amazing. In order to try to force SVC's President to reconsider and in an attempt to divide Americans, the Russians suddenly offered only Griner's release in exchange for Bout. The Russians needed Bout to help them conduct the war and Griner is a Black Lesbian.


By only releasing Griner, the Russians believed this would split America along racial, gender and/or homophobic lines. If she was Jewish she would have been the absolutely perfect foil. The Russian gambit failed to produce the desired results and that is why Putin opened the door to future exchanges.







Save trying to kill them, which they have attempted ten times against SVC President & Chief Executive Officer, Phil Sutton, or sexually assaulting them, they will know the pain they have inflicted upon their Victims.  


These profound criminals will know the anguish which comes from witnessing their property being taken away from them or being destroyed like what happened to Phil and his luggage over 2022 U.S. Memorial Day weekend.

INJUSTICE BEYOND BELIEF | SVC Trailblazer Publications


The traitors/terrorists will know destitution and what extreme poverty feels like. They will never be allowed to have a job or buy a car or home. They will be sleeping in blizzards of snow or downpours of rain which will soak them to the skin. No one will care because if offered aid the helpers will join them for the rest of their lives. 


The traitors/terrorists will know what it is to be a social outcast and be targeted for 24/7 harassment. They will be wearing clothing that tells every one of their chief crime: being a traitor to what America stands for and betraying the public trust in ways which are unfathomable. 


The traitors/terrorists will know the searing pain of being separated from Loved Ones and never seeing them again. Never seeing home again. Passing away in a snow bank somewhere in great social ignominy. Just as occurred with many of their Victims.


The traitors/terrorists will lose all their freedoms and be working at hard labor for the rest of their lives. If the punishment is not strong enough to make all the traitors/ terrorists break them out of their third stage psychotic denial and make them understand that all they are going through is what they put their Victims through and fails to deter such criminal behavior ever being witnessed again on planet earth, the punishment will get worse until it does.


Only Justice will be meted out, no injustice out of revenge. First, no Human being on Earth will be ordered arrested by The Hague and the International Authorities let alone prosecuted and punished unless the evidence against them is incontrovertible that they have committed the crimes for which they are being charged and under International Law, must be punished.


Second, Humanity simply cannot afford to make a mistake given the ramifications to World Peace if a mistake were made. If there is any possibility that the Office of the International Prosecutor is making a mistake, then no action will be taken whatsoever, save further Investigation to make sure Justice has been served.


Third, in the proposed punishment for the traitors/terrorists of al Qaeda-gate, nothing will be done to the convicted that they themselves have already done to Victims of their crimes. The traitors/terrorists are going to wish they had taken heed of Jesus’ Golden Rule!!!!!!!


The deterrent aspect of the punishment is the single most important consideration involved with Criminal Justice. They idea is to make the punishment so severe for the crime committed that no one would ever wish to emulate the crimes committed now or in the future!!!!!!!!


The only advantage of the lengthy wait for Justice for the Victims is their Victimizers’ fate has long since been decided and most have betrayed the Public Trust in unthinkable ways, thus making the implementation of their prescribed punishments a true catharsis for Civilized Society!!!!!!!


Bottom line, the behavior exhibited by the traitors/terrorists is absolutely unacceptable in Civilized Society and will be extirpated. The 32-month delay in bringing the traitors/terrorists to Justice because of the covid-19 pandemic is over.









The traitors/terrorists have lost all personal and real property as a result of Civil Judgments against them. This property will be seized and sold at auction.


Under no circumstances will the traitors/terrorists be allowed to recover any such property and they will never be allowed to own such property again. Their clothes reading PROUD TO BE A TRAITOR TO THE UNITED STATES will be provided and must be worn in public at all times.


Five of the homes to be seized in Bozeman, Montana, will be deeded over to the Families who SVC’s President has decided should be rewarded for their loyalty to USA, SVC and to him. The proceeds from the auction of the personal property of the former owners will be utilized to pay-off all encumbrances on the real estate in question so the new owners will receive the homes free and clear.


The encumbered local Business interests will be likewise sold at auction and the proceeds going to the thousands of Victims of al Qaeda-gate. Walmart and Target will be placed under new management; otherwise, all National chain stores and hospitality companies which have been involved will be seized and assets sold at auction.






Pursuant to the Rulings of the International Tribunals and their Partner US Federal Courts, the University of Montana will be closed permanently and all assets sold at auction. Missoula City & County Government will be placed under permanent International supervision. The current Students at UM can attend for the Spring Semester 2023 before UM is shutdown permanently. This should provide ample time to transfer and continue their Education elsewhere. 


The State of Montana will no longer be allowed to Professional License Insurance and Security Agents/Brokers. Those Licensed since September 1, 2017, will be permanently disbarred from practice anywhere in the United States.







Pursuant to the Rulings of the International Tribunals and their Partner US Federal Courts, Count CCXII: State of Colorado and three county governments have intentionally denied citizenship to Dr. Sutton and members of family and all the rights appertaining for four years. The State of Colorado is hereby partitioned in the manner prescribed by the United Nations:


The State of Jefferson will start in what is now Colorado’s north border with Larimer County; south on Boulder County’s east border; Jefferson County will of course be in the State of Jefferson and will carve the western Denver metro area out of old Colorado just east of Federal Blvd; then include all of Douglas County and the western third of Arapahoe County alongside Denver County east to the same north-south parallel Douglas & Elbert County lines then south to Douglas-Elbert-El Paso tri-County line on the western side of I-25 to catch the US Air Force Academy to its far southern borders and then west through the Blodgett Open Space to the 105th parallel west longitude and south to the southern El Paso County Border with Pueblo County; then east along the Lincoln County and Cheyenne County southern borders to the Kansas line. The portions of western El Paso County bordering Teller and Fremont Counties will be annexed by those counties.


The US Constitution authorizes the creation of new States and the case of the creation of West Virginia is proper precedence for the creation of the State of Jefferson given the circumstances of the Sutton International Complaint.


The State of Colorado targeted SVC’s President for unprecedented Crimes Against Humanity and Human Rights violations against a single human being. The approval of the State of Jefferson by the US Congress must be considered academic given the U.S. Government’s malfeasance in the matter known as al Qaeda-gate.


The State of Colorado has breached a sacred trust which accompanies all those who seek Professional Degrees, Licenses and Certifications. If the partition of Colorado does not occur, then the entire Colorado University System must be shut down and assets sold at auction. The State of Colorado, regardless of its borders, can never again be entrusted with offering Higher Education, Professional Licensing or Professional Certification.


Most specifically, the Courts Ruled that SVC President's assertion that if he could not be licensed in Colorado and Montana, then no one could be is Legally valid and will be upheld against Colorado and Montana.


SVC's President survived for 32 years in a Profession that 97% fail in the first year. That says a lot in itself. SVC's President has never had a Consumer Complaint lodged against him in nearly a third century of practice. That is simply miraculous!!!!!!! 


Third, SVC's President has Authored Pulitzer Prize Winning Articles regarding Retirement In America. Retirement and Estate Planning are the ultimate concern in his Financial Services field and SVC's President is an Expert of significant note. 


SVC's President has been the Model Agent for his Profession for a very long time. Yet the States of Colorado and Montana have denied him Licensure. That speaks volumes about Public corruption and these Elected Officials and bureaucrats are destroying innocent Lives.  


Because the U.S. Congress is likely to curtail the Regulatory powers of all the States as a result of what's happened in Colorado, District of Columbia, Georgia, Montana and North Carolina, simply suspending or reducing Colorado's and Montana's authority to Regulate would be insufficient retribution for and deterrent to future abuse of those powers. 


Instead, the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) and Administrative Courts and the Montana State Auditor's Office will be permanently disbanded.  


A painstaking Review has been made of all Professional Degree, Certificate and Licensing Programs in Colorado. All Professional Licensees will be disbarred because the Regulators Licensing Procedures in Colorado is hopelessly flawed and prejudiced. 

Further, SVC’s President was baited into giving up his fight to resume his Practice in Financial Services in Montana when Colorado wrote him it he could simply retest in Colorado.


It is now known that the State of Colorado never intended to Grant SVC's President his Licenses no matter what he did. This targeting of SVC's President for all this grief and the fact there are no other Victims in Colorado and there are thousands of other Victims in Montana is the primary reason Colorado must be partitioned and no Professional Licensing by Colorado will ever be allowed again.


SVC's President will receive his Professional Insurance Licenses from the Territory, then State of Jefferson in due course. Notices will be sent to the appropriate corrupt Officials, Ordering them to Resign and turn themselves in. If they fail to do so, then they will be seen as fugitives and subject to immediate arrest anywhere in the world.


What a powerful message that would send to Americans and their Leaders that the wholesale criminality of the American Political System which has been witnessed throughout al Qaeda-gate is over.


The disbarring of all Professional Licensees will be to punish the Attorneys at all levels involved in both States. They will be forever remembered for their malfeasance in the Legal Profession.


The inconvenience to the Public will be retribution for putting the corrupt Public Officials in power and hiring their lackey Employees as well as for not rising up in defense of the Victims and allowing these massive injustices to take place. 


Second, these profound criminals have always defied common sense and moral understanding why they do what they do, but their abstruse ways will now be their undoing. The Special International Prosecutor has made it abundantly clear that because the criminals have followed the Colorado (Formerly Missoula) al Qaeda script so precisely, they can be held accountable for the 21 known Trowbridge murders; the 17 murders in Iraq; and Obama, Clinton, et al, can be held accountable for the deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods and Trump, et al, can be held liable for the five deaths at the U.S. Capitol.


Further, the International Courts do not operate as American Courts do. The Hague has neither the time nor inclination to Conduct drawn out Legal Proceedings when the Evidence of crime or civil damages are incontrovertible.


Endless Appeals are not available. The International Court of Justice and International Criminal Court will not engage a case which has any doubt of legitimacy under Law. They cannot afford to set off International incidents by their Rulings. The World is the ultimate Jury and they must get it right.


The county and local governments will be allowed to continue as is until the ensuing Elections on November 7, 2023 and thereafter.


The University of Colorado, Colorado Springs; University of Colorado, Denver and the University of Northern Colorado will be closed permanently and all assets sold at auction. The old State of Colorado will never again be able to have a Higher Education System.

The rest of Colorado University System will continue as the Jefferson State University System and will remain in good standing after necessary reforms.


The current Students at UCCS, UNC and UCD can attend for the Spring Semester 2023 before these universities are shutdown permanently. This should provide ample time to transfer and continue their Education elsewhere. 


The City Governments of Colorado Springs, Pueblo & Wheat Ridge will be placed under permanent International Supervision.

The Denver metro area will be placed under temporary Lockdown for as long as it takes to place all traitors/terrorists under arrest and their assets seized.


The State of Colorado will no longer be allowed to Professionally License or Grant Professional Degrees and Certificates. Those Licensed on December 5, 2018 and since, will be permanently disbarred from practice anywhere in the United States just as the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies targeted and baited SVC's President to apply for Professional Insurance Licenses while never intending to issue such licensing no matter how stellar the application!







It is consensus that these Rulings are allowing the traitors/terrorists to get off easy. SVC's President has a $235 trillion Judgment against the U.S. Government because it did not comply with International Law, in particular the Responsibility To Protect Statutes and the U.S. Constitution. https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/united-states-rulings-updated




1) Separating migrant Families at the U.S. Southern Border constitute Crimes Against Humanity under International Law.


2) The killing of over 1,000 U.S. Citizens per year by American Law Enforcement is considered genocide under International Law, save when the killings are in obvious self-defense. 


3) All Public Officials and Employers who target Citizens for unlawful discrimination, profiling, and systemic racism have committed International hate crimes and are subject to International Prosecution accordingly. 


4) The criminal referrals by the U.S. House of Representatives against former U.S. President Donald J. Trump is the first confirmed match with the Findings of International Tribunals, the Chief International Prosecutors Office and their U.S. Federal Court Partners.  This will be key in the Final Kibosh of al Qaeda-gate.


5) Due to how SVC's Until Our Lives Matter Articles, it has been made clear that only Blacks are due Justice in the United States. This has only heightened the necessity to put down al Qaeda-gate ASAP.




None of the Rulings are open to Appeal due to the Agreement between The Hague and its Partner Federal Courts. There has been an attempt or two to reverse these Rulings, but have failed. In any event, any such attempts are futile as Rulings from The Hague have no Appeal under International Law. That is why  extraordinary efforts have have been taken to make sure no mistakes have been made.  


                                                                                          THE TREASON CHARGE


Treason is the only crime defined in the U.S. Constitution. According to Article III, Section 3:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.”


The US Code says:Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)


United States of America allowed Oleksander and Kateryna Kushnir to escape unfettered after their failed assassination attempt of SVC’s President at the US Air Force Academy on June 21, 2019. The Kushnirs were arrested by Russian Law Enforcement in their native Crimea on June 24, 2019.


Later, the Kushnirs cooperated with International Investigators and testified that elected and appointed Colorado Officials and employees were complicit in the murder plot. The Kushnirs are admitted al Qaeda operatives. This constitutes Americans providing aid and comfort to sworn enemies of the United States, thus is treason by definition.


In due deference to the 1/6 Select Committee of the US House of Representatives, concern is very high that the assault on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, is the domestic version of al Qaeda. The only difference in the 9/11 al Qaeda attacks in 2001 and 2012 and the 1/6 attack is the nationality of the terrorists.


In addition, Officials of the Government of the United States of America intentionally allowed four Americans to be murdered at the U.S. Benghazi Consulate on September 11, 2012. This adequately deflected interest in the Sutton International Complaint by the American People and allowed the successful Re-Election of U.S. President Barack Obama and U.S. Vice President Joe Biden on November 6, 2012.


Members of the Obama Administration schemed with American Journalists to threaten all those who desired to tell the truth about the incident is considered giving aid and comfort to al Qaeda and thus is treason against the United States and Crimes Against Humanity at the International level given the subject matter of the Sutton International Complaint.


According to U.S. Statutes, these individuals are guilty of misprision of treason:

"Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both."

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)


Under International Law, the primary responsibility to Investigate and Prosecute these heinous crimes falls on “National Authorities”. When the National Authorities have failed to quell treason, insurrection and violation of International law in their Countries, the International Responsibility To Protect Statutes kick in.


In this case, this empowers the United Nations, the International Tribunals and International Prosecutors to intervene directly in U.S. Domestic Affairs. This power is unequivocal and knows no boundaries. Unless what is known euphemistically as al Qaeda-gate is immediately put down as Agreed by the Obama Administration in 2014, International intervention must finally be made forthwith!!!!!!!



TRANSFORMATION IN TV (svctrailblazerpublications.com)




NIC ServiceNow said that the SVC International Article “Until Our Lives Matter” was junk:


NIC ServiceNow <nicsupport@service-now.com>

Mon, Jan 23, 7:33 AM (2 days ago)



01-23-2023 08:32:22 CST - Ben Blevins

Junk ticket, unnecessary.




Not a good idea. SVC expected criticism, but it is very clear America's Mass Media doesn't get it and that's very dangerous.


Blevins did it again on 14 March 2023:


NIC ServiceNow

8:18 AM (7 hours ago)


to me







03-14-2023 09:18:00 CDT - Ben BlevinsAdditional Comments
Junk ticket, unnecessary.


Diane Answered: Mr Blevins:




The International Tribunals had just ruled that anyone behaving in a way consistent with the al Qaeda script and showed insolence toward SVC, its President, its representatives and International Law would automatically have the minimum punishment set aside for the traitors/terrorists by the Chief International Prosecutor and the International Tribunals. Congrats Ben!!!!!!!




Then came the two mass shootings in California and the case of Tyre Nichols. The Article specifically addressed about what will be required of the United States in terms of Reform to become a Nation in good standing again, specifically reducing gun and police violence. https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/until-our-lives-matter


The Nichols case burst the bubble on the idea that Blacks are targeted by American Law Enforcement for abuse based on their race. It was five Black Officers who beat the crap out of Nichols in Memphis, Tennessee, where Martin Luther King was assassinated in 1968.


Black Reporters and the NAACP are very specific about stressing that it only matters that the Victims are Black, not the color of their abusers. Bunk. Just like with the George Floyd case, it is police violence that is the issue, not racism.

Our Fellow Foreign Colleagues at BBC Reported:


"A photo posted to social media appeared to show Mr Nichols in the hospital after the arrest, violently bruised and breathing through a tube. 'The video reminded us of the Rodney King video.' Nichols Family Attorney Ben Crump said, referring to the black motorist who was beaten by white police officers in Los Angeles in 1991. 'Unlike Rodney King, Tyre didn't survive,' he said."


Please be reminded that the videos of SVC President Phil Sutton's beating in Missoula and a Documentary of concerning al Qaeda-gate shows his beating was far worse than Rodney King's and Missoula Police Officer Kurt Trowbridge injected an unknown substance into him as well.


SVC's President also survived despite he received no medical attention during his wrongful incarceration of 23 days and his injuries would later require four major surgeries and has accumulated medical bills nearing $2.2 million. This was also the third attempt on his life by Missoula County Law Enforcement.


Fair's fair. SVC's President is part Native American and Native Americans have a worse record statistically with American Law Enforcement than Blacks do, yet they and SVC's President are not ever mentioned whenever this topic unfortunately emerges.

If your wonder why this is important, at 7:50 PM MST, 26 January, 2023, SVC Chief Security Officer Gary Norman Reported that a minimum of three Colorado Springs Police staked SVC's President out for no legal reason at all, probably to gaslight and “put the fear of God” into him.


These Police believe they can get away with this because nobody cares about SVC's President and even if they tried to beat him to death like Trowbridge they would get away with it. By not doing anything about Trowbridge,the Kushnirs, etc, the U.S. Government and America's Mass Media have set-up SVC's President and thousands of other Americans like him for more police violence.

On 28 September 2001, the United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 1373 under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, obligating States to implement more effective counter-terrorism. Obviously, this was right after 9/11 and in defense of the United States.


Sunday, 22 January 2014, was the Ninth Anniversary of the UN Security Council Adopting the Sutton International Complaint and passing another Resolution, 2133, to support it.


The past three months the International Community has attempted to put down al Qaeda-gate as quietly and as unobtrusively as possible. That's not possible anymore.


For instance, the U.S. Government is struggling with its debt ceiling and the National debt is now over $31 trillion. The Victims of al Qaeda-gate collectively have International and US Federal Judgments for over $164.5 trillion because the U.S. Government has not protected them as required by International Law, their fellow Americans have not given a damn about them either and/or failed to accept al Qaeda-gate as quite real even though the above tragedies keep on occurring in the USA with unbelievable regularity. The National debt is now over $101 trillion and growing. Imagine what they will mean to America's future, especially if the U.S. Government actually defaults on that $31+ trillion market debt?




